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Realistic or Modern Spin You Around

Carmen whimpered loudly “Tom you’re drunk please!” She sobbed shaking like mad and carefully edged further away from him with her back against the wall and panic called Jon.

He smiled watching Lana shake her hand back and start talking to her going to sit with them but frowned seeing carmens phone come up and answered it, feeling his blood run cold when he heard Tom screaming at her on the other end. “I’m gonna be rigjt back ladies. Emergency.” He told them and took off, getting in the cruiser and put his lights on heading straight to their house, getting there the same tome max was getting home
Max got home late sighing heavily as she got out of her car, though when she heard sirens and saw Jon coming out of his cruiser next door she got really worried. She decided to wait outside just to be safe and make sure everything was okay with Tom and Carmen

Tom shouted for her to get out again as he tugged on her arm throwing her to the floor. Though when he heard the door bust open and saw Jon there he stopped looking at his friend "The fuck do you want Bernthal?!" he yelled fuming like crazy
Jon stared at the scene in front of him shocked. “Tom let her go now.” He told him calmly “Tom ou need to let her go.” He repeated waiting til he finally dropped her arm and Jon sighed heavily shoving him up against the wall and handcuffed him. “Sorry dude but you have to come with me.” He told him then read him his rights before dragging him out to the cruiser and locking him in the back, seeing the other car show up to handle the rest of it and he just looked over at max and shook his head taking Tom down to the station.

Carmen sat there shaking and crying starting to get another headache now that the adrenaline was wearing off and all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball away from everyone
Max frowned and quickly rushed over as they pulled off looking at Carmen knocking on the door quietly "Carmen? Carmen is everything okay?" she asked softly opening the door slightly to see her on the floor "Carmen!" she said rushing to her and making sure she was okay "What do you need?"

Tom yelled at Jon as they threw him in the drunk cell to sober out "Let me the fuck out Jon! You piece of shit!" he yelled
She whimpered a little and shook her head. “Please just leave max.” She told her quietly and got up heading straight to her room and curling up with the dogs.

“You can come out when you’re sober and not an idiot.” He muttered and flared at him before leaving the station for the night heading home to find Lana and Sophie were sitting on the couch watching a movie. “Hey sorry about that... emergency came up. I’ll explain later.” He told Sophie quietly and slotted himself in next to Sophie pulling her in close and kissed her head.
Max gave a small nod before she went out closing the door behind her and going to her own house giving a small sigh

Sophie gave a small nod kissing his cheek gently "Its alright,Lana were having some nice girl time huh?" She said giving a small laugh seeing Lana had fallen asleep at the other end of the couch
Jon smiled some and sighed a little tucking a blanket around her. “My sister is a junkie and a whore and when Lana was born instead of stepping up to the plate she started to care even less. Social services are awful though. They keep giving her back to her mom. But she comes and stays with me a lot.” He explained quietly kissing Sophie’s cheek.
Sophie nodded softly and sighed heavily "Well hopefully you can take her from that life." she whispered stroking his cheek gently "You're a good man for doing this Jon, she is lucky to have you for an uncle." she whispered kissing him again keeping herself close to him before she would say goodbye to him.
He just nodded and held her close protectively kissing her head repeatedly until she had to leave and he said goodbye to her then put Lana to bed and went to bed himself in his roo, waking up early in the morning and smiled some at bam bam waking him up with licks. He got into work at around 8:30 after dropping Lana off at school and he went straight to the cells, opening up the one with Tom in and leaned against the doorway watching him sitting with his head in his hands.
Tom groaned some as he woke up looking at Jon when he heard the door open. He shook his head holding his head in his hands "What happened?" he asked taking a deep breath not remembering anything after he left their argument.
Michael woke up to an empty room and frowned some seeing they’d brought him some food for breakfast if he felt up to eating though he wasn’t sure he had the energy. He just wanted to see max though it was already 9am and she hadn’t shown up yet.

Jon grit his teeth. “I don’t know if it’s better or worse that you don’t remember what you did.... Tom you got drunk. Really drunk. Went home and started assaulting Carmen. Telling her and I quote, so what if I go out all the time, we only fuck once a month now so I get to do what I like... and then ... how can I marry a dead woman?” He pauses and just looked at him. “Shall I go on? No? Tom if she takes you back after all that then either you’re the luckiest fucker alive or she’s the stupidest person for loving you.” He muttered furious with his deputy.
Max came in about thirty minutes later giving a small smile as she held up some food for them "Goodmorning babe." she said softly kissing his forehead gently "Brought you some fresh fruit and good oatmeal." she said softly stroking his cheek "How are you feeling?"

Tom frowned and took deep breaths angry with himself on how this all went down "Fucking hell Jon I really did fuck up this time huh?" he said quietly looking at his friend with bloodshot eyes "Can you..can you call her? I want to speak with her...even if its just through the phone." he muttered
Jon just nodded and went to get his phone calling her quickly and explaining the situation to her then nodded some glancing over at Tom, eventually passing the phone over to him.

Val frowned, curled up on the couch with the dogs and shaking a little. “What do you want?” She asked quietly and wiped at her eyes.

He smiled a little and watched her, reaching for her hand carefully. “Like someone bashed my ribs in.” He croaked out.
Tom took in a deep breath and ran a hand over his face "I.....Carmen...I dont remember...and I know it changes nothing." He said quietly

Max nodded softly and kissed his forehead again "Im so sorry baby." She whispered squeezing his hand gently as she sat down
“We need to have a talk but im not doing it alone with you.... you can come home and Charlie can come over and be the mediator.” She told him seriously.

He frowned some and just held her hand gently thanking her when she started to help him with breakfast and he chewed on the food slowly taking almost forty minutes to eat the fruit and a little bit of the oatmeal before he refused anymore and he lay back again frowning
Tom frowned heavily about to protest about Charlie but in the end gave up "Fine.." he muttered before saying goodbye and handing the phone back to Jon.

Max gave a small smile and helped him as much as she could "You did really good babe." She said softly before she put the leftovers away
Michael Kay back some and frowned coughing a bit and just scrunched by his face up against the pain gripping at her hand a little tighter. “I wanna go home.” He muttered quietly after he eventually calmed down
Carmen frowned and stood up going to get herself cleaned up so that she was ready, about to call Charlie when the world seemed to turn sideways and she blacked out with no prior warning, collapsing in the hallway at the top of the stairs and lay there barely breathing
Max nodded some and sighed heavily "I know babe, I wish I could take you home but they want you here just in case." She said softly glancing at the time to make sure she had enough time to set up the studio before the weekend

Tom got home about 30 minutes later walking inside frowning as he heard the dogs barking upstairs. He started to walk up and went wide eyed seeing Carmen's hair flowing down the top of them. He quickly rushed up and checked her over picking her up quickly and rushing back to Jon "HOSPITAL NOW!" he yelled getting in the back with Carmen still in his arms knowing there was no time to wait for an ambulance
He grunted a little and frowned starting to feel a little tight in his chest just watching her. “Somewhere important to be?” He grunted.

Jon put the pedal to the floor and took him straight there managing to wiggle it to go to the emergency entrance instead.
Max shook her head some "No no, just had to finish up a few things for the studio." She said softly giving him a small smile

Tom rushed inside and rushed to a nurse "Help her please!" He yelled letting a few tears fall as he looked at Carmen who was almost lifeless in his arms
He groaned a little and gripped at her hand tightly, his eyes glazing over some and just stared straight ahead of him going really quiet as it started getting difficult to breathe.

Jon helped move her over to a stretcher and let them take her away then got Tom to a seat in a private waiting room getting him some water and sat down nearby.
Max frowned as she watched him quickly pressing the call button multiple times starting to panic as his monitors started to spike. As the doctors came in they quickly made her leave placing in the same waiting room as Tom.

Tom sat there with his head in his hands shaking a bit. He felt like this was all this fault and now if she died he would never forgive himself.
Jon looked over at her and frowned. “Hey... what’s going on? Michael okay?” He asked her quickly while he left Tom quietly to sit there not having anything to say to him, still mad st him.
Max looked at Jon and hugged him tight just wanting his comfort "I dont know....he just....his monitors were spiking they told me to leave." She whimpered as she cried into his chest

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