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Fantasy Spellblade

Willow paused, watching the large dragon's tail move away. She contemplated ignoring it, knowing that it wasn't the head fo the dragon, but the young flame was still very curious and decided to play chase. She hurried after the tail and attempted to touch the tip of it.

Shin spun around and and gently took the paper bird back from Marth, redoing the folds before handing it back, "It's all okay Marth-chan, it's easy fix. I can even make another! But now I'm going to make a surprise for you" he stands up, getting some sheets that he wasn't using and grabbing some needle and thread. He looked around the room carefully... but he didn't see anything right off that he could use to make the kite's frame, "I need strong sticks to finish this, lets go get them!" he said as he walked over to the door.

Marth nodded. "Okie Mistwer Shine." the child said adorably wrong as he followed the man.

@ChrisClark13 shall the mistress come in now? Or maybe a rouge bounty hunter trying to snatch Marth and bring him back? Or we just have it be peaceful and a learning experience for the tot? What do you think?

The chirugeon groaned as he continued to put up with the shadow's soft mutterings. The salty sea breeze still clung to his clothes as he mulled about the village's market stalls. The sword strapped to his back remained concealed with wrappings - while it was clear that it was a broadsword of some sort its form was hidden. Yves brought the medicine bag with him as per usual - the likelihood of having to operate on-site was surprisingly high, more so when Spellblades were involved. Feeling somewhat bored, the man traveled to the nearby forest.

"Excellent. I've been trying to find these exotics for a fair price but they're curiously abundant here." His deft hands scoured the forest floor for certain herbs. While it seemed that the one Spellblade who aided him earlier had unlimited access to those resources, self-sufficiency was among one of the Severin family's teachings. Even without magic, they would persevere and continue their duty as executioners.

He shuddered slightly as a lingering memory appeared in his mind.


Long ago, Yves-Laurent Severin stood on a raised platform. The Severin heir was clad in red and black and the dark veil that concealed his face from the masses was marked with his family's coat of arms. Someone had tried to raise a rebellion up against the nobility and their attempt was easily quashed. His hands trembled as his grip tightened on the sword of justice. Today, he would be killing a remnant of his past and one of the remaining vestiges of innocence that he held dear.


Yves shook his head as he resumed his herb-gathering. The past was the past and there was nothing he could do about it now. Had certain circumstances fail to pass, perhaps he would have remained an executioner. To an extent, he still carries out those grim duties under the Wraith's influence. The man sighed as he bottled the last sample and took in the stillness of the forest.
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Shin held Marth's hand as he stopped to think before actually heading off to the healer's quarters. Once there the healer saw them, making a heavy sigh and opened her mouth to speak just as Shin interrupted her, "Nonono, I'm making a kite!" he smiles as he holds up the silk sheets he planned on cannabalizing for his project, "I need some those splint sticks!"

The healer shot a glance at Marth for a second before grabbing a handful of wooden rods and holding them out to Shin, who stepped forwards to grab them from her, "Thank you!" he said with a small bow, he then suddenly asked, "Ah! Can I have string too 'kay?" The healer fished out a small bundle of string before handing it to Shin as well, "Just be careful out there Shin."

"Yes ma'm" Shin called back before heading back to his room.

Once in the room, he lifted Marth up onto his bed before getting to work on the kite, though keeping an eye on the child out of the corner of his eye. In all it takes Shin about a half hour to throw together a simple diamond-shaped kite, made from a white silk sheet.

Shin holds up the kite for Marth to see, "Now that it's done, we take it outside and to make it fly!" he said excitedly, but then he exclaims, "Oh! You don't have something to keep you warm outside!" He steps over to the wooden closet, unlocking it to pull out a yellow-fur lined cape. (Marth is able to catch a glimpse of the full-plate armor that is hanging inside) "You can use my cape!" he says as it wraps the oversized piece of clothing around Marth's shoulders.

@GoldenChari Well, I would like this to be peaceful for now. I think I shall have Shin take Marth out with him to fetch the kite when it invariably gets carried away by the strong mountain winds in a few posts. Something can happen then. Perhaps the bounty hunter?
Killian blinked multiple times, then squinted at William, trying to clear her vision. "What I mean? I mean the reason we came here in the first place. Damn it, why does this bullet hurt so more than normal... hold on." She closed her eyes, seemingly going into a state of focus. Her white hair, while already pretty exotic, began glistening like freshly fallen snow. She opened her eyes, which were now glowing purple and icy-blue, and the air around them got noticeably colder.

"Much better. Incase ya didn't know, I'm half Frost Elf. The curse'll probably be gone soon enough. Wait." She looked quickly looked around, almost in a panic. "Where are the others? Where's that Elder fellow?"

@Lotusy @Rui
Teiren was off on his own, sitting in the center of a clearing, the buzz of nature on his skin. He was listening to the pulse of the world, attuning his energy to it. He had his own ways of investigating. He particularly didn't like dealing with people other than those he was comfortable with. Instead, he was feeling out the magic in the area. Magic flowed in unpredictable ways, but they way it did was beautiful and odd. If there was high class magic being used, the magic became far more orderly, as if pulled towards a force.

If anyone was using magic on a high enough scale, Teiren would be able to find them.

((So I am not to sure what I'm supposed to be doing, but I figured I'd have Teiren be doing his own thing))

"Killian's... er, wait a moment." All of a sudden, Killian started talking again, making William become hushed with concern. "Killian, are you alright? I mean - whoa." Suddenly, the woman's hair flared to life, becoming the color of a fresh snowfall. After the light dissipated, she was noticeably healthier, and William carefully removed her arm from his shoulder so she could stand by herself. "W-well then. Never mind, I think she's fine." As the captain began inquiring of the spellblades' whereabouts, William did his best to count them out on his fingers. "Well, Strad's back at the ship. I saw Teiren head off somewhere, and Yves was grabbing some herbs. Misty and I are here, Nieves went to scout out... oh no." William ruffled the back of his hair in distress. "I totally forgot! You said dead people, right? We need to tell her!" Of course, in his panic, William forgot the location of the elder - not that he'd known where the most mysterious man of the party was, anyways. "What should we do?"

@Rui @Arelynn

Strad let out a pleased A sharp tone as the flame began to chase his tail. He was really amused by this floating ball light, and continued to keep up the game of chase, pulling his tail away every time Willow got close. Eventually, though, he stopped his tail, letting his new flaming friend touch his tail. With a happy hum, he looked down at the will-o-the-wisp. "What is your name, my fiery friend?"

Willow flared up a bit, making herself bigger as she chased the dragon's tail. When she had finally caught, she sat atop it and stared up at the creatures head. He seemed... Less frightening than the others, despite being quite large. While she sat there, she wrote her name in the air above in her purple fire.

A Camion's Past

Mion's owl swooped down on the ambush area and he saw the waiting men. He told Gareth and the elven spellblade strode into the trees towards their direction.

Mion readied a few archers to fire on the man with the blade, and on Michi's bindings too.

There was a rumbling, then the earth where the ambushers had stood collapsed and the sound of yelling men and falling trees filled the forest.

'Fire.' said Mion.

Arrows pierced the man with the blade and tore through Michi's bindings. Ebony burst through the trees and galloped straight for the Camion. There was another rumble and the entrance of the cave collapsed. Mion scooped Michi up his horse and they rode into the trees and back to where the archers and spearmen were waiting in ambush ready to back them up and galloped on. Mion readied his 'Gather' spell just as he heard another sound of galloping hooves and saw Gareth riding some ways away to his left on higher ground.

@The Unamed Character
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Misty watched in fascination as Killian lit up. It sparked a memory, from long long ago. It was blurry, and hazier than foggy nights in the forest, but she recalled the hair; she knew it. She shook her head until the thoughts dissipated.
Marth felt warmer with the cape on and he coughed. "Tankyew mistwer Shane." The child said as he coughed again. "Weady?" The tot asked.

@ChrisClark13 Sure. Just say when obviously
Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
Mion's owl swooped down on the ambush area and he saw the waiting men. He told Gareth and the elven spellblade strode into the trees towards their direction.

Mion readied a few archers to fire on the man with the blade, and on Michi's bindings too.

There was a rumbling, then the earth where the ambushers had stood collapsed and the sound of yelling men and falling trees filled the forest.

'Fire.' said Mion.

Arrows pierced the man with the blade and tore through Michi's bindings. Ebony burst through the trees and galloped straight for the Camion. There was another rumble and the entrance of the cave collapsed. Mion scooped Michi up his horse and they rode into the trees and back to where the archers and spearmen were waiting in ambush read to back them up and galloped on. Mion readied his 'Gather' spell just as he heard another sound of galloping hooves and saw Gareth riding some ways away to his left on higher ground.

@The Unamed Character
Michi was unconscious as they road off. A man was in the spot where Michi had previously occupied. He threw his sword down in frustration as he seemed to dissapear
A Camion's Past

The group didn't stop galloping until they reached the hideout cave. They rested for a day and when Michi woke up, Mion told her that messengers from the King returned to the keep with the news that a duke is assembling an army to fight the New Rule and that the duke and his army will arrive in the Fell Forest soon.

Mion said that he will go and meet them, hand over the situation, and then leave for the spellblade keep.

@The Unamed Character
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Michi stayed in the camp. She curled herself into a ball on the bed she had rested on. "I..... I am not strong enough...... to protect anyone...." she said to herself as she allowed her body to regenerate. She would have multiple scars.
Two days later, Mion spoke with the Duke and after he told him all he knew, he left for the Spellblade Keep.

It took him a week to get back. In a bag on his saddle were some clothes and toys for Marth. Mion saw the tower of the keep gleaming in the sun and he prodded Ebony into a gallop. The guards greeted him as he entered and dismounted outside the stables.

(OOC: @GoldenChari , @ChrisClark13, allow me to join you guys. My character arrived back in the keep after around two weeks since the company set out on their mission.)
Shin nodded giving a curt reply, "Yes." He took Marth's hand and led him a few set of stairs to come out on top of the garrison's gate. From on top of the wall one could see the path leading up to the garrison as well as the forest surrounding said path.

The wind whipped at Shin's arm as he carefully held the kite over the edge, making sure that it wasn't about to break before slowly letting out the string, letting the kite fly around in the air above the duo. Gently pulling on the string, He was able to make the kite dip up and down, showing off his kite-flying skills for the child. "That is a kite!" he announced with a grin on his face, "Look at it fly!"

He brought part of the string of the kite down to Marth's level, "You want to try?" he asked (keeping some of the string wrapped around his own hand in case Marth wasn't strong enough to hold on to it).

@GoldenChari Alright here we go, if Marth tugs on the string too tightly it's sure to break, the wind's quite strong.
Martg nodded and when he got the string in his hands, the wind blew harder, scaring the child and making him recoil. The next second he was cowering from shin as the kite's string had snapped and he feared he would be punished. @ChrisClark13
Instead of dealing out any sort of punishment, Shin was leaning over the wall, following the path of the kite with his arm, "Aaaaa. No. Yes. No. No.... No. Yes? That'll work." He said as he watched the kite blow around, hoping that it would land in some spot where it would be easy to retrieve. Instead the kite was blown a fair way into the woods, but as luck would have it the kite snagged on a tree next to a small clearing.

Shin turned to see Marth cowering, "Oooh no. It was my fault. I knew the winds up here are too strong, I wanted to show off." he said as he lightly rested his hand on the boy's head, petting him between the cat ears, "I know where it ended up, want to go with me and fetch it?"

Marth nodded. "Yesh mistwer shine." He murmured, still feeling bad. The wind was picking slightly and soon it would be able to knock the small child down.
Shin took Marth's hand and led the boy down the stairs and out the gates, though Shin first stopped by his room to quickly retrieve his wakizashi before heading out (you never know if you're going to run into dangerous wildlife outside the gates).

Once outside, he held on tightly to Marth's hand to keep the boy from being blown over by the winds. Though once they reached the trees surrounding the road up, the effect of the wind was lessened greatly and he loosened his hold on the boy, just barely holding on as to lead Marth through the woods to where the kite fell.

"Almost there!" Shin shouted gleefully after a couple minutes of walking.

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