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Fantasy Spellblade

Misty watched this exchange tensely. She parried her opponent without a second glance. Once her attention was redirected to the battle at hand, she lopped off the Pirate's head the moment she saw an opening. "Idiot." She muttered, and kicked the head towards the railing of the boat. She continued to fight, ignoring the still-warm splashes of blood that pelted her over and over with every dismembered torso or severed head she inflicted. She rather enjoyed it; fighting, that is. The excess of blood she could do without...it was such a pain to wash out of clothing.

@Lotusy @CoconutLeaves @Arelynn
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Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
"Why did your brother do this?" asked Mion.

@The Unamed Character
"...." Mich stayed silent as she looked across the landscape. She walked towards a collapsed tent that had holes all over the place. "He has what some call a 'God Complex.' He believes that everything should belong to him because he is Immortal." She said as she opened the tent flap. "But there is something he has yet to get, the reason he attacked and killed the Camions, the reason I am responsible." She ripped the tent down. "It is because I am the Camion enchanter...." She said. Once the tent cover landed on the ground, the contents were revealed what was underneath. Many scrolls and books were on the ground, some burned and some open faced down on the ground. Some bottles with mysterious liquids coming out were seen on the ground with glass shards surrounding it.
Nieves felt something push into her, like as if a bullet had gotten to her. Was this the end? She thought darkly.

But instead of the searing pain she had expected, a gentle warmth flowed through her. Pushing back the one who had cursed at her and kicking him into the sea to cool his passions. She lifted her shirt, and wiped away the dried blood only to see the wound has sealed. Healing magic. But who?

This confused her, she turned around and saw the slingshot of the healer. That was some powerful slingshot, she mused and she looked at the healer and whistled to him. Winking, she mouthed her thanks and blew a flying kiss to the dragon, before donning once more her serious facade and focused on the enemies. She was more calm this time, turning and swaying as if it were a sword dance, parrying and kicking. More intent on playing with her foes and watching them fall from the pain but never taken, never killed.

Teiren sighed, his blood was boiling. He rarely wanted combat, but all the shouting, gunfire, and sword play was getting his blood going. He grinned and ran forward. With a magic enhanced jump, he leaped from their ship to the pirate's. Then began the dance. His sword play was truly beautiful, his sword catching the sunlight in it's arc after it passed through an unfortunate victim. At one point he was surrounded by pirates on all sides, but he was only smiling "Too slow" he said and with a flourish, those surrounding him were blown away with his sword strokes.

He didn't enjoy suffering though and always aimed to kill in the fastest and most efficient way. Death was a natural process of life, one couldn't avoid it, but one could make it as quick as possible. His eyes glowed yellow with his demonic excitement. He soon found himself near Killian, his blade passing just by her head with extreme precision.

"If this is how you are when you fight, I'd love to see how you are in a party!" he shouted with a grin as he danced passed her.

A Camion's Past

"So he is looking for you." Mion dismounted and tried to read some of the scrolls and books. "Does he want to use your abilities to make a weapon of mass destruction?"

@The Unamed Character
"See me at a party? Oh no, that's not exactly a very lady-like sight!" she said, disarming a pirate (in the literal sense, she hacked off his arm) before tossing him over the edge of the ship. "Not that I ever was in the first place! Nice swordsmanship, by the way! Care to show me a few of your tricks some time?" Before he could reply, her attention was caught by a figure making his way to the pirate ship.

The Elder was standing at the edge of the Northern Wind, blade drawn and pointed at the pirate ship. An arc of lightning exploded from the tip of the sword and into the pirate ship, sending splinters flying and setting most of the ship ablaze. The remainder of the pirates on Killian's ship were incapacitated, bringing an end to the one-sided battle. Sea-going ruffians were no match for an elite group of Spellblades, no matter how ruthless.

The men aboard gave a victory cry as the Northern Wind left the other ship to sink to the bottom of the ocean.
"Whoo! Glad that's over. Now, what were we talking about? Parties or..." Killian blinked slowly, as if realizing something, and looked down. While she was covered in blood splats from the recent battle, a significant bloom of red was growing from a bullet wound just beneath her ribcage. "Well. Shit." She looked up. "I think they got me." She fell to her knees, then fell forward, unconscious.

"Oh, no." Elder Ravine came forward, sheathing his sword. "Dammit, it's shredder shrapnel. Bits of lead will take forever to get out, not to mention internal bleeding. William! I think even this one will be a challenge for someone of your skill, so we need to start operating as soon as possible. Do you need us to do anything?"

@Seraph Darkfire @Lotusy @Rui @CoconutLeaves @SovietBear @Iomana
Nieves had gone to the cabins, partly to see if there was any loot to salvage and partly to see what lay within. Even amidst the danger, she had the urge to filch the treasures of the ship. The interior was plain, a bit run-down, and clearly in need of repair. She noticed all the doors were open, nothing of value to be seen and kept going lower and lower. It was there through one closed door, she saw a cell. An iron cell that was used as well as goods and storage around the cell, that it was clear from the scene the room had a dual purpose.

"Hello," She said curiously at the cuffed man, "I'm guessing you're not part of this cruise ship, the black skulls." She commented humorously. She looked at the other empty cell and played a scenario around her head. The bars were kind of weak, and she was confident she had the strength to break free from it.

She looked up as she heard the sound of thunder and wondered if it were to rain before she saw a white flash of lightning. When she opened her eyes she found herself against the wall and looked at the fires that began to spread from the intense blaze, slowly getting stronger and stronger until she knew this ship was going to sink down the cold bottomless sea.

"Dear prisoner," She said through blurry eyes, her ears ringing, "I don't like interfering with the lives of people if they wish to live or die, that's up to them. But do you want me to save you?" She asked as she took out her larger blade, and tensed her muscles. Waiting for his word before they go down with the pirate's ship.

"Yes, help would be most appreciated in this situation. I'm a chirugeon so I'll repay any debt I owe with my skills as a healer. I'll only need a moment to gather my confiscated equipment." The smell of smoke hung in the air and the din of battle seemed to be dying down on the deck. The outcome of the skirmish was pretty clear, although Yves hoped that he wasn't walking into another terrible situation by accompanying the woman. Still, this was likely his only chance of survival.

"Just get the bars out of the way and I'll meet you back on whatever vessel you came from!" It soon became apparent to the ex-executioner that the roar of thunder that had lit the ship on fire could have caused a brief tinnitus. Yves gestured at the bars and pantomimed pulling them apart as he observed smoke slowly making its way into the brig. Despite these dire circumstances, the good doctor remained more or less composed.

She smiled though she really didn't know what he was saying but as he gestured she knew he had the same idea. Closing her eyes she looked at the iron bars and touched her blade upon it once. She the swung it back as she locked her foot on the lower end of the bars and with a great slash, neatly slice through the metal up to the other end of the cell.

Oops, that was much too much strength used.

She smiled apolgetically and repeated the process creating a square shape. She then heaved a deep breath and pulled with all her might, taking out the bars and landing against the other end of the wall, losing her balance in the process.

She pointed to the exit and slumped down. Boy was she tired. She signed to him that she'll just take a few deep breathers and he can go on ahead. She'll just rest a bit among the fires. She'll get out in a moment.

Yves brought his forearm up to cover his mouth and nose as he leaped through the opening in the cell's bars. It was getting more dangerous to remain under the deck by the second as smoke continued to rush into the area. Luckily for the man, his equipment had been stowed away close to his cell and left unguarded. The healer held his breath as he rummaged through the confiscated materials.

"Severin... returns..."

A husky whisper that only Yves could hear made its way into his ears as he took hold of the greatsword's handle. While it was undoubtedly a sword, Yves had taken many precautions to conceal its identity by keeping it its sheathe and wrapping it up with cloth. This was not time for the spirit's nonsense however and Yves slipped his traveling cloak on and secured the ancestral blade's sheathe to the clothing's straps. The doctor bag he carried contained much of his surgical equipment as well as the clothing he wore while being possessed.

...Does she have a death wish? Or did she inhale too much smoke already? I'll treat her when we're safe. The chirugeon received the message, though he wasn't going to comply at all. The choking smoke was all around them now and it didn't seem like the woman had any plans of escaping at the moment. He approached her exhausted form and wrapped an arm around her waist. Yves grunted slightly as he hefted her upwards and carried her body over his shoulder. Compared to the nights of swinging Finis around and lopping off heads, this was a cakewalk.

"Save any complaints you have for later!" He yelled once more as he ran through the innards of the ship that weren't consumed by flames and smoke. Yves moved quickly and ascended the stairs to the deck. The doors remained open, thankfully, and he soon found himself standing on amidst an inferno. The other, more or less intact ship was a fair distance away. He took a few steps in the opposite direction and stood as close as he could to the flames that engulfed the pirate ship's railing.

Yves grit his teeth and sprinted forth across the deck in the direction of the other ship. He tightened the one-armed grip on Nieve's waist as he took a running start. The chirugeon identified a small section of railing that was still a fair distance away from the flames. He stepped upon it and leaped across the salty waters towards the
North Wind. It was close, but Yves crossed the gap with his long jump and landed onto the smuggler's ship with a thud.

As he lowered the Spellblade's body, he coughed and cleared his throat before looking around. The man maintained a death grip on his bag as he motioned over to Nieve with a gesture of his chin. His gaze briefly landed on the burning wreckage of the thieves' ship.
Good riddance. He dabbed his face with his cloak to remove the soot and briefly recognized a few faces. Spellblades - a group of magic wielding knights who he had crossed paths with a few times.

The prone form of a young woman with white hair caught his attention. Yves pushed past the assembled crew and took note of the positioning. It was likely that the projectile hadn't punctured her lungs, though the ammunition that the pirates had used during their previous skirmishes were designed to shred the insides of their victims. A rather nasty piece of work. The chirugeon looked over to the masked man who was nearby.

"My name is Yves Bellamy, I'm a trained chirugeon. One of your Spellblades aided in my escape from those thugs and I'm more than willing to return the favor. I just need a sturdy table and someone to help me transport her body. If someone can provide cold, pure water that would be ideal as well."

@CoconutLeaves, @Arelynn)
Ea, who had paled the second the captain collapsed, visibly jumped in shock when another man leapt onto their boat. What the-- He didn't have much time to wonder about the sudden appearance before he was requesting help. Well, if the man could help her... "I can carry her, and provide the water too." Taking a quick moment to hold out his hand in demonstration, Ea focused his magic and formed a small, levitating ball of clear water. After a quick second, he closed his hand, making the water disappear as he smoothly bent down to pick up Killian. Taking care not to jostle the woman, he nodded sheepishly towards the newcomer and the group of Spellblades. "Though, I'm afraid I don't know where a table is, I haven't had a chance to explore anything besides the main deck yet."

@Arelynn @GasMaskie
Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
"So he is looking for you." Mion dismounted and tried to read some of the scrolls and books. "Does he want to use your abilities to make a weapon of mass destruction?"

@The Unamed Character
"Yes.... He either wants to use me... Or try to use the power himself..." She said. "A camion enchanter is when pureblooded Camion is given an ability from birth. It can be anything from creating fire from nothing to what I do, I use my powers to engrave stones and rubies into my weapons.... Why do you think I am able to carry my sword?"
A Camion's Past

Mion looked at the large broadsword on Michi's back, then looked at her and shrugged. "The order is full of overpowering individuals. I thought it was normal. I mean, I'm probably the only one who uses the stairs." he chuckled.

Mion mounted his horse again. "So what's your plan, Michi?"

@The Unamed Character
Nieves slumped sliding against the rail of the ship as she watched the chimurgeon walked towards the downed admiral. Her mind was fuzzy and she can't think straight for some reason. Odd, was it from the lightning earlier? She felt like she was drowning, gasping for air and trying to get as much as she can in her lungs. She felt her pride sting, instead of saving the man, he saved her. Looking all the more talented as he did so, that she felt a bit helpless. She shook her head, she shouldn't things like that. Pride easily sways one away from clarity. Not that she felt like she had clarity, her head throbbed and she coughed violently, trying to expel something from her lungs.

She stood up, gathering all her remaining strength on her feet. She looked as everyone circled the admiral they love and respect and knew her situation was grave. Bullets. And....and...shet, she just can't focus for some reason. She saw her backpack, thankful it was untouched by the others and nothing of value seemed to be stolen since the drawstring was as tightly closed as it was. Bending down, she coughed a bit more, each one growing more violent until she placed the bag on her back. Looking at the sight, she had confidence in both the chimurgeon and the healer that they would be able to save the feisty admiral. They were talented after all.

Taking a few shallow breaths, she tried to walk as normally as possible, slightly swaying side from side as her legs threatened to buckle under the weight of her backpack and her own unstable condition. She couldn't falter, not as simple as something like this. Going down cautiously, she looked for an open door and found one with a bed available and unused. She took shallow breaths, clenching her teeth in frustration as she felt like gasping for more air, slowly improving but still much too slow for her. As she went inside, she closed the door and dropped her backpack with a thud. Gasping for more air, she fell on her knees and to the floor crawling to the bed until she was supported by the frame of the bed. Her head fell on the softness of the bed and finally, she could relax.
Misty knelt, cupping her hands over Killian's eyes. "Hurry. I'll hold her." She stroked her hair affectionately. "You'll be fine, my friend."
Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
Mion looked at the large broadsword on Michi's back, then looked at her and shrugged. "The order is full of overpowering individuals. I thought it was normal. I mean, I'm probably the only one who uses the stairs." he chuckled.

Mion mounted his horse again. "So what's your plan, Michi?"

@The Unamed Character
Michi sticks her broadsword in the ground. "My enchantments are advanced, beyond what anyone has ever seen. It is because Camions are created from past lives that seem to have no direction to go, neither heaven, or hell." she said as she leaned back and looked into the sky. "I do not know our full history, but I have heard a story that is told to the young children." she sighs as she tells the story. "Millenniums ago, A wise enchanter had lost his only brother in an accident he had created. It took weeks, maybe months for him to recover, but when he did, his brother's spirit visited him. He begged, even pleaded, to be brought back. The Enchanter, loving his brother in death as he did life, decided the only way to make up for what he had done was to give him a new life. He created a potion so powerful, so ingenious, so valuable, that everyone from the corners of the world came to try and take it before it was complete. He needed a test subject, so he used himself. It was sadly incomplete, but it was a miracle as well. he tested many deadly potions on himself, and never once died. He eventually was able to bring his brother back, but brought others along with him. His brother had tricked him into bringing him back only to kill the enchanter by stabbing him in the chest. Luckily it did not kill him, and he had a child before he was beheaded. These were the first Camions. When someone in the world dies, there is a small chance a child is born into a Camion family with all the past experiences as they had in their previous life." she said with a sigh as she stood straight up. "I am the descendant the enchanter, I am Michi Okanza, and I will do what I must to avenge everyone I loved and Cared for! Camions are the People of spirits, everyone that was killed, I have their blood on my hands, and their lives. If I am to die, The true Camion will seize to exist" she fell to her knees "And I will not let that happen.... Not yet..."
A Camion's Past

"Then . . . start a new life . . ." said Mion. "If we go head on against your brother the way we are now you are going to die." said Mion. "Leave this to the King and his armies, I will send a messenger to him immediately." he contacted the maid in the keep whose mind was linked to his and a few minutes later, she informed him that a pair of swift riders have been dispatched to the royal castle with the news.

"For now, shall we find out where the New Rule is hiding?" he turned to his brothers. "Michi said that they were in Fell Forest last time she knew. There is also a village called Hampshire there. If their army moves a lot, then they must be living off the land. The people of Hampshire might have noticed a lack of game somewhere in this region, or the New Rule could have stopped by there to acquire provisions."

@SparkSinger , @Lorkhan , @Sizniche , @The Unamed Character , @Arelynn
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Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
"Then . . . start a new life . . ." said Mion. "If we go head on against your brother the way we are now you are going to die." said Mion. "Leave this to the King and his armies, I will send a messenger to him immediately." he contacted the maid in the keep whose mind was linked to his and a few minutes later, she informed him that a pair of swift riders have been dispatched to the royal castle with the news.

"For now, shall we find out where the New Rule is hiding?" he turned to his brothers. "Michi said that they were in Fell Forest last time she knew. There is also a village called Hampshire there. If their army moves a lot, then they must be living off the land. The people of Hampshire might have noticed a lack of game somewhere in this region, or the New Rule could have stopped by there to acquire provisions."

@SparkSinger , @Lorkhan , @Sizniche , @The Unamed Character , @Arelynn
Michi sighed. "He wouldn't kill me... he would torture me and hack off limbs.... but not kill me.." she looked up and into the woods. "He want's me to recreate the potion... I am the only one who knows the ingredients...." she said with a grin. "Even Camions have their own breaking point" she chuckled a bit. "You guys can go on ahead.... I want to stay here for a bit.... but please leave that armor" she said as she leaned against her blade that was stuck in the ground after she got up. "It is somehow beautiful isn't it... how even in an abandoned and scorched land, nature still blooms and flourishes." she said with a smile. "I wonder.... what does death feel like...." she mumbled to herself
A Camion's Past

"Good idea, Mion," Vn'yaer'ok said, "We might also be able to stock up on supplies there."
A Camion's Past

"Allow me to cast Mind Link on you, Michi. We'll be able to communicate instantly with our thoughts." said Mion. "Actually, everyone, allow me to cast it on all of you."

Mion murmured silently to those who allowed him, pointing a finger at each and it was done. He summoned his ethereal owl and had it fly ahead to scout the land. Mion and those who decided to travel to Hampshire followed it heading northwest.

@The Unamed Character , @SparkSinger , @Lorkhan , @Sizniche
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A Camion's Past

"If I may, I'd rather not," Vn'yaer'ok said, "My thoughts are one of the few things I have to myself, and I wish to keep it that way." The goblin drank out of a potion bottle he had filled with plain water.
Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
"Allow me to cast Mind Link on you, Michi. We'll be able to communicate instantly with our thoughts." said Mion. "Actually, everyone, allow me to cast it on all of you."

Mion murmured silently to those who allowed him, pointing a finger at each and it was done. He summoned his ethereal owl and had it fly ahead to scout the land. Mion and those who decided to travel to Hampshire followed it heading northwest.

@The Unamed Character , @SparkSinger , @Lorkhan , @Sizniche
Michi chuckled a bit. "I am good...." she said "Trust me.... you will see me again..." she said and handed him a pendant that looked like hers "I guess you can say it is an artifact now... but that will allow you to talk to me without need for any spells..." she said with a smile "Now you guys go on and do what you need.... and don't be afraid to call... but knowing me... I will need to call you first." she laughed
A Camion's Past

"Alright." said Mion to Michi and Vn'yaer'ok. He received the pendant and wore it around his neck. "See you later, Michi!" he waved and made Ebony do a fancy turn-around trot before he galloped off.

"And don't worry about people reading your mind, my friend." said Mion to the goblin. "They will only be able to hear your thoughts, and you theirs if you are all willing. It is impossible for this spell to break into minds or be used as a channel for another spell. Instead it's power lies in communication over very, very, very, very vast distances, and being able to reconnect to that person even after losing consciousness or all my manna. Besides," he added slyly, "what are you hiding in that head of yours that you don't want us to know about? You got the hots for one of the girls, don't you?" he grinned at him. "Thinking of brewing up a little love potion when we get back?"

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A Camion's Past

"It's past my time for such things, Mion," Vn'yaer'ok says, "I simply wish that such a connection is not made. While we have exceptional control over our magic as Spellblades, we still need to address the fact that magic is still a largely mysterious and volatile force. We don't know how or when it can be manipulated against us, as we simply do not know every last aspect of such powers." Vn'yaer'ok took another drink from the bottle he had, then clearing his throat to say, "Besides, thoughts are always the same volume for some reason. What fun is communication if it can't be shouted at the top of your lungs?" The goblin would chuckle.

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A Camion's Past

The hours melted away with conversations about the origin of magic, the creation of new spells, and whether love potions were real or not. They entered Fell Forest that afternoon and were traveling through a leaf-strewn path when Mion halted Ebony, his eyes looking through his owl again.

"Hampshire is in danger! Around a hundred monsters are attacking the villagers!" he told the others. "They are in the town square, the women and children have barricaded themselves in the town hall while the men are fighting a losing battle!"

(OOC: What the monsters look like: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/runescape2/images/1/1f/Abyssal_demon_concept_art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140112093119)

@Lorkhan ,@SparkSinger , @Sizniche

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