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Fantasy Spellblade

A Camion's Past

"Make haste, Mion!" Vn'yaer'ok says, despite Mion already pushing the horse to its limit to get to the town as fast as possible, "And grab as much of that kind of plant as you pass it!" The goblin points to a long, dry vine that can be seen coiled onto many of the trees in the forest. "Trust me on this one."

"Killian, no!" William yelled, running forward a bit too late as their leader collapsed onto the deck of the ship. The young man held his hand over his mouth in horror as he saw her body, pockmarked with shrapnel and one terribly bad bullet hole. "Oh no..." The Elder said exactly what he was thinking. This is way beyond my power. The bullet was too deep for him to reach, and trying to push it out may cause more harm than help, considering the position and the nauseating rocking of the waves on the boat.

Then, it seemed like a lot of prayers were answered at once. A man leaped between the two ships, Nieves in his arms, claiming to be a chirurgeon. The healer stepped aside, watching as the mood of the ship suddenly changed. People like Misty and Ea suddenly got to work to help the chirurgeon, getting water and moving the body, totally leaving William in the dust. "Wait-! But I-!" William's words were caught in his throat. He was useless. Utterly and absolutely useless. He ran around, trying to help the people before a familiar green tail snaked around him, pulling him back. "S-strad? No! I need to help!" The dragon only peered down at William calmly. "Don't, William. Sometimes, there's going to be something above your reach." The young man shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes. "No, I can't! I feel useless, Strad! I hate it! Why can't I just help?" The dragon unwound his tail from William, putting it to the healer's lips to hush him. "Just watch. Maybe, if you're nice enough, he'll teach you his craft." The dragon settled down, resting his head on the hard wood of the ship. "Besides, you can heal the wound after the bullet has been removed. Don't fret." William sighed, sitting next to Stared and watched the surgery that was about to commence.

(Had to come up with an excuse of why the healer didn't help immediately :/ )
Misty found a pillow, and was relieved of duty. She walked forward numbly and hugged William. She was silent, pressing her face tightly against his chest. She sighed, shutting her eyes, and squeezing him.
Willow waited quietly in the dark bag, despite the movement she felt. She had no idea where she was going or what Sunder was doing, but she would wait until he opened his bag. Or she thought she would of, until she heard the sound of water and boats. Terrified, she hid in another jar and tried to ignore the distressed sounds of the donkey. At her first chance, she left the bag, made her way onto the pirate ship and froze when the lightening hit. She stared at the flames as they burned across and if she was in her human form, she would have grinned. As the flames danced, she joined them, drawing strength from their heat and soon jumping to the next ship. She may have been raised in the forest, but she knew that flames were not good on a sea going vessel. It wouldn't be long before it sank.

@SovietBear @Arelynn @Everyone
The Elder followed the entourage down to the kitchen where they laid her down on the counter--the closest thing to an operating table on-board. It wasn't looking good. Killian's face was starting to look pale and sweat broke out on her brow. The blood stain had soaked through her white shirt now, a crimson bloom.

"Come, we should give them room so they can concentrate on their work. I'm sure our newcomer and William can handle this." Though the Elder looked calm and collected as usual, one could tell there was a very slight hint of worry in his voice if they were keen enough. He made his way above deck with the others in tow. The sky had turned a bleak grey, as if the very gods were stricken with distress. The crew seemed to reflect this as well, being more solemn and silent than their usual rough and jubilee selves.

Elder Ravine walked towards the small but bright flame which had recently been empowered.
"Another newcomer. And who might you be, young flame?"

@Lotusy @GasMaskie @SovietBear @Demmy
Yves took a deep breath as he readied himself both physically and mentally. As expected, the scent of food lingered in the air here. The lighting and the conditions were less than ideal, but the chirugeon had worked in far more squalid conditions. He opened his bag up and retrieve his tools of the trade. A scalpel, hemostat, retractor, suturing needle, thread, and forceps.

He scanned the unconscious smuggler's body with his eyes as he began to sanitize both his tools and his hands with a fine cloth that had been stored in a jar with antiseptic fluid. At first, he found himself momentarily distracted by her alluring white hair and her sleeping face. Perhaps, the sparks of attraction began to appear within him.Yves expelled such thoughts from his head and retrieved the bulb of an exotic flower. He squeezed the plant and dropped the naturally sedative nectar into the woman's mouth.

The healer was first slipped her coat off before unbuttoning her shirt. The wound was easily identifiable, especially as it had stained her shirt.
As I suspected, the rest of the shot is still present in her body. The shrapnel should have torn up her internal organs but there's likely someone who can accelerate the healing process.

And, without any hesitation, Yves sunk the small blade into the flesh laid out before him. The way he stared down at her body as he made an incision and his composure almost made him seem like a butcher preparing meat. Once the wound was widened, he stopped the flow of blood by clamping down bleeders and pried open the incision with the retractor.

Even with the dim lighting conditions, Yves could make out the small shard of shrapnel and what was likely the mass of the projectile embedded within her innards. Given how recent the wound was, the foreign objects were likely to be hot. There was nothing he could do about the infections aside from prescribing medicine.

"Right then, I'll need cold water applied to the shrapnel. Afterwards, I'll begin the extraction. Once that process is complete, I'll require a Spellblade with precise control over fire. A cauterization can be used to seal the incision and likely a better option than stitching up the wound and waiting for it to heal." He spoke out calmly and ignored the spirit's strange restlessness as it haunted the back of his mind.

@Iomana , @Arelynn )

William sighed as he settled down, then almost jumped in surprise as he felt somebody else make contact with him. "M-misty?" He asked, looking down at the woman who was now squeezing him. "What are you - I mean - Ah, nevermind." He shook his head, trying his best not to blush as she held him tightly. "Hah... okay."

As William watched the chirurgeon at work, he did his best to observe and not interfere. "Look Strad, it's the sedative plant I use in the blue beads!" The green dragon nodded his head. "Yes, yes. Now hush, he's working." The healer went silent, watching as Yves prepped the tools and finally made his first incision. With wide eyes, William watched the procedure intently, his eyes intently tracking the chirurgeon's every move. As Yves finally stopped and called for water and a fire manipulator, William saw his chance. "Misty, I'll be right back," he said, gently removing her arms. He leaped out of Strad's clutches, rushing over to Yves's stand. "William, no-!"

The healer bounded forward until he was right behind Yves, peering curiously over his shoulder. "Er, excuse me, sir? I don't have fire comtrol, but in terms of the incision..." He looked down at the body, eyeing the wound and the currently clamped areas intently. "My herbs, they can accelerate the healing process! She's bound to be hurt more than with the bullet, right? I can help with that!" He rummaged through his bag, pulling out a dry, white-tinted bead. "Uh, when you're done, may I, sir?"

@GasMaskie @Rui
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A Camion's Past

Mion did as Vn'yaer'ok asked and passed him clumps of vines as they galloped. Hampshire village came into view and they saw that parts of it were encased in wicked spikes of ice. The creatures were worms five feet high that walked on four spindle legs. They were lightly armored in a dark reddish carapace, a heavy spiked tail ran down their backs and their skin were a ghostly blue. Six thick tentacles protruded from their sightless head framing a giant maw with powerful teeth.

Mion didn't even slow down. He lowered his lance, his shield in front and charged at the nearest group feasting around a corpse.

Ebony collided with them with the force of a dragon smite. They flipped and rolled under her hooves-Mion's lance tore right through a head-dying screeches followed them as his two-thousand pound horse cut a straight line through the monsters to the town square, their spines and limbs broken crushed by Ebony's charge. "And this is the story of how their lives got flipped and turned upside down."

Mion cast 'Gather' on the monsters attacking a group of farmers. The monsters were yanked as though pulled by fish hooks many meters into the air and were anchored there looking like a ball of many flailing limbs and tentacles. Cones of ice thunder erupted from their maws as the monsters struggled. Mion left them there for his brothers to take care of. The group of surprised farmers stared at him as he blazed past, the insignia of the Spellblades flying as his cloak rippled in the wind.

"Spellblades!" they cheered. "The Spellblades are here!" and they renewed their attacks with vigor.

Mion used his owl to look for those who needed help the most and that was where he did battle. Gathering them all to a clump when he was a hundred meters away and then freezing them completely before Ebony bulldozed them again and again until they were crushed.
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Willow looked up at the old man before her and shifted her form into a smaller, much smaller, flame. She then hid in a crack in the boat, but as she did so, wrote her name above the man to distract him.

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A Camion's Past

"Well, these are officially rendered useless." Vn'yaer'ok threw the vines in his pack for later, "Let's begin the investigation process."

Vn'yaer'ok goes up to the beings and investigates them, looking for any wounds that couldn't have been caused by Mion, but still caused by some sort of man made weapon. He then asks the town,
"Which way did these come from?"
Kujari put a hand on Shin's shoulder, "Go get the healer, I'll talk to him." he said as he pulled his brother back. Shin nodded and, at a loss for words, left the room.

Kujari bent his knees, crouching down to Marth's level, he looked down at the floor for a few moments as he looked for the right words to say himself. Then when he had found them, his eyes snapped up to stare into Marth's intensely, "Do you enjoy hurting yourself?"

At Mion's warning, Gareth's silver sword hissed from its sheath. Leaping spectacularly off of Saeth's back, he would engage the enemy on foot. His blade arced through the air with a sound like wind, slashing through the abysmal demons like grass. The Spellblades' arrival reinvigorated the morale of the townsfolk, who, with their pitchforks and hand scythes, charged back into the fray. With another expert brandish of his sword, Gareth slayed the last of his demonic assailants, his chest heaving. He'd only sustained a shallow cut to his side, but that could be easily mended.
A Camion's Past

An old woman with gray hair who carried a bow answered Vn'yaer'ok. "From the north, in the frost caverns at the edge of the forest, master goblin." she said, sitting down on the ground beside him. She was dirty and covered in sweat and blood.

"An army calling themselves The New Rule have driven these monsters out of their natural homes. They've been hunting all of the wild game in these forests for more than three months. So now the monsters, driven by hunger, hunt humans instead. . ."

"Elder Clara," called a towns girl who came from the barricaded town hall. They were all coming out now and tending to the survivors. "You called for me?"

"Yes, put the wounded on caravans and pack all the food you can find. We're leaving Hampshire as soon as possible." said the old lady. She turned back to Vn'yaer'ok. "Thank you for helping us, we didn't have time to send help at all since the monsters caught us by surprise. If there is anything I can do to help you, I will. I am the elder of this village, Elder Clara."

In the other parts of the village there was mourning and scavenging for food. The sacks of wheat and barrels of dried meat on the few caravans did not look like it was enough for the entire village. There is talk that the Hampshire villagers will be traveling to another town three weeks away to seek refuge. Looking at the stock, more than half of them will die from starvation in the tundra.

OPTIONAL QUEST: MAMMOTH HUNTING "A single mammoth will feed the entire village for a month"

(Is this okay, @The Unamed Character , @Arelynn ?)
Misty sighed, missing the warmth of his form. She decided Strad was the next best thing, and curled her small figure around his arm. "I hope you don't mind...I'm just rather cold is all..."

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A Camion's Past

"Alright, Group, the New Rule is likely in that cavern for the shelter and easy defense," said Vn'yaer'ok,"but the people here are understocked, and we should help them. We shall head north as a group. I remember that there are a few herds of mammoth up there. Once we find one, I shall branch off and hunt one for the people. The rest of the group will continue to the cave." Vn'yaer'ok takes off his scarf and wipes sweat off of his brow with it, then puts it back on. "If anyone objects to this plan, speak now."

@Zer0, @The Unamed Character, @Lorkhan
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A Camion's Past

"Alright, no opposition, that's what I like to hear," Vn'yaer'ok said, "We're also going to need the help of the townspeople, if they're willing. Along the way to the cave, we'll need to prepare spears and basic armor for everyone. When you're there, it'll be too dangerous to attempt a raid, so rather siege the cave; that is, let nothing, supplies nor animal nor man, in or out. If things get hairy, don't be afraid to fall back. If men come out and try to attack, though, we may be able to encircle them." Vn'yaer'ok then turned to the townspeople, "Would those willing to fight for justice please step forward?"
A Camion's Past

Fifty men stepped forward, wearing winter fur clothes and holding only bows and spears. Half of them were archers, and half were spearmen. They didn't look like warriors, more like hunters.

"We will fight." A man stepped forward carrying a bow. "But we won't be taking orders from a goblin."

"Arthur!" said Elder Clara indignantly.

"His name is Vn'yaer'ok." said Mion coldly. He had come from helping the survivors, his hands were stained with blood. "He's a spellblade just like us." he said, cleaning his hands in the snow.

"Forgive me, I thought he was your servant." said Arthur, bowing. He looked uncertainly at Vn'yaer'ok, not sure if he should follow him or not.

"The New Rule have mounted archers and ice warlocks." said one of the spearmen. "They have lancers too and heavily armored swordsmen with shields.; They are three hundred strong.; That place is heavily fortified too, meant for Camion resistance." The volunteers looked at each other uncertainly. "I don't think we'll be able to lay siege. . ."

A Camion's Past

"You may not be able to perform a loud siege, but a silent siege is a different story," Vn'yaer'ok said, "The enemy can't charge out to attack if they don't know they are being cut off from the world. Pick off the men who come out to try and hunt, hide when they come out and investigate, prevent any sort of resource from entering the cave, and they'll be desperate for food and water within two days. They'll come crawling out of the cave weak and dehydrated, creating an easy fight." Vn'yaer'ok then pauses for a moment, then says, "But of course, you don't take orders from goblins. Mion, would you mind restating all of that to them to validate it to them?" He states this in more of a matter-of-factly way rather than mockingly as if the racism didn't bother him, though he was slightly disturbed by the racism. He had become used to it, however, and managed to shake it off practically by the time he finished speaking.

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A Camion's Past

"Not necessary." said Mion frowning at Arthur and the volunteers. "They heard you loud and clear."

"There is a cave hours away from the frozen caverns that the nomad giants use for shelter during spring. It is empty at this time of the year." said Elder Clara. "You can use it for your hideout. The entrance is big, but there is a narrow tunnel in the cave that leads to a smaller second chamber. Only three men can enter the tunnel at a time, and it would be a tight squeeze at that too. I think it would make a good shelter. There are also tunnels in that second chamber, but we don't know where they lead."

"I'll show you the way." said Arthur, his arms crossed. "But we won't start the fighting unless our people have food and are safely out of the forest."

"Me and my friends will scout out the Frozen Caverns." said a young archer.

"Allow me to cast a spell on you, young man." said Mion. "It will allow us to communicate instantly."

"We will help you hunt a mammoth." said another group of ten archers to Mion. "But we don't have horses, so we'll be staying on the tops of trees. Not that it will help very much when the giant will push it down. . ."

"Don't talk to me, Vn'yaer'ok is the spellblade with the plan." said Mion, smiling.

"Er, that is to say.' said the youth, embarrassed, turning to the goblin. "We-we will help you hunt the mammoth." he said. The group of archers looked uncertainly at Vn'yaer'ok, wondering how this little guy was going to bring down a huge mammoth.

"Me too!" said Mion standing beside Vn'yaer'ok. "I've always wanted to hunt one of those things."

A Camion's Past

"Alright, then! Let us all track down a mammoth," Vn'yaer'ok says, thrusting his blade up into the air, "You shall eat well tonight on mammoth meat. Shall we travel north to find that mammoth, lads?"

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ChrisClark13 said:
Kujari put a hand on Shin's shoulder, "Go get the healer, I'll talk to him." he said as he pulled his brother back. Shin nodded and, at a loss for words, left the room.
Kujari bent his knees, crouching down to Marth's level, he looked down at the floor for a few moments as he looked for the right words to say himself. Then when he had found them, his eyes snapped up to stare into Marth's intensely, "Do you enjoy hurting yourself?"

The child shook his tiny head. "Da Mistress made me huwt myself..." The kid trailed off as he sniffled. `Daddy? Are yew dere?' Marth asked Mion in his head. @ChrisClark13 @Zer0
A Camion's Past

That afternoon, the hunting party made their way North and found a mammoth herd consuming small plants, bushes, twigs, and roots in a grove of trees. Their herders, pair of nomad giants that had set up their camp a little ways away and and were now sitting on a campfire roasting a bear looked very familiar. They were the nomad giants the party saw last night.

Mion was hiding behind a bush with some of the archers. He had removed his heavy armor and Ebony too stood without her barding some meters away. Armor won't work against the pine-tree clubs with mammoth tusk spikes that the giants carried. The Noroth giants were fast runners, ordinary men cannot outrun them, only light horses bred for scouts or messengers, which Ebony wasn't at all.

"Hello, Marth!" said Mion through his thoughts. "We're hunting mammoths in the tundra."

There were twenty mammoths in the herd. Mammoths were known to make trumpeting noises to scare predators away or warn the rest of the herd. The giants would immediately come bounding to protect them the moment they hear them make the sound. Mammoths weren't cowardly beasts either, being big and strong, and they charge together too, but they can't outrun horses.

Mion looked at Vn'yaer'ok, "So what's the plan?".

@Sizniche , @GoldenChari
"You have certainly changed from our meeting in the forest" Teiren said walking up next to Strad and Misty "I personally am enjoying this side of you" he chuckled "In addition to loving all things beautiful, I also love all things adorable and cute, so I enjoy the embarrassment of a maiden in amore" he grinned.

"That and the laughter of a child, but this is hardly a place for children" he shook his head. He needed to distract himself. He felt partially to blame for Killian being shot. Had he not been preoccupied with his light flirting, he would have seen the shot be fired and could have stopped it. An ally being harmed on his watch was not something he enjoyed. He'd seen enough people die within his lifetime.

@Lotusy @Rui

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