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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Sherwood Sherwood Can Jin use either their Machine Lore or Machine Technnology skill to see if they have any knowledge as to the interior of the factory and the best places to put the squealers?
Good thinking, Eon!

I’ll let you roll both. There is a bonus for taking your time looking over the place, but there are minuses because of the unknown layout.
Sherwood Sherwood Unknown layout? I don't follow. Haven't we been scoping this place for 3 days? Woodstock included?
You can see the exterior of the buildings, but you don’t have any floor plan to know where the critical points are inside.
From your observation, you believe that you’ve been able to identify a few critical locations.

The main power line runs into the plant along the monorail line. Blowing that will shut down the plant for a short time until it is repaired.

The building next to the monorail is probably a storehouse for the completed missiles waiting to be shipped out. It is likely to be a hardened structure and might take more than one hit to take it out.

Next to the storage building is the actual assembly line.

The last building is another warehouse holding a repair facility for the robots on site.

Finally at the airfield there are large fuel storage tanks that would make for a rather spectacular explosion if they are hit.
I think that one target should be the power line. Hit it and take out the main power for the defenses before any backups kick in. Might increase the chances of a solid hit somewhere else.
And at this point, I am putting both Mirgris Mirgris and One of Hearts One of Hearts in reserve mode, to be pulled out when they are able to post once more from their Real Life issues. We'll proceed without them for now.
Sorry need another few days I was put on new meds and they had adverse side effects.
Thought I might adjust in a few days.
Then a few days to leave my system when I didn't.
Then a few days to build up dosage of a new med.
Sorry need another few days I was put on new meds and they had adverse side effects.
Thought I might adjust in a few days.
Then a few days to leave my system when I didn't.
Then a few days to build up dosage of a new med.
Take your time and get feeling better. I’m not kicking you out of the game, just having your character and the griffon dig in to let the sneaky pair go off and do their thing. Just remember, Real Life comes first.
Sorry need another few days I was put on new meds and they had adverse side effects.
Thought I might adjust in a few days.
Then a few days to leave my system when I didn't.
Then a few days to build up dosage of a new med.
Wow. I'm rooting for you, Mirgris Mirgris ! Do what human beings do best - adjust and survive! Feel better soon!
BTW, Purr Purr if you look in the Lore tab, there is a new entry that I put in that makes me think of Chaska. The Retro Village of Osaka sound like just the place for him to be from.
Sherwood Sherwood "Be from?" Chaska is already from a place.

Sorry to be a stick in the mud here, but why do I bother writing character backgrounds if no one's going to read them?

No worries. Game on.
From your observation, you believe that you’ve been able to identify a few critical locations.

The main power line runs into the plant along the monorail line. Blowing that will shut down the plant for a short time until it is repaired.

The building next to the monorail is probably a storehouse for the completed missiles waiting to be shipped out. It is likely to be a hardened structure and might take more than one hit to take it out.

Next to the storage building is the actual assembly line.

The last building is another warehouse holding a repair facility for the robots on site.

Finally at the airfield there are large fuel storage tanks that would make for a rather spectacular explosion if they are hit.
So, 5 targets with #3 being the Kraken's highest priority.

I think that one target should be the power line. Hit it and take out the main power for the defenses before any backups kick in. Might increase the chances of a solid hit somewhere else.
Consider? All of these strikes are happening at once. Temporarily taking out the plant's power won't mean a thing to the Kraken - only to us.

I'm thinking 2 stops only. Targets 3 and 4. That's what the chief wants us to drop.

Plus the less time we are in this place, the less chance will get spotted. As fun as it would be to do a tour of the plant and nail everything, I'm under the Impressions best of the mission if we don't. Get in, get out, get home.

But what do you think?
IIRC the missiles are coming in one minute intervals, possibly making a strike to the power line fruitful. But there are only a few missiles and if we were to drop several Squealers on the storehouse, it doesn’t leave as many missiles for other targets.
IIRC the missiles are coming in one minute intervals, possibly making a strike to the power line fruitful. But there are only a few missiles and if we were to drop several Squealers on the storehouse, it doesn’t leave as many missiles for other targets.
Psychie Psychie Yeah, I agree. I don't recall how many missiles will be incoming though; I think that makes an important difference.

I can find out later when real life doesn't have its current hold on me. =)
There will be a total of twelve missiles launched by the Kraken in one minute intervals
Thanks, Bud! If memory serves we have 12 Squealers? With Toni's knowledge of demolitions, might we be able to figure out how many missiles it would take to definitely get through that hardened stockpile?
Thanks, Bud! If memory serves we have 12 Squealers? With Toni's knowledge of demolitions, might we be able to figure out how many missiles it would take to definitely get through that hardened stockpile?
The building is going to have somewhere in the order of 3,000 to 4,000 MD to it, and the missiles do 1d4x1,000 Md each, so one could do it, but for that structure you are safer going with two or three.
The building is going to have somewhere in the order of 3,000 to 4,000 MD to it, and the missiles do 1d4x1,000 Md each, so one could do it, but for that structure you are safer going with two or three.
And we have 12? If it's feasible, I say we nuke this whole place!
That is kind of the whole point of this experiment. lol. It may not work perfectly, but any damage done is a good thing.
I think that at this point, we are holding on Purr Purr and Eonivar Eonivar to make their posts about slipping into the factory. We are ready to continue when you are.
It's not the character - it's the Player. Constant headaches and migraines are getting in the way of my posting. I'll post when I can. Sorry about the delay.

Time is counting down for the missile launch, so I think you had best be getting in there to place the Squealers and get back out before you are at ground zero for a missile attack.”
In-game, Chaska is not sitting back watching TV eating Cheetos - his Player is messed up. The character is able; the player is not. I'll post when I can. Sorry about the delay.
I feel your pain, my friend. I have a headache too, but at least it’s not migraine bad. Take your time and feel better.

Now, we have two different options for how we handle the placement of the homing devices. First, we play the whole scene out of the two stealth equipped players going in and trying to slip past the robots. This has the disadvantage of leaving the rest of the team out of the game until everyone’s back together.

Second option is that I fast forward to after the Squealers are placed and when the Kamikaze Worms are starting to hit. This is quicker, and you all can post as the explosions start off.

I want to make sure that we all are ok with whatever is decided. I can run either option, just let me know what you think.

Psychie Psychie Eonivar Eonivar Purr Purr One of Hearts One of Hearts Mirgris Mirgris

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