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Realistic or Modern Summer High School

Kioru huffed feeling slightly insulted. He had just began to bask in the knowledge he could still make others fear him. Damn her for ruining it. Glaring at her he crossed his arms across his chest. "If you are hurry it up. We don't have all day."
"Yeah, I'm headed over there," June replied, falling into step beside the girl. She looked forward as she walked, placing one foot in front of the other with her arms stretched out to either side as though she were taking some sort of balance test. She could make out the bright color of their hair through the corner of her eyes.

"Say..." June started, addressing the big guy. "What are you listening to?"
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Kioru glanced over at the girl in irritation. Why did she have to be a talker? Resisting the urge to groan he turned the volume of his music down. He had turned it on after they began walking. Baring his teeth at her he growled biting out. " None of your business." Turning his gaze forward again he turned the volume back up and ignored her.
"Cool we can all walk together." She then watched her ask Mr gloom what he was listening to. And if course he was totally rude as usual. "Jeez your so mean." She walked up to him and pulled the earphones out of his ears along with taking his iPod. "I'll give this back later." She put in her pocket not bothered by his glare.
June giggled at their banter, wondering if the two were really close. They seemed to know each other fairly well and were on good terms. She looked at them and grinned, lowering her arms back to her sides and returning to a normal walk. They were almost to the auditorium and the amount of students in the halls steadily increased as they got closer, making it difficult for June to distinguish voices. "Well, anyway, I'm June. What're your names?"
Kioru growled low in his throat as his iPod was taken from him. Who did this girl think she was? He wasn't afraid to hit a girl if that's what she's thinking. Despite this he was aware of were he was and didn't want to get into trouble. The last time he got into a fight at school the police intervened and arrested him. He didn't want a repeat performance. Glaring at her he decided on a different course of action. As they neared the auditorium he reached out grabbed her wrist and used it to pull her closer acting as though he had moved her out of the way from a running student. Sneakily he snatched his iPod from her pocket before letting her go. "I'm Kioru."
As they got closer to the auditorium Kioru grab her wrist and moved her out of the way. "Hey! It's ladies first you know!" She says getting irritated. She didn't noticed he got his iPod back. "I'm Amu." She answering June.

@Nutter @kira blackthorn
"You two are an awfully cute couple," June said innocently, playing with her blonde hair. She used to have bangs, but they were grown out now and kept falling in her face. She blew upwards to temporarily remove them from her view, then found that was a rather fun challenge and kept at it.

She wasn't paying attention to where she was headed and smacked into a random student. June squeaked. He growled at her, whipping around. "Watch where you're going, will ya?"

June nodded and apologized with her best smile, then quickly scampered back to the couple. Hopefully the boy wouldn't seek retribution later on. She was glad she wasn't alone right now. It'd be difficult to get out of a nasty situation by herself.
Kioru twitched swinging his glare to June. How could she think thaty? They didnt even look like they were a couple. Did they? Huffing he decided not to second guess himself. That would only lead to an argument with himself and according to his therapist that wasn't healthy. Snarling at the girl as she scurried back he bit out. "We are not a couple. Thank you very much."
"Oh, geez, sorry. You guys just... Well, never mind," June rambled. Her face clearly shouted "Yikes!" and looked down to avoid their gazes. Once again, however, this meant she wasn't paying attention to where she was headed. Already missing her hearing and now without sight, she crashed right into a tall boy with bright red hair, more so than Kioru. This was some seriously wacky déjà vu she was experiencing right now, but she supposed it made sense since her clumsiness wasn't really restricted to certain times.

"Whoops!" June said, laughing nervously. She'd seen this boy before, but she wasn't quite sure when. It was probably because he was popular and had showed up in the school paper or something. "Sorry about that. I wasn't looking where I was going." (@Huntrey)
Savior closed his mouth, a little stunned that she would stop him so abruptly. He stood, feeling a little hurt that some girl could just call him out like that. Making his way around the tree, his posture showed anger and a bit of hurt, as if this was the first time someone told him to shut up. As he rounded the tree he saw just who he was about to attempt to insult, a girl that was plenty ample to receive some compliments was in front of him on her back. Her eyes were closed, and Savior took the time to lean on the tree to look a bit more attractive. "You're right about me liking attention, as long as it's yours.".


Oasis saw the doors to the auditorium, not far from them in the least. Sadly, his walk was impaired by a cute blonde walking into him, nothing that he was unhappy to happen. Instinctively his hands came up, making their way to the girls waist for a few moments.
"It was hard for me to see where I was going while looking into such beautiful, golden eyes, so all's fair." Oasis gave her a small smile before looking down at his hands, "Sorry about that, just had to find a way to hold you." He chuckled, bringing his hands into his pockets. "I'm Oasis, as in the paradise you're always searching for."

@Nutter )
(I'll be replying tomorrow since I have to sleep. Sorry, but something was wrong with the computers. Good night, everyone, and thanks for tagging me, @Kuu )
"Don't waist your energy," Sammy replied, shifting once more so that her back faced the boy. She kept her eyes closed, curling her knees up towards her chest in a comfortable manner. "My attention is reserved for my games and family only, and more so the former than the latter."

The girl was definitely surprised, though, even if her forever-blank face didn't show it. She had thought he'd be angrier and yell at her, or maybe storm off, but neither was the case. Sammy figured he was just going to tease her to get her all riled up by his flirtatious ways. Well, she was in no mood for that. She wanted him to go away. She wanted to sleep. She wanted to go home. Nevertheless, the deal was that she'd go and watch out for her brother since he desperately needed this extra time in school and her mother would grant her free rights to play her video games whenever and wherever without being nagged over her poor manners. So she would just have to stick this school thing out. That much she could do, but she wasn't sure she could handle the notorious flirt Savior. (@Huntrey)
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"Huh?" Wide eyes stared up at the boy, curiously watching his lips as he spoke. June was able to hear what he was saying from this close, but she'd done it out of habit. Perhaps it was because she received the information from both her eyes and her ears, making everything mismatched, but she was more than a little bit confused.

"What're you talking about?" June inquired, genuinely curious. Her beautiful, golden eyes? Hold her? Was his name actually Oasis, or did he just say that to go with the whole paradise thing he had going? She didn't quite understand it, but she thought he might be flattering her. Her mother had cleanly driven into her that she should always thank people who pay her compliments. Now was no exception, she supposed. With her usual broad smile, June stuck out her hand. "Well, it doesn't really matter now. Thank you though, I think. I'm Juniper, but I get called June; nice to meet you." (@Huntrey)
((Hey guys, don't forget to use the OOC tab for different things. Just a reminder. Also, sorry @RagingNoodle I totally missed your post so here you go.))

"Hmm?" Tyler hummed, turning to greet whoever it was that was headed their way. He quickly recognized the other soccer player as Zane Mori and slowed his pace to allow for the boy to catch up with him and Teppo. With a smile he made a two-finger salute at Zane, eyes being drawn away from his search and focusing on his classmate. "What's up, man?" Tyler greeted, then gestured towards the girl at his side with a grin. "Have you met our lovely senior before?"

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