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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Hey! Sorry! Am alive, I'm going to be put for a few weeks I am so sorry! A lot of family emergencies came up and I've got to fix a lot of stuff! I am sssoooo sorry! I might be able to reply here and there, but not as often. I'll let you all decide if there needs to be a higher commitment for me to stay or not. I completely understand! Again, I am so sorry!
I understand completely. Take all the time you need; Real Life comes first. Just keep us in the loop for the future.
Hey, we all understand. Stuff happens, and we all have to deal with it. Take your time.
I really am so gracious for you guys! You're an amazing group! I'll check in once things slow down if that's alright.
I really am so gracious for you guys! You're an amazing group! I'll check in once things slow down if that's alright.
One of Hearts One of Hearts One. I've been saying now for quite a long time - Real Life Always Comes First. What kind of person would you be if you held a roleplaying game closer to yourself than your own family? Not only should you be with your family, you must be there for your family.

This game, and us, will be here. Your family? Hopefully, they will be with you all of your life.

Come back here and share whatever you like (keeping in mind this is an open forum) or send me a Conversation (Private Message) should you ever just want another caring human being to share with.

You are good people, One! Thank you for letting us know about your situation and far more importantly, thank you for being there for your family.

Honor and fun,
. Otherwise, the Necroborg is programmed to fmd and take weapons from the enemy.

The Machine fmds the Necroborgs useful
Hee hee! Does anyone else get tickled when copy/paste sounds like a human being with their mouth full of sandwich? "Find" and "finds" I think are the words the software is looking for, but "fmd" and "fmds" are what comes through. =)
Sherwood Sherwood how much time has passed since when Chaska left to when he checked in? Has Jin been able to get a full amount of rest so she may go on for the next four days?
I remember some one telling Jin to rest, so I am going to assume that is what she is doing at the moment
Sounds fine to me.
Sherwood Sherwood If Chaska doesn't find anything else of interest (and if the Necroborgs continue on their less-than-merry way away from us), then Chaska will ask someone to swap with him so he can grab a nap too.
Sherwood Sherwood . I forgot to mention that I’d like to check the bag of credits to get an accurate count of how much there is in there.

And Toni can spell Chaska on guard duty when she’s done.
Sherwood Sherwood . I forgot to mention that I’d like to check the bag of credits to get an accurate count of how much there is in there.

And Toni can spell Chaska on guard duty when she’s done.
Of course. Toni finds out that the bag actually has 50,000 credits in it, along with a note written in some sort of code. It will take some time and use of your Intelligence skill to decipher it.
Sherwood Sherwood . I forgot to mention that I’d like to check the bag of credits to get an accurate count of how much there is in there.

And Toni can spell Chaska on guard duty when she’s done.
(bold mine)

Psychie Psychie

What?! Toni is going to cast a spell on my character?! Is this because I'm not playing my fun-loving Snowfall as a Splicer?! I... I didn't think Sherwood would would allow me to play a Kitsune in this game!

fennec fox GIF
It was supposed to say, “observe and see how effective.”

Remember that the Squealers are experimental and we need to see if they work well in a real world situation.

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