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Fandom Star Wars: Twilight of the Force OOC

Well, I know the Empire sort of fractured after Jakku, with some pieces of it going out into the Unknown Region to become the First Order and other pieces just kind of doing their own thing. I don't know if it's explicitly stated that the old Empire is completely gone in this time period, but even if it was it wouldn't take much for a member of the Inquisitorious to carve out a little kingdom of their own. Since the Knights of Ren prefer dark side over light side there's maybe probably a pretty good chance they'd leave them alone??
The Galactic Concordance in the canon stipulated that the Empire remain within predetermined boundaries in the Core and Inner Rim and cease hostilities following its surrender. So the old empire is still there I think.
Anyway this will be the inquisitor that the Star Destroyer be working with
I sort of feel like the conversation between her and the captain is going to be really short.

"So what do I need to fight a Jedi?"


Lol 😂 well we shall see. Also after Elena got captured this guy would be the representative from the First Order Security Bureau to hand over the prisoner to Kylo Ren
Kenneth Branagh looks so dashing in that Hugo Boss outfit :p
Going to wait for a response from Skyrte Skyrte and Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna before replying again. We're on Nar Shaddaa now so we can start taking steps to bring our characters together. Fanty's probably not going to let either Elena or Charlotte wander around outside of his compound so Janah's gonna have to do some sleuthing. We're gonna be here long enough for Fanty's people to repair and repaint the ship. He's also going to have his crew spoof the transponder codes on the Courier and create some decoys to send off in different directions to fool the First Order. Then he's going to change the transponder codes on the Courier and rename it to the Pathfinder then register it to an alias that has no association with either him or Elena. That's more or less what I have planned for the immediate future, so we could maybe be here for a bit. >.>
Sounds like a plan, Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna , seems like our times up, we gotta get the ball rolling. Send me a DM and we can speak Mando?
I believe that were waiting for some people to post so they don't get lost in the ether. I think that is
Hmm, would you like to do some flying sidequests with the shamrocks? The Star Destroyer is going to form a (somewhat) bloackade around the Nar Shaddaa, all Courier-class yacht would be subjected to boarding inspection and other ships would be randomly searched or at least scanned with TIE’s sensor, maybe we can run into some spice runners and get some chase scene going on while we’re waiting for the main plot to progress
We've just exchanged messages and are now planning Stjerna's intro post.
Er, about to.
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can fanty be killed?

Probably not. no. Fanty's kind of crucial to the story right now and I may actually need him later. A couple of notes, though. I was never really sure what race I wanted him to be so I kind of left it vague. Then I remembered that changelings exist, which also explains why no one's ever seen his face (not even Elena, now that I think about it).
If he dies it has to be dramatic. He's like a father figure to her so his death should be special. If it fits the story and hits the right amount of drama I'll consider it. He's not coming with them right now, though.
Or maybe that can happen later...say, can i bring dark troopers into this?
I mean, I guess? But they didn't seem all that effective against a lightsaber. Maybe like a squad for a boss encounter? I dunno, they might not be a problem for Elena, but anyone else in her party.
They looks very effective against Mandalorian in the show, I’m thinking they can deal with Elena’s companions.

In terms of lightsaber im thinking about equipping some stormtroopers with projectile rifles, since slugthrowers are surprisingly useful against lightsabers, as when a slug made contact with a blade, it would simply melt instead of being deflected like a typical blaster bolt. Molten vapor fragments and/or shrapnel could then scatter towards the lightsaber user and cause harm
would you like to start with taking the contract or just starts with the hunting in action right away?

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