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Realistic or Modern Stranded (Always Accepting!)

Ausen sees the sunset and decides to leave the group and go for himself. He will come back in the mourning for that he knew where to find water and how to start a fire. After a couple of hours he finally was on the peak of the hill and that was his spot and his only. He took off his safety equipment just put his folded lab equipment as a pillow and began thinking about sigma bonding vs Pi before he doze off.
“Ada,” Rodney said, trying out the name. “Good to meet you, I guess. I’ll be glad if you can help the kid out. I can help with sprains and muscle cramps, but I don’t know shit about burns or cuts or anything like that. Let’s go, then.”

Rodney led the way, and they made it back to the group just as the sun was going down. The scientist was gone. but Rodney just shrugged. The two teens were talking, but he interrupted.

“Hey there, you two. I found someone who might be able to fix up your leg.”

@Quiet Is Violent @ERRQR @Phasma
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1.jpg.5bd64bdda792d6a6f747d80def43253b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135298" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1.jpg.5bd64bdda792d6a6f747d80def43253b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2.jpg.e31f3ce21f6296546f107d2e5d267278.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135299" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2.jpg.e31f3ce21f6296546f107d2e5d267278.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/3.jpg.13eb62c819e5663d0533ab54abc145c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135300" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/3.jpg.13eb62c819e5663d0533ab54abc145c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ada followed, limping as she walked. Sundown, and they were at the small group, her eyes scanning the two teens who were talking about whatever the hell they were talking about. "Looks like some deep conversation," she muttered sarcastically, looking towards Rodney who interrupted. Ada turned her attention back to the teens, tilting her head, "let's get this over with. I'm gonna press down on that burn of yours and you tell me how much it hurts on a scale of one to ten." For her, having a pain scale would be easier to figure out what was really necessary and how she should handle the wound.

Clean, cold water. Acetominophen.


Aloe plant. Rag.

She looked the wound over, determining the degree of it. 3rd. "It's getting dark, so getting what we need isn't recommended," Ada sighed, walking over to the young man, her hand hovering over his leg. "I'm gonna press, you're probably gonna scream. Scale of one to ten. I need you to breathe in when I do this." Ada examined the wound again before counting down and pressing her hand against the wound, "3. 2. 1."

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17659-quiet-is-violent/@Quiet Is Violent








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Raja breathed in sharply and squeezed his eyes shut, ready for the pain. But none came. In fact, he couldn't feel anything under his knee. He opened one eye slowly. "I can't feel anything." He whispered. That scared him. "You're supposed to feel burns, right?" His voice was shaking slightly. "Why can't I feel anything?" Though Raja could feel the agony of his knee and lower thigh, he couldn't feel a thing below his kneecap.

@ERRQR @Kencen @Phasma
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"Jeez, kid. Chill out. Your leg's fucked up, but you'll live," Ada failed to read the amount of fear he felt and her words might have made things worse. "This is worse than I thought. Ha.. Maybe we'll have to- Ahem," she coughed, sitting back in order to not make anything worse than it already was. "We'll have to wait 'till the sun is back up. The plane might have alcohol, we can look there for now."

@Quiet Is Violent @Kencen @Phasma
Anya's eyes widened. Shocked about what was happening. "What happened?" She shrieked. "What'd you do to him?" She added with a bit of protectiveness in her voice. "We'll have to WHAT?!" She said upset
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Raja was only more scared that Ada didn't just tell him what was wrong. But he couldn't let Anya freak out. "Anya, I'm ok." Raja said shortly, in a failed attempt to calm her down. "I'm alive, and that's all that's gonna matter for the moment. Just calm down."
Anya took a deep breath. "You better be. You're my only friend here." Anya pouted guarding him. (She gets super attached cause she has BPD)
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Raja smiled. "You'll make friends. We all have to if we want to survive as a group."

"Grrr!" She snapped back at Raja playfully. Then she hopped up. "I'm going to find a secluded place where we can live... We don't know how high the tides get. Sooo yeah..." She said scratching her shoulder. (Can I find a pic of what the place will look like)
Phasma said:
"Grrr!" She snapped back at Raja playfully. Then she hopped up. "I'm going to find a secluded place where we can live... We don't know how high the tides get. Sooo yeah..." She said scratching her shoulder. (Can I find a pic of what the place will look like)
"Don't leave." Raja whispered, slightly dejectedly. He was terrified of Ada and what she might do to his legs. "Please?"

(Go ahead, but please pm me the photo before posting it)
These kids are weird as hell.

Ada coughed in attempts to grab their attention, "your legs look pretty bad, kid. Recovery would be a bitch and there's, uh. There's a slim chance that your 'wound' wouldn't get infected." To her, these kids seemed a bit dramatic, but what does she know? She's the type to freak out when it only involves her and the people she loves, not when things involve complete strangers. Ada watched the two as they interacted with one another, one having wild thoughts and the other.. Well, she couldn't quite put her finger on her.

Who knew? I'd be stuck with nutjobs. Maybe God is trying to get back at me.

@Quiet Is Violent @Phasma
"Don't worry, kid. I'll protect you," Rodney said, rolling his eyes. "I promise you, if we don't treat this burn it's only going to get worse. By the way, you got a name? I don't think I ever caught it. I'm Rodney." He found it odd that the two had gotten so close already, but he didn't think much about it. Everyone reacts to disasters differently, right?

@Quiet Is Violent @ERRQR
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(Gtg for the night but okay)

Anya sat right next to Raja. "But listen!" We don't know the tides. What if this place floods and you can't move! Bruh we might not have time!" She said getting up and darting towards the forest. She got closer and closer and then a little tiger popped out of the forest. She dropped to her knees with a wobbly smile. "Ohh MY GOD!" She giggled sweetly. "Mew!" It said. Anya began to cry. "Here kitty. Come here." She mumbled. The little tiger pranced over to her "No way. I must e trippin again." She giggled crying because it reminded her of her cat.

Raja shifted slightly and moaned in agony. "Infected... Damn. What do we do? What can we do?" Raja asked softly, panic starting to creep into his voice. He then looked at Rodney and nodded. "Raja. Nice to meet you. Can you watch Anya? She's a bit panicked." Raja asks, almost in a pleading fashion. His wounds, and slim chance of survival, was getting to him.
"I can try whatever it takes to help you out, but Imm being real here, kid. We don't have the stuff we need. First thing in the morning, I'll go looking, I guess," Ada sighed, checking on her own wound. A lot of blood. Her makeshift bandage definitely had to be replaced. "Fu-" she whispered, ripping at her shirt sleeve.

Yes, having to use her own shirt sucked. No, she didn't have any other choice from what she could tell. Ada took the cloth, putting it in place of the old one.
Raja bit his lip and blinked back tears. He'd been confronted with death just hours earlier and he was very calm about it. Now he was panicking. he decides to sleep and shifts onto his side. His eyes close, and without any announcement falls asleep.
Ausen wakes up from A nightmare and sees lot's of people crowding around Raja. He Walks down the hill to try and help.

"I had some anti-infection agents in the plane." Ausen said nervously as he put on his gas-mask to go inside the plane.
Sun in the sky. Birds chirping. The smell of clean, freshly mown grass in the air. A rooster in some far off distance, signaling its awakening. Riiight..

No, Chase awoke to the faint smell of smoke in the air. The left half of his body stinging so much it numbed, and his forehead throbbing from the wound he received crashing into the tree. "Aww.. what the heck.." He was in pain and didn't remember why. "Ah, right. I'm stranded." He thought to himself, looking around and gathering his senses. He was on the floor, sitting up against one of the chairs that were still bolted down properly. Behind him on the seat was Olivia, and he quickly came to his senses.

Standing up and stretching, he fled towards the interior that he had cleaned out. "I must've fallen asleep sometime in the night.. but on the ground next to her..?" He shook his head with his thoughts, almost in shame, but with slight humor. "At least she didn't see.." He spoke aloud, finding humor in the situation, almost like the common scene of a dog on the floor near its master, or even two opposing genders sharing a room.

Olivia's eyes slowly blinked open at the faint sound of a voice. She furrowed her brow as she looked at the floor, why am I outside..? She wondered for a moment until the pain of her leg kicked in and she noticed she was in a chair. "Damn I thought it was a dream.." She muttered to herself while rubbing her eyes. Olivia looked over the back of the chair. "Ah, it seems you're real as well." She said; a small smile playing on her lips.

"Did you ever get to sleep?" Using her stick Olivia got herself up and limped towards Cyrus. Still half asleep.

NightSky said:
Olivia's eyes slowly blinked open at the faint sound of a voice. She furrowed her brow as she looked at the floor, why am I outside..? She wondered for a moment until the pain of her leg kicked in and she noticed she was in a chair. "Damn I thought it was a dream.." She muttered to herself while rubbing her eyes. Olivia looked over the back of the chair. "Ah, it seems you're real as well." She said; a small smile playing on her lips.
"Did you ever get to sleep?" Using her stick Olivia got herself up and limped towards Cyrus. Still half asleep.

"As real as real can be." CYRUS (sorry, I was reading over mine and I realized I used the wrong name. Won't happen again, but no promises :P ) stated, small smile on his face as he walked over to her, hopefully straining her less.

"Uh.. a little bit, I think I dozed off for a few minutes. I actually didn't get up til a little while ago." Keeping that brief and simple, he nodded his head towards her leg. "A little better I hope? You can sit back down, I can come to you too, you know?" He chuckled before saying, "I mean hey, just cause you're eager to see me, doesn't mean you have to force yourself to walk." It was too early in the morning, but he liked the cheery mood the two of them kept. They were in a disaster, but at least it wasn't completely horrible.

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