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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

I am willing to sit out and let Jin and Chaska have their moment to shine, but I must confess that it would be a lot more fun to be posting together with everyone. I vote for the second option.
Sherwood Sherwood Option #2 please. Even if I were well, I wouldn't want everyone to wait (I was honestly hoping it would be a "one-and-done" kind of posting situation). I want all of us to game! Mirgris included (hope life is treating him better)!. =)
Well, with Mirgris having his Real Life issues and One of Hearts not being very active, our main team have spoken. I will start to work up an IC post of your sneak mission.
IC post is up describing the effect of the missile attack on the industrial plant.

In the meantime, everyone gets to go up another level to third. Remember your Host Armor MDC will go up but you can’t spend your bio-e points until you get to the Kraken.
Jin 3rd Level Up Rolls

HP 1D6 = 3
Host Armor Main Body +2D8+8 = 2+6+8 = +16
Additional BIO-e Points +2D10 = 9+1 = +10
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Sherwood Sherwood (and everyone else)

Does anyone have any recommendations on what move to take for Jin's Jeet Kun Do Self Knowledge Skill? I was thinking Automatic Dodge? But I am open to other suggestions that may be cool or interesting...maybe Automatic Flip/Throw?
There are some upgrades that you can buy for your Host Armor that gives an auto dodge, but it is limited in the amount of bonus you can get from it. Using the martial art to get the auto dodge lets you increase your dodge bonus above what you can buy with the bio-e points.
Hey Sherwood Sherwood , do you want us to roll our level increase of bio-e points now or wait until we get back to the Kraken? I haven’t rolled for either level yet and I was wondering.
Sherwood Sherwood (and everyone else)

Does anyone have any recommendations on what move to take for Jin's Jeet Kun Do Self Knowledge Skill? I was thinking Automatic Dodge? But I am open to other suggestions that may be cool or interesting...maybe Automatic Flip/Throw?
The automatic Dodge is always a good thing. Hard to go wrong with that.
Glad to see someone's getting some use out of that. I enjoyed writing up Jeet Kune Do 2.0 and Self-Knowledge (which was tricky!). =)
Sherwood Sherwood Quick question: With the rule that you can only make one upgrade to a weapon per level boost, does that count as one increase or two for us once we get back to the Kraken? I'm looking to upgrade my Casting Launchers and am hoping I can get two levels up on them.
Sherwood Sherwood Quick question: With the rule that you can only make one upgrade to a weapon per level boost, does that count as one increase or two for us once we get back to the Kraken? I'm looking to upgrade my Casting Launchers and am hoping I can get two levels up on them.
It is one increase per level, so once you get back to the Kraken, you'll get two or three upgrades available, assuming you hit level 4, that is.

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