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Fandom Star Wars: Twilight of the Force OOC

Does Rev also know Fanty's face? sounds like he knows but just asking to be sure
Would it cause problem to the plot if the First Order had him led the way to Fanty at this point 😂
He won't know how to get to Fanty. He primarily does business over holo, or he uses a cut-in. He doesn't actually take people back to his inner abode unless he trusts them implicitly. Elena gets the special treatment because he knows she's a Jedi and Jedi are incredibly useful. Come to think of it, it's actually quite possible he's never seen Fanty's face, tbh. >.> He's probably only dealt with the people Fanty sends, like Elena.
Haha! This ain't her first trip around the galaxy. She's had dealings with him in the past, having fixed up his defenses to repel some foe a while back when she was younger. She didn't take any payment just a promise that if she came calling with help he'd he do so without asking. That post mentioning all that was back on the first page
Ah, now I see it 🤣 Guess that's more info the First Order could squeez from the guy about the ship they're hunting
The holo recordings would've shown Charlotte leaving and getting back onto the Skiff too, so they would've seen that as well 😁
i think the star destroyer would need more insight on how to properly counter a jedi...hmm can i write the captain an ex who was an imperial inquisitor, to be some sort of anti-jedi warfare advisor?
Skyrte Skyrte I think that would a great idea! I'd like to figure out where to join in and how our Mando's know each other.

I'm currently reading through the posts to get caught up. :)
Skyrte Skyrte I think that would a great idea! I'd like to figure out where to join in and how our Mando's know each other.

I'm currently reading through the posts to get caught up. :)
Uhhh, I didn't even know there was an OOC, oops!
We can run our brain storming in DMs, don't feel rushed though, I put Janah ahead in terms of RP timeline, so we got a bit of time to work things out
are there gangs/hutt crimeboss that are rivals with Fanty and might agree to assist the First Order quid pro quo? Since I’d imagine they would love to see Fanty and his men got shot at if not killed on the instance, among other rewards
Fanty's paid up with the Hutts, it depends mostly on how much the First Order is offering and how profitable Fanty has been. You might get some help, maybe, but again Fanty is very careful about who he lets know where he lives. He's also not sticking around after this, by the way. He's got a plan to try and throw the First Order off Elena's scent but after that he's leaving for greener pastures.
I mean I know he had paid up one of the Hutts, but that’s not like one Hutts that rule the whole planet right? Would there be other powerful faction on Nar Shaddaa that are at odds with Fanty, or maybe the Hutts behind him?
Ight, talking about scent the Star Destroyer still have that scent sample from earlier so expect doggos
Plot wise would Elena give up information after she's captured? I think we can have the Star Destroyer deliberately let her escape (we can have the captain send Galen to pretend to be insider helper) after putting malware in her navigational computer to track where she was heading to, like the Empire did in ANH
Not willingly, someone's going to rip it out of her. Last time it was Ben, I'm debating whether we should use Ben again or random Knight of Ren number 2. >.>

That'll happen at the end, though. First Matthias and his crew get to interrogate her.
Going to wait for a response from Skyrte Skyrte and Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna before replying again. We're on Nar Shaddaa now so we can start taking steps to bring our characters together. Fanty's probably not going to let either Elena or Charlotte wander around outside of his compound so Janah's gonna have to do some sleuthing. We're gonna be here long enough for Fanty's people to repair and repaint the ship. He's also going to have his crew spoof the transponder codes on the Courier and create some decoys to send off in different directions to fool the First Order. Then he's going to change the transponder codes on the Courier and rename it to the Pathfinder then register it to an alias that has no association with either him or Elena. That's more or less what I have planned for the immediate future, so we could maybe be here for a bit. >.>
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Going to wait for a response from Skyrte Skyrte and Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna before replying again. We're on Nar Shaddaa now so we can start taking steps to bring our characters together. Fanty's probably not going to let either Elena or Charlotte wander around outside of his compound so Janah's gonna have to do some sleuthing. We're gonna be here long enough for Fanty's people to repair and repaint the ship. He's also going to have his crew spoof the transponder codes on the Courier and create some decoys to send off in different directions to fool the First Order. Then he's going to change the transponder codes on the Courier and rename it to the Pathfinder then register it to an alias that has no association with either him or Elena. That's more or less what I have planned for the immediate future, so we could maybe be here for a bit. >.>
Before that get I get a reply from Galen first? So we can move on with the hunting >.<

And we’re totally gonna pull a boarding inspection on Courier-class regardless of the transponder signal
Also the question from before, can I get a former imperial inquisitor to assist on anti jedi warfare? As counsellor or something
Also the question from before, can I get a former imperial inquisitor to assist on anti jedi warfare? As counsellor or something

I suppose so? I'm not really sure what happened to them after the Empire fell, tbh. That's one of those holes that Disney hasn't filled in yet. >.>
I’m thinking pro-imperial senator or something like office assistant of said senator

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