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Realistic or Modern Spin You Around

Max frowned and gave a heavy sigh "How would you feel if you saw Charlie with amother woman?" She asked softly "I mean like just over the moon happy with someone?"
She frowned a little and shrugged. “I think a little sad that we never got to have that and be healthy and sober at the same time but happy for him.” She told her. “Is this about Sophie? You know she’s really a nice girl. She wouldn’t ever hurt Jon.” She assured her.
Max gave a small nod and let out a heavy sigh "Thats good to know..." she whispered letting the subject go and carrying on with the appointment. As they finished up she quickly paid and hugged her friend before she took back off to the studio
Michael was there waiting for her smiling some. “Hey, office was quiet and they let me go for the rest of the day so I thought we could go get some lunch?” He asked “ooh hair looks good.” He murmured.

Carmen worked another appointment after that but then went to sit down by the desk and frowned a little. “I don’t feel so good.” She mumbled to one of the other girls that worked there.
Max smiled wide as she saw Michael and quickly ran over to him wrapping her arms around his neck hugging him "Hey!" She said happily pulling away only a bit so she could see his face "Yeah I'd love that, Im just about done at the studio too." She murmured takimg him inside "Oh thank you, Carmen did me up good."

Grace frowned looking over her co-worker "You dont look so good, you want me to call your Fiancé?" She asked pulling out her phone so it was at the ready
Carmen shook her head and got up to go get some water then sat down again. “I’m hoping that the feeling will pass.” She told her quietly but after the last client in there walked out she started feeling even worse and moved to sit on the floor by their vending machine, placing her head between her knees. “I think I might be about to have another seizure.” She mumbled frowning

Michael smiled and kissed her gently. “Well someone is happy to see me.” He chuckled. “You Okay? You seemed a bit grumpy last night.” He murmured and followed her.
Grace frowned and quickly called 911 when she saw Carmen start to seize up on the floor.

Max shook her head some "Oh it was nothing I promise." She murmured softly before giving him a kiss. Though she frowned softly as she felt him wrap his arms around her and rub soft circles on her stomach as if she were pregnant
Carmen woke up several hours later in a hospital room hearing lots of beeping and frowning some trying to sit up before realising there was a tube down her throat so she lay back starting to panic. She couldn’t see anyone else in the room but soon she heard toms voice near her.

He smiled and kissed her head. “Come on. Let’s go get lunch.” He murmured walking out to his car with her.
Max smiled happily and went to lunch at her mom's diner. She frowned though as her mom came by and asked 'So can I be expecting any grandbabies soon?'. Max hadn't had the heart to tell her mom their situation at the moment and she only hoped that Michael would just say 'Not sure.'

Tom chatted with a nurse trying to wrap his head around what happened. He took a deep breath and turned to Carmen as her monitors started going off quickly going to her "Babe? Babe calm down its okay youre okay."
She whimpered looking over at him and gripped at his hand desperately until they took the tube out and she was helped to sit up and sucked on some ice chips. “What’s going on?” She mumbled feeling a little blurry on the details.

Michael smiled at her and shrugged. “Hopefully.” He told her and chuckled as she grinned and left them to it while they ordered from their waitress.
Max gave a small smile and tried the hide the pain it caused her to have to lie to her mother like that. As they arrived home after lunch she quickly went inside and into the garage with her Ballet slippers. She needed to let out her emotions the best way she could without worrying anyone

Tom frowned softly and gave her hand a squeeze "You had another seizure babe...a big one. Thwyre going to try ans get you on the treatment plan we chose as quickly as possible." He explained
She frowned some and looked at him sadly for a moment. “And this is why you should have been coming to those appointments on your days off... I’m already getting the treatment tom.” She explained quietly. “Halfway through the course.” She mumbled rubbing her face a little.

He frowned and watched her go then headed upstairs to take a shower and sit down with a book.
Max looked at herself in the mirror and cried softly shaking her head softly wondering why all of this must be so confusing

Tom frowned more and looked at the ground for a minute before looking at her "I thought it was supposed to help you? Why are you still have these awful seizures?"
She frowned and bit her lip hard for a moment. “Because it’s not working.” She explained quietly. She had known for a few weeks that it wasn’t doing what it was supposed to but with tom so distant she had been scared to tell him.

Michael eventually went to the garage and leaned against the wall. “Talk to me.” He said quietly and watched her carefully. “It’s not a question either. Tell me what’s going on and why you’ve been like this. I’m worried about you and all I want is for you to be happy but clearly that’s not happening at the moment.”
Tom frowned more and took a deep breath "Then why are you still taking them? Why not try something else?!" He asked getting angry about the situation but not at her.

Max looked at him and took a deep breath wiping her eyes shaking her head a bit "Im....Im not good enough for you Michael...you want kids and thats okay but I can't give them to you....I had a chance long ago and blew it...that may have been my only shot." She cried as she began to shake thinking about it. It was the longest one she had held and maybe it wouldve had she not gotten an abortion
“Because you have to finish it and then start something else. You can’t end a course halfway through... which means that I have to wait another two months while this thing in my head gets bigger.” She told him sadly.
Tom frowned and shook his head again feeling his anger boil more "I need to go...I'll be at the gym." He muttered not wanting to blow up infront of her

Max looked at him with heartbroken eyes and took a deep breath "Ten years ago....I...I didn't have a scare." She whispered wiping a falling tear away "I was pregnant...but I knew neither Jon nor I were ready to be parents. I went along for a bit trying to figure out what to do. Finally I decided and his mom took me to the clinic." She explained taking in a shaky breath "I had it aborted and he wanted nothing to do with me because of it...so I left...and now...now I can't have children and I can't help but think this is Kharma coming back at me." She said before she fell into his arms sobbing
“Tom wait!” She called then frowned as he left without another word and she just lay back, starting to cry. She needed his comfort not for him to leave her alone.

He smiled and kissed her cheek, holding her close. “You mean everything to me. You know that? Maybe.... maybe it is time to start looking at other options for having kids.” He mumbled a little.
Max held onto him shaking her head again "But that isnt what you want." She whispered letting more tears fall as she looked into his eyes

Charlie came in about 30 minutes later panting since he had ran all the way from the diner to there "Are you okay?' He asked panicked as he sat down next to her.
She frowned whimpering a little. “Define okay asshole.” She muttered not meaning to take it out on Charlie.

He frowned some and held her a little tighter. “Then What would you like me to do?” He muttered
Max whimpered softly and shook her head some "I dont know Michael....I dont know." She whispered crying agaim as she hid her face in his chest

Charlie frowned more and took her hand in his "Talk to me, let it out." He whispered stroking her cheek gently "God even with wires all over you, youre still gorgeous." He whispered
She whimpered a little and explained everything to him before finally she was able to calm down enough to stop crying.

“Do you need some space?” He asked reluctantly. He didn’t want to leave her on her own but if it was for her own good. He may have to.
Charlie frowned and moved to where he was holding her "Oh Carmen,Im so sorry." He whispered running his fingers lightly through her hair "Im so sorry."

Max went wide eyed and shook her head some "No Michael please....Dont leave." She whispered
She just held onto him tightly taking any comfort she could get and cried into his shirt. “I just want things to be okay again.” She whimpered and wiped at her eyes

He smiled and kissed her cheek tiredly. “Then I won’t leave. I’m not going anywhere babe.” He promised and held her close

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