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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Oh! And one more thing before I sack out here (and I'd better mention this lest I forget to). Mirgris Mirgris Both Chaska and I are really hoping that our next mission has more melee combat in it - Lance and Pretty Bird have been so incredibly patient with all of this sneaking and creeping about! Ha ha ha! 8D
We have done a pretty good job of avoiding combat the few times we’ve been up against a possible fight. Once we get back to the Kraken I hope to get some more action in.
Perhaps it has been good that we have had a sneak mission with our fellow players having Real Life problems.
Good point, lady! Imagine if this were a melee mission and Mirgris had to miss out on the action! Baaarf! =)
Does anyone else have any ideas to share? The more, the merrier! =)
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I think that our best option right now is to have either Chaska by himself or with Jin to slip in and place the Squealers and then sneak out and we wait in our dug-in position to see the results for the Chief. Toni will settle in and wait for you guys to get the job done.
I think that our best option right now is to have either Chaska by himself or with Jin to slip in and place the Squealers and then sneak out and we wait in our dug-in position to see the results for the Chief. Toni will settle in and wait for you guys to get the job done.
Works for Jin
I think that our best option right now is to have either Chaska by himself or with Jin to slip in and place the Squealers and then sneak out and we wait in our dug-in position to see the results for the Chief. Toni will settle in and wait for you guys to get the job done.
I like that idea too but I don't want us to plant the Squealers too soon lest they get stumbled upon by the Machine.

Works for Jin
Eonivar Eonivar Which method, Eon?
I like that idea too but I don't want us to plant the Squealers too soon lest they get stumbled upon by the Machine.
That is a valid point.

I am good with Jin and Chaska going in to plant to squealers, but we need to time it just right.
I had a thought about this...if Jin and Chaska are discovered, we should have some sort of contingency as a distraction. Like the team causing a large explosion or something.
I can do explosions. I have demo charges that we can set off remotely. They can be placed somewhere, and then if you need a distraction, set them off. My only fear is that it will be like hitting a hornet's nest with a stick and reduce your chances of getting out even more.
Well to be fair, if they are discovered I suspect the hornets nest will already be set off...
I am not sure of any other way...well we could still set the distractions to use as a last resort
I had a thought about this...if Jin and Chaska are discovered, we should have some sort of contingency as a distraction. Like the team causing a large explosion or something.
Psychie Psychie Eonivar Eonivar
If it's action you want, I had a back-up plan concerning the monorail. It goes like this: a monorail is like one long chain, right? Sever a link between stops, and no matter where that link is, the monorail as a whole is stopped cold.

Our Bio-Comms have 6-mile range. Should something happen to Jin or Chaska (say, we fail a Prowl roll - by the way, I'll be blowing Action Points like they're going out of style on this one), then a distraction is just what the two of them will need to improve their odds of survival.

So... have the rest of the team go farther down the monorail line - to some place in good range of your weapons (at least Gus's rockets and Toni's Omega Cannon) - and should the worst come to pass at the facility, our characters sing out. You guys hit the monorail hard enough to stop it. That might get the Machine's attention enough for it to split its forces.
Just let me know in the IC thread what you guys end up doing.
Sherwood Sherwood Hah! My brain is... on vacation at the moment and I'm having trouble understanding some things; things I normally don't have problems figuring out - that's the part of my brain that temporarily has gone on vacation so don't think this is all you - maybe everyone else understands perfectly and it's just me tonight? Hah! =)

“It won’t block a billet, but this is going to keep the toasters from spotting us and having a hissy cow and attacking everyone.
A billet? Per Oxford, "a place, usually a civilian's house or other nonmilitary facility, where soldiers are lodged temporarily." Wha?

"toasters?" Is that a nickname for the Machine?

Is a "hissy cow" like a "hissy fit?" O.K.. I'll stop there. =)
That was supposed to be a bullet, not a billet.

Yes, Axel is referring to the robots as toasters.

Finally, yes, a hissy cow is like a hissy fit, but only worse. lol
That was supposed to be a bullet, not a billet.

Yes, Axel is referring to the robots as toasters.

Finally, yes, a hissy cow is like a hissy fit, but only worse. lol
Thank you! =)
Yes, Axel is referring to the robots as toasters.
That is pretty funny to me, considering my wife and I are going through our annual rewatch of the Battlestar Galactica remake from 2004.... ;-)

Are there robots that are blond and wear red dresses? =-P

Anyway, as to our situation, I do not know of any better way to do this with the whole team unless we attempt to take the whole place by force.

Although I have a thought...Chaska plants all the squealers, but Jin kind of follows from an overwatch position to watch Chaska's back, and tell Chaska what he cannot see around him while he goes in. I am not sure if its a great idea but its an idea, and I am open to suggestions.

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