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Realistic or Modern Spin You Around

“He’s gonna to get us some lunch apparently. Are you still good to take me tomorrow? It’s okay if you’re not but... I’ve just been thinking is all.” She mumbled.

Michael frowned and gripped at her hand a bit tighter. “Please don’t go til I’m asleep.” He whimpered a little and scrunched his face up tight as that sent a wave of pain through his ribs.
Max shook her head kissing his cheek "No baby I wont I promise." She whispered trying to soothe him.

Charlie nodded softly "No I'm still good for us to go." He said quietly stroking her hair back "What have you been thinking about?"
He frowned feeling her hand go to his cheek and he placed his hand over it, pressing his cheek into her palm some more.

Carmen shrugged a little. “I’m not sure if Tom is gonna stick around. I hope we can get through this but it’s scaring me a lot.” She mumbled and frowned hearing his car pull up.
Charlie frowned softly and kept close to her "If you need anything you know I'm right here." He said softly before he leant down and placed a friendly kiss on her forehead not noticing Tom had pulled up.

Tom pulled up with the food glaring ad he saw Charlie and felt his anger boil over when he saw him kiss Carmen on the forehead "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled as he stormed over to them

Max gave him a soft smile before she pressed the call button to see if they could possibly help him with the pain anymore
Carmen turned around and frowned seeing him storm up the drive. “Hey... what? What’s your problem Tom?” She muttered. He’d already told her what he thought about Charlie not that she needed to hear it out loud. It was obvious enough.

Michael just lay still as possible and Helen her hand to him still until he fell back to sleep.
Tom frowned and pushed Charlie out of the way "Stay the fuck off my Fiancee!" He spat glaring at him

Charlie stumbled back a bit but refused to fight back even though he wanted to "Carmen I'll see you tomorrow, call me if you need anything." He said before he turned to leave

Max gave a heavy sigh and checked her phone to make sure she hadn't missed anything from Jon. She stepped out again to call her mom and inform her what happened.
She just nodded over at him then flared at Tom. “Don’t you ever shove him like that again you understand me?!” She spat at him absolutely fuming. “The things that me and him have been through over the years means he still cares about my wellbeing... sometimes I think he cares more than you do!” She snapped at him having finally reached the end of her tether.

Jon had finally finished up with all the paperwork and sat in the lobby waiting until he heard her voice and he stood up hugging his niece tightly. “Hey kiddo. You ready to go?” He asked smiling at her some.
Tom glared at her and took a deep breath towering over "You fucking him?! Is that it?! Huh? Are you cheating on me?!" He yelled fuming just as well pulling her inside and slamming the door shut.

Lana looked at her uncle saddened and hugged him tightly "Its my fault..." she whispered keeping her facr hidden in his stomach as she cried softly.
He shook his head and hugged her tightly trying to soothe her. “No no Lana look at me kiddo, none of this is your fault one bit. I promise.” He murmured and kissed her head taking her out to his cruiser and put her bags in the trunk. “Come on. Let’s go get something to eat. I know that place has bad food.l he smiled at her.

Carmen frowned and tried to stay standing tall against him. “No im not cheating out you and im so hurt that you would think that because I would never ever cheat on you Tom. Never!” She yelled at him.
Lana whimpered softly and wiped her tears "Can we go to that diner grandma takes me to? They have good pie." She said quietly before she buckled up

Tom shook his head "Well with as much fucking time as you've been spending with Charlie what the fuck else am I supposed to think?!" He yelled
“That maybe if you could be more helpful for longer than a few hours with everything that I wouldn’t be going to Charlie for it! For gods sakes Tom I can count the number of times since the disgnosks that you have spent a full day with me on my hands! You stay away like you’re gonna catch it! All those nights you’ve gone out and left me to deal with this completely by myself. This is not what a marriage is supposed to be!” She snapped at him. “Do you even want to get married anymore?!”

Jon nodded and got her bags in his trunk then got in with her. “Course we can. Hey on Monday seeing as you’re gonna be out of school this week, I thought maybe you could go have a dance lesson with Max.” He suggested. “Her new studio opens that day.”
Tom stood silent and frowned as he listened to her "Yes I still want to marry you Carmen but you have no idea what this is doing to me! How can I....How can I fucking sit here and watch you die?! I can't fucking handle it!" He yelled shaking his head and taking a deep breath

Lana looked at him a little confused not remembering Max at all. She hadn't seen her since she was maybe 2 years old. "Who is Max? Is she your girlfriend?" She asked assuming if he was so casual about her that they must have some sort of relationship.
She stared at him shocked. “You’ve gotta be kidding me right?! I’m sorry I’m putting you through this! I’m sorry my health is an inconvenience!” She spat at him “Not that you’re ever around. I know you went to the club last night! Your pockets are filled with receipts from their bar!” She spat and tried to walk away frowning when he grabbed her arm tightly Whimpering a little as his fingers dug in.

He smiled some and shrugged. “She used to be but she’s not anymore. Shes opening a dance studio though and I know how much you love it when your mom can afford to ger you lessons so I sorted something out for you.”
Tom growled some and grabbed her arm digging his nails in a bit "You will not fucking walk away from me!" He yelled taking in a deep breath "So what if I went to the club? I get more fucking attention there than what you give me! Youre always fucking sleeping hell I'm lucky if you fuck me once a month!" He spat

Lana smiled widely and nodded some "Thank you Uncle Jon!!" She said excitedly hugging his neck tight before he started to drive off
Carmen stood there shaking. “Tom you’re hurting me. Please let go.” She said as calmly as possible. “Really? I have a mass growing in my head that could kill me any minute and you’re upset that right now our sex life has slowed down? Tom when you got shot when we firstborn met how long did we go without sex? Four months? Five? I didn’t complain because all I cared about was you being able to walk again.... I would have thought you would feel the same.” She told him quietly shaking and starting to cry.

He chuckled quietly and drove her to go get some food then took her back to his place “I got the dogs here. There’s three of them now but Bam is fonnna be excited to see you.” He smiled at her parking in his drive and taking her bags up to the door, unlocking it and taking her inside letting the dogs run over.
Tom shook his head not letting go "I want our lives back Carmen! I want what we had before this thing came!" He yelled gripping her a bit harder "You arent getting any better and I cant stand it! How can I marry a dead woman?!"

Lana smiled widely and hugged the dogs squealing with joy as they licked all over her "Uncle Jon, are you gonna get married?" She asked just curious about it. She loved her uncle dearly but she realized in all her life she had never seen him have a girlfriend or any serious kind of relationship
Carmen whimpered, feeling blood starting to roll down her arm, and glared at him, having had enough with those last words. She knew he didn’t realise just how far he was pushing it so she reached up and smacked him round the face hard. “Callate!” She screamed at him and pulled back. “How fucking dare you!” She yelled and started storming off to the study, locking the door behind her.

Jason just about choked on his Mountain Dew he’s been drinking and chuckled nervously. “Uh... not anytime soon kiddo. I have a girlfriend but we’ve only been together a couple months.” He explained taking her bags up to the spare room.
Tom stormed after her banging loud on the door "Open the fucking door Carmen!" He yelled tempted to just bust it down to get to her

Lana gave a small shrug and laughed a bit "Oh okay." She said before she went back to playing happily with the dogs. She heard the door and ran in the direction he had gone "Uncle Jon? Someone is at the door.." she whispered scared it might be social services coming for her again
Carmen whimpered a little and sat there shaking some “Tom stop!” She yelled “you’re scaring me!” She cried loudly

Jon frowned but nodded. “Alright don’t worry let me go get it.” He smiled at her and left her with the dogs then went and answered the door swinging it open.
Sophie stood outside smiling wide ready for her date night with Jon having not been told about the situation with Lana "Hey babe ready to go?"

Tom growled and hit the door one last time "Im fucking scaring you?!" He yelled before he shook his head and left slamming the front door shut
Carmen sat there shaking and sobbing just curling up on the floor of the study until she eventually calmed down and she unlocked the door going to the lounge and picked her phone up but jumped out of her skin hearing Tom come back in and looked at him with pure terror, her arm black and blue where he had grabbed her with lines of blood down to her elbow.

Jon facepalmed and sighed heavily. “Shit. I completely forgot. I uh... come on in babe.” He smiled a little and stepped aside. “I’ve got my niece here. Shit hit the fan today with my sister. Lanas in my custody for now.” He explained to her. “Im sorry I completely forgot to tell you. We can still kinda have date night here.” He murmured getting her a glass of wine from his fridge.
Sophie gave a soft frown when he said that he forgot to tell her "Oh well thats okay, I don't mind at all." She said giving a small smile and waving softly as she saw the little girl standing at the end of the hallway looking scared

Tom was shit faced and glared towards her "What the fuck are you looking at?" He slurred taking in heavy deep breaths as he made his way towards her
She whimpered loudly and backed up as much sand possible shaking her head. “Please stop this!” She cried loudly. “Tom this isn’t you!” She sobbed shaking like mad until one of the dogs came over and stood in front of her snarling at Tom and then their Rottweiler joined in while the St. Bernard still slept in the kitchen.
Jon sighed a little and thanked her quietly. “Lana sweetheart this is my girlfriend Sophie. Sophie this young lady is Lana, my niece.” He introduces them and got Lana a drink and a snack then let her go get her room set up and ready.
Sophie gave Lana a big smile shaking her hand "Hi there, Lana." she said softly going to sit with her at the dining room table "So how old are you Lana?" she asked trying to break the ice a bit around the little girl.

Tom glared at the dogs and went to hit her but yelled out in pain as the Rottweiler bit into his hand "You piece of shit!" he yelled as he stepped back shaking his head "Get out of my fucking house!" he yelled at her

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