Star's Mirror RP

Erica watched the scenes, even though it seemed Xander didn't want them to. Each one of the scenes made her bite her lip and struggle not to cry. His life was sort of like hers.. Just not as fancy as his. She had to kill her mother, because she had gone insane. And her father? He left Erica when she needed him the most.

"It's okay, Erica. I'll be right back." ​He had told her, hugging her and than pulling away. She reached for his hand, but missed.

"Dad! Promise me you'll come back?" She called out to him when he was a few feet away. He looked back at her, smiling.

"I promise.." He said, and than was gone. He never came back.

Once the scenes were over, she looked away, a tear running down her face.

"I know how you feel.." She murmured, glancing up at Xander. The bat stared at her, a sad look on his face.

"I had to kill my mother because she had gone insane.. And my father left me for dead.." She said in a shaky voice, looking back down to the ground. Her eyes were no longer glowing. They were a dark red color, as if remembering something.

Than she realized, that's why she didn't want Kai to leave in the first place. She didn't want another person walking away from her like that.

She looked towards Kai for a moment, looking away after a few moments. She hoped he understood why she didn't want him to leave.
Kai slowly looked up from the ground once the blur of light had slowly descended back into Xander's pocket. He might've not seen it all, but he heard crystal clear. Looking back now, maybe they shouldn't have given the kid such grief, eariler. But that still doesn't change the fact that he had tried to hurt Naiko. Kai felt for the kid, he just didn't want to feel sorry for someone because of their past, especially since this view of his past was by default. He had no control over it, the crystal projected it, not him.

He didn't know what to say. Should he say anything at all. It probably wasn't worth it because nothing anyone could say could actually change what's already happened. Kai's past is something he learned to forget so it wouldn't bring him into a position such as this. Though at time, small glimpses escape from his memory lock, he still pushes it away. Back to the scene, He cleared his throat, crossing his arms as he watched the two sprawl in their painful memories.

When Erica had looked back at him, he simply turned his gaze from her, back onto the ground once again, avoiding eye contact. He knew that look explained why she didn't want him to leave earlier. Now he felt bad, but how was he to know?
Erica noticed Kai had looked down when she looked at him, and she wondered why. Her eyes glanced to the side, becoming a bright red color again as she snapped out of the sad trance she was in. She looked back to them, about to say something, until Naiko interrupted her.

He was squeaking furiously and flicking his ears from left to right, as if hearing something.

"What is it?" She asked quietly, trying to pick up what sound Naiko was hearing, but she found none. A confused look dawned on her face as she looked around the area, wondering what Naiko was freaking out about.

All of a sudden, the tiny bat took off into the sky, disappearing in seconds. Her eyes widened and she spread her wings, prepared to follow the bat. She glanced at Xander and Kai, flashing them an apologetic look before taking off into the sky. She was gone in the blink of an eye, vanishing into the dark clouds after the bat. She was soon right behind Naiko, turning left and right furiously. The bat was flying as fast as he could go, still flicking his ears.

"Naiko! What are you doing?!" She exclaimed as it began to rain heavily. This wasn't good.. If this was a thunderstorm, there was sure to be lightning in these clouds. She shivered a bit as the rain fell even harder, and she heard a loud rumble sound. This was a storm, and they were right in the middle of it.

She now had no idea where Naiko was flying, and where they were.

"Naiko!" She screeched out, hovering in the air and looking frantically around as she tried to find the bat. She was stuck in a cloud, and there was nothing but gray fog everywhere. She saw a flash, and a fork of lightning leaped out of the dark clouds, striking the ground. It wasn't to far from where she was.

"Damn it.. Just great. This is what I get for following a bat." She muttered angrily to herself, beginning to fly forward quickly. She shot through the dark clouds, stopping occasionally to listen for Naiko. But she heard nothing but rain and thunder.

Muttering to herself irritably, she shot forward again. Another fork of lightning shot out of the clouds, this time directly in front of her. The sudden flash alarmed her, making her wings flail wildly. She suddenly stopped flying, and dropped towards the ground below. It felt like someone was pushing on her wings, keeping her from flying at all. Right before she hit the ground, her wings suddenly spread out wide, and she swooped up quickly.

She stopped flying, completely soaked from the rain. She panted in exhaustion, putting a hand on her chest to try and stop her rapid beating heart.

"Where the hell did Naiko go..?" She asked herself, looking around the area. Her eyes widened as she realized she had no idea where she was.
"I could help with that." replied Xander. He appeared next to Erica. All traces of the episode with the crystal were gone. His clothes were in immaculate condition, his face was no longer contorted in fear, and the tears were gone as well. "I can sense exactly where the crystal is at any given time."
Erica looked up, surprised Xander had appeared by her in such little time.

"Naiko.. He's gone.." She said, breathing heavily as she tried to regain her breath back. Her wings ached with exhaustion, making them droop a little bit. Whenever Erica flew to much, or for to long, it made her wings sore. Her wings were very strong, but probably not as strong as Kai's.

Her red eyes glanced back to Xander, noticing that his clothes were now clean, and he didn't look sad anymore.

"How did you-" She started to ask, but was cut off by a loud rumble of thunder. Her ears throbbed from the huge noise, and she cringed a little bit. She stood up straight, ignoring the pain that shot through her wings as she spread them out, prepared to take off in flight.

She looked over to Xander, wondering if he was going to stop her.

"I need to find Naiko. I'll look all night if I have to." She said in a stubborn tone, searching the dark sky. Another flash of lightning shot down, making her wince. Shaking her head, she regained herself, and quickly took off into the sky, calling Naiko's name loudly.

After about 20 minute of searching, she found no sign of the bat. She hovered in the middle of the dark cloud, looking around frantically. A shot of pain ran through her wings, and she gasped as her wings gave out. She struggled to spread out her wings like before and catch herself, but she couldn't. Her wings had completely given up.

She fell straight down to the ground, closing her eyes and bracing herself for extreme pain.
Kai had rushed up into the sky once he saw Erica freefalling from the sky. He couldn't let her fall to her demise. Just as he had spread his wings, he pushed up against the air below and took off. She seemed to be falling awfully fast but it was nothing he couldn't handle. A few seconds before she could hit the ground, he reached out and caught her, mid-air.

"Geez, Erica. It's like you want to give me a heart attack!" Kai exclaimed as he flew back over to the ground and gently set her down.

"Are you alright?" He asked. Looking her over for wounds. By the way she was falling, it looked like she was shot down or something. Perhaps her wings locked? That happens a lot to Kai when he flies around too long without rest. He's pretty strong, but he's also pretty human.
Xander saw the girl fly off in the wrong direction and sighed. 'She is never going to find him in that direction. She will, however, exhaust herself in this storm. Perhaps I should warn her. No. I shan't. But, I will retrieve the bat.' he thought. Xander then turned in the opposite direction to the way Erica flew off. Within minutes he had located the bat, which had begun to show signs of infection. 'Great. Another body rejecting the healing. Not all crystals are detrimental!' he thought with exasperation. He turned to the bat, tapped it on the forehead, and in a blink of its eyes, it was back to normal. It seemed like the bat understood what Xander had done for it, and it began to squeak happily and fly around him. It eventually settled onto his shoulder and nuzzled itself into his scarf. "Hey, be careful with the scarf!" he shouted, but gave up because the bat was resting after its ordeal. "God, I must look crazy to talk to this bat... But, then, who is actually sane enough to care?' he thought with morbid mirth. He carefully followed the boy, Kai's trail - 'That guy just leaves traces everywhere.' - and found the scene. Just as he had thought, Erica had fallen, and Kai, ever the hero, had saved her. He decided to make his presence known by politely clearing his throat.
Instead of feeling the hard ground breaking every bone in her body, she felt hands suddenly pick her up. She reopened her eyes in confusion, looking up to see Kai. She sighed, relieved he had came instead of just watching her fall to the ground below. When he set her down, she was a bit wobbly, but she quickly regained herself.

"I'm fine.. My wings just gave out." She looked behind her at the black drooping wings, a bit of worry in her eyes. She looked back up to the dark sky, fighting to urge to go look for Naiko. She wanted to so badly. Even if she knew her wings would give out again.

She glanced back to Kai, hoping she didn't scare him to badly.

"Sorry.." She murmured quietly, scratched the back of her head nervously. She spread her wings again, and they shook slightly from the effort. It almost seemed as if she had used all her strength.

"I-I need to find Naiko." She said stubbornly, prepared to take off in flight again as she watched yet another flash of lightning.

But she quickly stopped herself as she heard the familiar squeaking sound of the bat. She whipped around to see Xander, and Naiko on his shoulder. She sighed in relief, her wings drooping again. She really was exhausted.

"Naiko." She said softly, and the bat immediately flew back to her, landing on her shoulder and nuzzling her neck. She smiled a bit. scratching the top of his head.

"How did you find him?" She asked, obviously happy Xander had found the bat.
"I told you I could sense where all the crystals are. However, there has been a slight complication." he began. After a pause, he continued, "Your bat's body is assuming that the crystal is detrimental to the bat's health and is rejecting based on the composition of the crystal. However, that crystal is actually keeping your bat's wing on. To further complicate matters, the crystal is too strong to be rejected, so the bat simply gains increasing levels of infection as it fights. But, if the fight goes on for too long, the crystals, which you have, by now, inferred are sentient, will voluntarily detach itself from the bat. Not only will the wing fall off, but the bat will die. You see, the crystal has transformed your bat. On the outside, it looks normal. On the inside, its nervous system, respiratory system, heart, and brain are all crystalline. I'm sure you can understand the implications of what I have said." he said without a hint of remorse. "There is only one person who can keep the infection at bay, the one person who can control the crystals completely, to a degree - that person is me" he stated plainly.
The moment he said 'slight complication', her smile had faded almost immediately. She looked over to him curiously, raising an eyebrow and listening carefully. Her eyes widened a little bit, glancing over to Naiko, who seemed to be falling asleep. She couldn't imagine herself without this bat. It was all she had left.

"So.. If you touch him, he will be alright?" She asked softly, understanding the rest he had said. She just didn't understand how he would heal Naiko exactly. She glanced over to Kai again, quickly looking away as Naiko squeaked softly. She looked back to the bat, wondering where he had gone off to in the first place.

The bat made a face at her, and she couldn't help but giggle softly. Naiko was almost like a human, he just couldn't talk. She's always wondered how he became that way.
"Yes, but not forever. I'd have to have periodic contacts. Even then, sporadically, he will show signs of infection. After all, I said I could control the crystals to a degree. No... I'd have to travel with you if your wish is for that bat to continue to live." he finished.
Kai crossed his arms and just shrugged. This really didn't concern him so he figured Xander was just looking for consent from Erica, since it is in Naiko's behalf. Xander or no Xander, he wanted to continue looking for that cave and by the pace they were currently moving, that'll take a while. But then again, he can't really rush her without coming off as rude, as if that hasn't already happened before. He's already seen the emotionally unstable side of Erica and Kai wishes to never encounter that again.

Waiting for them to come to a compromise, Kai waited to the side, folding in his wings once again as the chain around his ankle rattled at his tapping foot.
Erica nodded slowly, looking over to the bat on her shoulder, who seemed to be making yet another face, except this time, at Xander. He was sticking his tongue out and flapping his wings. Erica smiled, biting her lip to keep herself from laughing to hard.

"I guess that's okay.." She murmured softly, flashing Kai a look before turning her gaze back to Xander.

"Just don't hurt anybody else like you did before." She suddenly snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. Naiko also crossed his small arms, frowning at Xander. Erica glanced over to the bat, noticing he looked sort of angry for some reason.

She nudged his head with her finger, and he squeaked in surprise, flying into the air and landing on top of Kai's head. Erica chuckled a bit, walking over to Kai slowly and reaching her hand up, grabbing the bat away from him. She flashed him a grin before turning away and padding back to where she was.

"So.. Do you know some place we could stay? Like a cave of some sort?" She asked Xander, tilting her head.
Xander took a moment to sense the area in a ten mile radius. "There are no caves in a ten mile radius." he said solemnly. "However, if you trust me, I can create a temporary abode out of pure crystal. As long as you don't touch it with your bare skin, you'd be safe." he mentioned.
Erica cringed a bit, not liking the sound of that idea. It would be nice to have a cave, but it would be to risky for that to happen.

"Well, you can make one if you want, but I'm going to be sleeping outside." She said, looking over to Kai to see what he would say. It's not like she was going to be sleeping anyways. She was nocturnal. She should of been sleeping right than. But it didn't really matter anyways.

She sighed, looking down at the floor. They probably wouldn't know, but Erica likes to fly at night. So when they went to sleep, she would be out flying with Naiko. It's a habit really. She can't help it.

She let out a long sigh, leaning against the tree behind her. She was pretty tired, but lately she just ignored it. She never really got any sleep anyways.
"Suit yourself." Aster touched a rather tall tree and crystallized it instantly. Then, he willed the crystal core of the ground beneath his feet to push him up. Suddenly, a column of gleaming ping crystal erupted out of the ground, propelling Aster to the top of the tree. The column stopped at the highest branch. Aster lazily stepped off, balancing himself without any effort, and sat down with his back against the crystallized tree. He was facing the crystal ocean, so neither Erica nor Kai could see if he was sleeping or not. In reality, he was staring out at the moon and the vast expanse of emptiness. 'This is what the world is now. A barren wasteland, no different from the moon.' he though bitterly.
Erica watched him sit up on top of the tree and lay back on one of the branch's. With a huff of irritation, she spread out her wings and flew over to a tree that was about 20 feet away from Xander. She did the same thing, laying on the top branch and staring up at moon. She was waiting for Kai and Xander to fall asleep so that she could take off and fly around a bit. Nighttime always made her feel relaxed and calm. But it was normal since she was bonded with a bat.

She glanced over to Kai, wondering where he was going to sleep. Probably the same as everyone else. She let out a deep sigh, closing her eyes and pretending to fall asleep. In about 20 minutes, she would take off and come back in the morning as if she were there the whole time.

Once she had thought they had fallen asleep, she stood up on the branch, and spread her long bat wings. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and shooting into the air. She flapped her wings smoothly, shooting through the air. She was more graceful, and more silent than before. She turned to the side, flying straight towards the bright moon. Naiko flapped slowly behind, squeaking and twirling rapidly. She grinned a little bit at him, looking forward again and closing her eyes in relaxation.
Looking around, he watched silently as the two dispersed. One left for his crystallized tree while the other flew away to another a ways back. Kai didn't want to be the one left in the center of the "group" so he decided to walk ahead, looking for his own place to sleep. Though a tree would've been much more suitable, he figured he'd sleep elsewhere for the night, well, what's left of it that is.

Kai walked up to a large trunk toed tree that had a burrowed like nest at the bottom of it. Kai crouched down and took a look through the hollow truck, it looked empty and safe enough but he wasn't aiming to sleep within the tree, just use is as a straddle like ditch. He didn't have enough time for sleep so he'd settle for anything at the moment and at the moment, it looked pretty comfortable.

Ruffling his wings a bit, Kai fit his body between the tree and the forest ground, sprawling in a comfortable position. Before he knew it, a yawn escaped his lips as he shook his head and closed his eyes, preparing for his slumber.
Xander noticed Erica's exit. 'How troublesome. What if the bat goes insane again. I suppose I should follow.' he thought. He gets up and steps off the branch. However, instead of falling, another gleaming column of crystal shoots up, and he steps onto it. He begins to run nonchalantly, hands in his pockets, in the direction that the girl flew. As he went, when he stepped off of a column it sank back into the ground, and a new one rose to take his next step. He looked like he was walking on air - besides the columns of pure crystal. His enhanced speed allowed him to catch up to her, and he slowed to a walk. He was actually enjoying the wind in his hair. His fedora was clenched in his left hand to keep it from flying off. "Where do you think you're going?" he said directly into her ear. She hadn't even sensed his presence.
(Sorry guys xD I had to give my laptop to my lil bro for an hour.)

Erica took a deep breath, flapping her wings gracefully and shooting through the air. However, when someone whispered in her ear, she snapped out of the relaxing trance she was in, and her eyes opened. She hovered in midair, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.

"What do you think? I'm nocturnal.. I can't sleep at night." She said in an irritated voice, flapping her wings smoothly as she looked over to him. Her eyes were glowing abnormally in the darkness as she stared towards him. She let out a long sigh, turning towards the big moon that was hanging in the sky. She closed her eyes for a moment, relaxing as a cold air blew through her hair.

Naiko was flying around furiously, trying to catch a fat moth, but he kept missing. She opened her eyes, watching the bat with amusement.

She turned back to Xander, arching an eyebrow.

"Why did you follow me out here?" This time her voice was soft, unlike the stubborn voice she had before.
Xander lazily flicked his hand out without looking. It seemed as if he struck at thin air, but then the moth that Naiko had been trying to catch fell into Naiko's mouth, perfectly entombed in pure green crystal. "That bat is important to you. However, even though you want to, you can't protect it because of something out of your hands. I couldn't protect my sister because of the infection. I don't want you to have bury the last thing that is important to you... because when you do that, you'll also be burying the remainder of your sane soul. You'll end up like me. Trust me, no one would voluntarily want to be like me. Did Kai tell you about my condition?" he asked.
Erica glanced over to Naiko, who happily flew over to her with the crystal moth in his moth. He sat on her shoulder, gnawing on the moth's head persistently. A flicker of sorrow burned in her red eyes as she stared at the tiny bat and listened to Xander at the same time.

"No.. Kai did not tell me about your condition.." She murmured softly, flapping her wings a little faster as she hovered next to him. She felt the tiring ache appear in her wings, and she couldn't help but settle herself on the pillar of crystalline Xander was standing. She was careful not to brush her skin against him, or the pillar.

She continued to stare forward at the moon, her eyes clouded with an unknown emotion. She folded her long bat wings on her back neatly, glancing behind her at Xander. She was wondering what his condition was exactly.. He seemed to be bonded with something.. But what?

She pushed the thoughts out of her head, and waited for him to respond.
"When I was keeping my sister alive, we stayed in the palace of the European Empire because we were the sole heirs to the throne. Since there were no animals around, the infection bonded me with the crystals themselves. When she died, I tried to join her in death. But... I couldn't. I tried stabbing myself, suffocation, snapping my neck, breaking my bones, drinking poison, incinerating myself, falling from tall heights, decapitation, dismemberment, disembowelment, and even lobotomy. Nothing worked." he said with a sad shake of his head. "I am the cliched case of the immortal who wants to die to be with those he cares about. And yet, I find that cliche to be more and more true every day." Xander said with a bitter laugh.
Erica listened to him speak, her eyes widening when he told her the ways he tried to kill himself. She turned towards him fully, her eyes once again a bright red again. She understood why he did it though. She would have done the same thing..

"I'm.. I'm sorry about you're sister.." She said in a soft voice, flashing him a sad look. Naiko flew off her shoulder and placed the half-eaten moth in the middle of his palm, flashing him a wide grin before flying back to Erica.

She looked down at what Naiko had put in his hand, and she couldn't help but laugh. She quieted down after a few moments, her gaze returning back to Xander. After a little bit, she glanced away.

"Sorry about Naiko.." She said, reaching to grab to crystal moth of his hand, but she stopped herself. She must have forgotten about his condition.

Quickly, she pulled her hand away, and pretended that hadn't happened.

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