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Fantasy Spellblade

A Camion's Past

Mion woke up to Ebony's soft snorting and nudging. It was still dim as it was early in the morning. The birds were calling and singing to each other in the trees beyond their hill. He sat up to see the black mare pawing the ground nervously. He looked around. His brothers were around the campfire, but he didn't see the Camion.

"What's wrong?" Mion murmured stroking the horse's cheek. His horse could sense that something was wrong, but he didn't understand. He ran up the hill and looked all over the valley. It was a somewhat flat landscape and he saw no enemy. Then it hit him. Where was the Camion?

"Wake up!" Mion shouted to the others, as he hastily donned his armor and Ebony's barding. "Michi is missing!"

@Lorkhan , @SparkSinger , @Sizniche , @The Unamed Character
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Shin hadn't noticed the blood before, but he certainly saw it now. The smile on his face dropped, turning straight into a concerned frown, "Marth-chan! What happened to your fingers!?" he shouted, distraught as he put his hands up to his face.

Kujari meanwhile looked around the rooms for signs of blood, and there were quite a few spots hidden here and there. He frowns as well as he wondered what the hell happened in here.

Elandor drew power from within as he focus all of his energy into reforming the molecules of his blade to a perfect edge. It was relaxing to him. Taking the chaotic structure of bends and nicks and forging it into a perfectly straight edge.

He heard the movement of someone waking so he decided he had done enough and dissipated the excess energy into the air. Leaving his sword resting on two stones, one under the tip and one under the hilt, he stood and stretched his legs before he began to pull back on his coat and boots.

"Wake up. Michi is missing!"

Elandor looked up from lacing his boot. "Do not rush. She's been gone for hours but she did not take a mount. We can track her but hastily running after her could get us lost or run into an ambush. Get ready and pack up. I'll take care of the fire. On horseback we will catch her."

After strapping his sheath to the belt over his shoulder he picked up his sword and slid it home before kicking dirt into the fire. It was going to be a long day.
After about two hours of traveling across the sea in the Northern Wind, a commotion occurred on deck. "Captain! Ship sighted off to starboard!" called one of the shipmates from the crow's nest. "Dear Gods, captain! They're flying a black flag!"

"Pirates? What's the angle?"

"They're coming at us with their bow, captain!"

"So they wanna ram us? Ha! Hey, Spellblades! Ever witnessed a battle at sea before? If not, I'd stay down, thing are gonna get hectic. HELMSMEN! TURN HER NORTHWARD, PORTSIDE OF THE BLACK ONE!" She turned back to the Spellblades. "A pirate's ramming bow could be deadly, but they're more used to boarding defenseless merchant ships. And I'm no everyday merchant. DECK! PREPARE TO GRAPPLE THESE DIPSHITS! Prepare to be boarded, we're gonna fight on home territory."

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy @Seraph Darkfire @Ashaficent @Iomana @CoconutLeaves @Rui @SovietBear
"Two hours" Teiren said sighing as he shut his book "Not bad" he'd gotten at least a third of the way through his book so he was feeling pretty good, but he didn't like just stopping in the middle. He stored the book away and stepped back onto the deck away from the incoming ship "If you need any extra hands, just shout" Teiren said though he didn't actively jump into the fray. He was sure Killian had done this enough times that she and her crew had a repertoire. If they were to carelessly interfere, it could throw off the well trained balance the crew had going. It could cause more problems than solutions.

But he was willing to fight should she ask. Though from the looks of it, she seemed to have it all under control.

Michi returned to the camp. She saw everyone rushing around. "um.... what are you guys doing?" she asked them with a confused tone. She had a large pack on her back. "It is like you lost something of the up-most importance"

@Zer0 @SparkSinger
"Already?" Misty murmured, boredly eyeing her nails, "damn." She hopped back up, hand on her the hilt of her blade.
Nieves had closed her eyes the whole time on deck, somewhat amused that not one sailor was tempted for swish the bottle of liquor in front of her. Either this crew was manned by the driest people in the planet, or the admiral had made sure that no one was allowed to slack off during the voyage. She closed her eyes to ponder about the destination ahead, which turned into a snorefest as her snores could be strongly heard on the deck; like a cross between a bear's growl and a goat's bleating.

"Grrraameeeeee--" She went before being awoken by the sound of the admiral's commands. She could only hear the last one as she stood up and with bleary vision, watched a ship in the distance come closer.

Ah, pirates.

Wait no, that wasn't right. She yawned as she stretched her arms, rubbed her eyes and twisted her waist. Shet, she wondered if she was having a hangover. That alcohol was probably stronger than she thought. Twisting her waist, she stretched her arms, rubbed her eyes, and laid herself on the floor, getting back up with a good slithering stretch.


Taking out her swords, she took a few step backs as she watched the crew move about, but she was going to stay to see the sight. This was an opportunity she wouldn't want to miss.

"Come at us!" She called to the ship, "Let us bring you to your loved ones in the Underworld!" She grinned awaiting what happens next.
A Camion's Past

Mion breathed a sigh of relief. He looked up at the sky with his eyes closed, looking like he was holding back some words. "Nothing." he said tersely, pretending to be busy fixing Ebony's barding in place. "Just doing . . . an . . . early dorning mrill- I mean, morning drill." he coughed.

He mounted Ebony and waited for Vn'yaer'ok before he went ahead of the group avoiding Michi's gaze, the tips of his ears red. "I feel so dumb . . ." he muttered quietly when he was out of earshot. "Shouldn't have worried about her . . . Like I care . . ."

@The Unamed Character
"Oh... okay," William muttered as he watched Misty lean over the railing. "W-whatever you say, it's fine with me." The healer was almost tempted to walk up to the railing with her, when suddenly...

"They're flying a black flag!"

William ducked down as per Killian's request, watching the screw scramble to attention. Though their actions seemed frenzied, there was almost a sort of grace to it, one that seemed to flow between the men and women on board. Swords were being drawn by the spellblades, and no doubt the crew was preparing themselves as well. "Better to stay down." He unlimbered his slingshot and a bead, in case anyone got injured.

Meanwhile, Strad was roused by the alarm, raising his emerald green head to face the pirates. Hmm. He was no fire-spewing dragon of mythology, or a kraken of the stormy seas, but he was still a mighty beast. The dragon remained perfectly still as the crew milled around in preparation for the pirate fight. With a sharp glint in his eye, the dragon finally opened his mouth - and unleashed a terrifyingly powerful war song, invigorating the other passengers of the ship with heightened passion.
A heavy sigh came from the man's mouth as he brought his wrists up and inspected the iron shackles that bound them together. Yves paced around the small cell located in the pirate ship's hold. Up above, he could hear the scoundrels running about the deck and shouting some sort of sea jargon. Perhaps they had found a target? The chirugeon took a seat in the corner of the barred off area.

It was unfortunate really, he had booked passage to Kempiir in order to resume his practices in the slums there. The merchant ship that he had booked passage on proved to be an obvious target for the sea-faring thieves, however. At least he had been taken captive instead of slain. They desperately needed someone who could provide medical care, especially when they brutalized the merchants who offered a futile resistance.

There was a silver lining to be found here, however. His sword, along with the rest of his luggage, was also taken aboard and stowed away. And for once, the wraith within the ancestral blade wasn't murmuring about bloody murder in the back of his head. The last two days spent wallowing in the cell had ironically provided the best sleep he's had in years. His body wasn't sore from the spirit's various antics and he slept far earlier than he usually did.

Hmm, with any luck there'll be some serious injuries among their ranks and they'll be forced to retrieve me. I'm sure I can choke one of them out with these shackles and I've memorized the layout of their ship. The only thing left to do in that circumstance is to get to my sword and channel that spirit. A plan formed in the man's head as he looked over to the empty cell across from his. Off in the distance, he could hear some sort of melodic bellowing. It was something that undoubtedly inhuman, perhaps some sort of war beast? Regardless, all that was left for him to do was bide his time. Yves folded his arms as best as he could with the shackles and waited for the skirmish on the deck to commence.
A Camion's Past

Vn'yaer'ok jumped onto Ebony's back, careful to not shatter the belt of potions he was wearing over his shoulder. Earlier that morning, he had already bottled the potions and packed up all of his equipment.
She felt the blood in her veins boil and tremble with a feeling of adrenaline and bloodlust. War songs, how utterly simple that something as beautiful as music can unleash the carnal side of man. She took out her swords and swayed her hips, watching the dragon of plants, the beast of legend, continue to sing with an archaic mysticism that inflamed the hearts of men. She wondered if she were to suffer some low after the music, but at the moment, at the peak of its song, she swayed, tapping her feet as her hands turned itchy with the desire to fight the enemy.

"My my my, dear healer. Such a violent skill you have with you." She teased him whilst not even looking at him, her eyes trained on the approaching ship. She took of the cloth that was tied on her hair and then fastened them to the side of the waist, kicking of her slippers and adapting a stance that was reminiscent of her ancestors; headhunters of the mountains, fearless warriors that worshiped the beasts that roamed the land.

"Still, this seems addicting," she mused to herself, uncaring if anyone heard her within earshot, "being a knight for the healer. I actually fancy that thought." She took her larger sword and pointed at the ship, swaying her body left and right to a primal song as the drops of seawater touch her face, taunting her, tensing her body, drawing her to fight against pirates.
Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
Mion breathed a sigh of relief. He looked up at the sky with his eyes closed, looking like he was holding back some words. "Nothing." he said tersely, pretending to be busy fixing Ebony's barding in place. "Just doing . . . an . . . early dorning mrill- I mean, morning drill." he coughed.

He mounted Ebony and waited for Vn'yaer'ok before he went ahead of the group avoiding Michi's gaze, the tips of his ears red. "I feel so dumb . . ." he muttered quietly when he was out of earshot. "Shouldn't have worried about her . . . Like I care . . ."

@The Unamed Character
"Hey!!! Big Guy!" she said as she reached into the bag and took out a helmet. "You wanted to know more right? Catch" she yelled as she threw it to him. "It is some of their armor"
The steel helmet glittered in the dawn's light, arcing over Gareth's head and into Mion's hand. There was no doubt in his mind that Michi had ripped that helmet from a New Rule soldier's corpse. "Very good, Michi. Very good indeed." he interjected, rising from the moss-riddled stump he was seated in. "What a valid reason to sneak away from under our noses in the middle of the night." Gareth was sarcastic in his tone, but he kept a hard look in his eyes. After a moment's pause, he gestured his hand to the helmet. "Perhaps you'll tell us where you got that?"
Michi sighed "It is my old armor...." she said and looked up "You wanted to know my past.... come with me... it is about a couple hours but it will be worth it..."
Sunder was tucked away in the back of some pub, drinking away his problems. Beer glasses and empty platers of food littered the table and ground around him. He sighed and leaned back, while looking outthe window. Ah... This is nice... What the f**k? Sunder sat up abruptly and stared out the window for a good few minutes. Is that what I think it is... Oh no... In a drunken panic Sunder snaged his pack and rished out of the bar. What he saw was a ship leaving port, but not just any random ship. There was a certain green dragon abord that ship, which ment he'd just missed the spellblade's ride to jaeger islands. While spewing out profanities like a woodchipper on roids, Sunder grabbed his donkey (saying his donkey is too much work, imma call him Jason) hopped on he nearest rowboat, and tried to row after the ship. However both of the oars broke, leaving Sunder to row with his hands.

A few minutes later...

Sunder came around to the back of a ship. He pulled a rope out and looked for something to attatch to the end but saw nothing. Then he remembered... Jason. He picked up Jason and attempted to tie a rope around him, but that provided futile. In an effort to still the squealing donkey, Sunder bellowed out a thunderously loud "HOLD STILL!" The pirates aboard the ship momentarily froze before resuming their preparations. Meanwhile, Jason froze for a moment, and that provided Sunder the necesary time to tie his rope around Jason's waist. A few moments later, the pirates could hear a "UUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuu......." Echoing across the deck, accompanied by a screaming, flailing, donkey, and a loud crash. By some miracle, Jason didn't die on impact. A few moments later Sunder was aboard the ship (which he found out was a pirate ship) wrecking havok on the pirate's crew.
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A Camion's Past

Mion looked at the old ornate helmet in his hand. It had a distinctive design similar to the ones he saw in the village and it had seen many battles. Scratches stretched across the worn metal and ingrained in some places were dirt and dried blood. He gave it a little polish before he handed it back to Michi, wordlessly, then followed her.
Michi led them to an old hut in the woods. "This is where it began....." she said as she looked around. "It may seem like an old hut, but look around..." she said. Sure enough, there were other huts that were overgrown with vines, shrubbery, and some with trees in the middle of them. "This is where thy started, and where they did their first injustice...."
Misty concentrated on the blood.


"THERE ARE TONS OF THEM IN THERE!" She called, drawing her sword at the ready. "Don't let them near us! They may be able to overpower us by sheer numbers, spellblades or not!"
Misty sighed, "forgot we had a dragon," she murmured to herself, and proceeded to join in the fight, her coldness returning with a vengeance.
"Here they are! Grapplers!" On her word, grapple cannons on the side of the ship fired at the pirates, connecting the ships together and pulling the pirate ship closer with a pulley system.

"Musket fire!"
The pirates had started shooting at the Northern Wind in hopes to dwindle their numbers before the battle even began. The men on board, hearing Killian's warning, dropped to the deck. Two were hit, slumping to the floor in lifeless heaps. When the ships finally connected, the real battle began.

Swords clashes and pistols were fired in every direction. Killian was in the thick of it, stabbing on and shooting another with her pistol. There seemed to be no end to the amount of pirates, but what they had in number, they lacked in training.
"Abante!!!!!!" Nieves shouted with a gusto, her feet running and her legs taking her as fast as she can to the other ship.

"Dugai ug Ovug!" She called out as she jumped in mid-air, her eyes glistening as she slashed the wind in front of her at a group of pirates. The blades shone as the sound of thunder defeaned the pirates and sailors, and the strike of white hot lightning shot from her sword and at the pirates in front of her. She watched them shout and howl in pain as they fell with burns, alive but extremely wounded. Her feet landed on the wooden oak of the pirate ship and watched as the ogre from before had already boarded.

"A group of men versus one woman? Fine with me!" She asked as the nearby pirates, some who had finished with the sailors, turned to her and attack. The blood within her roared with excitement due to the dragon's song, and her eyes alighted as she dodged many bullet and evaded the stabs,thrusts, and slashes of the swords. With that, she parried, striking down her foes with every blow of her blades, feet and punches. There was a primitive artistry in her fight, giving as well as receiving the same wounds. Some bullets have grazed or lodged on her shoulder or on her legs, while some swords have nicked upon her body, all however were minor in their injury as far as Nieves was concerned.

Yet, the stains of blood from herself had started to show on her clothes, and Nieves knew she had to fight smartly now. Willing herself not to listen to the dragon's song, she took a few steps back and looked at her opponents. Seven, no, eight of them had stanced themselves awaiting and calculating her next move. She pitied them somewhat, pirates were often poor fishermen who needed the money and found no other way than through pillaging and ransoms. But she had seen how those acts have degraded them, and she of the mountains knew that this animal instinct existed within everyone. The fear in their eyes could be seen from deep within, but they knew they were desperate. She was as well, and it was that understanding that no regret could really be given. They both knew the rules.

They both have to comply to it.

"Tunoksatilas!" She shouted, and with the twisting of her blades, she ran at each one, giving a slash in each arms that cut, regardless how deep or how shallow it was, her brown eyes narrowed as she reached the other end and began defending. Kicking or jumping at her enemies in order to buy time. This was a simple task in her opinion, they only knew how to fight with a blade or a gun, they didn't know how to plan and work with the weapons, let it speak to them as if they were an extension of their limbs. As she kept defending, she watched as the foes she fought were getting more irritated, scratching their arms where they were wounded and losing their focus. This kept going until they had given up, some shouting in pain from the cuts, and some blacking out from its intensity.

As they fell one by one, she wondered if she should end their suffering, but thought against it. Life will have more painful punishments, and she was merely content to let them live far away where they can harm her. She walked to the edge of the ship and saw the others fight. She wondered if she could do more, but let herself be simply satisfied with a new wave of pirates who had decided to avenge their comrades, friends, rivals, and lovers.

"You harlot!" one of them shouted. "I'll have you dead!"

Nieves simply nodded and looked at him in the eye, her sword raised at his face, his skin filled with rage and bloodlust.

She was wounded, the blood seeping from her body slowly taking their toll, and the energies around her slowly exhausting her. But she could not give up at a mere fight between small fry. She would not allow herself to bear the mark of that shame.

"I rather you wound me with your cutlass than with the weak crassness of your words." She informed him and dashed.
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As the pirates boarded the ship, Strad bared his fangs, tensing his claws. The pirates swarmed on the ship like a tide of insects, but the large dragon was not deterred. Of course, the pirates had some sense to not attack him directly, instead locking ranks. No matter. Strad let out a thunderous roar, bellowing angrily and shocking the three pirates in front of him. With a quick swipe of his tail, he swept them aside like ragdolls, pushing one into the water and the other two to the hard wood of the deck. The humans were constantly milling around him, like a strange current, so Strad merely gnashed his teeth, lashing out at anyone who came close.

Meanwhile, William ducked low as swords collided and gunshots rang across the deck of the Northern Wind. He kept his hand on the handle of his slingshot, watching the battle unfold. A pirate charged at him, but William unleashed the bead at him, chanting quickly. The bead exploded with a flash and left a cloud of yellow gas hanging in the air, allowing the healer to scramble out of the pirate's way before the gas cleared. While rushing through the battle, William watched Nieves, a flurry of blades and blood, being cut slightly by swords or grazed by bullets. The wounds were small, but they were all adding up. Whispering a prayer under his breath, William loaded a blue-green bead into his slingshot, aiming for the largest of the cuts on the spellblade's body. He loosed the bead, and Nieves would feel a small pop in her side. "Bullseye," he muttered, before chanting the amplification spell. The small cuts started to seal, and though they would sting at first, the bleeding would stop in a few seconds.


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