Star's Mirror RP

Xander chuckled at the bat's show of kindness. Perhaps the world wasn't as bad as he had thought. The notion caused him to burst out laughing, and he fell backwards on his hands with joy. "God, it's been ages since I laughed like this. The last time was long before... it happened." He even took the moth and ate it, just to please Naiko. "Heh. A little salty, but the texture of the crystal really compliments the squishiness of the moth." he joked. He didn't know what about this girl made him so happy, but he liked it.
Almost as soon Xander ate the moth, Naiko burst into a fit of squeaks. He had the biggest grin on his face, and he looked very happy. Erica giggled at Naiko, glancing back to Xander. She was surprised Xander had started laughing in the first place. He seemed a lot sadder before when he was talking about his sister.

"Well," She began, turning towards the moon again. She spread her wings, and took a deep breath.

"You can go back if you want.. I'll be back in the morning." She said in a soft voice, flashing him a grin before hovering in the air for a moment, and than flying off in the blink of an eye.

Naiko stayed for a moment, winking at Xander before flapping after Erica furiously.
(Extreme emotions coupled with a catalyst can cause the opposite extreme emotion. In this case, his sadness, combined with Naiko's gesture of kindness, cause joy.)

"Hey, you know where to find me if anything goes wrong!" he shouted after her. Come to think of it, he had just had an epiphany from his words. He was alive when he had someone he needed to protect. His immortal life would be spent protecting those he cared for... and now, he cared the most for that strange girl he met, named Erica. He decided to covertly follow her, for Naiko's sake. The bat was growing on him as well. Plus, Kai wouldn't mind.
Erica shot through the night sky, flapping her wings smoothly as she sighed in relaxation. She loved the nighttime. It made her forget that the world had changed into this crystal nightmare. Flicking her wings downward, she flew upwards at a high speed. Her silhouette was right in the middle of the moon, making it easy for people to see her from a distance.

Suddenly, she stopped flying, spreading out her wings fully and staring forward. This was something she usually did when she was out flying. Naiko flew in front of her, making her lose the posture and began to flap normally again.

The bat was flying around her head, making multiple squeak noises. He stuck his tongue out at her, and than dashed away.

"Hey!" She called out, flying after the bat quickly. Naiko looked behind him, squeaking in fear and diving down into the forest. Reluctantly, she followed him. She dodged four trees at a time with graceful turns and twirls, flying after the bat. Once she had caught up to him she stuck her tongue out at him as well, making him burst into a fit of clicking noises and squeaks. This was often a sign that Naiko was laughing.

Smiling, she hovered over the ground, looking around. She had a strange feeling that something was following her, but she had ignored it. Naiko suddenly hissed at Erica, beginning to shake violently. His wings went limp, and she quickly caught him before he hit the ground.

"Naiko?.." She asked in a quiet voice, prodding him gently with a finger. But he bit her in return. She growled in pain, watching a bubble of blood form on the bite marks. Her eyes widened as she realized Naiko was going insane. She had to get to Xander.

She shot off into the forest, flicking her wings multiple times as she dodged each tree.
((Sorry I haven't been on today! I will just jump back in now....))

Faith stirred and looked around. She let out a quiet yawn then gasped when she remembered where she was. She realized she must have been knocked unconsious by the overwhelming emotions comeing off the bat girl and the unusual boy. She sighed in releif to see that she had not been spotted, although she didn't know where they had run off to. she also recalled an unusual hawk-like young. Man, who was also nowhere to be seen. Faith looked arround, stretched her wings, and ascend to look around. Whether the odd group was still around scared her a bit, as she was not sure she could handle a confrontation.
(Okay since the person I was going to interact with has not posted in FOREVER im going to disregard anything that happened with her)

Iris stopped dead in her tracks, it must have been her imagination that another being was coming near her. "Hm?" She turned around and continued on her way to europe or what she supposed was the way to europe, she was on a sea after all and should hit land sometime soon. Her feet were stining by the time she finally reached was looked to be land. With the ground all looking the same she wasnt sure, but there was buildings and trees in the distance. "I finally made it to Europe...The cave should be here. I hope" She whispered to herself before collapsing onto the hard mineral.
((ok then))

Faith found herself gliding over an open area, most likely what used to be the ocean. she saw a figure walking, just as land came into veiw. the figure appeared to be a mutated girl, most likely a deer because of the antlers. she flew a bit higher, and let herself fall back, hoping she wouldn't be spotted. she wasnt sure where she was, or where the girl was going. Faith halted, but remained as the girl collapsed in exhaustion. after a moment Faiths wings grew tired and she lowered herself to the ground. she folded her wings back and they vanished from sight. she remained where she was, as she was too timid and afraid to alert the other girl to her presence.
Iris's ears moved, and she lifted her head to see a humanoid figure in the distance. "N...No! Not another one!" She jumped up and sprinted into the forest. Unfourtunatley, she only reached the edge of the crystal forest's grounds before collapsing again, she could barley stand and let alone run. This was it, she was going to die. This human was probably going to kill her and use her antlers as weapons and eat her slowly. The only thing Iris could do was curl into fetal position and hope her life wasn't over.
Faith frowned as the girl ran. Faith feared that she may have frighteneed her. She walked in the same direction the girl had gone, till she came upon the edge of a forest. She spotted the girl trembling on the ground, and tried to approach her. She found her own fear rising and hid behind a tree. If she was cornered the girl may lash out. Faith peeked out from the tree at the girl, her wings hidden so that she looked human, "I-I'm sorry if I f-frightened you."
One of Iris's could be seen now, just above her crossed arms. This girl seemed unharming, like she was scared of somthing too. "W-whats your name? Are y-you mutated?!" Now adays the sign of mutation was a matter of life or crazy, it was critical that Iris knew what and who this girl was. "If your going to eat me...go ahead and do it. Not like I haven't been expecting to be eaten like almost all the sane people. All thats left are crazies..."
Faith let out a slight sigh of releif, seeing that she didn't appear dangerous. She realized that if she looked human this girl may fear that she was crazy. She stepped out from behind the tree sheepishly, and opened her white wings. "Yes I'm mutated" she said quietly, "I'm not going to eeat you, I was just curious. I'm sorry. "
Just as he was fitting well into his slumber, kai is awoken once again by the zip of an object rushing by. Rubbing his burning reddened eyes, Kai got up from the small ditch and shook off his wings of the many leaves that clinged on to his clothes. Looking forwards, he was able to spot a pair of bat-like wings zooming past the row of various trees aligned within the forest. Erica...He thought to himself. Was she okay? The way she rushed by seemed more panicked rather than playful. Was something wrong?

Without a second that, Kai spreads his wings before rushing after her. He leaps into the air once he's got himself enough speed and room to take off. Where was she headed? With this, he wasn't able to fall asleep again. A moment ago he was beyond exhausted but now, he just wanted to get a move on. Last he remembered, she was asleep. If they weren't spending their time resting up...then what was the point of waiting?

"Erica, what's wrong?" He calls to her as he catches up.
Erica dodged another tree swiftly, arching an eyebrow when she heard Kai's voice behind her. He seemed to be asking if something was wrong. She flapped her wings a little slower, beginning to hover in midair. Her red eyes looked down to Naiko, than to Kai.

"It's nothing serious. Naiko's just going.." She looked down at the tiny bat in her palm, which was shivering violently and hissing.

"A little insane right now. I was just off to find Xander to see if he could fix him." She said in a soft voice. She looked up at Kai, noticing that he looked pretty tired. Her eyes widened a bit, and she blushed. She must have woken him when she flew past.

"Did I wake you? I-I'm sorry.." She stuttered nervously, scratching the back of her head and staring at the ground. She scolded herself silently for not being more quieter.

Naiko continued to shiver in her head, suddenly sinking his fangs deep into Erica's thumb. She cringed, ripping her thumb away and watching blood emerge from the tiny fang marks.

"Naiko.." She murmured quietly while watching the bat's eyes twitch repeatedly.
Kai let out a sigh at Xander's name. It's not that he had a problem with Xander...well...he just didn't like the fact that he was so close to Erica for this long. And the fact that Naiko is now bound to be followed by Xander for a long while, so will Erica and the thought sort of upset him. His concerned look was now taken over by a frown of distaste.

"Oh..." Is all that left his lips as he came to a light float, his eyes landing on the jittery Naiko.

Maybe he shouldn't keep her waiting, Naiko was seemingly unstable and he didn't want what happened earlier to occur again. Once she had asked if she had woke him, he realized just how terribly exhausted he was, but he didn't want that to slow them down so he shook his head.

"No, I've been awake for a while now," He lied before looking back at her and gesturing to Naiko who just bit her. He cringed a bit, wondering if it hurt as much as it looked like it did. Probably not isnce it was just a little nip. Wait! Why did he care? Maybe Xander could make her feel better or something? He thought to himself, rolling his eyes of the thought.

"Well, you should probably get going to Xander then..." He replied gruffly, gesturing ahead.
"Why leave. I'm right here." said Xander, appearing behind Kai on column of crystal. He had made his new resolve, but he didn't let the change show on his face. He'd show it through his actions. He up to Kai, glanced at him... and slapped him on the back of his head. "Why would you let Naiko bite you while he is infected?" he asked mockingly. "Since I was here, I just got rid of the toxins by hitting you. Don't make me do it again, or I'll hit harder in a much more... tender spot than the head. You still have those after your mutation, right?" he said while walking to Erica. When he got there, his expression softened. "Here." he said softly. He gently tapped Naiko again. Naiko fell into Erica's open hands, and then stood up looking a bit dazed and off balance. He looked at Erica and asked in a serious voice, "Are you happy?"
Even though Erica had sensed a lie in Kai's voice about him already awake, she decided to ignore it. Maybe he was just saying that just to make her feel better.

"A-Are you sure Kai? You look pretty tired.." She said softly, hovering towards him a bit and studying his exhausted expression.

She turned her gaze away from Kai when she heard Xander. She sighed quietly in relief, glancing down at the bat in her palm. When she looked back to the two, Xander had slapped Kai on the back of his head. She felt anger pour into her, and she found herself clenching her fists. Once she realized what she was doing, she stopped.

Why am I getting so angry? She asked herself. Not knowing the cause of this irritation, she pushed the thoughts out of her mind and turned back to Xander. She noticed his expression softened when he came towards her, and she wondered why.

As soon as Xander touched Naiko, he seemed okay. Erica sighed again, watching the bat fly into the air and squeak furiously.

"Thank you, Xander." She said, flashing him a small smile.
(I'm just calling the things that make you infected toxins. You can call them infection agents, crystals, whatever. Basically, Kai's bite was infected, and I cured him by touching him. Only works before you're fully infected.)

"Are you happy?" Xander asked again in a serious voice, although now, there were urgent undertones. He had to know. Her happiness was his duty now. He had sworn to himself to make her happy. Whatever it entailed.
Erica glanced back up at Xander, her eyes widening a bit.

"Yes." She said softly, tilting her head a bit when she began to wonder why Xander wanted to know so badly. Maybe he was just worried about how she felt or something.. She shrugged after she couldn't figure it out.

Oddly, she found herself glancing at Kai, and she wondered why.

(That was like the shortest post I've ever done xD )
(Naiko bit Erica, not Kai.)

Kai rubbed the back of his head as he was slapped by Xander. What the hell? He thought to himself as Xander made his way to Naiko, calming him down to his regular self once again. The slap was not needed at all, maybe he had heard the upset tone in his voice when he was talking to Erica. Not that he cared or anything. Rolling his eyes at Xander's comment, he turned back to Erica and quickly nodded before deciding to let it go.

"I'm fine!" He blurted before letting out a sigh and grounding himself.

Why did Xander care if Erica was happy or not? His tone unsettled him a bit. Whatever..."Alright, now that everything's fine and everyone is...happy..." Kai started turning back from Erica's gaze before gesturing ahead. "How about we all get going, yeah? We won't get anywhere at this pace." Kai gruffly spoke again.
Ignoring Kai, Xander continued to look at Erica, tilting his head. After a few moments, he said plainly, and without emotion, "You're happy. Good. I'm happy." He turned around and walked a few pace's away and stared at the night sky and the moon. He paused, then continued. "Kai is right. We need to get going since we are all awake. I'll lead the way since I can feel where to go." He looked back at them with some mirth in his eyes. "Don't worry, I'll can keep up with you winged folk, in case you had any doubts. So, let's get going."
Erica looked over to Kai in surprise, not at all expecting him to be upset.

Is something.. Bothering him? That couldn't be.. He just told me he was fine. She asked herself, raising an eyebrow as she tried to figure it out. Sighing, she looked away at the ground. Maybe she would figure it out later.

"Yeah.. We probably should get going.." She murmured quietly, floating higher into the air.

Once she was about 15 feet up, she began to fly away at a high speed, looking down at the trees that stood underneath her. She closed her eyes again, than reopened them as she quickly flew around a huge tree that was in the way. Naiko flew after her furiously, trying to catch up with her. But he failed, and ended up just following her from behind.

Erica glanced behind her, wondering if he was trying to catch up to her as well.

Shrugging it off, she shot through the air, looking up towards the moon for a quick second, and than glancing away. She really did love the night.
As soon as the other two were ready to get a move on, Kai nodded at Xander's offer to show them the way. Though he was a little irritated, he couldn't really pin his mixed emotions on anyone but himself. Just as Erica had taken air, Kai quickly ran through the trees, building up enough speed to fly off. Spreading his large black feathered wings, he launched himself into flight and padded his wings through the air. The night was slowly fading into morning so it would only be a matter of time before they'd be visible to the light again.

Pausing the flapping of his wings quite a few times, Kai glides past the tips of the many pine trees below. Though he was a little higher up than Erica in the air, he could see perfectly, down below.
Xander sighed and set off at a leisurely jog, although with his crystalline enhancements, he was moving faster than Kai and Erica. Suddenly, he noticed something. And its presence was bad. Very bad. He stopped without making any noise. He couldn't call out to Kai and Erica without alerting the new presence. He hoped they would see that he'd stopped.

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