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Fandom Straight Out of Dauntless OOC and Character Sheets

I’ll be on later tonight. I live in eastern standard time. Today is my best friends birthday so I’m chillin’ with him most my day.
Alright friends, sorry you've been having to wait on me. I'm home now sitting with my computer and some smoooooooooooooooooth jazz playing. Expect a post from me soon!
Harper Beckett


Harper is a drop dead gorgeous Dauntless girl. Anyone could see her beauty from a mile away. She stands at about 5'5" and is about 130 pounds. She is pure muscle. She's been fighting her whole like and looks very strong and sturdy. She has shoulder length purple hair and bright blue eyes. She wears heavy makeup and has piercings down her ears, a nose piercing, and a tongue piercing. Her arms and legs are covered in various tattoos that aren't synonymous with each other.

Faction of Origin:

Faction of Choosing:

Job w/in Faction:

Keean Beckett - Father, very well known weapon maker.

Harper was born and raised Duntless. When it came time for the choosing ceremony, she smirked sadistically as her blood hissed on the burning coals. This is where she was meant to be. Harper was raised by a single father who drinks entirely too much. He has been physically abusive to her pretty much her whole life. Everyone knows her father around the faction and most agree that Harper's mean spirit and attitude comes directly from his abuse. Harper trains long and hard. She is pure muscle. She is often found lifting weights and sparring in the ring. Harper is also extremely artistic. Her drawings are tattooed on many body parts in her faction. After the initiate process, she plans on interning for the tattoo parlor.

Harper is extremely mean to most everyone, including her friends. She's manipulative and has a huge ego about her. She tends to be very selfish. She rarely has a nice thing to say. She is constantly complaining about the things she hates, including the other factions, and especially Abnegation. She never understood their strict rules and restrictions. Even though she has an extremely mean spirit, she is very flirtatious and fun. She is often seen clubbing around the faction. It seems like she's gone through every guy around her age. She's seen as a prize to win among most Dauntless boys. Underneath it all, she's a pretty unhappy girl. She's got baggage and deals with it every day.

Harper is extremely strong for a girl her size. She can hold her own in the ring and loves to fight. She's also extremely creative. She carries around a sketch book wherever she goes and is often seen sitting alone sketching.

Her mean spirit leaves a bad taste in most peoples mouths and she is hated by many. She makes bad decisions which often gets her into trouble.​
I'm just gonna note down my colour codes so I can find them again-
Cassie- #DB7093
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I mean if you use colours in your text other than the given ones its helpful to write them down
It’s easier to color your character too so we know who’s speaking. It’s gets kinda confusing when everything’s in black. Also, I’m seeing infinity war right now so I will post tonight.

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