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Realistic or Modern Summer High School

Gideon slowly eased his way out of the bathroom, he caught a glimpse of Tyler talking to a girl. Good hopefully he'll be distracted so I could make my way down to the auditorium without having to interact with anyone, he thought to himself. It wasn't like Gideon didn't want friends, it was just he couldn't bring himself to talk to people. He knew he was way too guarded, but he just couldn't get over it. Gideon walked towards the auditorium. He was secretly hoping he'd see that girl from early. He quickly shook the thought out of his mind. It's not like he would even do anything if he did see her again. He kept thinking, well even just seeing her would be good enough, he thought to himself. He mentally hit himself God, Gideon can you sound like anymore of a creepy stalker? he asked himself internally.
"Geez, Teppo," Tyler whistled. He didn't mean to upset the girl, but she obviously was distraught by his jesting. Still, he didn't expect her to get so riled up in this manner. "I was just teasing. I don't really know if he has a girlfriend or not, but he did seem to be talking with the pink-haired girl."

Teppo was a smart girl and everyone knew she cared for her younger brother lots with the best intentions in mind, but Tyler couldn't help feeling a bit bad for the little guy. If Aldon really did have a girlfriend, Tyler wished that Teppo would be more approving. He'd want the same of Sammy and the rest of his friends, that was for sure. Tyler's situation was a tad more... difficult, he supposed. Truth be told, Tyler feared that he'd never be excepted by the people he loved most for who he really was and how he really felt. He was sure they'd be disgusted if they found out. What would his soccer friends think? Would they still let him practice with them? Use the locker room? Would they think he was gross? Was liking other boys really that bad? Homosexuality was pretty common now, right? The only person he suspected knew was probably his sister, but Tyler knew she'd never say anything before he did. She was loyal like that, and he was grateful.
Teppo regained her composure and stood up. " Alright, you had me concerned there. I'm just worried about him, he's acting weird. Aldon used to be so shy but now he's talking to girls? It just surpirsed me that he had the courage to do that. I guess he's finally growing up, or at least his body" Teppo looked at Tyler. " I'll check on him later, but have you seen the other students yet? I spent the morning on my gameboy and German class was canceled so I really don't have anything to do. The libarary is packed and all so there isn't a lot of space left. "

Teppo missed her friends, they would usually go out and study together. But her friends were not here until fall, she was upset by that. Most of the students were either sophmore or junior so she would only intimmidate them. Somethings Teppo wished she was a bit younger so she wouldn't scare off people.
"I've seen a few kids around, but it seems this summer program is mainly full of sophomores," Tyler replied, leaning against the lockers that lined the hall. He watched Teppo and found it difficult to imagine her playing videogames, but maybe his own sister had corrupted him into thinking only girls who were lazy bums played. Sammy would not have appreciated the sentiment, but he smiled to himself. "Well, I actually was thinking about finding my sibling, too. She's probably still sleeping outside, and she'll miss the assembly if I don't get her up. Wanna tag along?"
Teppo was still a bit tense after hearinf about Aldon. She grabbed her backpack and stood up. " Alright, we can get Sammy first. Aldon can wait. So Tyler did you find anyone you like around here? I'm sure there is one or two girls that would get your intrest. " Teppo returned the favor by teasing Tyler. She gave him a hard punch on his shoulder and laughed. Teppo didn't know how strong she was, so the punch was much stronger than she thought.
Tyler blushed, and he blushed hard. The red stood out against his white hair, making it worse. He knew she was just poking at him in retaliation for his earlier actions, but her curiosity scared him and hurt him a little.

"I don't really like anyone right now," he said meekly, trying to smile still. It was a lie. He liked someone. He liked a few people. They just weren't girls, and he had every doubt that his feelings would never be realized or returned. He quickly tried to refocus the conversation. "Besides, I can't really date anyone with soccer and school right now. I've got two hour practices every day and have enough trouble keeping my grades high enough to stay on the team. I would totally be failing if my mom hadn't convinced my sister to help me out."
Teppo looked at his blush and chuckled a bit. She knew he was lying about his feelings but gave him a break. Teppo was a honor student and never struggled with getting good grades. She had a schoolarship to a great college later. Her life was practically set, " So you signed up her because you needed extra help? I can tutor you if I have some free time. What are you struggling in anyways? " Teppo walked along with him and looked for sammy. Teppo was still worried about Aldon, she wanted to run off and look for him. But, she knew Tyler was joking maybe it was a good idea to just let him be. " He's doing alright. " She said to herself.
"Everything," Tyler sighed, calming down. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his green hoodie and fiddle with the leftover change and gum wrappers that were mangled inside. He was glad Teppo hadn't pushed the whole crush matter and was moving on with it. They exited the school out of the front entrance and made their way down the steps onto the lawn. he was pretty sure Sammy had been laying off to the edge, probably in the shade of something. "My worst is math, though. I just don't get algebra at all. I think my mom wanted me to get some help which is why she roped me into it, and Sammy would spend all summer in bed if she wasn't a part too. I'd rather be at the beach or someplace fun, though."
Zane strolled down the halls and ended up outside. "seems like i made the wrong turn i should probably hurry and get to the auditorium soon " he was looking through his books that he had check out from the library when he noticed a phone that wasn't his. He quickly thought back to earlier and remembered that one kid that had been reading a romance novel. I must have taken it by mistake his though to himself, oh well ill see him around and when i do ill return it to him and if i don't ill just bring it to the office at the end of the day. He continued walking outside trying to find his way to the auditorium when he noticed two other walk around one was a girl and the other was a boy. He didnt know who the girl was but he knew the boy he had played soccer with him before Tyler? he though to himself yeah thats Tyler. He turned and started towards them.
She saw him blow the smoke in her direction. It didn't reach her but it was irratating. He made comment to her which was kind of depressing. "Well that's a sad way to look at life. Don't you ever look at the bright side of things? "

@kira blackthorn
Kioru took another drag. This time he blew the smoke toward the piano tucked away in the corner. "As far as I am aware that is the bright side. It tells me that I should live life to the fullest regardless of rules and regulations as any minute I can die. Doesn't that sound bright enough?"
"Nope! My mama said that's just excuse to justify the things you do." She then stood there and thought for a min. "Besides if you were really living life to the fullest you wouldn't be sitting here smoking. You would be out making memories and having fun. " She looked at her watch. "Oh! Better start heading towards the auditorium. She walked out of the classroom and started her way down the hall. Then she stop ran back to the music room and said, "Hey you coming?"

@kira blackthorn
Oasis and Savior were outside when the principal made the announcement for the summer school's plan, and both seemed happy as could be with it.

"Oh-Oasis, you know what this means right? We get to travel around, with all the girls here! Imagine, one day we could be in Paris, France, sipping on wine we-we! And boom! The next day we are in Florence, Italy, sailing down one of the canals with me singing italian music to sway her off her feet." Savior was already beginning his daydreaming, a mixture of excitement for the journey and a joy of the company going with him.

"Save, your off your rocker. There are guys with us too, all of which are better choices than you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm heading to the auditorium to get some more info." Oasis waved his brother away, already embarrassed by his loudness in the yard.

Oasis strolled nonchalantly, not in any particular rush to make it there. He had an hour to roam the halls, but it seemed there wouldn't be many people to speak to anyways. No, all the way to the auditorium Oasis would remain quiet, keeping to himself and letting the few littered girls gossip about one of the hunks of the school. Oasis was well known to say the least; a star on the soccer team, the guy constantly at talents shows with his brother or solo, a host at a well visited hang out for the kids at this school, and a hunk, oh yes, people knew him.

Savior frowned at his brother, while slightly older Savior knew that he had an eccentric side in him, he just didn't show it. With all the activities he did and how many people he met, you would think keeping up that calm and collected manner would get old. Savior shook his head, laying on one of the bench's outside of the school in the yard. He had plenty of time to wait, an hour being a long time, and he decided to do it in the best way possible: sleep.
Taking one last drag Kioru threw the cigarette down before following her. When he caught up with he spoke. " Personally I believe robbing myself of the wonderful thing called smoking would be a shame." It was hard to tell if he was being sarcastic. " plus I'm here sent I. Spending my time bettering myself when I could be making money."
Sammy cracked one eye open curiously and propped her head up with her hand, already having switched to laying on her side so that she faced the interior of the yard. Someone was yelling... or just talking really loudly in this quiet area. Blinking rapidly, her vision quickly cleared and she easily located the pair of brothers, who happily went about their ways. Oasis and Savior Romero, she recognized them from soccer: one from playing and the other from cheering too loudly at the games. Weird names to match weird personalities, she thought to herself.

She didn't quite make out what they were saying, but by this time they were already splitting apart, heading in different directions. Sammy watched as Savior curled up onto a nearby bench, but didn't say anything. He didn't seem to have noticed her, so she wouldn't bother him and his sleep. Shutting her eye once more and lowering her head back to the cool grass, Sammy left it alone.

"Alright, June. Let's take a break," the teacher sighed, putting down the book in her hands and taking off her glasses. She had to prepare for the assembly in a little bit, so June's extra lesson would have to be cut short today. Not that, her student minded much. Where June received tutoring every day throughout the summer, today was the first that other students would join her. The blonde was practically jumping out of her seat when she saw other students pass by through the small window in the classroom door. Her teacher smiled kindly at her. "You can go see your friends now, but don't forget about the assembly!"

"Okie dokie, I won't! Thanks, Mrs. Ramirez!" June shouted as she practically ran out the door. Her small backpack was bursting open, her books halfway popped out and all of the zippers open, but she didn't slow down as she skipped about the halls. She didn't recognize many of the students she passed, so they must have been underclassmen. Still, she greeted them happily and made an effort to hear what they were saying while looking them directly in the eyes, and not at their lips. June didn't have much longer, after all. She had to make of it what it was.
Gideon reached the auditorium with out being noticed. He was still thinking about that girl he saw earlier. She'll never like you, he thought to himself. He couldn't believe that he was thinking about this girl, he doesn't even know what she's like and he doesn't even know her name. Gideon walked in to the empty auditorium, he was the first one there. He looked around, he enjoyed the silence, he wished that everything in his life could be this quiet.

He sat down the back corner of the auditorium against the wall, he'll find a seat when a teacher comes. Gideon pulled out his camera and started looking through his past pictures. Most of his pictures were landscape photos, he had always wanted to take portraits but he never had the guts to ask someone if they'd model for him. He continued scrolling through his old photos while he waited for others to eventually show up for the assembly.
The yard was already clear now, leaving only a few teens out there and two people sleeping on benches. Savior was enjoying his nap, but the sores he was getting from sleeping on the bench was too much for him. Standing up, Savior stretched before turning to the tree close to him. Sitting on the side away from the girl's view, Savior laid out against the trunk. It wasn't long before he felt relaxed, enjoying the cool breeze, soft grass, and sturdy back rest so much that he began to sing. The song was light, Rhythm of Love by Plain White T's and Savior sang it loud enough for any one nearby to hear. (@Nutter )
"Look, you're a good singer and I get that you seem to like attention," Sammy sighed, interrupting his song,"but could you maybe shut up?" She had rolled onto her back, but kept her eyes closed rather than look up at the clear summer sky. Sunlight warmed her face and tinted her white hair light shades of blue shadows and yellow streaks. The boy's voice was pretty, but she was having enough trouble sleeping as it was, and he was most certainly not helping. Sammy made no move to glare at him and didn't scowl either, her expression as disinterested as ever. She thought that she might have been too straightforward, but there was no way she could really take it back now that it was out in the open. (@Huntrey)
"True." She said while they were walking down the hall. "But I think you should smile more." Then her mind started to wander to other things. While they were walking she notice a girl in the hall. "Hey! Are you heading to the auditorium?"

@kira blackthorn @Nutter (June)
Kioru resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at her. That would be childish. Instead he shoved his hands in his pockets fingerings his iPod and tuning her out. He would have continued if she hadn't stopped. Glancing toward the unknown girl he quirked a brow at her silently telling her to make up her mind.
June couldn't hear the duo's footsteps as they approached her from behind, so she nearly jumped right out of her sandals when the girl suddenly called out to her. She turned on her heel and increased the volume of her hearing aids just a bit. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

She smiled pleasantly, glad to have someone greet her, even if they were an odd sight. The girl who'd done so had long, greenish hair and a large smile on her face, while the boy with wild red hair had scary eyes that seemed to tell her to hurry up. June immediately felt bad for making him upset, but figured she'd just have to be on her best behavior then.
Amu noticed her looking at Kioru. "Hey don't worry about him! He's not scary." She walked up to her and said, "Are you heading to the auditorium?"

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