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Fandom STAR WARS: The Lost Padawan (Open)

Sindri Volks

"I am no Jedi. Just a guy with a lightsaber." as he went back into the cockpit. The hatch of the ship closed as he pressed a button. Then the ship took off and flought, the course set on Hoth. First they needed to get out of the atmosphere and make the jump.

@Gabrygabra97 @Lordvader59 @Donder172 @Isacoolbow
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Birdsie said:
Sindri Volks
"I am no Jedi. Just a guy with a lightsaber." as he went back into the cockpit. The hatch of the ship closed as he pressed a button. Then the ship took off and flought, the course set on Hoth. First they needed to get out of the atmosphere and make the jump.

@Gabrygabra97@Isacoolbow @Lordvader59 @Donder172
Vadcus sighed, walking back to his ship and into the cockpit. "Did you get off a scan?" He turned to a clone manning a scanner.

"Yes sir, they've set course for Hoth."

"Very well, we shall go there too." He sat down in the pilot's seat, setting course for Hoth, but taking a different route out of the planet to not let the others know they were trailing.

@Gabrygabra97 @Isacoolbow @Donder172 @Birdsie
Iris noticed the engine, start running. As soon as Iris noticed that she started a coms link to the bridge, "Isn't there a blockade surrounding this planet?" she asked while setting her space suit nearby, ready to make emergency repairs.
Sindri Volks

"Nope. Not really." he responded through the comms. They reached out of the atmosphere, he started setting up the Jump towards Hoth, after several seconds, the ship jumped. Then Sindri flew it towards Hoth.
Birdsie said:
Sindri Volks
"Nope. Not really." he responded through the comms. They reached out of the atmosphere, he started setting up the Jump towards Hoth, after several seconds, the ship jumped. Then Sindri flew it towards Hoth.
"They've jumped, sir!" Fordo reported.

"Hit it!" With that, the ship jumped into Hyperspace, appearing over Hoth. They approached the planet from a different side.
Birdsie said:
Sindri Volks
"Nope. Not really." he responded through the comms. They reached out of the atmosphere, he started setting up the Jump towards Hoth, after several seconds, the ship jumped. Then Sindri flew it towards Hoth.
Mizelia walks into the cockpit, sitting down on a chair "The place I was talking about was an Imperial laboratory that my master's mother used for experiments. One experiment was to survive cold environments. My master was used by her own mother as test subject, however, the Republic raided the lab and the experiment was over. It was usable when I came there last time. I do hope it's still there."
With a sigh of relief, Iris relaxed a little bit knowing they didn't fly into almost instant death. Iris hears what's going on in the cockpit, "So I suppose you got a plan when we get there?" Iris asked while pulling up information of the planet on her display.
Sindri Volks

"Alright. What's the coordinates? We'll fly there." he asked, entering Hoth's atmosphere, there was snow falling everywhere, so he flew a little bit up, slightly above cloud level. He looked at Mizelia, waiting for her answer. "We will make it our base, for now." he responded to Iris, as she asked her question. Then he said "It's not an everyday thing to try to challenge a Sith Lord, just to take a Padawan of a person you don't know back, right? Well. If it means screwing the Imperials I'd do it for free... oh, right. I am."

@Donder172 @Isacoolbow
Birdsie said:
Sindri Volks
"Alright. What's the coordinates? We'll fly there." he asked, entering Hoth's atmosphere, there was snow falling everywhere, so he flew a little bit up, slightly above cloud level. He looked at Mizelia, waiting for her answer. "We will make it our base, for now." he responded to Iris, as she asked her question. Then he said "It's not an everyday thing to try to challenge a Sith Lord, just to take a Padawan of a person you don't know back, right? Well. If it means screwing the Imperials I'd do it for free... oh, right. I am."

@Donder172 @Isacoolbow
Mizelia types in the coordinates of the lab. "I do have to say, it might be a little cold in there because it's most likely not used for several thousand years."
Sindri Volks

"I believe we can get the heat running again." Sindri sets the ship on auto-pilot as she typed in the coordinates (I wonder how she did that when being blind, but okay xD ) then he lied back and relaxed, putting his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes and thought for a bit... he sighed and said "Well. What's your story?" he looked at Mizelia and asked in curiosity.

Birdsie said:
Sindri Volks
"I believe we can get the heat running again." Sindri sets the ship on auto-pilot as she typed in the coordinates (I wonder how she did that when being blind, but okay xD ) then he lied back and relaxed, putting his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes and thought for a bit... he sighed and said "Well. What's your story?" he looked at Mizelia and asked in curiosity.

(probably the wrong coordinates xD )
Birdsie said:
Sindri Volks
"I believe we can get the heat running again." Sindri sets the ship on auto-pilot as she typed in the coordinates (I wonder how she did that when being blind, but okay xD ) then he lied back and relaxed, putting his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes and thought for a bit... he sighed and said "Well. What's your story?" he looked at Mizelia and asked in curiosity.

"I was born a week after the Sacking of Coruscant. I joined the Jedi when I was 15 years old. My first master was Master Skyhunter, but it didn't really work. My second master was Master Whitestone, she trained me as a Force healer. Healing is something that interest me as well. As an Initiate, there was one day that a Sith crashed near our enclave. I helped her patched up and away from the Dark Side. She never wanted to be Sith, but she was sent to Korriban after she was found Force sensitive. She is a Twi'lek named Maylanthia. Before she was a Sith Assassin, she was a slave on Dromund Kaas, the capitol of the Sith Empire."
Sindri Volks

"Well. That's interesting." He got up and said "I'll go eat something, feel free to come along if you want." he gave her a short glance, then he walked towards the storage room, to get some rations for himself.

Birdsie said:
Sindri Volks
"Well. That's interesting." He got up and said "I'll go eat something, feel free to come along if you want." he gave her a short glance, then he walked towards the storage room, to get some rations for himself.

Mizelia follows Sindri "That might be a good idea, since I kind of haven't eaten for way too long. If not for the carbonite, I would only be a few bones."
Sindri Volks

Sindri handed Mizelia a package of rations, he opened his own and began eating the contents, as he walked back towards the cockpit. He saw the ship approaching the destination, so he took control and landed near it. Then he said "We arrived." to Mizelia.

Birdsie said:
Sindri Volks
Sindri handed Mizelia a package of rations, he opened his own and began eating the contents, as he walked back towards the cockpit. He saw the ship approaching the destination, so he took control and landed near it. Then he said "We arrived." to Mizelia.

Mizelia opens one as well and eats it, but takes another one and walks with Sindri, but walks towards Meceliss and hands it over, who then takes it and eats it as well, Mizelia then joins Sindri in the cockpit "I hope I putted in the right coordinates..."
Sindri Volks

Sindri looks out at the place and says "We'll go there in a second, to check what's inside." he finished his rations and went back to the storage room, to look for warm clothes, he didn't just want to go out in simple, white robes outside, in a weather like that.

Meceliss went towards the cockpit, noticing the planet Hoth "Hoth... I never missed that planet."

Mizelia looks towards Meceliss "I guess you have been here before."

Meceliss nods towards Mizelia "I have been here before a few times for quite some time."
Sindri Volks

Sindri put on a jacket, with a hood. He put on some winter boots and said "I'm going out there, to see what's inside. Feel free to join me if you'd like." as he walked outside the hatch, to the surface of Hoth. It was cold as heck, he stood there for a second and looked around, trying to examine his surroundings.

@Lordvader59 @Donder172
Birdsie said:
Sindri Volks
Sindri put on a jacket, with a hood. He put on some winter boots and said "I'm going out there, to see what's inside. Feel free to join me if you'd like." as he walked outside the hatch, to the surface of Hoth. It was cold as heck, he stood there for a second and looked around, trying to examine his surroundings.

@Lordvader59 @Donder172
Meceliss looks at Sindri "Do you have any warm clothes we could borrow?"
Birdsie said:
Sindri Volks
"In the storage room, take whatever you want." he said, as he walked outside.

Both Meceliss and Mizelia go to the storage room and get some warm clothes to wear, they then walk outside towards Sindri. Meceliss asks Sindri "Is the White Maw still active here?"
"Well, here goes nothing." Vadcus hit a button on his wrist gauntlet, activating his armor's insulation. He stepped out into the cold and walked over to the other ship. "Hello there." he greeted Sindri. "Don't worry, I am on the side of you and your companions."

@Gabrygabra97 @Birdsie @Donder172

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