Star's Mirror RP

Xander kept his gaze towards the horizon. "I don't know what it means. It is unlike the crystals to allow such a power to go unnoticed. However, your conversion of that flower revealed that power. Already, the crystals have succeeded in nullifying some of your powers." He deftly swiped the crystalline flower out of Faith's hands. "Nothing is ever truly pure in this world. Not anymore. It may give the specious appearance of purity, but on the inside, underneath the layers, its corruption is as evident as ever." While saying this, Xander crushed the flower, only slightly. The crystal flower cracked into five pieces, and they showed that while an inch of exterior crust was made of the white crystal, the core of the crystal was still rainbow crystal. "As I said." said Xander with indifferent disgust. Then, he got a look on his face that indicated him remembering a scene from his past, at which point his face contorted in suppressed rage. He instantly crushed the crystal flower pieces to dust and flung them aside. His face returned to the emotionless mask it once was, and he said, "Nothing good can occur in this world. None can claim to be pure, only slightly better than the crystals. And as for me.... I can't even claim that much. It would be best to stay away from using that power."
"lies. y-you lie." Faith gave a sorrowful frown, "you are all the same, Kai, Erica, even you." she turned her gaze to the ground. "all of you have given up. youve lost faith in a better future. just because im not strong enough to properly clean that flower doesn't mean i cant grow stronger." her face twisted with pain as he crushed the flower. she had a sting in her fingers, but she felt like something had been crushed inside her. she had always tried to see the best in everything, even when she was being hurt by others. "why are you even searching for this cave if you think nothing will change?"
Erica munched away at the deer meat, staring at the fire and adding more sticks. Naiko had a piece of meat laying beside him. Only about three small bites had been taken out of the meat. The tiny bat let out a small hiccup, rolling over onto his back and staring up at the dark sky.

She giggled a bit at him, eating the last piece of her meat. After she was finished, she got up to wash off the blood that had splattered on her hands. Finding a small stream, she leaned down and ran her hands through the water. It was ice cold, and she winced as she held her hands under the cold water.

Washing off the blood, it drifted into the clear water, making it turn a muddy red color. She heard another twig snap behind her, and she froze. She felt hot air blowing on her neck, and could only assume something or someone was standing directly behind her.

Slowly turning around, she came face to face with a black bear. It's face had scars on it, and crystals were eating away at it's left ear. It was standing on it's hind-legs, staring down at her.

With a loud roar, he whipped out his paw, and sliced her straight across the arm. Blood splattered on the leaves behind her, and she widened her eyes in pain. Not able to hold the scream in any longer, she let it out. That only seemed to make the bear angrier, and he lashed a paw at her again, but she ducked. Quickly running off in the other direction, she took off into the sky, hovering in the air.

Blood poured down her arm from the three claw marks, and she gritted her teeth as the wound stung immensely.
(Well, we sort of just split up, so it'd be weird with her coming back so soon. Actually, a run in with the group, and deer-girl & the other boy would be interesting. Sorry, don't know their names since they haven't been on in a while.)
(Hey, if you read basically the last ten or twelve pages, I have made nothing but drama. From the very beginning, I "killed" Naiko the bat, then brought her back to life. Then, I got sucked underground, "killed" Erica, and made her dependent on me. Lastly, before she left, Erica had a fit of insanity, and I made Xander seem like a murderous psychopath. Plus, perhaps the saddest thing I've ever written is on page 8, the first post. Please read it and tell me what you think. Please?!?)
(I know:P I already read all of that, and you definitely made a lot of drama. I'm just talking about the other guys:) I'm not saying they didn't create any drama either, I meant that someone other than me and you should make something interesting to keep this Rp from dying:P)
((well im waiting for Xander to reply to what faith said. my character Kael was made so that the deer girl Iris had someone to talk to since Broken Blacklist isnt on much. i still have some of Faiths "dramatic" stuff, her past at least. her sad lonely past. there could be some interesting stuff with our messed up love square. although, Faith is still kinda outside since both guys are more concerned about Erica. then again, she hasnt really "fallen" so to speak, for either guy. she doesnt really have a reason to. i just think the silent jealousy and running away kinda quiets things down. just something i noticed.))
(Well Kai's just off wandering somewhere while Xander and Faith have their "private" conversation. So there's not much my character can do.)
(Quite a far ways from the other two. Somewhere kicking rocks lol. let's just say he's found his way at the bridge-way of a river or something, since he hasn't drank anything since their travel.)
(Okay lets see if I can work a river into this xD )

Seth continued walking and had completely lost where he was,he wasn't paying attention anymore. He just walked and listened to what was around him,he heard no voices from others so he was good. But he heard water,which he was happy to hear as he headed to it. He knew he was there when he stepped into the water and fell forward from tripping,he got up shaking the water out of his hair and then just sat there in the water. it was pretty deep but not to deep to where he was carried off,it was a nice little river and the water felt nice.Though now his pants were soaked but it didn't seem to bother him,Silver and Copper had jumped off and sat at the edge of the water watching Seth.
It hadn't taken long for the night to take over the day as the team continued on walking. After a bit, Kai figured he'd let Faith and Xander be since they seemed like they could really talk things out without wanting to attack each other or completely break down out of no where. He figured going for a walk to slip away from the sleep that was daring, oh so annoyingly, to bring him to his demise. Yes, he was terribly tired but water is something he needed more at this point. he hadn't stopped to take a drink in a long while which isn't at all healthy in any given situation. After a long while of scouting the area, he comes to a river, only to find a boy in the river. It's the same one he saw earlier. What was he doing in the water? Slowly moving past him and towards a much more secluded area, Kai noticed he didn't even flinch. he must be blind or something. Squatting down, Kai takes his hand into the running water and scoops up some to drink.
Seth had his head under the water when Kai came,he raised it up with a smile on his face. At least until the water cleared out of his ears and he could hear clearly again,he heard someone close all of a sudden.When did they get here and how without him noticing? He couldn't tell anything because the water was messing with his sense of feel,so he just stayed quiet now staying in the water now up to his nose. He listened for moment as he stayed still,Copper and Silver saw Kai and hissed when he got too close then watched him carefully.
(-___- I'm slow.)

Lifting his head up from the quiet hissing noise he hear to his side, Kai slowly backed away from the two snakes, wondering whether they were poisonous or not. Many of the creatures here, poisonous or not are either deadly by nature or infected, therefore, making them deadly either way. Though Kai had been feeling skeptical lately about almost everything including the cave, he wasn't willing to die until he reaches the cave in time come. Looking back over at where the boy once was, Kai noticed he changed positions, peeking a bit of his head out from the water.

"Boy, are these yours?" He asks him, nodding over to the two snakes.
( xD Me too! yay!)

Seth jumped slightly when he heard someone speak,now knowing someone was there he ducked down into the water.Copper and Silver turned there attention to Seth for a moment then back to Kai,they really showed no harm and more like protection. Seth wouldn't be able to stay under forever,I mean he wasn't a fish,but he could hold his breath for a long time thanks to a special type of snake gene. He wondered,no he knew this had to be one of those people from before,why couldn't he get away from them?
Kai's face fell to a dry expression that looked as if to say, "Seriously, dude?". He watched as the boy ducked into the water as if he couldn't see him. What on earth was he trying to do, hiding from Kai like that when he obviously knew he was there. And you know what? Just to mess with him, he'd wait for the boy to emerge from the water again as if he was to stalk him.

"You do know I can see you, right? I have unbelievably incredible eyesight. No need to hide." Kai shouted as his eyes wandered back to the two snakes who had now calmed down a bit. They didn't seem so harmful.

"I'm not leaving until I get an answer, kid." He added as he crossed his arms and watched Seth, intently.
But Seth wasn't where he was before,he had moved when Kai looked at Copper and Silver and had moved right in front of where Kai was.At least where he heard Kai last and right after Kai had crossed his arms Seth had jumped up,grabbed Kai's arms and flipped him into the water.Seth staying at the edge of the river now figured he should get out so he could feel again,Seth really didn't like people.Copper and Silver just watched Seth start getting out of the water and went to him.
(Okayy xD Since Erica has been away from Xander for a pretty long time, I'm gonna start making her go insane:P)

Once she knew the bear had wandered off, Erica slowly flew back to the ground and headed back to the fire. Surprisingly, there was still a small flame in the pit of the fire. The rest had died down to glowing embers.

Sighing, she put a few more sticks into the fire and blew. Eventually, it returned to the large flame it once was.

"Naiko. You're not hungry?" She asked the tiny bat beside her, who looked pretty full. Naiko hiccuped again, and than gave a curt nod in her direction.

Chuckling slightly, she leaned against the tree behind her and stared at the fire. She felt a burning feeling in her throat, making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion. Suddenly, she began coughing violently. She had closed her eyes tightly, trying to ignore the seeping pain in her throat.

She opened her eyes, looking at the fire as she heard several sizzling noises, as if tiny drops of water had fell into the fire. Looking a little bit more closely, she realized it was not water. But blood.

Her eyes widened fearfully as she looked around the area. The ground around her was splattered with droplets of blood. That must have been the burning feeling in her throat.Touching her chin with her two fingers, she realized that blood had spewed out of her mouth and was dripping down slowly.

Out of nowhere, she burst into a hysterical fit of laughter. She was laughing so hard that she began coughing once again.

Naiko stared at her in confusion, watching her laugh as she stared at the blood. He wondered why she was acting this way. Finally quieting down to a chuckle, Erica stared at the ground, confused as well.

"What.. What's happening to me?" She murmured to herself, staring at both her hands as she realized they were both dripping with the scarlet substance.

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