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Fantasy St. George's Academy for the Gifted

Passing through the door, into the unlit entrance hall, Arthur stared into the dark. He'd had to travel by boat to get here, for fear of the unnatural experience that was flight. This delay seemed to have left him with no guidance as to what he was meant to do.

Not wanting to burst into anyone's dormitory at this hour, Arthur pulled off his long, shabby coat for a blanket, shaped his backpack into something resembling a pillow and lay against the wall. It wasn't the soft bed he'd been promised, but it was warm and it was dry - by no means the worst conditions he'd slept in.
ActionPony updated St. George's Academy for the Gifted with a new update entry:

Lights out!

Exactly an hour after the announcement, the lights blinked out.
Read the rest of this update entry... 
When the lights blinked out, Ari was a bit surprised, as she had been absorbed in the television. She turned it off, and then groped her way back to her room. The specter of a young girl was near, and Ari accidentally bumped into her. She apologized, and asked the girl to show her way to Ari's room. The ghost obliged, and Ari thanked her.
Minni, still packing away her clothes sighed and looked around the now dark room. "How annoying..." She thought to herself as she fumbled onto the bed and rolled over facing a wall. "I suppose there's nothing to do but sleep now." She thought as her eyes got heavier and heavier. Finally, she drifted off into a sleep that was surrounded with spirits keeping her from dreaming

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A strange sound woke Ari up. It was the ghost of a young girl, who looked at her and whispered: "Hey, Ari! Get up!"

Ari blinked away sleepiness and stared at the ghost, who looked like this:


The ghost girl gestured at Ari, motioning her down the hall. Ari groggily got up and followed, figuring that she could run away if it got too strange. 

LotusBlossom said:
Minni, still packing away her clothes sighed and looked around the now dark room. "How annoying..." She thought to herself as she fumbled onto the bed and rolled over facing a wall. "I suppose there's nothing to do but sleep now." She thought as her eyes got heavier and heavier. Finally, she drifted off into a sleep that was surrounded with spirits keeping her from dreaming
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Mimi, too, was woken up by a ghost. This ghost was a boy, and looked like this:


He, like the ghost that had woken up Ari, urged her to get up and follow him. 

LiziAnne said:
Laika heard the intercom and stood up. She was tempted to stay up just to see what would happen to her, but it was the first day. Better not to risk it. She said goodbye to the spirits she had been talking with and walked towards her dormitory. There were some students inside it, and she smiled at them as she passed, heading towards the empty bed at the end of the room. The quilt was plain, and she hadn't bought any extra sheets with her, although, she thought, she could probably buy some from town somewhere. She unpacked her stuff and sat down on her bed.
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Laika was woken up in the middle of the night by yet another ghost. This one looked like this:


He quietly told her: "Please get up and come with me."
Yumi sighed, no answer from Bente. Tossing and turning upon the bed she ran through the list of events that could've been, had she kept her mouth shut. Wallowing in regret Yumi simply couldn't sleep thinking about Bente.

Hearing rustling about as if someone was walking through the halls she thought to herself "Who could be up at this hour? I'm sure all dorms have personal bathroom installments...".
Arthur sat bolt up right from his sleep. People were moving - too early for morning, too many for bathroom visits - this was something interesting... He stared once again into the dark entrance hall, waiting for this something to happen.
Laika sat up cautiously, staring at the ghost in front of her. "Who are you?" She whispered to him. There came no reply except for a shake of the head. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who you are and what you want." She crossed her arms stubbornly. "You must come with me now." His voice seemed too loud for the quiet dormitory, and she shushed him, even though she knew that no one else could hear him. He motioned for her to follow him and then moved to the end of the dormitory. She sighed and put her slippers on. He wouldn't go away unless she did whatever it is that he wanted.
LiziAnne said:
Laika sat up cautiously, staring at the ghost in front of her. "Who are you?" She whispered to him. There came no reply except for a shake of the head. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who you are and what you want." She crossed her arms stubbornly. "You must come with me now." His voice seemed too loud for the quiet dormitory, and she shushed him, even though she knew that no one else could hear him. He motioned for her to follow him and then moved to the end of the dormitory. She sighed and put her slippers on. He wouldn't go away unless she did whatever it is that he wanted.
The ghost led her on in complete silence, sometimes pointing out a few obstacles that she didn't notice (ghosts apparently have better night vision than humans).
Minni woke up and saw someone she's never seen before, obviously she was still dreaming but when she rubbed her eyes and pinched herself (cliche, but it worked) she realized she wasn't dreaming and this was a new spirit. She'd just ignore him, she thought until she saw the spirit motioning for her to following him out into the hallway. She got up and followed, "nothing like breaking some rules on the first night" she thought to herself as she followed the ghost, relying on him to keep her from ruining into unwanted visitors

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Laika hummed quietly as she went. It was almost pitch black, save for the occasional moonlight through the windows. so she was grateful for the ghost's help, but even so, she still stumbled often, swearing regularly under her breath. They walked god knows where for god knows how long. It felt like miles and hours, but in reality it had only been about 10 minutes, they were just moving quickly.
Hearing the rustling sound again Yumi frowned at the creaking noise from the hall, "Why would so many people be up at this hour" she thought to herself. Unable to keep her curiosity down she went out into the hall and peaked her head through the door. She saw a few students walking through the halls as though following someone or something (Of course she can't see the ghosts since she's not a Ectomancer). Panicked Yumi had a flash of scenarios race through her mind, "What if they're possessed!? Or being lured by and evil spell?"

"I'd follow them but what if someone catches me, how will I explain my ability to follow them if I'm blind?" Flustered Yumi stood there thinking of the weight of consequences vs. following the students who were supposedly possessed.
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They were all walking the same path, Arthur was sure of it now. There was only one that stayed motionless, lacking the soft green of sleep, pulsing navy and fading into black; someone out there was just as nervous and curious as he was.

Ducking through the door nearest him, Arthur moved as silently as he could towards this other watcher in the night. He found her leaning around a door frame staring at the people walking - no, floating - through the dark. Carefully Arthur leaned in and tapped the dark haired girl twice gently on her shoulder. "Hey, how much did I miss exactly?"
Feeling a slight pressure on her shoulder the blood drained from Yumi's face, she quickly flinched back and caught herself on the door frame. Yumi turned to see a boy with blue eyes staring right at her. But of course she did the same thing she's done since she was six -- she acted blind. At this point our expert actor stared dumbfounded at the boy as though he were thin air. To add to her act; "W-what was t-that...??" she gently said out loud in a trembling voice.
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The girl's reaction was not what Arthur had expected, even if he had snuck up on her. What was even more alarming though, was the firework display that bled out of her when she turned round - confusion, fear and something else - something new.

The new colour was pushed to the back of his mind as the girl shouted out. "wow wow! shh!," Arthur whispered urgently. "I'm not gonna hurt you."
Yumi held out her hand and touched this chest, relived she sighed "O-oh, excuse me" *ahem* "I umm...don't have the best vision if any at all, forgive my reaction I was just a little startled." Offering a small smile she thought to herself "Caught, caught! And red-handed too, ooh why did I have to stand there like an idiot?!" she silently accused herself.
"Sorry, I'll remember that for next time you and I are out of bed after curfew." Smirking to himsepf, Arthur looked down the corridor and saw the end of the line. When he turned back the girl now had a small cloud of burgundy hovering above her head. "Donnay worry," he said, winking, "I amnay gonna grass you up." Grabbing her hand, Arthur spun on his heel to face the end of the corridor. "Lets get a closer look."
Yumi held her breath and blinked numerous times unable to grasp her situation. Trying to keep up with the strange blue-eyed boy, many thoughts raced through her mind, "Where is he taking me? Was I caught?! Does he know? I'm done for!" Flustered Yumi was only able to feel the wind through her hair and the slight tug on her hand and as she ran as she felt her consciousness numb.
"I'm Arthur by the way," he said moving carefully down the hallway towards the mysterious wanderers. "And no - I don't know where we're going."
"Arthur." Yumi repeated dumbfounded, what was his gift? Could he see ghosts or...was he an auran, surely not a diviner or else...

Brushing the thought to back of her mind she tried to regain focus of where she was going, apparently Arthur didn't appear to know anything more than she did. "Ah, I'm Yumi Tsunasa."
The ghost led Ari outside, and then stopped. Once there, Ari could see that multiple other students (she supposed other ectomancers) had also been led there by ghosts. The ghosts appeared to be waiting for something, while the humans muttered amongst themselves, wondering what the heck was going on.

They were answered (sorta), when Charles Daymore, the ectomancy teacher, floated up through the ground and addressed them all.

"Hello, new students. You have just been introduced to a tradition for Ectomancers at St. George's Academy. The first night at school, the Ectomancers are taken to a night welcome party. This both serves as a way for students to get to know each other and the resident ghosts, and as a little training. Due to the nature of ghosts, most missions that Ectomancers will be on take place at night, so it is good for you to get used to being woken up late. And on that note..."

Mr. Daymore telekinetically pressed something at the edge of the pavement, and it opened. Ari, along with a lot of other students, gasped in surprise and watched with an open mouth as the pavement swung up and revealed a small staircase downward.

Mr. Daymore directed the students down it one at a time.
Florance walked into the entrance, knowing she missed the welcome for all, she sighed. "Hello?" She calls out her voice unsure, soon a young girl appears before her eyes. "Hello" She says with a flat tone in her voice and a grim look upon her face "Could you help me? I need help finding my room." She reply grabbing Florance's wrist "Your room isn't important right now. Your late." Florance let out a gasp as she gave her a questionable look "I'm already late if you couldn't tell." The girl sighs and turns back looking at her "Your late for the ectomancer welcoming party. We have to hurry" With that the girl sped up as Florance remained silent, trying to keep up with her. They arrive just in time as she leaves her suitcase and gets in the line quickly to head down. " Thank you" She calls out but the girl had already faded away. (Sorry if this is to short or just bad in general this is first time, but I'll get better)
Emily arrived to the school terribly late, she had to beg the scientist she worked with to let her go. He finally let her go because of all the work he had. Emily had to promise to continue with the experiments that required her powers. She took out the napkin from her pocket that had her room number. She walked toward her room and opened the door. She found herself in a simple white room with two beds.

" Crap, I have a roommate"

She threw her bag in one of the beds and opened the window, she saw the beautiful moon in the sky and started to climb down the window

" A perfect night can't be wasted"

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