Star's Mirror RP

Erica's wings immediately spread behind her, her eyes turning the brightest of reds. She swooped towards him, grabbing the collar of his shirt and slamming him against a tree. However, she did this without touching his skin. She stared straight into his eyes, a look of anger burning deep in her gaze.

"Fix him." She growled, her grip on his shirt tightening as she felt the hot feeling of tears welling up in her eyes. She looked away from him, tears falling from her eyes as she watched the small bat struggle to fly. She watched the crystal continue to grow onto Naiko's wing, her breath feeling like it was caught in her throat.

The bat looked up at her with big eyes, letting out a soft squeak as it's wing was completely turned into crystal.

"No.. FIX HIM!" She suddenly screamed again, whipping her gaze back to Xander's. Tears slipped down her face, her arms beginning to shake as she heard yet another squeak of peril coming from the tiny bat. She couldn't take this any longer..

Letting go of Xander, she gently floated back down next to Naiko, collapsing to her knees beside the small mammal. She picked up Naiko without touching the infected wing, tears continuing to run down her face.

This bat has been with her ever since this all started.. Naiko was the only one that was there for her when she was alone. This bat meant so much to her.. And now, it was all about to be ruined.
Xander brushed the dirt and grime off of his clothes, and he wrapped his scarf a little tighter. He then knelt down beside the girl. "You know there is only one way to fix him." he said with a solemn expression on his face. "You have to amputate that wing. Either you do it, or I will. Choose quickly because I won't act unless you refuse, so if you don't respond, I'll end up having to end him."
Everything was happening a little too quickly for Kai's liking. He didn't know how to react once he saw the clear act of stupidity the boy had just sprung up upon. Kai didn't like seeing Erica this upset, no. In fact, it sort of upset him, angered him. What kind of person does that in the position of threats? She hadn't hurt him has she? It was a simple threat in which he took to heart and now the poor bat has been crystallized. What the hell was he? Never mind that, Naiko was in the process of dying.

Kai's hands subconsciously tighten around his twin Sai, almost about to lunge at the boy but before he could, Erica had attacked instead, ramming him into a tree. he understood she was angry but he's never actually felt the anger she was going through at the moment. She looked as if she could snap his neck in two. Heck! He would've done that himself if he was in her situation. Kai's eyes land on the helpless Naiko, wondering what would happen to him. "Amputate that wing." is all Kai had heard and knew Erica wouldn't go for that since the bat was of clear significance to her.
"But.. He won't be able to fly.. Or.. Do anything!" She exclaimed, her eyes looking desperate as the tiny bat in her hands began to shiver. Her heart practically froze in fear at the thought of Naiko without a wing.. How would she take care of him? Would she have to hand feed him moths? Will she have to carry him everywhere? Tons of thoughts ran through her mind as she stared at the bat. Tears continued to run down her face as she slipped an arrow out from behind her, and gripped it tightly.

With a scared expression, she quickly sliced the wing off with the sharp point of the arrow, trying to ignore the squeaks of pain that came from the bat. Quickly, she took a piece of cloth out from behind her and wrapped it around the bat's wing, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Now.. Stay away from me." She murmured in an angered tone, placing Naiko in the middle of her palm and backing away from Xander. She had a look of hatred in her eyes as she glared at him.
Xander picked up the bat's wing from the forest floor. He smirked quickly at the two, and then used his enhance speed to grab Naiko away from Erica. "And what if I were to do this?" He put Naiko down on a rock and unraveled the bandage. He ignored the squeaks of pain emitted from the creatures mouth. He had long since lost the guilt and sadness that comes from crying. He put the amputated wing and the bloody stump close together on the rock. Then, without hesitation, he forcefully pushed the wing and the bat's stump together, causing increased bleeding and a loud cry of pain to squeak out of the animal.
Erica clenched her fists until they turned white, staring at the ground. She looked up, anger pouring into her mind as she whipped around and punched Xander straight in the face, causing him to knock over onto his back. She slammed a foot onto his neck, and pushed down hard on his throat.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! Stay the f*ck away from him!" She snarled loudly, pushing her foot harder against his throat. She was on the verge point of snapping this boy's neck. Right here and now. She was tired of this boy's attitude, and she about to completely explode if he tried anything else. She flashed him a nasty glare before quickly picking up Naiko and floating over to Kai, new tears beginning to appear in her eyes.

"Stupid bastard.." She murmured, her voice cracking slightly as she stared down at the bat. She really hated seeing the ones she cared about most in pain.
Xander was not pleased. But, then, he couldn't blame the girl. He stood up, brushed himself off again, and, while rubbing his throat, he said, "Well, that is a nice hook you've got their. Although, you should know about all the strengths and weaknesses of an opponent before you attack. Sure, you are very fast... but, strength is not a strong point, and I've got plenty of that." he said with a smirk. "However, that isn't the point. Look at your bat's wing now." he said. He gestured with his eyes for her to stop glaring at him and do as he had asked.
Pft. Strength is not a strong point. She's got the speed and I got the strength. Mess with her again and I'll murder you! Kai thought once the boy got to his feet again. Kai was unsettled and even more tense than earlier, ready to attack if the boy continued to mess with Erica. The last thing they needed was another insane being after them. He knew more than anything that the boy was probably after the cave as well. Kai looked back at Erica, noticing the many tears flowing from her eyes. She looked so upset, it almost looked unreal. He hadn't seen tears in a long while but it still had some sort of affect on him, apparently.

Naiko's squeaking also ringed a pain in his ear but he tried to keep his cool. The boy had messed with the wrong set of people. Last thing Kai needed was to kill something again, it's not pretty once he's in the homicidal zone. He turns into something different, something feral. Coldness surrounded him as he tried to keep calm.
Erica shook her head, spreading her long bat wings and staring towards the sky with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Just.. Leave me alone.. You've done enough." She murmured, shooting into the sky in a quick flash. She flapped her wings furiously as she tried to get away from it all. This was happening so fast for her.. When she looked down at Naiko, he was shriveled up in her hand, shivering a bit.

"I'm sorry.. Naiko." She said quietly, the bat looking up when she said his name. He let out a soft squeak, and than rested his head back on her fingers. The squeak make her heart feel like it was breaking into smithereens, and she sobbed quietly.

She slowed down once she had gotten pretty far away. She landed, spreading out her wings as her feet touched the ground. She immediately fell to her knees, trying to keep herself from crying to hard. She really hated crying in front of others.. It made her feel weak and alone.
"You there." Xander called, aiming to talk to the boy. Kai looked murderous, but it was understandable. This was Xander's true goal to push everyone away so no one would get hurt. "I suppose you're looking for the cave as well. Don't worry, I won't stop you. It is already too late for me... in more ways than one. Go ahead, try to kill me. Do your worst with those sai. It won't work. I've tried... blades through the heart, the head, the throat. I attempted decapitation, suffocation, dismemberment, and disembowelment Heck, I even gave lobotomy a go. None of it worked. The crystals won't let me die. Even if the cave exists, it does no good to me. I am forever one with the crystals and they are part of me." he said with a scowl and more than a hint of self-loathing.
Kai slowly turned towards the boy, a serious grimace plastered on his face. He honestly would've ripped the boy into shreds for what he had done. She didn't deserve that, Naiko didn't deserve that. Kai was once like the boy but figured there was enough hope for him that he needed no longer to live a cold and rash life. Always upset, angry, violent. It did no good for him so he tried to let it all go. Returning to his thoughts once more, he looked over the boy, pitying his existence.

The part that made him sorry for him was the fact that he's actually tried to rid himself. Kai'd gladly do him the favor but if what the boy was saying is true, then there was honestly no use in wasting his energy on trying to kill him. Kai's hands stood stiff at the hilts of his Sai. Come to think of it, he didn't feel any remorse for the boy, he simply pitied his lack of hope.

"You'd never know if you haven't tried." Kai replies gruffly before taking air himself. He went off to go find Erica. It seems like an eternity has passed before he had last taken air, his jet black wings almost blended in with the sky. He could probably find her, but what if she didn't want to be found? Spotting her at last, Kai lands a few meters behind, figuring he shouldn't just rush in like that. Kai walked the rest of the way and stood behind Erica.

"I'm sorry..." Is all that left his lips before his jaw locked again.
Xander pondered his words. "Hmm, he may be smarter than he looks. I suppose hope is something I haven't felt since..." He fell to his knees, choking on the air. All he could think was 'Her' and 'What have I done?" He raced to the location of the girl, using his enhanced senses to track her effortlessly, even through the very air she'd flown through. He arrived just as the boy, Kai, said sorry. However, it was his fault. Xander stepped out of the shadows and said, "No. There is no need for you to apologize. This... all of this... was my fault. And it is mine alone to fix."
Erica froze when she heard Kai come up behind her. The first thing she thought was that it was that boy coming back to finish her, but when she glanced behind her, it was Kai. She stared at him for a moment, than glanced away as another tear slid down her face.

"Don't be.." She murmured to him, wiping away a few tears with the back of her hand. Naiko sat up in her palm, a little wobbly as he tried to regain his balance. Luckily, he did, and he stared at Erica with big eyes, as if waiting for her to do something.

She stared at the bat for a moment, and than stood up from where she had fallen to her knees, turning to Kai. She honestly had no idea what to say to him, she just stared.

Finally, she glanced away, trying not to cry again.

"That bastard isn't following us is he?" She asked quietly, vowing she would snap Xander's neck if he even came near Naiko again. The small bat wings on her head twitched, trying to pick up the sound of any nearby footsteps. And as she expected, there was Xander right in front of them again.

Hatred burned in her eyes, and she whipped away from the boy, prepared to fly off again. But she stopped herself, wanting to know what he had to say first.
"Look at your bat's wing, I mean really look." Xander said. When he had pushed the wing back onto the bat, he had created a hairline set of crystals to reconnect the bat and its wing. "It will be a little imbalanced, but it can still fly. Of course, I could fix the imbalance if you gave me an arrow so I could..." he said. Moments later, he added, "Just kidding, I wouldn't do that again. I swear... on my sister's memory." His voice grew very solemn when he mentioned his sister. 'Damn, I can't even think of... her, much less her name.' he thought as he began to choke on his words again. His sister had meant everything to him.
Kai was honestly irritated at this point, why couldn't he just leave her alone? Then, Xander's words stopped him from saying anything further. Stepping away a bit, Kai let him put in a few words to settle the little quarrel. Maybe the apology won't do a thing but it was worth a shot. But so help me, if he is so much as to put a finger on her...I'll attack, immortal or not. Kai thought to himself as he let the boy be.

Erica looked as if she was prepared to fly away but he knew she wouldn't just run away from her problems like that. Besides, it's not like Xander was in a hostile position at the moment. Looking back to Naiko as Xander had told Erica to do, he noticed that he was telling the truth. Kai was too angry to notice it earlier but he saw it now. He also noticed something else, Xander seemed a bit off. Like something was hurting him. Kai shook the thought away and looked back to Erica, waiting for her reaction.
Erica glanced towards Xander, a look of doubt on her face. But when she turned her gaze back to the bat, he was hovering right in front of her face with a happy grin on his face. Not able to help herself, a smile crept onto her face, obviously very happy that Naiko was back to normal. The bat squeaked loudly, flicking his big ears and widening his grin.

Erica sighed in relief, scratching the top of the bat's head. Than all of a sudden, anger flashed in her gaze as she whipped towards Xander.

"I cannot believe you! Do you think it's okay to break what's most important to someone, and than just fix it the next second as if it were nothing?! Do you know how much pain you put me through?!" She spat, her eyes turning bright with anger. After a few seconds of cursing, she finally stopped and calmed down.

The anger vanished from her eyes, and she backed down a bit.

"But still.." She murmured, staring up at the sky.
"At leas the most important thing to you was fixable." he murmured quietly. Suddenly, the pain in Xander's heart, or what was left of it, spread to his head. He sunk to his knees in agonizing, excruciating pain. 'No, not now! Why does this happen to me? Why?' The crystal from his pocket began to glow and project the images that hurt his mind so much. "No, don't show them. They don't need to know. Stop!" he yelled from the ground, eyes clenched shut and writhing in agony.
At least the most important thing to you was fixable. Kai heard Xander mumble. But what had that meant? Kai has had a bit more than enough of all this bickering and all he wanted was to get out of those woods, but he wasn't heartless so he let them take their time. The next thing you know, Kai was looking at a fallen Xander. What had happened? He doesn't have a clue. And here he was, thinking he was invincible, but apparently things can get to the strongest of people.

Kai felt a little bad for the boy. He was deeply affect by his past that he actually can't let that thought pass him without it bringing him down, literally. There was a shining emerging from Xander's pocket which caught Kai's attention. It was a crystal and it just so happened to be showing them his deepest memory of his sister. Kai wasn't normally this empathetic but felt as if he had to just turn away. To him, it wasn't right to peer into something that hurts someone that badly.
(Sorry about the wait, I'm just writing something a little lengthy. Plus, it is pretty heave. Meaning, I feel depressed just writing it. But, hey, all the better story for you guys, right? xD )
Scene 1: A young boy was playing with his sister in the imperial gardens of the European Empire. She tried to impress him, but fell down and scraped her knee. He helped her, bandaged her, and gave her a piece of candy. "You'll always love me, right big brother?" she asked with big eyes. "Of course. Don't be silly. Why would you ask stupid questions like that?" he said without looking up, still bandaging her knee. "Yay!" she shouted and began to hug the boy. "Hey, hold still! I'm not finished." he said with annoyance, but he was secretly smiling. The scene then faded away.

Scene 2: The boy was roaming the halls of the palace with a sad expression. He had won the international sword fighting tournament, but a lapse in his strategy had caused him to be narrowly defeated in the final round of the international chess competition. He saw his father and mother approach, wearing their regal clothes and stoic expression they put on for their interviews. He cringed and walked to them. “I am sorry, Mother and Father, but I failed. I didn’t win. I… am a failure.” he blurted out. Then, the two adults burst into laughter. The picked the boy up and said, “We will always love you, no matter your rank or your prestige.” The father then added, “Hey, 2nd place in the world isn't bad. Besides, there is next year, which is a full year of practice.” His mother said, “That is also a full year of love from us all.” The scene then faded away.

Scene 3: Both his mother and his father were showing signs of infection. It was homage to their resilience that they maintained their sanity. The boy, now a teenager, was shaking while holding a bloody kitchen knife. His mother and father lay slumped together; the mother obviously expired from her wounds. The father motioned the boy closer. “Remember, this was not your fault. You are forgiven. Protect your sister, and know that we have loved you and will continue to love you.” Then, he too slumped into the cold embrace of death. The boy broke down and cried until he heard his sister’s voice. “Are you there brother? Where are you?” she called. ‘I will be strong for her.’ he resolved. The scene then faded away.

Scene 4: The boy, who had obviously aged a few years, lay with his sister in his arms. They were hiding in a ruined section of the palace. The girl was infected, and she was showing signs of it. But, she struggled to fight it, terrible coughs and shivers wracking her frail body. She was wearing a once beautiful gown, meant for a princess, but now covered in dirt and grime. The boy had held out hope that she could survive, but it was in vain. “Big brother?” she called faintly. “What is it, love?” he replied softly. The only thing for him left in this world was her. Without her… what else was there? “Remember that day you said you would always love me?” she asked. “I would never forget it.” he said. “Do you still love me? If you do, you know what you have to do.” she said, her voice tinged with sadness. “No, I can’t! I can’t lose you. I can’t… I can’t” he choked out. “You must.” she said as she wrapper her brothers arms over her shoulder. The boy choked back his tears, took a deep breath, and began to squeeze his arms. The sister’s eyes widened in surprise, then settled back into understanding and resignation. “Don’t worry, big brother. I know that you’ll always love me. And I’ll always love you. No matter what, my love won’t die with me. I’ll love you, forever and always…” she said weakly as the last drops of life left her body. When he felt no more movement, the boy slumped forward, releasing his arms and her body. He held her head close to his chest and rocked back and forth, sobbing for the whole world to see. He didn’t care. To him, his world was gone. He might as well have perished with her that night, for although his body didn’t die, an important part of his soul did. The scene then faded away.
Faith flew quietly through the air, the the rainbow colored, crystal contaminated landscape moving slowly below her. the was pain, desolation and loneliness everywhere. the cries of pain and sorrow would have been unbearable, but she had grown used to it. she couldn't hear them, but she could feel them. people crying out for lost loved ones, crying out with their last bits of sanity. she had seen many people, but never interacted because a fear she had since before the crystals arrived. before the incedent she had always been bullied for being an orphan, though held no dark feelings, no remorse, no hatred. she saw a scene unfolding below, and felt waves of painful remembrance. she flew lower, hoping not to be spotted. she landed in a tree and folded her wings back till they disappeared. if she did happen to be spotted, her wings would be hidden and perhaps they wouldthink she was not mutated, therefor not a threat and she would not have to fight.

((its ok that she can completely hide her wings right?))

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