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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Although I have a thought...Chaska plants all the squealers, but Jin kind of follows from an overwatch position to watch Chaska's back, and tell Chaska what he cannot see around him while he goes in. I am not sure if its a great idea but its an idea, and I am open to suggestions.
Mechanically speaking, that is an excellent thought. Chaska doesn't mind doing it and besides Jin is probably the better shot. =)

Chaska, used to working alone, is open to the idea of having someone else besides Woodstock provide overwatch. For one thing, Woodstock doesn't have a gun. Better still, I think this makes best use of each character's specialties.

Since we have nearly 4 days until "Go Time," I think that gives us plenty of opportunity to learn about our enemy here. =)

Everyone open to the idea of fast-forwarding time until Chasja and Jin make their move into the facility? Then we can continue the game knowing what everyone knows from all that time monitoring the enemy?
I'm cool with it. Jumping forward will give us time to observe the outside patrols and see if there is any pattern that can be used to decrease any chance of being spotted even with the stealth fields in effect.
Chaska, used to working alone, is open to the idea of having someone else besides Woodstock provide overwatch. For one thing, Woodstock doesn't have a gun. Better still, I think this makes best use of each character's specialties.
Also two sets of eyes are better than one. ;-)
All you need to determine is if Chaska and Jin will split up or operate together to place the Squealers.
Sherwood Sherwood

Bud? Eon had an excellent idea and we're both really good on this if it's O.K. by you?
Although I have a thought...Chaska plants all the squealers, but Jin kind of follows from an overwatch position to watch Chaska's back, and tell Chaska what he cannot see around him while he goes in. I am not sure if its a great idea but its an idea, and I am open to suggestions.
BTW, Purr Purr if you look in the Lore tab, there is a new entry that I put in that makes me think of Chaska. The Retro Village of Osaka sound like just the place for him to be from.

Sherwood Sherwood

Bud? Eon had an excellent idea and we're both really good on this if it's O.K. by you?
I am fine with this. I am letting you guys come up with the plan.
Question ; is there a way Jin can track or watch over Chaska from a distance?
I don't believe so. You can still communicate with the bio-comms freely, so as long as you maintain constant communication with each other, you should be able to keep track of one another well enough.
Well, since this is our first foray into the system, I'll let you buy back any unwanted upgrades at cost and not make you lose half your points in the process, allowing you guys to make some changes to your characters.
Sherwood Sherwood Can Jin use either their Machine Lore or Machine Technnology skill to see if they have any knowledge as to the interior of the factory and the best places to put the squealers?
I’ll let you roll both. There is a bonus for taking your time looking over the place, but there are minuses because of the unknown layout.

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