Star's Mirror RP

Kai watched as Erica's ears twitched at some sound that he hadn't heard. He didn't feel bad that he hadn't heard it or anything but he was wondering just how good her hearing was. Note to self: Don't mumble in front of Erica.Come to think of it, since she's bonded with a bat, she can hear sounds nobody else can and since Kai is part Hawk, he can see things others can't. They make a pretty good team...not that he planned on traveling with her forever. He just needed a place to stay for the night and she seemed like she was collected and resourceful.

As she came back down with the deer at hand, she walked back to a pit, making a fire. He could've happily done that for her but she seemed like she didn't need much help at the moment. Although he would've recommended dead grass over moss to grow the fire, he decided not to bug her about it. She had asked him something and unfortunately, he had to shake his head a "no".

"No, I do not. Sorry. But I do have my Sai." He said, holding one of them up.

"They work just as good." He offered.
Elseroy noticed that she was not speaking entirely to him,but to something else.He turned his as he noticed a humanoid looking being in the distance,then he remembered what he was doing before,and started to speed up in his flight,"FLY AWAY!!"He screamed as he tried his hardest to get away from the thing that was closing in on them.The being had stopped for a moment,then got in a track set stance,then launched itself on all fours.On all fours,it appeared more feral,but as it came in to vision it appeared human and feminine.The girl,on all fours,slowly started to gain on them.
Erica nodded slowly, holding out her hand and tilting her head a bit more.

"It'll have to do for now. Do you mind?" She said, flashing him a sheepish grin before motioning towards the dead deer beside her. She needed something to cut it open with, and since she didn't have a knife, she would have to use his Sai to do it instead.

She shuddered a little bit in disgust, not at all happy that she had to cut open a deer and empty it's insides out. Her eyes widened a bit, realizing she didn't actually know what part of the deer was edible.

"Kai.. Uh.. Do you know what part of the deer is edible?" She asked softly, embarrassment flickering in her red gaze. Naiko squeaked loudly, flying up into the air and catching a fat moth. He ate it in one bite, and than flew back to Erica, looking happy as usual.
She didn't know what part of a deer was edible and yet she had managed to kill it as if she knew what to do with it? Kai gave a slight chuckle and nodded, noticing the disgusted look on her face. She didn't seem too pleased to gut the deer so he felt like he should cut her some slack and do it himself. Just in case he followed through with his plan on leaving the next day, he figured he should give her a tip to go off with.

"Yeah. Of course you need to gut the deer first, intestines and the stomach are no good. The meat will get you sick." he stated as he kneeled beside the dead creature, waving her down beside him as he takes his Sai and penetrates the lower abdomen, dragging the sharp edge across the lower chest area. It wasn't easy but he got to it, blood spewing almost instantly onto the ground.

"You always go for the leg, thigh, rib, breast and back meat. Those are the main areas. Avoid the head and neck." Kai instructed.
Erica sat beside him, almost immediately leaping up when the blood began flowing out towards her. She looked a little embarrassed at her random jump, but she quickly went back to listening. She watched carefully, wincing a bit as he continued to cut at the chest area.

Not noticing it until moments later, her hand had placed itself on his shoulder, and was squeezing him tightly.

"S-Sorry.." She quickly apologized, removing her hand and taking a step back. She wasn't used to this kind of company. She's been alone for the past 4 months now, so interacting with others feels a bit funny to her right now.

She continued to watch with determination, noting every little detail down in her head. For some reason, she had a strange feeling he wouldn't be staying to long. She tried to convince herself that he would be staying, since he was the first person who was actually normal she had seen in months.

A flicker of emotion ran through her red gaze as she suddenly wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.

"You're leaving. Aren't you?" She asked in a voice that was close to a whisper. Her eyes were no longer staring at the deer, but looking at him.
Kai noticed that Erica tensed up once the blood started to drag out of the dead body. He wondered if she's ever dealt with a dead body before. She's obviously killed before by the way she handled the deer, but the blood had her spooked which confused him. Was she scared of blood? That would be terrible if she were ever to get hurt. Once she had jumped away, Kai couldn't help but frown a bit. He could've sworn this was the same girl threatening to strike him through the heart earlier and yet she was scared of blood.

She held on to his shoulder which he didn't mind at all but he wished she would calm down a bit. It's sorta hard to explain how to prepare a deer when the person is too focused on the blood and guts rather than the concept of eating it later on. Survival was one of Kai's best traits and he's literally do ANYTHING to survive but he felt obligated to help Erica out, she did catch the kill after all.

"It's fine." He answered her before hearing her whisper something. He felt bad and didn't know that his intentions were that obvious. Kai let out a strained cough before clearing his throat.

"Right now? No...I'm still here and I'm trying to help you. Why do you ask?" He asked as he continued gutting the deer. her eyes peered right through his now glowing golden eyes. She seemed almost upset that there was a possibility of him leaving. Why? He had no idea but he sort of understood. When you finally find some help, you sorta wish they'd stay with you in case of trouble or something of that sort. it almost made him feel bad about leaving.
Erica's eyes narrowed, and she took several steps back. Her fists suddenly clenched, and she turned her back to him. Instead of answering his question, she decided to answer his question with a question.

"Tomorrow morning. Is that when you're leaving?" She asked, her tone not as soft as before. It was more.. Stubborn. This was an emotion she expressed when something she didn't want was going to happen.

Being alone again. That's what she didn't want happening. She was tired of just seeing insane people instead of normal. And now that she's finally met someone normal, she wasn't going to let him go so easily.

She noticed he had coughed before replying to her. It was a simple gesture that meant:

"How did you know? Was it that obvious?"

Once again, emotion burned in her bright red gaze as she stared forward.

"Than I am guessing there is no need for me to be here than. I am simply a person you will quickly forget. Am I correct?" She asked, cringing a bit when she realized she sounded a bit like her Father when he left her to die. Her wings on her back began to spread, indicating that she could take off in flight at any moment.

(Oh god xD I didn't mean to make her sound that proper.. Oh well lol)
Kai moved on his Sai from the abdominal area of the deer and started skinning the leg and chest. They didn't need much meat from the looks of it and he was starting to lose his appetite anyway. He didn't understand why she was taking this to heart. She had just met him and she was being so possessive at the moment, it almost made her seem insane. She turned away from him which made him think he had upset her. He had yet to tell her when he's leaving and she's already stating things like he's going to forget her.

What did he look like to her? He was some stranger, simply trying to survive and she's accusing him of things he's never said. Kai was a bit annoyed himself but he didn't want to upset her even further by labeling her "crazy" so he decided not to act on his thoughts. Kai slowly cut off the good meats and shook his head as she spread her wings. He knew she was preparing to fly away and he didn't want that to happen on his account.

"No, no you're not. I never said that. Why are you pinning these accusations on me?" Kai replied just as coldly as he used to be. She was being much more hostile than she was earlier. Why can't she just let it go and just cook up the meat he had already prepared for her. He got back up from the ground and took his Sai, gesturing to the deer meat.

"Your welcome, by the way!" He said before looking for some source of water to wash off his blade.
Erica jumped a bit when he replied in a cold way. She could see why he was beginning to get irritated. She was bugging him and making herself sound like an insane person. But it was completely normal. If you had been alone for several months and had finally met someone that was actually normal, you would probably act crazy too if you found out they were leaving the next day.

Afraid of his response, she did not reply and kept quiet.

Her gaze drifted to the prepared deer meat, and immediately her eyes softened a bit. Her stomach growled hungrily as she walked towards it. She sat down next to the fire, taking a piece of the meat and eating it quickly. Once she was full, she began to walking off, leaving the rest for Kai.

She heard a twig snap, and almost immediately, she froze in place. The bat wings on her head twitched, hearing a muffled voice repeating the same thing over and over again. Quickly, she grabbed her bow, slipped an arrow into the string, and pointed it towards the voice.

"Who's there?"

No reply. The voice stopped, and she heard soft footsteps beginning to get louder and louder. The person began repeating what they were saying again.

"Pretty, pretty, lady. Pretty, pretty, lady.."
She heard a voice repeat in a crazed tone. In the middle of each sentence, she heard the person cackle insanely and continue repeating.

The figure finally appeared in front of her, and she tightened her grip on the bow. It was a young man, no older than 20 years old. He had foam around his mouth, and he was slightly hunched over. He continued repeating, stopping when he was a few feet in front of her. His eyes and hands twitched continually when she got a good look at him.

"Well hello there.. Aren't you a pretty lady.. Pretty, pretty, lady.." He suddenly began screaming at her, bursting out in a random fit of laughter. He took a sloppy step towards her, chuckling to himself quietly.

"Why are you so far away? Come closer."

She cringed, pulling the string back to her ear.

"Don't come near me." She said in a calm tone. The man just cackled, taking three more steps towards her.

"Don't be afraid.. I don't bite to hard."

All of a sudden he lunged for her, trying to bite her arm. She smacked his mouth away just in time, scrambling away. She shot an arrow, but missed, and it hit his stomach instead of his heart. He laughed crazily, ignoring the pain and beginning to run at her again.

"You can't run from me.. You're mine now." He said, grabbing a hold of her wrist and licking her fingers.

"NO!" She screamed, kicking him away and running off again. She shot another arrow, and this time, it lodged deep into his forehead, killing him. She sighed in relief, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart.
After about five minutes or so, Kai had finally found his way to a small running brook. It looked clean enough to him but it's not like he wanted his Sai to be sanitary, he just felt like his victims needed something to look at when they're close to death. Appearance is what it's all about, after all. Bending down towards the small stream, Kai took both his Sai and dipped them into the waters, laying them upon the rocks that lay below.

He used his hands to rinse away the dirt and blood to a nice clean shine. Once he had cleaned off his Sai, he used the hem of his shirt to dry them off, settling them both back into the knife holsters that were hooked onto his belt. Kai then reached into the stream and took a handful of water and splashed some on his face, washing off all the dirt he had carried with him through the day. He then dragged some water over his arms and with that, he got back up to his feet and dipped them in one at a time. It probably wouldn’t do much but it did sooth the few cuts, rinsing away the dirt beneath his talons.

Before he could thoroughly rinse off his right foot, he heard a scream and the first thought that came to his mind was Erica. Without a second thought, he dashed towards the scream, dodging the trees that were laid out before him. It wasn’t even that long that he’d been gone and she’s already in trouble. Arriving at the scene, Kai laid against a tree as he took a breath, eyes wandering to the dead body. Kai then looked back to Erica, walking over.

“What…what happened? Are you alright?” He asked in concern.
Erica took a deep breath, her heart beginning to return to it's normal pace. She turned her gaze towards Kai, than looked down, nodding slowly.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She murmured, checking herself over just in case the man had bitten her and she didn't notice. She sighed again in relief when she found no evidence of a single scratch or bite.

She was a little surprised Kai had even came. The last time she checked, he was mad at her for acting insane. She wondered if he still felt the same. She met his gaze for a few moments, seeing concern in his eyes. It looked like he had forgotten about it..

"I don't think these woods are very safe.. There could be more like him." She said in a soft tone, looking down at the dead body that laid in front of her. She walked over to it, yanking out the two arrows that still remained in the lifeless body. She flicked the blood off the tips, than glanced over to Kai once more. She stared at him for a few moments, not saying a word. But than she suddenly looked away and began padding back to the fire.

Truthfully, she didn't know what else to say to him. She didn't even know if he was still mad at her or not.
Kai didn't know what else to say. Why had he even ran back there? She seemed like she had everything under control. She honestly didn't need his help, it seems. So why was she so upset about the thought of him leaving a while ago? He understood that it could get lonely after a while but you should settle for what you have just as long as you can survive. She seemed like she had the resources to survive and she certainly had the skills to survive.

Still, Kai felt kinda bad for lashing out on her like that. All she needed was a little bit of company but he didn't like being accused like that and he certainly didn't like being approached with a hostile attitude. If she wanted him to stay, all she needed to do was say so but it seemed like her pride or shyness got the best of her. Kai watched as she yanked the arrows out of the corpse, flicking the blood off the metallic-like stone shard ends. His hand moved away from his holster and dropped his arm to his side once she had made her way back to the fire. He had completely lost his appetite at this point so he didn't even bother to look over at the deer meat that had been laid out.

Should I say something? No, she'll probably just yell at you again. Keep your mouth shut! Kai mentally fought with himself, but before he could make up his mind, his feet began to move him in the direction of Erica. He forced himself to stop but he didn't. Reaching out, he gently grabbed Erica's arm and put her to a stop. At first, no words would escape his frown plastered lips. He tried to say something but it wouldn't come out so it felt like an eternity had passed before the words decided to finally come out.

"I'm not mad at you...Erica." He replied with a sigh. Shut up!

"I...just didn't know you would be that upset if I left." This time he let go of her arm and veered in front of her, looking her right in her glowing red eyes.

"I can stay. I'll stay if you just gotta say it. Do you want me to stay?" Kai asked, slowly.

"Well, maybe not in these woods, but you know what I mean."
Iris was loosing speed fast, she could only go so far without pushing her heart so much it would explode. She had to come to a jog and catch her breath, realizing how fast the girl was coming in on them, she was high-tailing it! Iris, didnt know where to go, she was completley out of energy and couldnt flee away yet again. She had no choice but to stand and fight. So Iris, using her antlers she recieve from the star, got into a buck-like fight stance, ready to ram the girl when she got close enough. Iris heart seemed to beat even move fast then when she was running and it was even painful for her. her green eyes saw the girl approach, she was close enough now. Iris pushed off the ground with her foot and ran straight to the girl, she antlers prepared for the impact.
Xander plodded through the dreary forest in search of food. "How troublesome. The animals just run off when they sense my presence. Perhaps that is a side effect of my mutation." he thought. Bored and irritated at his lack of progress, Xander found a large boulder, brushed of the leaves and dirt with his silk scarf, and sat down. "Ah, but I digress. That is an experiment for another day." he mused. Xander removed what seemed to be a crystal from his coat pocket. When he sat it down on the boulder, the crystal transformed into a gleaming square that had alternating colors of deep reds and majestic greens - a make-shift chess board. "And now, to find the pieces." Xander touched the ground and picked up 32 pebbles. However, when they touched his hand, they turned into the same crystalline state as the board. "What better way to spend my time than to play an intellectual game with the only one who could hope to match me... me." he said with chuckle. A few minutes later, when he was halfway into the game, he muttered, "My, my. I really did underestimate myself this time, didn't I?" Playing as the opposing team, he had expertly trapped his current team in an almost inescapable trap. "Almost." he thought with a sly grin. Just as he was about to make the move to reinvigorate his strategy, he noticed voices that he hadn't heard before. "Oh, how clumsy of me. I was too absorbed to have noticed the disruptions. Although... these voices sound like intelligent creatures, not those moronic infected imbeciles." As an afterthought, he added, "Well, they sound intelligent, relatively speaking. Nothing of my class, though." With a grace and poise that came from years of training as a prince of the now-gone European Empire, Xander stood up. He brushed the now-crystalline pebble onto the ground, converted and pocketed the crystal-board, and proceeded to take long, graceful strides towards the noise. He was in no rush. After all, he'd been fine on his own so far.
Xander approached the scene slowly and quietly. He made no noise thanks to his mutation, not even the sound of his breathing. He saw two figures who seemed to be conversing. He wondered if they were friendly. 'Probability of friendliness: 3.46%.' He stopped, then thought, 'Approximately speaking.' Xander continued around in a spiral to the scene, eventually deciding to take the risk of showing himself to the figures.
(Okay, lemme do that again....)

Before Kai could get an answer out of Erica, his ears perked up at the sound of shuffling feet on the leaf covered forest ground. Could it be another crazed infected? Or another "sane" living mutant? Kai couldn't actually take the risk of walking up to the being without some sort of assurance so his hands fell to the Sai perched on the holsters on his sides. Looking over Erica's shoulder, Kai tensed up a bit at the many terrible scenarios running through his mind. On the side of it being an infected, it could be worse. Say, a predator that lurks these woods for prey?

"Get your bow geared up." He whispers to Erica before he slowly slides his Sai out. Kai's wings ruffle behind him as he retracts them from their earlier width.
Xander stalked out of the woods like a menace appearing from the night, his scarf billowing in the wind behind him. He figured beginning the confrontation by being intimidating was the best idea. That way, if he had to, he could make a quick getaway, while the figures were too worried to follow him. He did notice one of them holding a bow, while the other one held twin sai. 'Amending calculations. Probability of friendliness 36.89%' he thought, taking into account that infected don't use weapons like that and that even non-infected had become increasingly hostile to those who threatened their survival.
Kai watched as another guy walked out from out of the cluster of trees and bushes, slowly approaching. He had some sort of a mutated appearance, it was unusual but because of the infection going around, no one is safe from insanity and disease. He nearly let his guard down but regained it when he considered the odds of being duped by appearance. The boy hadn't said a word yet so Kai tensed up. He looked the boy over with his piercingly golden and clear hawk-like eyes. The boy was dirty and looked like crap...but then again, they all did.

"Sick or sane? State your name and business." He knew that anyone out of the right mind would say something ridiculous and most likely appear confused so he carried on with the boy.
The boy seemed intelligent enough to speak. Xander decided to grace him with a response. "My name is my business, and my business is exactly that - my business." He stopped short, about ten feet from the boy. He stood in a relaxed pose, but his muscles were coiled and he was ready to defend himself from any attack. His mind was racing, '... Contingency Plan #674: Dodge thrust, ensnare and break wrist, use momentum and leverage to flip, break his grasp of both the sai, stab once in stomach, heart, throat, and head. Contingency Plan #675:...'
Almost as soon as the boy appeared, Erica had slipped an arrow into the bow, and had pulled the string until it was near her ear. Her eyes narrowed, making sure to shoot the arrow if he did anything to hurt herself, or even Kai.

"What is your name?" She asked in a soft voice, her red eyes looking serious and stern.

Even though she didn't show it on the outside, she really did care about Kai. Truthfully, it didn't matter how long they had known each other for. As long as she got to know someone well enough, she would begin to trust them. Which was something she never did.

She glanced over to Kai, flashing him a look, before turning her gaze back to the boy. He looked.. Different than most people she had seen.. She continued to study him, her eyes searching for anything that seemed suspicious. Than she saw it. The crystal in his pocket.

She took a step back, gripping the string a bit harder.

"That crystal in you're pocket.. You are infected." She closed one eye, shifting the bow until she got an accurate shot in the middle of his forehead. One step closer to them, and she would shoot.
Xander's mind stopped when he heard her accusation. "Me? Infected? Ha, that is a laugh. Maybe you're infected! No, I'm not infected. I can't be infected" he said while chuckling. He began to take brisk steps towards the two, disregarding their drawn weapons.
Eric winced a bit, surprised this boy had been foolish enough to take another step. She gripped the bow harder, trying to convince herself to shoot the next time he took another step towards her and Kai.

"If you're not infected.. Than what is that crystal doing in your pocket? Nobody can touch those things without being turned into a crystal." She accused again, being reckless and taking a step towards him as well.

The small bat on her shoulder squeaked furiously, flying at Xander's face and circling his head in an annoying manner. Erica's eyes widened in fear, quickly calling the bat back.

"NAIKO!" She growled angrily, surprising herself at the irritable tone. She usually never got angry.

Almost as soon as the bat came back to her, the anger in her eyes vanished.

"And you didn't answer my question.. What is your name?" She said it a little louder this time, making sure not to break eye contact with the boy. This boy didn't seem to be a major threat.. But you could never tell now that half the world's population was filled with crazy people and the infected.
"You threaten me with a bow, and you expect me to tell you my name. No, why don't I just do this to prove that I am a dangerous enemy." Xander reached up and touched one of Naiko's wings. Instantly, the bat fell to the ground, it's wing slowly turning to crystal. "What will you do now that your familiar is being turned into a crystal?"

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