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Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted


One Thousand Club
St. George's Academy for the Gifted is a mysterious and quite prestegious academy, located on a small island in the pacific ocean. It seems to have it all: Buzzwordy name, procedures for enrollment that are frankly a mystery to everyone but the guys who send out the invitations, and a private airstrip for flying students in. It keeps itself to itself, mostly, in the manner of all schools that want to make themselves look cool.

And you just got invited.

You enrolled in the academy, and flew over to the island. You attended the opening assembly.

And then, you learned exactly what they meant by "gifted".

St. George's Academy is a school for hunters.

In St. George's, as well as doing some regular school, you will learn how to hone your physical and mental skills (or, if you have them, magical talents) to the point where you are qualified to hunt the many supernatural creatures that threaten humanity, and police the peaceful ones.

Don't think that means that you're getting out of homework.


1. Types of Powers:

Ordinary Human- Your sheer physical and/or mental strength will carry you through. Ordinary humans can have any backstory, but they should have a special skill that was the reason that they were invited to the academy. Ordinary humans are given more physical training than those with supernatural abilities.

Ectomancer: You can see, speak to, and interact with ghosts and poltergeists. Ectomancers are more likely to have a paranormal experience in their backstory.

Auran: You can see auras. A person's aura is color-coded to them (so someone might have a green aura, and the other blue). Supernatural creatures have different auras than humans, and the shade of the aura's color indicates emotions. Aurans are most likely to have been born to a family of people who believe in auras (or other such things), although once in a while you get an Auran in an ordinary family.

Diviners: You can see flashes of the future. The vision isn't guaranteed to come true, and sometimes it's so vague that you can't get much out of it. It is usually pretty accurate, though, and people are often warned about trying to get out of fulfilling it without knowing the context, as they might accidentally make it happen. Divination is one of the less understood supernatural abilities.

2. New classes may be added upon suggestion, but you will have to clear it with me, and remember, no big and flashy powers. All of the supernaturally gifted students have to fight like normal people. You can also be a member of a supernatural race (such as a vampire, fairy (several races of these; for most, think Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream) or something else), but you'll have to clear the race, its abilities, and weaknesses with me.

3. No god-moding. Abilities are laid out, and if you can't convince me why you should be able to do something (hint: 'because it can solve everything in one go' and 'because my character is just that awesome' aren't good reasons), you don't get to do it.

4. Please be pleasant.

5. Even if they don't god-mode, Mary Sues and Gary Stus won't be accepted, or, if discovered after acceptance, will get a warning and advice on improving the character. If this advice is not heeded after a reasonable period of time, they will be kicked.

6. No bunnying (Bunnying means to take control of other's characters to make the plot go your way).

7. Decent grammar is expected.

8. Sexy-time stuff is fade to black.
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negima said:
Jason walked in to his new room, and he saw a shockingly beautiful girl.
We're not started quite yet! I start by making the opening post, and then we're free to roleplay. 
I'll probably start the RP soon, though.
Students crowded into the main hall of St. George's Academy for the Gifted to hear the principal give the opening speech. The hall was rustling with students talking about what they had found out when they had disembarked the plane to the island. Ariana Brown was no exception. She had always known that she could see and interact with ghosts, but she hadn't known that it was a gift shared by many others, or that it would mean that she was accepted as a Hunter of the supernatural. She had never thought of herself in that light.

The chatter died down a bit as the principal cleared his throat and began his speech.

"Hello, new students to St. George's Academy. As you were informed when you came here, St. George's is not an ordinary school, and the world is not what you think it is. It is infested with all manner of supernatural creatures, not all of which are willing to play with our rules. Some are just monsters, and must be kept under control. Even the peaceful ones need policing.

"We, the Hunters, are those who do that. The ability to be warriors of humanity against what lies in the darkness does not come out of nothing, so St. George's Academy for the Gifted was founded to be a place for these warriors to train and become ready for their duty. We hope to do this to the best of our abilties, and to make use of the minor gifts granted to humanity, ectomancy, auranism, and divination, for the cause.

"Here are the special instructors:


Charles Daymore is the teacher of Ectomancy. If you're not an ectomancer, don't worry because you can't see him, as he is a ghost. He can still teach our classes well.


Annie Crawden is our Auran teacher. Don't even think of lying to her about your homework. She can tell from your aura when you lie.


Shannon Ellis teaches Divination. Yes, I know she looks baby-faced and frail, but don't underestimate her. She got where she is for a good reason. Yes, she is an alumnus of this school.


These two men are Duncan, on the left, and Logan Raimore. They're fraternal twins. They teach the fighting classes. Usually, they both teach the mixed classes, and one or the other teaches the ordinary humans in their special training time.

"But for now, it's late and a lot of you probably have jet lag, so after this speech is over, you can go to your dormitories. You will be sleeping of 'cells' of a varying number of different students, with a mixture of abilities. Don't worry, you'll have your own rooms.

"So, I've been talking long enough. Your dorm schedule is on the wall over there *points to wall*. Settle in!"

Ari wiggled her way in through the crowd and looked for her dorm. She found that she was in a dorm unit with Jason Wright Summers, Lilith Reinhard, Tanya [Last Name Unavailable], Yumi Tsunasa, and Bente Aria Hill, with a note saying that more could be added. The schedule also pointed out where the dorm was, and so she walked up there. The unit had bedrooms around a lounge area with some chairs, a comfy couch, and a television. Thank goodness, each bedroom had a bathroom attached.

Ari walked into her bedroom and laid her stuff down next to her bed.
Minni walked towards the far wall with the dorm assignments listed on it and sighed when she saw the large crowd around it.

"I guess waiting till later to look at it will be the better option, even if I do get the bad bed of the dorm.."

She shrugged and walk towards a bench and straddled it. She took her favorite pack of cards out of her backpack pocket and started shuffle them, glancing around the room wondering which of these pleasant people she'll be graced with as roommates. Rolling her eyes at the thought, she laid out her cards and a started a calming game of solitaire.

(sorry if it isn't long enough-this is my first Roleplay. They'll get in longer in time!! Sorry again)
Michael started to limp his way towards the wall, but was quickly overtaken and pushed aside by the other kids. He noticed a girl sitting on a bench nearby. Now, she had the right idea--wait until it simmered down, and then go check. He figured that was a good plan, seeing as there was no way he could possibly get through this crowd by himself. Besides, being the last one there wouldn't be so bad. The worst bed would at least be better than what he'd had in the past. He made his way over to where the girl was (but no so close or obvious it was creepy), and sat down as well, trying not to look like he was staring at her.
Laika asked one of the amused looking ghosts standing beside her to go look at the dorm board for her and see if her name was on it. She was quite surprised none of the other ectomancers had done that yet. He came back with a negative, obviously expecting her to be upset, but she shrugged and thanked him, before he faded away to nothing again. She sat down against a nearby wall and stretched her arms up. Someone would probably update the board soon.
Bente had arrived at the school a bit late, catching the last part of the 'orientation'. The twisting, contorting mass of students in front of the dorm assignments was easily solved, the young lady making full use of her elbows to get through the throng. Her finger made its way down the list to stop at Bente's name, then she shoved through the crowd once more, repeating the number. Her bag was slung over her shoulder, or one of them was. The small one had toiletries, like a toothbrush and toothpaste. And shampoo and conditioner. There was no way she was sharing with anyone else, if these were like normal dorms. Her other bag, which was really a suitcase, contained her clothing and personal effects. They didn't let her have a gun on the plane, which saddened her, but she knew it was simply a precaution.

The young lady hauled the bulky thing behind her up to the room, pleased to see that there were separate bedrooms and bathrooms. And also another person. She had long white hair, and compared to the muscular twenty-one year old she was quite scrawny. Bente paused at the entrance to the bedroom she had planned on claiming, only to find it already occupied by the white-haired girl. She stared, then turned without a word and picked the room opposite. It was quite comfortable, and Bente wasted no time in making herself at home.
Minni placed her index finger and thumb against her temple and sighed. Too many people, too many spirits all this was giving her a headache, ignoring the headache she got lost into her thoughts. She didn't want to rush to see her dorm and those she would share it with, she just wanted to start training and start protecting the town. She was snapped out her thoughts by her spirits nagging her "Look up....Look up!!..LOOK UP!!" she glanced up and notice someone was trying hard to make it look like he wasn't looking at her. She laughed to herself and gave the boy a small smile, she then went back to the solitaire game had barely played and got lost again in her thoughts.
The entrance was filled with students, some creepy looking other's normal. She had awaited this moment with a great urge of excitement. The promise of not being an outcast anymore had made her yearn this moment since she received her invitation to this academy. With wide eyes and a growing curiosity, Tanya scavenged the halls meticulously observing all of the people that roamed through it trying to find their dorms.

Like them, she was new here, but unlike them, she had no intention of finding her dorm. Tanya wanted to explore the school grounds. She wanted to look around every corner and under every rock just to see what magical possibilities were entrapped in this place. With a smile plastered on her face and eyes glowing with bliss, Tanya made her way through the halls 'Oohing' and 'Aahing' at everything and everyone.
Feigning her blindness, as always, Yumi was shyly able to snatch one of the students passing by and asked in a soft voice; "Can you show me to the dorms?" The student noticing that Yumi was blind kindly took her arm and asked "Whats your name?", "Yumi, Yumi Tsunasa." She answered, soft spoken as always. The two strolled around until the student caught her name on the dorm schedule, there Yumi learned where her dorm was and thanked the student for showing her the way. Exchanging farewells Yumi strolled into her dorm, with perfect vision of course. (Refer to background story if needed.) Settling down Yumi pounced on her bed and enjoyed the soft recoil of the fluffy mattress. Sighing in satisfaction she sat up on the edge and ran through the event of the day including as her dorm schedule.
Bente had noticed the girl (Yumi) enter the dorm. However, she wasn't sure who it was. Grabbing the pocket knife that she was allowed to bring on the plane, she crept out of her bedroom in silence. The person had slipped into a different room. Bente's sock feet made a soft ssk, ssk, noise on the wood floors, the redhead in a crouch. She poked her head into the bedroom and exhaled softly. Just another student.

The young woman stood, smiling warmly at the newcomer. "Hi there. I'm Bente. You?"
Whirling her head left and right Yumi pretended not to see the beautiful woman with hair of fire, "Hello?" she asked. "Are you...one of my dorm mates? You'll have to excuse my lack of vision, I couldn't see the list of my dorm mates so I'm not sure if 'Bente' was on the list. But its a lovely name".
Smiling, Bente nodded before realizing that the young lady couldn't see. "Yes. I'm one of your dorm mates. Thank you, for the compliment. Your name?"

She folded the pocket knife back up and stuck it in her pocket, closing the distance between her and the sightless girl. She perched on the edge of the bed, allowing her movements to be louder than normal so she wouldn't startle the young lady.
Feeling the weight of the bed drop she realized that Bente was siting next to her. Keeping her eyes closed keep up the act of blindness Yumi simply smiled and replied "Yumi." -After a slight pause- "You know, this is a school for the gifted, what might be your special ability?" she asked in pure curiosity. "Of course if you don't mind telling me," innocently she tilted her head awaiting an answer.
Minnie yawned, stretched and cracked her back before gathering up her cards. This game lasted longer than she thought and the room had almost been completely cleared of people. "I probably should find my dorm.." She thought to herself as she gathered her belongings and walked to the list hanging on the wall. She scanned the list and found her name and room assignment, picking up her things she walked off toward her dorm, stopping now and then to look at the paintings hanging on the walls.

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When he noticed the crowd clearing, he got up and slowly made his way over towards the list. He noted where his room was and then started to head in that direction. Upon arriving there he froze as he saw a bunch of other people already there.
Bente looked away from the girl, suddenly cold. "I don't have any special abilities. I'm an ordinary human. I don't know why I'm here, I just got an invitation and my parents said I should go."

She stood, turning to face her a few feet away. "So here I am."

The redhead let her arms drop, giving a little shrug. She felt alienated, a fly in a glass of milk. Bente crept back to her room, falling onto her own bed. She'd just have to train harder than the rest, to prove her worth.
Yumi sat somewhat bewildered and a slight heavy feeling weighed on her. "Did I upset her perhaps? I suppose I should apologize." she thought to herself. A new found confidence lifted her feeble legs from the bed and she began to search for Bente through open doors.

After a brief session of looking she found Bente laying on her bed, Yumi shrunk behind the shadow of the door. She shifted to the door frame and her eyes still looking out to the empty hall of the dorms, with a forlorn expression, she gathered her courage and breathed; "Forgive me if I've upset you, being blind I've naught much experience with others. But you know 'special ability' doesn't always mean supernatural ability."

Closing her eyes she struggled to find the right words to comfort Bente, but she took a breath and began again. "Maybe being yourself is your special ability." Yumi smiled out into the hallway.
Kara had opted out of the assembly, knowing that she could probably get the gist of it from her dorm mates. Instead she wandered the school grounds taking pictures of everything, and when she was done, she printed them all out and hung them as a sort of map on the wall of her room. THen hereing voices she poked her head outside to see what the fuss was all about.
Minni reached her dorm and held her breath as she unlocked the door and pushed her way in. She finally took a breath when she realized she was alone in her dorm (for now...). She grinned to herself-picking the bed she wanted, what a good way to start the school year. She walked over to the only single bed in the dorm, placed her suitcase on the bed and began to unpack. "I wonder when classes start" she thought to herself as she folded a black t-shirt and placed in the door. She shrugged and with a flick of her wrist she sent a spirit out into the schools hallways to find out for her.

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Laika heard the intercom and stood up. She was tempted to stay up just to see what would happen to her, but it was the first day. Better not to risk it. She said goodbye to the spirits she had been talking with and walked towards her dormitory. There were some students inside it, and she smiled at them as she passed, heading towards the empty bed at the end of the room. The quilt was plain, and she hadn't bought any extra sheets with her, although, she thought, she could probably buy some from town somewhere. She unpacked her stuff and sat down on her bed.

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Ari, too, heard the intercom. She took it as a cue to get into her pajamas, shooing away a ghost who'd wanted to watch. She then walked into the communal room and turned on the TV, hoping to get a channel she liked.

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