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Realistic or Modern Spin You Around

Charlie held her still and nodded "I know, itll get better. Sometimes things have to get worse beforr they get better." He whispered

Max nodded some and walked inside with him giving a heavy sigh "I dont know whats wrong with me Michael...but Im gonna get better."
-2 months-
Val sat down on the couch with a drink and curled up under the blankets. She was the worst she’d been yet and Tom had been great the past couple days but up until now he’d barely spoken to her and now when he was being good to her it was like he felt guilty over something. “You pick a movie.” She mumbled shaking a little.

Michael walked into work after another night of max being too tired for them to get intimate. It was becoming the norm lately and it was concerning him. Mainly because he thought she might be getting sick but also because he was worried she wasn’t tired but just distracted.
Tom nodded some and picked out Iron Man putting it on as he held her close to him kissing the top of her head "I love you." He whispered as he took in a deep breath. He had been beyond distant lately and he had cheated with a womam he met at a bar. He felt beyond guilty about it and just wanted to try and be there for Carmen now.

Max sat in the studio going over her roster giving a soft smile as she memorized the names. She opened her studio in less than a week and her excitement was over board at the moment. Though her home life wasn't the greatest. She still missed Jon terribly and as she tried to push herself to forget him it only made things worse for her. She loved Michael, she really did, but it wasnt the same kind of love as when they had first gotten together.
It was around midday that she got a phone call and when the first time she didn’t pick up they called her straight back immediately seemingly desperate to get through to her.

Carmen smiled tiredly. “I love you too.” She murmured. “Are you sure you can’t make it tomorrow to the church service for James?” She asked him. James had been one of the youngest boys that the guy had murdered and they still hadn’t caught him.
Max saw her phone up light up and frowned seeing it was her fifth missed call. She picked up hoping everything was okay "Hello?" She asked raising an eyebrow

Tom frowned taking in a deep breath and shook his head "No.....I...I can't Carmen." He whispered trying not to think about it "I don't if I can handle it in all honesty."
She just nodded some. “Well then I’m gonna go with Charlie. I can’t go anywhere on my own right now.”

“Max! It’s Jack. Listen there’s been an accident here. There were moving a load of timber frames and one of the main fell off the machine, max it’s landed on top of Michael they’ve taken him to the hospital but they’re not sure he’s gonna make it. You need to go down there right now.”
Tom frowned some "Charlie really? Why cant you just go with Jon?" He muttered looking down at her.

Max went wide eyed and quickly rushed out gasping as she ran into someone looking up at Jon terrified "Jon....Oh god Jon please can you get me to the hospital?! Michael had my car....he got hurt...oh god please Jon!" She asked trying to focus but her mind was all over the place
Jon frowned at her some gesturing to the cruiser he was just getting out of and drove her to the hospital awkwardly as he had barely spoken to her since their argument. He dropped her off at the hospital then went back into town still worrying about her.

Carmen frowned and rolled her eyes. “Because I feel safe I’m Charlie’s hands. He’s helped me with so much of the medical stuff lately. Also Jon isn’t going either. He’s working to,orrow. With you.
Max thanked him quickly and went inside asking a nurse for Michael whimpering when they said he couldnt have visitors "Please Im his fiancee!"

Tom frowned more and grumbled his responce before turning his attention to the TV to watch the movie
She just checked his status and frowned, "Room 307, but only you and no one else." She told her and gave her directions.

Carmen frowned but just refused to let it escalate, eventually falling asleep as she felt a headache coming on.
Max nodded and followed her directions to the room. She walked inside anf gasped when she saw him "Oh Michael..." she whimpered

Tom sighef heavily and let her sleep
He groaned a little and looked up at her trying to stay breathing and not scream. ‘Broke 7 ribs, dislocated shoulder, broken wrist, misaligned hip, broken ankle and a couple torn ligaments in his knee plus a lot of internal bleeding. He’s being kept in the ICU until we can be sure all the bleeding has stopped then he can be moved to a recovery ward.’ His nurse explained to her seeing as Michael was a little incapacitated to talk.
Max nodded and took deep breaths to calm herself down "Did they....did they say how this happened?" She asked gently taking Michael's hand in hers making sure not to move him.
He stared at her frowning some which seemed to be the only thing that it didn’t hurt to do. ‘Crane was moving the timber frame of the front of a house. It came unpatched from the supports and dropped 10 feet on top of him. He’s lucky to be alive ma’am.’ She explained and left them to privacy.
Max gulped and nodded looking at him "Oh Michael...its going to be okay you'll be okay." She whispered wiping her eyes quickly
He just swallowed a little and tried to give her hand a squeeze. “I hope so.” He grunted quietly. “Hurts like a bitch.”
Jon called her sighing heavily and running a hand through his hair. “Hey. I got a real big favour to ask you major.” He told her using his old nickname for from wAt back before they were ever dating.

Michael woke up half an hour later to her leaving the room and just frowned.
Max frowned softly and looked to Michael who was alseep "What is it? I can't be very long." She murmured listening to him before she got up to leave. She hadn't noticed him wake up.
“Cathy’s going into prison. She’s been stealing to paying for her addictions.... again.... I’m heading to social services right now to pick up Lana... would you give her a dance lesson this coming weekend? I know she’s real stressed out and I can pay you for it but I know your studio doesn’t open till next Monday I just... Jesus max she’s been living in the worst fucking places lately and she’s my niece and I want her to not think about the bad stuff. She always loved dancing with you when she was a toddler.”
Max frowned as she looked at him nodding softly "Yeah I can, how about she come in for lessons on monday and I take her shopping. Dont you dare try to pay me Jonny, just get her settled."She said giving a soft sigh "Michael was in an awful accident, I need to be there for him." She explained quietly
He frowned but nodded “I know. I was one of the first responders.” He told her quietly. “His boss said he would call you though so I wouldn’t have to. Only reason I didn’t say anything.” He explained to her. “I hope he gets better soon.” He mumbled and let her go then went to sign all the paper work to get Lana into his care for now.

Carmen woke up and frowned some, sitting up a little and rubbed at her face seeing Tom was nowhere to be seen but he had tucked her in with a blanket and she got up with thr dogs following her while she looked for him around the house. “Tom! You home?!”
Max sighed heavily and gave a nod watching him "Let me know if you need anything else." She murmured before she made her way back to Michael smiling as she saw him awake "Hey baby." She whispered

Tom had left about an hour ago leaving a note saying he went to get lunch for the two of them but in reality he was just driving around trying to buy his time and get away from it all
Michael groaned a little. “Why did you leave?” He mumbled reaching for her hand carefully.

Carmen frowned and got up carefully and went out to the garage to get a drink heading a knock on the door then all three dogs barking at it and she went to go answer it to see what was going on, smiling seeing Charlie there. “Hey you, I thought you were working today?” She asked him
Max sat down and took his hand in hers "Had to take a phone call, didn't want to wake you." She said softly

Charlie smiled and hugged her seeing the dogs and petting them "Marie let me go early, thought I'd stop by see how you were today. Where is Tom?" He asked

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