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Fandom STAR WARS: The Lost Padawan (Open)

Lordvader59 said:
"Where do you propose we head?"
"We'll need equipment, military, medical and civilian equipment of several things. We need weapons to defend ourself, medical equipment to patch our wounds, a way to create warmth, these generator don't run on air. We'll also need a source of food. Water is in abudance on Hoth. Just need to melt it and filter it. We also need manpower, so I suggest to look for that, but I don't know where... we could try the Outor Rim or if up for a risk the Core Worlds like Alderaan, Balmorra or Coruscant."
Donder172 said:
"We'll need equipment, military, medical and civilian equipment of several things. We need weapons to defend ourself, medical equipment to patch our wounds, a way to create warmth, these generator don't run on air. We'll also need a source of food. Water is in abudance on Hoth. Just need to melt it and filter it. We also need manpower, so I suggest to look for that, but I don't know where... we could try the Outor Rim or if up for a risk the Core Worlds like Alderaan, Balmorra or Coruscant."
"Well, me and the ARCs have weapons covered." Vadcus pointed in the general direction of their ship. "A full arsenal on that baby, as well as some food and medical supplies... manpower... there's our biggest challenge. We have some contacts in the criminal underworld, but the Empire is a lot richer then us, they can afford to buy them out. There is one group... that we can trust, no doubt about it."

Lordvader59 said:
"Well, me and the ARCs have weapons covered." Vadcus pointed in the general direction of their ship. "A full arsenal on that baby, as well as some food and medical supplies... manpower... there's our biggest challenge. We have some contacts in the criminal underworld, but the Empire is a lot richer then us, they can afford to buy them out. There is one group... that we can trust, no doubt about it."
"And that group is...?" Mizelia asks Vadcus
Meceliss looks towards Vadcus "The ARCs are apriciated... whatever ARC means... but we'll more men. And I don't think everyone is willing to work for the Empire."

Jekkel was just getting up he gave a yawn and a stretch, He was wondering about his dream, it was very peculiar. He looked around his little sheet metal hut and looked down at his stomach, He was starving. Jekkel lived close to the underground in corasant. "If I was starving and wanting to eat cheap where would I go" he thought to himself, then quickly responded, "well I am starving so where would I be?" Jekkel wandered around a little more until his eyes spotted a low-level dinner "looks like a place for scum, Just my place to Beg" He walked in looking weak, He was relatively skinny so he had that part down. He walked up to the owner of the dinner "Can you please spare some food for a poor boy" he asked looking pathetic. The owner replied "nice try kid, get lost" Jekkel gave a sigh "I did not want to do this" He raised his hand and waved it "you will give me the food" The only thing he got from that was a slap in the face "Oww fine" he sat down at the bar and tried to use the force to take some guy's fries. In return, Jekkel got another slap in the face. Luckily the person was to dumb to realise he was using the force "what do I do?"
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"Also... we might be a small group, but that does give us an advantage. We're not a big target for the Empire." Mizelia adds
Entering the ship they arrived in, "we can easily take both, but I like this one more." Goes back to engineering and starts doing some calculations on trajectory, fuel usage, and the overall cost.

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