Star's Mirror RP

Faith waited timidly near the tree, waiting for a response from from the other equally shy girl. She stiffened as she heard noises from above,and took a deep breath. "You seem exhausted, i-I will go see what that was." She flew up and peeked out from behind a crystalized tree. She ducked back behind the branch as she saw a guy with black wings flying nearby. She wondered if she had been spotted.

Kai looked down as he spotted Xander stop all of a sudden. He looked as if he was looking for something and Kai couldn't really carry on if he didn't know which way the group was headed all together. He paused mid air when he sensed something nearby. But looking below, he could see Erica still moving ahead, dazed by the moon. He figured he should zip down there really quick in order to tell her to wait up for Xander, figuring he shouldn't call out in case it was something dangerous. Kai dips down and glides towards Erica, looking towards Xander's direction so he wouldn't lose him but as he flew down, he crashed right into something, seeing nothing but white feathers. Before he knew it, they were both falling down towards the ground.
CRASH. Xander heard the noise and looked to its origin. 'The presence!' he thought, and quickly tried to sense it again. However, it was gone. 'Damn.' he thought. He jumped down from his pillar, while shouting at Erica to follow, to see what had happened to Kai.
Erica continued to flap her wings, sighing a bit as cold air blew through her hair. But when she saw a flash of Kai, and some other girl falling, she immediately dived after them without a second thought.

She flapped her wings furiously, diving after Kai first, and than the girl. She grabbed his shoulders, and flapped her wings upwards, making it so he could straighten his wings and begin flying again. After he seemed to be flying, she dove after the girl, doing the same thing. When the two of them were flying normally, she hovered in midair next to the girl, panting from exhaustion.

"Are you guys okay?" She asked, panic flooding into her voice. Her eyes flicked from Kai, and than back to the girl.
Faith screamed as she was hit by a flurry of black feathers. She tumbled towards the ground, but felt a hand on her wings. In an instant she was flying normally again and she saw the boy with the dark feathers and a girl who appeared to be bat like. She flew back till her back pressed aainst the crystalized tree. "I-Im sorry I d-didn't se you and I j-just um....." she stuttered, trembling but managing to keep herself airborn. She winced at a cut she had received during her fall, but ignored it. She didn't know these people, or what they would do.
Kai straightened himself up from the crash as Erica had pulled him off the girl. He watched, dusting down his jacket and jeans as Erica then helped the girl back up as well. "Yeah, thanks. I'm fine." He sighed before looking back to the trembling girl. She had the resemblance of an angel, amazingly bright white wings, golden locks and a beautiful face to match. he almost couldn't stop staring at her and it only took him a moment to pull himself together again.

"N-no, it's fine. it was my fault, don't worry about it." Kai replied before noticing the small trail of blood trickling down the girl's hand.

"You're bleeding..." He commented as he reached out for her hand, examining the cut. It was nothing too deep or long, it was possible to heal pretty quickly but it needed something to inhibit the blood. "Do you mind?" He asked her as if asking for permission to bandage the cut.
Erica cringed a little bit when Kai grabbed the girl's hand, and almost immediately, she whipped around. She pretended that she had seen something, and she walked off in another direction towards Xander. Her bright red eyes were filled with jealousy, and she had crossed her arms over her chest. She suddenly snapped out of it, and her eyes widened.

Was that.. No. It couldn't be. It must have been a mistake or something.. I never get jealous over anything. She thought to herself, wondering why she was feeling that emotion in the first place. Kai was just helping the girl because she was hurt. It was nothing serious..

She let out a deep sigh, shaking away the thoughts from her mind. She glanced behind her at Kai and the girl, and almost immediately, the jealousy returned.

She muttered something under her breath, spreading her wings and taking off into the sky in the blink of an eye. She flew pretty far away before stopping in midair and looking towards the ground in confusion. Naiko followed her lazily, flicking his ears from side to side as he sensed Erica's emotions.

He sat on her shoulder, shaking a piece of twig off his shoulder. He stared at her for a moment, a confused look on his face. He didn't seem to understand why Erica was so mad.

"Damn it.. What is wrong with me?" She growled to herself when she realized she was still jealous.
Faith looked down as the the boy stared at her. He approached her and took her wounded hand and she flinched away, pulling hand towards herself. " n-no I'm fine its nothing" she said quietly. She was still trembling, as she had never gotten over her irrational fear of other people. She was used to being alone.
"Are you happy?" asked Xander, once again by Erica's side. He wanted her to be happy. Not only that, but being the first person to give him hope, what he wanted, more than anything, other than his sister's rebirth, was her. And he didn't like seeing her like this. It hurt him. He wrapped his arms around her from behind in a gentle hug, like the ones he used to give to his sister. Due to his height, he leaned down and rested his face on her shoulder. "Are you happy?" he asked again while closing his eyes on her shoulder.
Kai cringed his brows a bit in confusion as Erica flew away, maybe she found Xander and he was on the move again; he looked back at the girl as she had flinched away from Kai. Why was she rejecting help? The cut would soon get infected if she didn't cover it or something. He knew a few herbal healing remedies but in this situation where the crystals have infect everything, it was nearly impossible to assure protection from infection.

"It's fine...I won't bite. It's just to stop the bleeding." He said softly, trying to gain her trust.

Kai just felt bad that he had driven her into getting hurt in the first place. If only he was watching where he was going to begin with, they wouldn't be doing this. "I'll just bandage it up. S'nothing too complex." I explain to her. "Or I can leave. It's up to you." I'm only trying to help.
Erica sighed, prepared to turn back around and try to find Xander, but she stopped herself when he appeared next to her, asking the same question from before. She opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out. All she knew was that Xander had wrapped his arms around her from behind and was resting his head on her shoulder. She seemed to have froze in her place. The only thing moving was her wings trying to keep her in the air.

"Xander.. What are you doing?" She asked in a small voice, not responding to his question. A faint blush appeared in her cheeks as he continued to hold her. She glanced to the side at him, wondering why he was doing this.

Her breath was coming out in short wisps of air, as if someone else's touch caused her to not function right. Well, she wasn't used to it after all. Nobody has ever held her like this before.
"I want you to be happy." he said plainly without opening his eyes. He rested for a moment, then opened his eyes and looked up at Erica's face. "What makes you happy?" he asked. "Does this?" he said with his head on her shoulder. "Or this?" he asked, moving his head closer to her face, eyes still transfixed on her eyes. "Maybe this?" he asked, his face now exactly level with Erica's face. He looked deeply into her eyes, then down at her lips. "How about... this?" he said, as he leaned forward to close the millimeter gap between them...
Faith listened to his words, sensing no hostility, gingerly held her hand out again. "Ok. I-I'm sorry I'm j-just not used to seeing other people let alone c-communicating." She was still a little afraid, but she managed a greatful smile . "T-thank you.". She tucked a strand of her long flowing hair behind her ear.
Just as Kai had awaited her response, he looked back between the gaps of the treetops to make sure the rest of the group hadn't gotten too far without him. What he saw instead was Xander making his move on Erica. This made Kai's heart drop to the pit of his stomach, red overtaking his face but it looked as if she wasn't pulling away. Well...Kai looked back to the girl and kept his cool, well, as much as he could, nodding at her approval and ripping off the hem of his tanktop.

The strip was enough to cover enough of the cut to keep the blood down. "It's fine. I know how you feel." He answered her quietly as he gently started to wrap her hand with the makeshift bandage. "And you're welcome." He tightened the bandage before tying it up at the back of her hand. "There, is it too tight?" He asked, letting out a puff of breath, looking around.
Faith looked at the bandaging, "no its fine." She noticed something seemed to be bothering him, and tried to be friendly. "Thank you for the help" she said timidly, "my name is Faith, might I ask yours?" She gave a sincer, gentle smile.
Erica did not respond to Xander, just simply stared at him with wide eyes.

"Xander." Was all she said, pulling herself away from him. She continued to stare, her eyes not as surprised as before. They were completely emotionless, and the usual glow in her eyes was gone.

"I'm leaving." She said in a soft voice. She flew a bit farther away, not breaking eye contact. That was what she had decided. To leave. She didn't want to hurt anyone with this decision, but it was the truth. She had somehow came to the conclusion that she was just holding the group back, and that it would be better if she just left. The only thing she hoped was that she made this decision because she wanted to, and not out of jealousy.

Erica turned her red gaze away from Xander, not wanting to see his reaction to what she had just said. She bit her lip, wondering if this was the right thing to do.
"Very well. I understand. I do not make you happy. Nevertheless, I will come with you. Your happiness is my goal." said Xander. His eyes were back to their usual emotionless state. He understood. No one would truly accept him. But, he would continue to protect Erica, whether she wanted him to, or not. In the end, he had made it his goal to keep her happy until the very end. That is what he was going to do. It was a simple as that. Xander walked over and stood next to Erica, careful to keep a distance between them so as not to make her uncomfortable.
Kai looked back at the girl and it seemed like she had started to warm up to him a bit since she wasn't running off or anything. Now wasn't the time to be acting nice towards Kai, especially after witnessing that, but he didn't want to scare her off by yelling at her or telling her to leave him alone. His golden eyes flared down from an angry gaze to a slightly softened one. Letting out a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair and nodded. "Nice to meet you Faith...My names, Kaiuro, I prefer Kai." He spoke very dazily.

"I don't suppose you're after the cave as well..." He then asked as he crossed his arms and stepped away from the girl, leaning against a tree and watching her carefully. he figured he had no need to follow the others now. The only reason he stayed in the first place was because Erica wanted him to. it was clear to him now that it's no longer true.
"That's not what I meant. I mean.. Like I'm leaving the group and going off to find the cave.. By myself." She said quietly, not moving when he came and stood beside her. She knew this was going to happen. She really didn't want to hurt anyone because of this. That was the last thing she wanted. But it seemed like that's exactly what she was doing anyways.

"I'm planning on leaving either right now.. Or tomorrow morning." She murmured, glancing over to him with a sad look in her eyes. For some reason, she was having second thoughts on this decision of hers. She still felt like she should stay, but at the same time, she felt like leaving.

"I'm just holding you guys back." She said in a voice that was barely even a whisper. She looked towards the horizon, where the very tip of the sun was beginning to peek out. The brightness of the sun hurt her eyes a bit, and she quickly looked away.

Naiko sat on her shoulder, actually staying completely silent for once.
Xander stepped into the sunlight, blocking it from view. The sun cast an ethereal glow around him (see here). "Holding us back? How?" he asked in a slightly worried voice. He didn't want her to think that she held them back from anything. If they found the cave, they'd find it together. That included Kai, and perhaps the new girl. "I'm going to get Kai, and the new girl. You'd better be here when I get back. If you leave, I will hunt you down, and if I have to, I'll hug you in my arms and bring you back. Understood?" Without waiting for an answer, he went to see Kai and the new girl.
Erica watched him step in front of her, locking his gaze with hers. When he went to see the other two, she stared down, closing her eyes tightly for a moment.

"Should I stay? Or leave?" She asked herself quietly, glancing over to Naiko who had no idea what was going on. He was just sitting on her shoulder and trying to block the bright sun out of his eyes. Letting out a deep sigh, she decided to stay.. For now. After they find the cave, she will leave. Xander can hunt her down, or try to find her if he wants. But she will always end up leaving.

She reopened her eyes, turning around so the sun wouldn't be in her eyes. Naiko made a loud screeching noise, making her wince from the loudness.

"Naiko." She spat, and the bat burst into a fit of squeaks and clicks. She couldn't help but grin at Naiko, who was acting completely ridiculous at the moment.

Looking back to where Xander had disappeared to, she wondered what he was going to tell the others.
Faith smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you Kai." Her smile turned to a curious expression. "What cave is it that you're looking for? I've merely been traveling looking for a suitable place to stay." She looked away somewhat embarrassed. Her amber eyes betrayed the slightest hint of anticipation. She had always enjoyed exploring.
"Kai, are you quite finished with that girl?" Xander asked. "It is time to get a move on. She can come too, if that is your desire. However, we need to leave. The cave isn't getting any closer to us, and I'm not getting any closer to death. So, hurry up." he finished with some urgency.
He raised an eyebrow at Faith as soon as she had responded to his question. How did she now know about the cave? He was just about to explain before he was interrupted by a voice. Kai cringed at the voice of the one he so mercilessly wanted to choke at the moment, but slowly turned to him, clear lethargy overtaking his expression. He talked about the girl as if she wasn't even in sight. Why he had came to talk to them was beyond Kai. "We were just about to join you two...thank you very much." He replied before turning back to Faith as he kicked himself off the tree's trunk. "I'd love to explain it to you as we walk...if you'd like to join us, that is." Kai replied, gesturing to the sky.
Erica seemed to be getting impatient. She had an annoyed expression on her face, and she had begun to slowly spread her wings. With a quick flick of her wings, she had shot into the air and was flying away at a high speed. In about 5 minutes, she was already over the horizon, and was gone from sight. Naiko flew next to her, flashing her confused looks as if saying:

"What are you doing?! Go back to the others!"

She side glanced at him, than looked away, deciding to ignore the looks the bat was flashing her.

Erica flapped her wings a little harder, beginning to pick up more and more speed.

"They'll catch up." She snarled to the bat, who immediately shut up at her random outburst. Her red eyes were glowing brightly, and there was a flicker of anger in her gaze. What had made her so mad? She had just realized that Kai probably didn't even care if she left or not. The only reason he was staying was because she wanted him to. She clenched her fists until they turned white.

Forcefully, she flapped her wings so hard that they were practically just a black blur. The thought of Kai not caring made her anger turn into fury, and there was nothing that could calm her down now. She was just going to have to fly it off.

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