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Fantasy Spellblade

GoldenChari said:
"i cant say... " The child trailed off. ’I'm scared Daddy...’ The Child then sent a image of someone standing over him. The person had slender legs an tall black boots. In the next image he sent it showed him in his room with the other man with him, suspicion attaced to it. "if i tell, Ima be hwurt badder!" the kid cried out before he sniffled hugging his tail like a doll of sorts.
Kujari squinted for a few more moments before standing up straight, "Very well then." he looked around the room, mostly to spare Marth his intense gaze for at least a little while, "If you never tell me, if you never tell anyone who she is; you will never be free of her." he sighed unsure if he should say more because the boy might not be able to process it, but there is really one more thing he wanted to say, "When you hurt yourself, you make everyone here sad. Very sad."

He took a deep breath, calming himself before looking down at Marth his features softened considerably, "I'll have Shin show you something fun you can do when he comes back okay?"

Shin meanwhile was walking back with the healer, who was telling him all the ways today already that Marth had managed to hurt himself and that it's a shame that no one here really wants to take care of the boy. She would do it herself except that she's so incredibly busy being one of the few healers on hand right now.
Sunbathing in Paradise

Alrighty now, boys and girls. So, our good friend Arelynn needs some time to regroup, so I got put in charge of progressing our dear first storyline. Bear with me if it's not what y'all expected, but I'll try my best. In case you were wondering, Arelynn sent me a list of things that will be happening in their absence.

Arelynn said:
Since I'll be gone for a little bit, is it possible for you to lead the story in my place until I come back? If yes, here's some info for you to work with:
It's an island.

It's a foresty island.

Killian's broken into a fever and is still unconscious.

When you arrive, the villagers will have no idea what you're talking about.

Maybe after a bit of exploring you'll find tracks leading into the forest.

The tracks lead to another village.

A lot of people really fucked up and most certainly dead.
@CoconutLeaves @GasMaskie @Rui @Seraph Darkfire @Demmy @Iomana @SovietBear

(And with that's we're landing the ship! Let's get the ball rolling, people! I'll bot the NPCs, so don't worry for now.)

"I think a nap would be in order for us, too," Strad said, closing his eyes. "And William, I know you're not going to nap, so would you mind watching for the coast for us?" William nodded in response, slowly walking off. "Sure. 'Night Misty. 'Night Strad."

As William sat on the bow and watched the endless army of waves, he laid back, utterly bored. The remaining members of Killian's crew milled about as if by nature, making sure the ship would sail even if their captain had fallen. He looked back at the rest of the group. Strad and Misty were sleeping, Yves was below-decks, Teiren was most likely reading, hell, there was nothing to do. Standing up with a groan, William went to check on the fallen captain. It's not like there's anything better to do- holy shit!" His hand flinched as he felt an extremely warm response from her forehead. The healer gingerly placed his hand to her head again, only confirming his fears. "It's a temperature!" He said to himself. "And a bad one, too! I need to tell the others-"

"Laaand ho!"

The call made William jump, and due to the rocking nature of the ship, it sent him sprawling to the deck faster than you could say "Island". With the issue of Killian's fever temporarily set back in his brain, the you man peeked over the edge of a deck. Drawing closer to the ship was a large, forested island. Though it wasn't close enough for inspection, the island drew nearer at a rapid pace, and as the slight ocean mist cleared, he could already see small, lush groves of trees, coloring the landscape a deep green in spite of the seaside cliffs and sand bars surrounding them. "Whoa..." William muttered. It was nothing like he'd ever seen before. Of course, he still had to warn Strad, so the young man could worry about the beautiful island later.

At the call of land in sight, Strad was roused from his nap. He slowly lifted the edge of his tail, slowly prodding Misty awake. "We've made it. Rise and shine." The dragon yawned loudly, turning his head to William as the healer suddenly rushed up to him. "Strad, Strad! Killian's not awake, and she's running a terrible fever!" At the sound of this new, Strad shook off the sleep. "Show me," he rumbled softly. With that, William nodded before breathlessly running back to where Killian lay.

Strad quickly caught up, sniffing Killian from head to toe. Interesting, he mused. Not an infection, since the white fern would have taken that out. This is definitely something more nefarious. A curse, perhaps? Before the dragon could think further, the ship finally docked at the island. With a serious glance, Strad turned to William. "William, we have no idea what these natives are like. I must stay on the ship to aviod scaring them, but you must go down and seek help. Quickly!" The healer nodded, picking up Killian's body and slowly hauling it off the ship along with the rest of the crew and spellblades. Before they left, Strad turned to two of the spellblades. "Misty, Teiren. Please do not forget our objective. William may be tied up with helping Killian, but you must remember to ask about the unusual events occuring on the Jaeger isles. Please." With that, the dragon laid his head on the planks, watching the spellblades leave.

After a few minutes, the crew finally chanced upon their first village. All around them, the vegetation was lush and slightly moist, with precipitation still hanging on the edges of leaves from some previous rainfall. The ground beneath the traveling group was a simple dirt path, with the dirt being packed heard enough to indicate some sort of frequent travel. When they entered the village, it seemed to only be a simple fishing town, and the inhabitants all spoke the common language shared by the spellblades. The village gladly welcomed in the crew, though any mention of disturbances was met with a confused look and a shrug. As the crew dispersed, William ran off to find a suitable place for Killian to rest.
Nothing could ever compare to the view of the mountains. The rising and falling forests down rugged and gentle slopes, the flowers that peeked from the rockiest terrains, the small pools of water and streamed that fell from the side of traversed cliffs; Nieves was very much in love with the land she was born in. But the sight of the forests touching upon the rocks and sands of the island which gave way to the seas and it's murky, cold waters. It made Nieves eyes freeze in awe.

And disappointment.

"Dammit, where are my coconuts!" She shouted as they approached the island before the sailor made her call, her complain from the source of her slightly drunk stupor. "Where are the tanned men and women in grass skirts and flowers! Where are the tropical fruits! Why did I think we were going to a tropical island when we were heading north to begin with!" She ranted some more, letting her complaints be thrown to the winds.

Earlier, once it was clear the surgery was a success, and no spirit or creature had come to devour the injured admiral, Nieves found it fitting to celebrate -amidst her coughs- by drinking her best alcohol with the sailors. Forsooth, the night was filled with drinks for sad men worried for their leader, almost as if she had passed away, but diligently worked even under the influence.

Or as diligent as they could when they gave off a few raunchy jokes and innuendo after Nieves threw her own. The rest of the time was spent drinking watching the view before the sun rose and the shadow of the island could be seen in the distance. Maybe her vacation was about to begin.

Now Nieves had to change her expectations completely.

The boat made port when the wooden plank was lowered and steadied by the local men. Wanting to be the first to get a good look, she walked to the port and saw the men and women who seemed...normal.

She could not find a trace of haunted fear, or creeping paranoia in their dispositions. The looks in their eyes were clueless, even a bit curious as to why a ship had made land in this island.

"I don't know what you're talking about." A man told a sailor when he asked about the situation. "Did something happen?"

Nieves eavesdropped, staying in the middle to get a good gist of the conversations around her.

Confusion, Denial, Casual, all the tones of a normal conversation were present.

Did they land in the wrong island?

Nieves didn't know. But it doesn't seem as if they were about to depart soon. She looked around, coughed as she felt the burden in her lungs slowly edge down to minor annoyances, and began to make a decision.

Travel and Explore.

First was the port market.

As she made her steps among the sea stained planks of the port, she touched upon cobblestone and grass as men and women were lined up with wares. She saw a variety of goods and decided to shop around. Taking out her Bilao -a large bamboo woven with abaca tray they used in the mountains to separate the rice chaff- and watched it slowly pile up with goods.

Rope, candles, whale oil and blubber, net, smoked and dried fish, pickled vegetables, wild meats, amber, cheap amber, iron, and flint. Borrowing a woman's small stall, Nieves then changed from her blood-stained clothes and went into something less convenient for her as these were the only clean ones she had. A long skirt tied around her waist, and a top made of loose and exposed fibers. Her waist was tied by a long, patterned cloth of red and yellows. Her arms and legs washed off the blood with water from her backpack.

Once finished, she then took her clothes and had them washed by a young woman. Seeing she was ready, her swords fastened at her side, and the basket of goods on her other side. She began to make a trek to the forest in the distance, ready to take a look and make her report about what she saw. The moment she stepped foot in the forest, when all she could see were trees and leaves, vines and ferns. She felt her skin crawl.

This wasn't a good feeling.

She looked back and placed down a small nut, and made a small scratch on one of the trees, then walked on forward. The smell of rainwater dulled the scent of what was in the forest, thus she focused on her eyes and ears. Careful with every step, as she began her part in a mission.

It was time to prove her worth as a Spellblade.
Marth nodded as he stood there. "Okie Mistwer." The child replied. "I wun hwurt mysewlf any moar." The blonde said, before hearing fun. "Fun?" Marth asked. "wha dat?" @ChrisClark13
Willow watched the other creature as she spread salt, making the wisp curious. When she finally moved away, she followed, ignoring the salt, and climbing onto the girl's shoulder to see the view. There was land, finally, and plenty of forestry. That was good. In that case, there would be less water. When her transport passed another group, she changed, feeling the girl was a little wary of her. Maybe hat was why she had dropped the salt. She jumped down and made her way over to another creature. Quite large. What was it again, she had seen pictures. Right, a dragon. And a big one.

@CoconutLeaves @Lotusy
Misty groaned, holding her aching head in her hands, "Oof..." She was rather disoriented, her head spinning faster than a tempest. "Gods..." She grumbled, and sat up. Watching the whole thing was like looking through a fogged up bottle; blurry, unfocused, and far too bright.
"Foolish girl. She'll get us all killed." snarled the elf. You'd think someone over a century older than him would behave less rashly. It annoyed him to find the mission falling off track again, and as much as he wanted to leave the Camion to her own devices, he couldn't bring himself to turn his back on his honor. "We'll find her and finish this mission without further delay."


The clamor of several dozen voices filled the salty air down by the port. A swelling cloud of villagers feasted their eyes on the new ship, asking questions among themselves. Leofric nimbly moved through the crowd, who was likewise all too curious to get a glimpse at the boat. Outlanders had arrived in Halfaex. Leo relished the rare times when mainlanders came to the Isles, for they always brought with them goods, trinkets, and news of the outside world, but the battered hull and the motley crew aboard made it clear that this was no ordinary merchant's ship. A number of townspeople began to raise their eyebrows perturbedly when they noticed the weapons at their sides.

A man, scarcely younger than Leo, suddenly emerged from the ship with a woman leaning weakly at his shoulder. Their clothes were unlike any Leo had seen before. Once, they might have been fit for a king and queen, but now they were torn and stained with dried blood. The crowd split to let the two outlanders through. Excitement was slowly being replaced with uncertain concern. Leo, now at the fore of the crowd, was quick to heft the woman's other shoulder as a few other villagers escorted them to the herbalist's hut. Strangers or not, no one gets left behind.
A Camion's Past

Mion, with the glowing amulet as their guide, led the group to where Michi was held. He stopped when they reached a high ridge and, hidden from sight, he surveyed the area with his ethereal owl.

(OOC: @The Unamed Character ,did the amulet lead them to the Frost caverns? If not, what does our group see?)
Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
Mion, with the glowing amulet as their guide, led the group to where Michi was held. He stopped when they reached a high ridge and, hidden from sight, he surveyed the area with his ethereal owl.

(OOC: @The Unamed Character ,did the amulet lead them to the Frost caverns? If not, what does our group see?)
Michi was tied up to a post and her outfit was ripped and bloodied. She seemed unconscious. No men seemed to be around.

Kujari takes a moment to think, lifting his hand to his chin, "It's when you do something you like doing. Something you do simply for the sake of doing it, often it means being silly." He sticks out his tongue and talks around it a bit, "Lke thith." He then blows a raspberry, but quickly gets his tongue back inside his mouth as Shin walks in with the healer.

The healer immediately walks over to Marth and tries to heal his self-inflicted injuries (cornering and grabbing the boy by force if she has to) before leaving the room.

"Shin, you're going to be watching Marth today 'kay?" Kujari asks right as his brother walks into the room.

Shin gives a quick nod, "Hai." he then smiles as he exclaims, "I was going to!"

Kujari gives a nod back, "Fantastic, just make sure he a very, very fun time today. Put some cloth on a stick or show him some paper folding 'kay?"

"Hai," Shin replies.

Kujari gives a glance at Marth, "I'm going to look into... things..." he says as he makes his way out of the room, whispering to his brother when his back was turned to the boy, "Make sure he doesn't run off, please." With that Kujari leaves the room and chases down the healer.

Shin gives a small nod before walking over to Marth and slapping his hands together, while smiling, "Marth-chan! I think there will be more fun in my room. Let's go there!"


Out in the hallway, Kujari quickly catches up to the healer, "Excuse me, I believe that the boy is being placed under a spell or a curse, hopefully his mind is not damaged. For now please keep healing him when he hurts himself, 'kay? I'm going to look for an answer for his problem. Bring a priest here or take him to one if I really have to. I hope it will not be impossible."

The healer sighs and nods, "Okay, though if there's no other way to stop him from hurting himself, I will tie him down to a bed."

"Understood," Kujari says before walking off to try and find Elder Ravine.

Marth had let himself be grabbed and when the healer left, shin approached him. "O-okie mister..." The child whispered. "Wets Gew." he then let go of his tail and stood like a Butler of sorts, waiting on shin to lead the way

(OMG! It's been so long seince i have done the Spell/Curse combo for Marth and the mistress. Thank you for opening the opportunity @ChrisClark13!
Strad was keeping watch on the ship when a strange fire appeared before him, and a floating one at that. It hopped off Nieves's shoulder and suddenly approached him. Interesting, he thought, though he wasn't sure of the origin of the flame. Slowly, as if struck by the idea, Strad began whistling, with a slow, calm tune. As he did so, he stared blankly at the flame to see if it would react.

William nodded happily as a man quietly came to help him carry Killian. In slight distress, he turned to another villager. "E-excuse me? Do you have a shaman? Er, a sha-" The villager slowly nodded his head, pointing off to a hut on the outskirts of the small are. "Thank you," William said, almost bowing until he remembered that Killian was on his shoulder. He gestured towards the shaman's hut for Leo before continuing.

When they finally left the hut, William was quite terrified for Killian's life. Apparently, it was some cursed bullet commonly used by the roaming pirates around the area. Even if removed, the bullet would continue to cause a feverish symptom before eventually worsening to a full-blown comatose state. The shaman did say, of course, that the next village had a spellbreaker capable of removing the curse. He was confused on how to get her there when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nieves heading off into the forest. "Hey, Nieves!" He called. "I-if you're going to scout, could you look for another village? Thank you!"

@Demmy @Lorkhan @CoconutLeaves
"Hey, Nieves! I-if you're going to scout, could you look for another village? Thank you!"

Cute kid. Nieves thought with a smile. He was a born leader despite his often overlooked class. But then having a giant dragon as your partner would do anyone wonders with their self-confidence. They HAVE to listen to you when you speak!

She walked carefully in the forest, making marks on the trees and cautious not to make much noise. It was odd, the forest. As the fog thickened, she had to make more cuts on the trees to make sure she was going the right way. The sounds of animals could be heard such as the chirping birds and the sound of wild dogs, but there was no animal to be found.

She went closer, leaving more trails behind her when the leaves on the ground slowly shifted to rocks and boulders. Climbing on each one, she kept traversing as the sound of running water could be heard faintly, growing stronger and stronger with each step. The fog dissipated and she found herself at a stream with a small waterfall flowing from rocks.

What now?

Nieves sat down and decided to drink some of the water, checking for any odd taste and finding it just right to taste. At least she had a landmark for the forest, which meant she could have a marker here. Piling some rocks on one of the boulders, she formed it as a sign and let herself relax for a moment.

The forest shouldn't be too big, which meant she should be out of the forest pretty soon.

But she still couldn't shake of the eerie feeling she was getting by being in the forest. It was like she was being watched, like a predator watching its prey.
Willow's flame rippled when the dragon began to hum. Slowly, she moved towards him and eventually made it to his tail. She had read that a lot of dragons had quite the temper, but to be surrounded by so many different creatures, perhaps his was well kept.

The Elder watched closely as the village shaman and the young healer tended to Killian. "I think I'll try and catch up with Nieves. William, please take good care of her. We'll be back as soon as we can." With that, Elder Ravine strode off into the forest after the other spellblade. Following the path that Nieves had cut through the forest, he arrived at the same stream she had found. Approaching her with near-perfect silence, he said, "Enjoying yourself?" He looked around. "Or maybe paranoid? Or both? I don't blame you. I sense a sinister presence, but I can't tell where it's coming from. Almost as if it's in the very air itself."

Meanwhile, Killian began stirring in her fever-ridden slumber. The shaman had stepped out to see his other patients and left her in William's care. It began with a few groans, then her eyes opened. They weren't open all the way, but they were open. "Nnng. William?" She still sounded as if she were in great pain. "Where...? Fuck, I can't see shit... Help me up. Take--" She let out a cough. "Take me to the others. I... We need to find... the dead people." She grabbed on to William to try and pull herself up. "Guide me... Everything's all... dark and fuzzy."

@Lotusy @CoconutLeaves
Nieves had dipped her toes in the water, letting small fish bite off the dead skin cells from her toes. Once she was ready, she was going to start moving-

"Enjoying yourself?"

Nieves 'jumped' at the silent -which was more of a jump to the stream soaking the lower part of her long skirt. Her sword pointed at the voice, ready to strike if he or she made a move.

"Or maybe paranoid? Or both? I don't blame you. I sense a sinister presence, but I can't tell where it's coming from. Almost as if it's in the very air itself."

"Elder! Peste, you gave me a fright! What brought you here?" Nieves exclaimed as she felt her heart beat quickly. Calming herself, she sheathed her sword and bowed at the Elder as she made her way to get her Bilao.

"I didn't even hear your footsteps. It seems I have much to learn from you," She complimented as she took a dried fish from the Bilao and handed it to him, "But yes. This place is quite unnatural. I've traveled a lot, and to find a place like this which makes my skin crawl, well, it's not very often. Anyway, dried fish, Elder?" She asked before grabbing the Bilao and placing it on top of her head.

"I was about to head farther in, I have a feeling once we're out of the forest, the answer to this sensation will be known. I'm actually quite intrigued now." She smiled and began to cross to the other side of the stream.

"Will you be coming with me, Elder?" She asked as she bowed once more.

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A Camion's Past

"Well, that's obviously a trap." said Mion. They were outside the entrance of the Frost Caverns where in front of the mouth of a cave was the Camion tied up to a post. He made his owl dive around the area, scouting for hidden ambushers in the trees and cave. The archers were hidden behind them above the trees, their bows ready. The spearmen were also hidden in the woods. The Hampshire volunteers wore winter forest clothes that blended well with their surroundings.

"I'm going to search for the ice warlocks" Mion told the others. "If there are enemies inside that cave, it might be a good idea to blow the entrance up somehow and set their part of the forest on fire. That'll probably make it easier for us to rescue the Camion." he withdrew and mounted Ebony who was again in full barding. "Her brother wants her alive, right? If we can't find them, perhaps making it look as though the Camion is dying will make him come out."

@The Unamed Character , @Lorkhan
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Shin grabbed Marth's hand and led the boy to his (and Kujari's) room. In the corners there are two simple beds, and in the middle there sits a wide, metal-reinforced chest with a big lock on it in. Besides it stands a wooden closet, also with a lock on it. Other than that, on the left side sits a couple bookcases, nearly completely filled with books. There is also a writing desk and chair over there, as well as a smaller, metal chest with a lock on it.

Shin sticks his hand at the left side of the room, "That's all Kujari's belongings, over there are mine belongings." he says as he motions his arm to the right side of the room.

Over on the right side there sits much of the same thing, except there is only one bookcase on that side and most of it is filled with little origami figures, some scrolls, quite a few random objects, and sparsely filled with books. The same desk and small metal chest that were on Kujari's side are also on Shin's side as well. (...There's really not too many fun things or toys in here, this is a garrison in the middle of frozen nowhere after all.)

Shin leads Marth over to his bookcase, taking an origami bird off of the shelf and holding it down so Marth can see it, "This is a folding paper bird, and when you pull on it's tail..."

, "it flaps it wings!" he says excitedly with a smile.
He hands the bird to Marth, "You try it!"

While Marth is busy with that Shin, tries to find something else he can show the boy and he comes up with an idea. He's going to make a kite!


((So long since you've done just one specific variation of the Marth/Mistress thing? I'm worried about what this poor boy [and the rps he's been in] have been through.))

Upon learning that the Elder was out at the moment, Kujari spends his time waiting for him reading up on curses and mind effecting magic in whatever passes for a library.
Michi looked up and she was instantly filled with pain. She wanted to scream, but she wouldn't give them the satisfaction of it. She looked to where the ambush was awaiting as one man came up to her. He had a large knife and she knew what was going to happen. The man pushed the blade into her shoulder and she screamed loudly.

@Zer0 @Lorkhan
ChrisClark13 said:
Shin grabbed Marth's hand and led the boy to his (and Kujari's) room. In the corners there are two simple beds, and in the middle there sits a wide, metal-reinforced chest with a big lock on it in. Besides it stands a wooden closet, also with a lock on it. Other than that, on the left side sits a couple bookcases, nearly completely filled with books. There is also a writing desk and chair over there, as well as a smaller, metal chest with a lock on it.
Shin sticks his hand at the left side of the room, "That's all Kujari's belongings, over there are mine belongings." he says as he motions his arm to the right side of the room.

Over on the right side there sits much of the same thing, except there is only one bookcase on that side and most of it is filled with little origami figures, some scrolls, quite a few random objects, and sparsely filled with books. The same desk and small metal chest that were on Kujari's side are also on Shin's side as well. (...There's really not too many fun things or toys in here, this is a garrison in the middle of frozen nowhere after all.)

Shin leads Marth over to his bookcase, taking an origami bird off of the shelf and holding it down so Marth can see it, "This is a folding paper bird, and when you pull on it's tail..."

, "it flaps it wings!" he says excitedly with a smile.
He hands the bird to Marth, "You try it!"

While Marth is busy with that Shin, tries to find something else he can show the boy and he comes up with an idea. He's going to make a kite!


((So long since you've done just one specific variation of the Marth/Mistress thing? I'm worried about what this poor boy [and the rps he's been in] have been through.))

Upon learning that the Elder was out at the moment, Kujari spends his time waiting for him reading up on curses and mind effecting magic in whatever passes for a library.
Marth flapped the paper bird's wings until he pulled it too far and it unfolded a bit "I Sawwie sir..." the child said, sniffling. "i browked it..."
Vaylon Noirooke paces the infirmary lazily, reading a tome on various techniques on how to sew up different limbs and which threads or sinews to use to prevent infection. His grey-washed heavy, but firm, staff leans against his workplace, the candle topping it blazing with ethereal warmth and light, illuminating most of the room in a warm glow. The amulet around the base glitters lightly as it twists and turns with the slight draft of the stone room.

He sighs and closes the book, rubbing his temples gently as the peak of his latest headache began to wane into nothingness. He had done research about the pains and had digressed it was his memories attempting to come back and that the mental muscles were straining far too hard, thus the backlash was the pain searing across his cranium.

Laying the tome on the short table built for much smaller people, he gently grabs his staff, and slips upstairs into the train yard in hopes to train on the dummies with some fire power to relieve his qualms.

(Hi! Le Gentle Giant Healer Mage is in ze house!)
William started as Killian was suddenly roused back to conciousness in his arms. "K-killian? What happened? Are you ok?" It was obvious that the woman was still feverish, and she surprised William by talking about dead people. "What do you mean?" He asked apprehensively. The things Killian was saying... well, to put it frankly, they worried him. The villagers didn't seem to know any dead people, and the others? William tried to put his other hand on Killian's shoulder, steadying her. "Gosh, Killian. No need to overexert yourself." Suddenly, he put two and two together. Dead people, and others... there were bound to be other villages, and Nieves was searching for them. He looked worriedly in the direction the other spellblade had gone, a worried look furrowed across his brow. There was no way the young healer would be able to catch up, especially with Killian, so he silently prayed for Nieves. Stay safe, he thought. In the meantime, though, he had to get help for Killian. Seeing Misty in the crowd, he waved her over. "Hey, Misty! Could you help me out for a second?"

@Arelynn @Rui

Meanwhile, Strad was humming happily as the little flame approached his tail, watching with interest as it flickered. He continued his hum, but kept a close eye on the flame. Just as it was about to touch his tail, though, he pulled it farther out of reach, almost teasingly.

Misty crossed quickly over to William, head still spinning.

"Yes?" She asked, looking down at Killian with a worried gaze.

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