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Fantasy Spellblade

A Camion's Past

Tangent: Mammoth Hunt

"The mammoth needs to be led away from the rest of the group. We need to bait it with food of some sort, and draw it a safe ways away before we kill it to avoid a confrontation with the Giants. When we do kill it, we can use these," he pulls the vines out of his pack, "To bind the beast down. These are tough vines, so it should only take about ninety or a hundred feet of this to bind them."

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A Camion's Past

"Alright." nodded Mion. "I'll stun it before the archers fire so that it won't make any noise." he told the archers to take ambush positions three hundred meters away from the herd. "Who will bait it with food? They'll have to be in disguise or the mammoth won't follow."

"We have some smelly weeds too." said an archer. "Just rub this on you to mask your scent." he gave them to Vn'yaer'ok.

A Camion's Past

Tangent: Mammoth Hunt

"I'll bait the mammoth. I'll need some meat and foliage." Vn'yaer'ok rubs the weeds on himself to mask his scent, and then filled a small empty bottle from his reagent set with juices from the weeds.

Vn'yaer'ok clusters the foliage, and ignites it with his tinderbox. He then puts it on the meat to catch it on fire. The entire hunting group can smell the burning meat, and odds are the mammoth will as well soon enough. He approaches a mammoth from behind, and whistles from hiding in the woods. The smell of burning meat attracts the mammoth in the direction of the hunting group, and Vn'yaer'ok makes hand motions to signal everyone to get ready to bind the mammoth.

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A Camion's Past

"Er . . . Aren't mammoths herbivores?" Mion asked an archer. The archer shrugged at him.

"It's working." said the archer.

One of the giants turned his head at the direction of the whistle. With a leap that shook the surrounding area, the lumbering goliath jogged to the curious mammoth who was straying away from the herd. With a grunt and a yell in a strange language, he herded the mammoth back with his giant spiked club. Then he followed the smell of the meat.

"FEE FI FOE FUM, BARUM, BARUM, BARUM." he thundered in his voice. The second giant in the camp was standing, watching his companion, his tree pine club over his shoulder.

"MAN CERIG? PRESTIG?" hollered the second giant.

"AVA QUETE!" said the first. He kneeled down to examine the burning meat in the middle of the hunting party's ambush area.

Mion held his breath, and so did the archers hiding in the trees. Hopefully the huge thing will go away.

A Camion's Past

Tangent: Mammoth Hunt

It's times like this Vn'yaer'ok wishes he had something, anything else other than being a glorified pharmacist that qualified him for being a Spellblade. A conjurer could've easily summoned a dragon or lion horde here, an elemental could've froze, burnt or simply knocked down the entire forest, and an illusionist could've tricked the giants into thinking the forest was on fire. Instead, the only thing he had going for himself here was his clarity of mind...

Wait a moment...

Vn'yaer'ok quietly crawled over towards Mion. It was a risk and a long shot, but it was the best one he had. He risked a whisper to Mion and said,
"You wouldn't have happened to pick that wild flower a while back, would you? In the rock face?"

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A Camion's Past

"No, I'm single." answered Mion.

The giant stood up and looked around the area. It's dull-witted face looking like it was thinking hard with its mouth open. It began to uproot bushes as though searching for something and shaking pine trees. It won't take it long to find a tree with archers in it.

A Camion's Past

Tangent: Mammoth Hunt

"Not the point of that question," Vn'yaer'ok said. Well. time to get back to basics. The goblin forms a slipknot on the vine to create a sort of lasso. He then begins whirling it, aiming for around the nearest giant's neck. You'll only have one shot, and he'll know what's going on. Make it count.

The goblin throws the rope around the giant's neck and pulls it tight. He then runs up to the giant and begins climbing up the back of the giant on the rope. He draws his sword, and dives it straight into the spinal cord. The giant will surely yell, but he'll be out of the fight for now, and the attention will be on the goblin rather than the townspeople who got roped into this. He took an oath for their safety, and he intended to keep it.
A Camion's Past

"HUH?" said the giant dumbly as the rope fell down and around its neck. Then it fell down like a puppet whose strings have been cut as the goblin pierced its spine with his blade.

BOOM, the body fell to the ground with an earth-shaking crash.

There came a terrible roar from the second giant on the campsite. It leaped down and came running towards Vn'yaer'ok. "GOBLIN MEAT!" he thundered, his wicked club raised.

Mion scooped Vn'yaer'ok from the giant's back and rode away on Ebony.

"Hold your ground!" he told the archers through his thoughts. "Separate one mammoth from the herd. Me and Vn'yaer'ok will take care of this one!"

He galloped away into the forest where the trees were very thick, the murderous goliath pushing and knocking down trees to reach them, howling in its rage.

"I'm going to trip it." Mion told Vn'yaer'ok as the giant's thundering footsteps came closer. His 'Gather' spell wasn't strong enough to pull a giant, but it was good enough to pull a foot for a second. He pulled out a javelin and looked back. "Gather!" he yelled.

"OOOF!" the giant stumbled like an avalanche, knocking trees, rocks, and a mighty spray of soil into the air. Mion swerved Ebony to the side as a boulder the size of a garden shed nearly squashed them. Mion hurled the javelin and it pierced one of the giant's eye. It roared in pain.
A Camion's Past

Tangent: Mammoth Hunt

Vn'yaer'ok dismounts the horse.
"I'll finish this one off, you go put the other one out of its misery, and we'll all rendezvous around a dead mammoth. Got it?" He draws his sword and runs straight to the giant. He walks to the underside of the giant's head and stabs it in the brain through the gap in the underside of the jaw, as the giant's skull would likely stop the blade. He would then run in the direction of the hunters.

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"Mhm. I don't mind at all, Misty," Strad rumbled, curling his tail and nodding in acknowledgement to Teiren. "So by the looks of it... you like William, no?" The green dragon stared at his companion and student, the wonderful ball of energy that was now bothering Yves. "If so, you'll have to excuse him. He's much to naïve and childish to recognize love..." He looked down at the woman curled next to him. "... but I guess a little love can't be bad for the lad, or you, either. I'll give him a nudge in the right direction for you."

@Rui @Seraph Darkfire
Misty blushed, nuzzling further into The dragon's arm.

"It's all your fault...giving me emotions. It's awful." She muttered, shooting the half demon a bitter glare. She looked up at Strad, and blushed harder, stammering helplessly.



@Seraph Darkfire
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"My fault? I'd blame William, if I were you," Strad said, chuckling at the bitter glare Misty shot him. "Oh, don't be so fed up with it! I'm sure he'll come around! It will be... er, what's the word... ah, yes! Romantic! Plus," he muttered, with a joking glint in his eye, "I'll get him off my back for a while. Maybe I could rest for an hour without getting jumped on!"

@Rui (Wow, you're fast D: )
(Hehe! I try. @Lotusy )

Misty pouted, "jerks, all of you." She grumbled, and nuzzled further still into Strad's arm. It was rather large compared to her.
Nieves labored breath continued for what seemed like hours, her perception had gone wrong. This wasn't good, if things continue at this pace, then surely...

She looked out the window, her eyes bleary from exhaustion then remembered a crucial detail that she forgot. Immediately, she burst into action rummaging through her backpack and searching for a specific set of leaves: mint, oregano, bughana, and karonera. Using the bed as support, she stood up and went out of the room once more, her movements shaky as if they were the steps of newborns.


She had forgotten its use. And, she had - with some hesitation to admit to herself- forgotten how to pray to the very wind that flows through their lives. She stood out and back to the scene of battle. The blood still fresh as it entered her nose, causing her to recoil slightly from her weakened state. Still, she persevered as she went into the railings. The cold, pure, and strong winds of Amihan brushed against her face, teasing her of her callous treatment of its greatness.

Nieves tore up the leaves, rubbed them together, rolling them against the palm of her hands, and then chewing them in her mouth. She could feel the combined coolness bring relief to her tired lungs. Next, she took a nut from the pouch she took from the bag and chewed, tasting the pungent aroma. Closing her eyes, she made a small prayer, words whispered once before to a worshipper, that spread and used sacredly never abusing its gift. The wind blew stronger, even perhaps, edging the ship on at a faster pace. But the wind entered her, its form translucent and yet Nieves felt a cleansing feeling come over, awashed her until she felt the choking, the drowning sensation lessen to nothing more than a troublesome annoyance.

"I am in your debt." She bowed to the Amihan, until something smacked her in the face. It was paper, small paper with yellowed edges spots showing its age. A picture of a family, a woman, and a child, with a boisterous man, that Nieves had a feeling was one of the men that went down with the pirate ship. The seawater from the edges remained, but most of the damage prevented as the wind took out these drops.

Ah, her debt. How troublesome.

"Wouldn't you appreciate more, say a feast of fruits?" Nieves reasoned, to which the wind died down slightly, "Never mind, you made your wishes clear." She muttered. She coughed, still feeling the burden in her lungs, but at least now she could walk normally and act normally to some extent.

Pocketing the picture, she made a note to finish this task quickly when she found the opportunity to do so.

She noticed everyone had vanished, perhaps back to the cabins, and decided to see if they had healed the admiral. Going back to her cabin, she went and noticed where everyone crowded. It seemed what should have been a quick fix, was still ongoing, the severity of the injury much greater than she had anticipated. She took out the nut she chewed and pocketed it once more, and yet from the edge of her eyes. She saw something peculiar.

A spark of fire, that and the name of something or someone.

Already a haunting, this early? Nieves knocked on wood, hoping the ominous message vanishes.

Going the extra precaution, she took a pinch of salt and spread it on the floor discretely, hoping it would be enough to be rid of the supernatural sight. It was better prevented now, than to hire an exorcist to cleanse a ghost ship.

Paling somewhat as the newcomer's surgical blade began to part the captain's flesh, Ea took a small breath to steel himself. Now wasn't the time to grow squeamish over this, he had to pay attention. Once the cold water was called for, Ea gave a short nod and focused on making a small flow of crisp, cool water wash over the exposed wound.

Voice low as he focused his energy on being prescise, Ea said, "I can handle the fire bit too"

@GasMaskie @Arelynn
The extraction only took a few moments for the chirugeon. He deposited the bloodied shards of metal and the remainder of the bullet at the half-elf woman's side and poured an antiseptic solution over the punctured areas. Yves removed the bleeders and the retractor now and the stretched out wound began to close up. All in all, she would have a quick recovery with the magically-enhanced healing.

He scribbled something on a scrap of paper and handed it over to the other healer before settling down on a nearby chair and folding his arms. At the very least, the two Spellblades seemed competent enough to handle the rest of the operation. If anything did arise though, he could quickly intervene.

"Use these herbs in the amounts I specified to ensure that whatever infections that did take hold get wiped out quickly. The punctures left inside her should heal relatively quickly now that the foreign contaminants are gone. I'll head up once she awakens."

@Iomana, @Lotusy)
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William nodded as Yves finished the surgery and headed down below the deck* When he looked down at the chirugeon's instructions, though, he gawked slightly. "Greenroot? How does he expect us to have that? It takes ages to grow, not to mention Strad's always tired afterward..." He turned to Ea, watching as the elementalist finished procuring water for the wound. "Er, sorry. I'll be right back."

William rushed back to Strad with his request, even though the dragon was apparently in a conversation with Misty and Teiren. "Er, sorry to barge in. Hey, Strad? Is there a substitute for greenroot?" He flashed Yves's paper in front of Strad, who muttered something under his breath. "Never mind greenroot, it's too much of a hassle. Plus, I think the white fern would be better for internal puncturing by a bullet." The dragon closed his eyes, and a small white fern grew on his side, waving with the sea breeze. "Take it quickly. It expires rapidly, but makes a perfect substitute for greenroot. The good doctor may have not expected it, due to it's short life, but use it anyways. And later, I'll require some food once we reach the islands." William nodded, grabbing the plant happily and running back to Killian's side. "Thank you!" The dragon only grumbled in response, laying his head back down on the deck. "Are you sure you still like him?"

As William knelt down next to Killian's body, he waved to Ea. "Alright, I think that works now! Thanks, Ea!" He took out some parchment and laid the fern down on it, then began to grind it with the end of his slingshot. After he finished, William scraped the oils and crushed ferns into Killian's side, beginning a low chant. As he worked, muscles and other tissue began to weave over one other in what looked like a dance of flesh. Tissue weaved under tissue, and finally, the skin pulled together to a scab, which then smoothed over as well. "Well that's that," William muttered, sitting back on his knees. With a groan, he pushed himself up, running back to Strad. "Hey, Strad! I did it! I'm useful!" The young man tok a running leap, latching onto and hugging Strad's neck. The dragon growled in amusement, slowly watching William slide down his neck. "I'm sure you're are, William. I'm sure."

@Iomana @Rui
Misty giggled, "yes, positive." She turned to William, "good job." She said brightly...well, brightly for her anyhow.
Teiren chuckled "Emotions are a wonderful thing" he said softly as he stretched "Complicated and so much fun" he smirked "Anyway, it is good that the Captain is doing better, she seems far to capable a woman to be taken down by a shot" he shook his head. After seeing her fight, he could tell that she was a particularly strong warrior. To die from something like that would be an insult.

@Lotusy @Rui
GoldenChari said:
The child shook his tiny head. "Da Mistress made me huwt myself..." The kid trailed off as he sniffled. `Daddy? Are yew dere?' Marth asked Mion in his head.[/uSER]
Kujari almost breathed a sigh of relief, but stopped himself short. All things considered it was good that Marth didn't like to actually hurt himself, but... Kujari's eyes trailed back down again to stare at the child's, "I must know, who is 'The Mistress'?" At worst, the child has some sort of mental illness, at best it was some sort of curse or spell put upon him. The latter could be dealt with, the former well... at times that could be impossible to deal with.

Shin meanwhile had gotten the attention of a healer, surprising him with a response of "Again? Gods above, you leave that brat alone for a minute and he's cutting his own wrists."
A Camion's Past

The giant jerked violently before its flailing legs dropped and it stopped moving. Mion pulled out his javelin and stabbed its neck for good measure before he rode back and did the same thing to the first giant.

The archers met them sweaty and bloody, two of them were dragging two made-up stretchers where two of their friends lay resting, one with a broken leg and one with a nasty gash across his chest.

"We took one down," said an archer, "but our friend here is dying."

"I'll take him to the village." said Mion.

When dusk came, the villagers had finished cutting up the mammoth in the clearing near the place where the first giant died and threw all the meat in a wagon. Elder Clara was thanking the spellblades as the villagers began their trip from what remained of the Hampshire village. Mion was packing a barrel full of salted mammoth meat onto Ebony's back. The barrel was enough to last their small group and the Hampshire hunters one month too.

"Thank you." Elder Clara said to them. "Here, please take these as a token of our gratitude." She presented them with gold and three healing and thawing salves each, and a dozen bottles of their best local mead.

The families of the archers and spearmen who stayed behind said their goodbyes. Mion heard them talk about coming back and catching up once the New Rule camped in the Frozen Caverns were no more.



(OOC: We're done @The Unamed Character)
The amulet Michi had given Mion started to glow. Screams could be heard from it as a male voice cleared his throat and began to speak. "Whoever Michi gave this amulet to, You are probably out of luck...." The voice then laughs "She has....... agreed..... to work for me now and will no longer be in need of your assistance." Michi's voice is heard. "Don't listen to that son of a bi...." her voice is then muffled as her muffled scream is heard. "If you believe you can... change her mind.... come meet me where the light brings you." the amulet then dims down till it is a small bit of light but a stream of light starts to flow from it and lead them into the woods

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"i cant say... " The child trailed off. ’I'm scared Daddy...’ The Child then sent a image of someone standing over him. The person had slender legs an tall black boots. In the next image he sent it showed him in his room with the other man with him, suspicion attaced to it. "if i tell, Ima be hwurt badder!" the kid cried out before he sniffled hugging his tail like a doll of sorts. @Zer0 @ChrisClark13
"Thank you, Misty," Strad said happily, taking the food and snapping it down. "My, just idea how much these plants sap out of you, it's appalling! I've eaten a whole herd of deer once!" The dragon turned back to the spellblades, a grin on his face. "Of course, it's ironic, isn't it? The plants that eat the animal." The dragon held out a claw, catching William, who was listening to Terpiren as he slid down Strad's neck. William caught himself in the claw and smiled, jump down and onto the deck. "Yea, I'm glad she's safe..." He muttered under his breath. "Anyways, do any of you, er, get seasick often? I mean, there's so much water around us..." William shivered at the thought of the miles of ocean ahead and the terrible beasts hiding under its surface. "It's kinda unnerving, actually."

@Rui @Seraph Darkfire

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