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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Also, since this is our first shot at Splicers, you guys can respec your bio-e upgrades at a one-to-one point return. After this, it will be reduced to one half the initial investment.
“Besides, this mud sucks big wet donkey butt.
Ahh! There's an image I didn't want in my head!

Scratch Donkey GIF by Gasoline And Us

Just kidding! Ha ha! =)
Do note that Jin does not need to rest or eat for that matter. Her suit is parasitic and she has the Circadian Rhythms feature. She just rested less than a day ago, she is good for up to three more days. She would be good to stay up and stand watch.
I have not forgotten about that, but thanks for the reminder. Everyone else in the group does need to rest their armor at least a few hours every night.

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