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Realistic or Modern Summer High School

The speakers in every classroom let out a short static noise before someone cleared their throat to speak.

"Thank you, students, for coming to school on your fine summer vacation," the principal said. "As you know, this is not where you will take your next year courses, but experience something different. We have raised enough money the previous year to create a new summer program that will allow students to travel many places, including around the world."

A cough followed, but the scruffy voice continued to speak. "We will be calling everyone to the auditorium in about an hour. Meantime, please get to know your fellow classmates so that you may feel comfortable. You may receive more information about this program from your teachers. Thank you again, and I am looking forward to this summer with you all."


Liana looked up at the speaker, which was now turned off. She put away her book, since she had just finished it, and pulled out a different book. She had recently visited the library to pick out a couple of random books. This one happened to be the Hunger Games, which she had heard was the rage these days.

Liana, a little bored, pulled out the program sheet which she collected before she entered the school. Their first trip would be leaving about 5 days from now, but it had not specified where. She sighed, wondering what they would do for the next 5 days. She certainly didn't want to go to classes....perhaps they would teach survival skills? Liana giggled to herself before tucking away the program.



What outdoor trip would you guys like to go on in 5 days (in the RP)?

I was planning on a camping trip near the mountains, but I would like to know what you guys would like before I make anything official. :D
Aldon & Teppo

Aldon had finished his book and looked through his bag. He looked through all of his books and noticed that he already read one of them. " Darn, the school library could use a few more books. He stood up and walked across outside, he saw Gideon covering his nose and Tyler trying to explain what happened to him. He sighed and opened the door. Aldon felt something touch his shoulder, it was Teppo.

" Why did you run off Aldon. " Teppo said. She was calm but annoyed at the same time. She grabbed his ear and pulled him down the stairs. " Wait, Wait!! I can explain. I just wanted to avoid the crowd! " Aldon exclaimed, he was struggling to free himself of his sister's grip. But Teppo, didn't let him go. " Really? Or are you just trying to avoid me now. " Teppo replied she still kept her grip on him. " I'm not! Please sis, it won't happen again I swear! You're really embrassing me too eveyone is looking at us! "


Ryu patted his pockets as he booked it out of the library, he listened to the principle....he should probably tell the principle he did not want to do it, he was to anti-social about these things, however he could escape his parents for a year that would be wonderful. All they did was fight and when he tried to help he just ended up getting hurt and sometimes it was really badly. His dad had drinking problems and was always starting things and his mom was also one, however she did it less and she always had to retaliate when he did something. Ryu just wanted it all to go away, it just felt so not fair.

Ryu noticed he had left his phone in the library and ran back quickly hoping the one kid Zane, was it. Saw his phone, so he went full speed back to the library trying to dodge stares as he ran into the library slamming into a girl who was standing there looking at a paper and holding a book, Ryu went flying backwards into the door he just came through, it hurt a lot but he was used to pain like that. He thought for a moment his life flashed before his eyes but in reality he would not have died. Ryu sat there a bit dazed landing on his back and all hitting his head off the door, his black eye showed but it was not fresh.

(( I think we should do what you said ))

Zane slowly got up and picked up his things that kid had moved pretty quickly and he didn't really catch was he mumbled. "Oh well I'll see him around" Zane said with a confident look. It was the start of the day and he still wondered what class would be like. This was his first time going to school during the summer and he wanted to make a lot of friends. He made his way out of the library and start out towards his first class. He then looked at the clock " hmm looks like I'm gonna be a bit late "

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Kioru froze as he heard the familiar voice. Praying it wasn't who he though it was he turned and geld in a Brian of annoyance. Why did he have to run info her of all people? Keeping his face blank he spoke. "Is there something you need?"

Aldon managed to break free of his sister's grip and he ran to the library. Teppo sighed and went inside to wait for the announcements. Aldon went to the shelfs and picked out a new book. He quickly skimmed through the pages to see if he read it or not. After he finished skimming he went to check it in. Aldon saw Liana at the library he looked at her for a moment and decided to try to talk to her. He walked up to Liana but another boy already bumped into her. Aldon pulled Liana back up, and tried to say sorry before he was interrupted.
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"Well someone is happy to see me." She said in a sarcastic tone but still in her good mood. "Well I was looking around trying to figure out where to go but according to the loud speaker we have to head to the auditorium in a hour."

@kira blackthorn
Kioru nodded feeling a tring of annoyance toward her. She was far to happy. Especially for school. Idly he wondered if he should give everyone the middle finger and smoke despite the rules. Deciding he didn't care he slid one from his pack lit it and took a hit. "Nice to know. You can leave now. "
Tyler didn't notice Gideon recoil when he slapped him on the back. He'd never been the most observant guy in the world, but he never sought to improve. Sammy always said that her purpose was to be the brains, while Ty brought the party. The two were perfectly content with this arrangement, but it made things difficult when they were separated, like now for instance. Tyler happily followed his new companion without any falter in his step, letting his sister rest for a while longer. Sam merely turned in her sleep.

"Gideon Larson! Cool name and a cool face- it's not fair!" Tyler fake pouted, screwing up his face so that his eyebrows were furrowed and his lips jutted out in a grouchy frown. He couldn't hold it for long, however, and soon enough the lopsided smile returned to his face with ease. He laughed at himself as they entered the school building. A few students recognized the soccer player and they would greet each other cheerfully, but all the while Tyler remained by Gideon's side.

Sammy thought this was one of his worse habits. Tyler constantly made new friends. He was chatty and nice and had an aura that people seemed to flock to, but he tended to latch onto some friends without noticing. It usually only lasted a day before he found a new friend, but there was always somebody. Today was Gideon, and perhaps tomorrow would be too. Tyler really treasured his friends, so hopefully Gideon wouldn't end up finding him annoying so soon and ditch him. He didn't like it when they ditched him, but Sammy was always waiting when they did.

Overhead, the speakers crackled before the principal's gruff voice welcomed them. Tyler made a thoughtful face as the man spoke, but he never thought much about anything. Still, for a moment, something seemed to stir in the boy. If this summer was all about making friends and exploring new territory, maybe just maybe he could... Nah. He quickly got his head out of the clouds. Turning to Gideon, he waggled his eyebrows suggestively and grinned, jokingly trying to create an image of seduction. "Hey there, fellow classmate. I like your glasses. Tell me about yourself."​
Gideon was sort of taken back by the amount of energy Tyler had. Gideon was used to interacting with others and he sort of panicked. He visibly retreated into himself. He knew Tyler didn't mean any harm by his friendliness, but Gideon just couldn't find his voice to respond. Gideon kept silent as he walked with Tyler, he thought Tyler was like the energizer bunny. As he was walking he noticed a girl (@Kuu ) who looked fairly new. He lifted his head fully to look at her, but quickly looked back to the ground hoping she didn't notice him. He thought she was really cute.

Tyler seemed really popular to Gideon, but then again everyone is popular compared to him. Gideon kept his eyes to the ground as he listened to the announcement. He felt Tyler's gaze on him and he looked up slowly. Finally finding his voice, "I- uh...um bathroom." he responded quietly. He quickly went to bail into the boys bathroom, but misjudged his location and almost walked straight into the lockers. He took a couple of steps to the right and entered the bathroom. He locked himself into a stall and checked the time on his watch. He decided he'd keep himself locked in there until the assembly begins.
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"Yeah I know Mr. Dark and gloomy wants to be alone." She then glanced at him and saw him smoking. "Hey! What are doing you shouldn't be smoking in here. Heck you shouldn't be smoking period. It's bad for your health you know." She walk to the doorway and looked out in the hall. Maybe she could go find some people to talk to.

@kira blackthorn
Kioru smirked blowing smoke in her direction. It didn't reach her but got his point across. Everyone dies one day and he will do what he wants until then. "I could care less if its bad for my health. In this world i could die stepping out my front door so i doubt this little thing will do me much more harm. "
"Dang." Tyler sighed. Scared another one off, he thought as Gideon disappeared into the bathroom. He sure hoped the boy would come out within reasonable time, but he had so many doubts. For a moment he sulked, scuffing his sneaker against the floor before turning on one heel and making his way back down the hall. He strolled for a while, intent on delaying his return to his dear sister, for while he loved her very much and enjoyed her company, he sometimes could do without her bluntness.

Meanwhile, Sammy found that she could not sleep. She'd been tossing and turning, but at some point she'd given up trying. Now she lay on her back, blue eyes staring up at the duller blue sky, hands tucked beneath her head. She vaguely wished that someone would come find her soon, but she also felt it was okay to be alone. She was used to that.
Teppo soon grew bored waiting. She look at her watch and there was still a fair amount of time left. Teppo looked outside at witnessed the incident that had occured with Tyler and Gideon. All of the face smashing glory, she was curious about what they were doing and walked inside the building. " Your name is Tyler right? " She said. Teppo looked around and saw the ball that had collided into Gideon's face.
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Kuu said:
(heyyy, is there someone i could reply to? :D sorry, i was out with friends today. >.<)
Well Gideon saw Emma, and thought she was cute. But he's currently hiding in a bathroom lol
"Hmm?" Tyler looked up to find his senior addressing him. He smiled in greeting as per usual and waved happily. "Yup. Tyler Preston, that's me." Ty shifted on his feet so that he stood a little taller, trying to shake off whatever apprehension he was feeling moments before. He briefly wondered why this older girl had taken interest in him; he hoped he wasn't already in trouble before school had officially even begun.

"Teppo, right? What's up?" He asked politely, ruffling his white hair. It was starting to get too long...
Teppo looked at Tyler and noticed his shabby apperance. She straightened her tie a bit and replied. " You don't have to pose, it's fine if you look a bit untidy. " She looked behind Tyler and scanned across the hallway. " Did you see my brother by any chance? He's going through his rebellious phase with me. "
"Um, alright," Tyler laughed and relaxed, embarrassed a bit. He was glad that she said something so he didn't stay rigid the whole time at least. The boy spun around once as if to remind himself of where he was, then pointed down the hall to his left. "Aldon? I think I saw him when I passed by the library. He was talking to a certain cutie with pink hair."

Tyler smiled mischievously, poking Teppo lightly on the arm. "Maybe he got himself a girlfriend. I know that if I had one I'd want some alone time too, if you get what I'm saying." For the second time that day, Tyler was making a weird face, wiggling his eyebrows up and down at Teppo in a teasing matter. "I'm sure it's nothing to fret over."
Teppo was in disbelief, her composure started to vanish. " How could Aldon have a girlfriend? This is the same person who locks himself in his room all day. " Teppo thought this was just a joke to her and uncomfortably laughed a bit. She looked at Tyler and took a deep breath. " That's suprising, Tyler are you sure it was him? Aldon just doesn't seem the type to do those things. He's like a innocent kid to me. " Teppo began talking to herself a bit. It was a strange habit she had.

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