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Fantasy Spellblade

A Camion's Past

"Please elaborate." said Mion, taking out a copy of the map Elder Ravine gave him. "Are you talking about their bodies having no weaknesses? Are they even human? Are they a growing faction of a neighboring kingdom, or are they a guild with private interests? How many of them are there? Who is the leader? And if they have fortresses in the Howling Pass and Fell forest, where are they, and how well are they defended?"

@The Unamed Character
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"There fortress moves so Often, I honestly have no Idea... last time it was in Fell forest.." she said "As for no outside weakness's, I mean they are so perfectly in sync with one another, they do not have any..... but that is also their downfall.... their weakness is their own pride..." She said with a chuckle
A Camion's Past

"Does their fortress have legs, or do they teleport it? And what weapons do they use in battle, and what spells? How are they coordinated so perfectly that there is no weakness? Are they a hive mind with one controller?"

@The Unamed Character
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"Thing is..." Michi said "They have not set up a permanent base of operations as of yet..." she said "They are waiting to conquer this land" she said "They do have a leader.... my brother" she said angrily
A Camion's Past

"Good, now we're getting somewhere." said Mion encouragingly. "Now, it is a moving fortress that they have, right? So does it have legs or is it teleported? Does it fly? Are they a private organization, if yes, how many are there? Are they Camion like you, since your brother leads them? And how do they fight? You must tell me their armaments and how they coordinate so perfectly. As of now, we are like blind men groping in the dark, we do not know what do and do not know how to start."

"Please answer my questions in detail."

@The Unamed Character
Michi sighed. "If you must know..." she said "They use a large area for an encampment so they can easily pack up at a moments notice." she looked at him. "They use a varies of weapons I can not list them all. I was always in the front lines so I have no Idea what spells are used. They are completely private, I am not sure how many they have recruited." she took a breath. "My brother is Camion.... but we are the last two, I am the last one that is true to our old ways. They fight any way to win, even dirty. And you want me to tell you how they are so perfect?" she said then glared at them. "It is because my brother has convinced everyone of this cause that it will be ther salvation and freedom. They fight like they do because they think they have a similar cause"
A Camion's Past

" . . . " Mion rubbed the back of his neck, and took a bite of the slice of roasted meat. " . . . I cannot help you if you won't tell me anything I can use." he said eventually. "You have to list their weapons. And if spells weren't used in the frontlines, then I assume they never used hostile spells. Cannons are fired at approaching armies to reduce their numbers before cavalry or infantry engage. Fireball spells, and other destructive magic are used the same way . . ." he looked at her.

"Michi, are you going there to simply pour out your rage and then die? This won't work like this." Mion said tiredly. "Allow me to ask for your patience and to set aside your grief for a moment, and tell me everything I need to know so that me and my Spellblade brothers will not die."

"You can answer me this way: 'My brother's name is ______. Last time I was in the New Rule, the soldiers numbered ______. They rode ______. They start their battles by casting _____. Then the soldiers who use _____ and are armored with _____ engage the enemy, while they are being supported by _____ who use _____. They coordinate through drums or ________. My brother uses ______ to fight. His combat spells are ________. "

@The Unamed Character
"How about you get the fuck off my back!" she yelled at him "Every soldier is kept in the blue about almost everything. I know the little I do just because I was the leaders sister." she kept yelling at him.
Michi took towards the tree line and sat beneath the tree. "Jeez.... he just seems focused on this thing.... if he was in position, he would understand." she muttered to herself
A Camion's Past

Vn'yaer'ok uses a spell and some twigs to create a second firepit to put his cauldron over, and walks over to Mion. "From what I collected from that, they use shock tactics to encircle and destroy their enemy before they know what's going on, using the confusion and panic to make easy targets," Vn'yaer'ok whispers to him, "but other than that, if the soldiers are all left in the dark that much, that likely means they are largely unorganized. They are essentially well-funded bandits. If we can strike them first, we may be able to break their numbers and prevent such an attack from happening." He walks back to his cauldron and stirs his brew, a mixture that will eventually thicken into a Potion of Clotting, a common kind of health potion for wounds.

Marth moved away from the man known as shin as he came up. "coo jar e?"' Marth questioned. "I Mawth Fwames." The child responded. "I dis owld!" The small neko proclaimed, putting his bloody up, fingers extended to show he was 5. @ChrisClark13
Misty lowered her gaze. She didn't like William's nervousness. What had she told him?

"William? Help me with something?" She said, giving him an urgent look.
A Camion's Past

Elandor observed the dissagrement between the Spellblades. After Mion left Elandor turns to Michi. "Try to understand where he's coming from. He wants to help you. You shouldn't throw away the companionship due to unchecked grief. There will be plenty of time for grieving when these murderers lay at your feet. Now think hard about any information you have, sleep on it and let me know when you think you can. I understand." Elandor gives here a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We are Spellblades. They will know fear. They will know regret. They will know death." He stands and walks towards Mion who was standing stoically against a tree.

"Just allow her to grieve. We've pushed her too hard. Normally I would agree with you but being emotionally drained may hurt her reflexes or decision making skills in combat. Since he have a few hours if you wish I can hone your blades. My electromagnetism forging can't be topped even by the hottest forge, hardest anvil or the most skill smith." @The Unamed Character @Zer0
A Camion's Past

The goblin throws a few more ingredients into the cauldron, and then stirs the mixture, now near proper thickness for a health potion.
"Elandor, remember your oath. As a Spellblade it is our job to spread justice, not fear," Vn'yaer'ok said, "When you intentionally strike fear into the enemy, you cross a vital barrier from punishing for justice to punishing for pleasure." He sips the potion, tasting it for abnormalities as if he were a chef preparing soup.

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A Camion's Past.

Mion replied with a grumpy grunt to Vn'yaer'ok, and a softer grumpy grunt with a nod to Elandor, then handed over his javelins and lance to the lightning mage.

The moon was bright tonight and a dim light shone over the alpine tundra. Snow blanketed the tough frozen ground and clung on the leaves of the pine trees. A heavy mist lay over the mountains to the north where a blizzard was storming through. To the east the Fell Forest fell away out of sight and into the darkness.

There was a loud deep singing like a strong bellowing horn as a herd of wooly mammoths ambled by shepherded by two huge giants carrying clubs as big as whole pine trees with mammoth tusk spikes. The giants were the Noroth, nomadic mammoth herders who wandered these parts of the land, ignoring men in general, but attacking if men came close to their camps or mammoth herds. Mion watched them silently as they strode north, guffawing and singing, splitting pine trees to ease their passage.

He didn't see anything more as he ended his watch and switched with another spellblade. He lay down beside Ebony's warm side and was lulled to sleep by the horse's steady breathing.

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Michi sighed. She wasn't going to sleep on it, She was going to go to a place where she knew she could not lose. It would take her all night, but it was the only way. She stood up and took off into the trees of the forest. She was going back to the place where it all started, the place where she decided to bury her past. She was not back first thing in the morning.
William turned around, hearing the familiar voice of Nieves. He did get flustered when she complemented him, saying "many hearts will break." "Oh, heh, thanks, miss-" his voice was then cut off as she gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "Eh?" His face flushed a bright red. "T-thanks," he muttered, waving to her as she left. Man, that was unexpected.

Then, he got a call from Misty, asking for his help with a look of suspicion on her face. "Me? Uh, sure, Misty!" William said. Maybe she'd figured it out, but William wasn't very sure what she'd do. He wouldn't hold information back from a fellow spellblade, and plus, he felt like he liked her... wait, what? William shook his head, following her to help her with whatever she needed. "Is something wrong?"

@CoconutLeaves @Rui
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A Camion's Past

Vn'yaer'ok could not sleep that night, instead passing the time brewing potions. Over periods of time where he would have to wait, he would play a wooden flute. The music was calming, and the cauldron gave off a roselike aroma. Dark red smoke flew up in the air from the cauldron, and the harmonic notes gave the campsite a tranquil atmosphere.

Vn'yaer'ok didn't bother to try and stop Michi from leaving the camp. She travelled with purpose, and Vn'yaer'ok did not want to interfere with it.
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Misty crossed her arms, "What did she tell you?" She asked, her voice even, despite the fact that it wanted desperately to crack. She bundled her cloak around her and crossed her arms, pouting.

"W-what do you mean? Aw, c'mon, Misty. Don't pout at me!" William said, knowing she'd figured something out. Her voice was calm and even, and William knew he didn't have much of an escape. "Well, you see, I had to consult with her beforehand. It was because I wasn't a spellblade, so I had to know a few extra things... it's the truth, I promise!"

(Technically it is the truth ;)

She eyed him;

He really is exquisite...wait! Not the time!

Misty sighed, "Alright. I'm sorry for being intrusive." She smiled softly, playing it off, "Second question...."

"Do you like my outfit?" She twirled, laughing softly.
"Yea, yea. It's not a problem... wait, what?" William thought the conversation was over, but he was taken aback by Misty's question on if he liked her outfit. His face turned the same shade of red it had been earlier. Stay calm, William. I'm sure people ask this all the time. "Er... it looks nice. I mean, it looks really good on you!" He smiled, trying to cover up his embarrassment.

She giggled, "Tsk. Well, that's all." She bowed, "Thank you for your help." She then sat down, swinging her legs over the edge of the vessel and humming merrily.
Gareth strode up the hill to take Mion's place as sentry. He'd only slept for an hour or two, perhaps, but it was well enough rest to keep him functioning. The setting moon was only a slice away from being full, yet its light was just enough to illuminate the vast coniferous landscape before him. The elf took in the scene and inhaled the crisp air with his arms crossed over his chest. He was amused by the toddling giants and mammoths for a short while, watching them shout as they kicked down evergreens, before they eventually drifted away from his view. Then, all was silent except for the faint whistle of the goblin's flute.

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