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Fantasy Spellblade

Teiren tossed a large portion of the boar towards Strad before turning at the sound of the door being opened. His eyes immediately locked onto Killian as she walked out 'Strange, I feel like I've met her before' he'd been alive for a long time, it was possible that he'd met someone who looked like her, possibly her mother or grandmother. Of course, it was also possible that he'd run across her in previous years.

'Well, either way, she is quite mesmerizing' he thought 'Small of stature and fair skinned, possibly one of the elven race? Interesting' being over a century old made him appreciate the finer things, such as beautiful women and art, and even the beauty of martial arts.

He looked back to Strad "Well, I am interested to see what it is like, if we are being sent over, I'm guessing it is going to be dangerous"

Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
Mion looked away. "Alright . . ." he said quietly. "Only, allow me to say this: soldiers are conditioned to follow orders, they may have different personal virtues compared to the one who gave the order to annihilate your people."

"I implore you to consider an honorable duel with the one behind it all, instead of massacring everyone to obtain justice. Avengers are never known to be happy, Michi. Massacring everyone can leave you dwelling on the past and remaining unhappy. . ."

Mion led his horse forward towards the direction of the mountains. "The place where they split up is about a two-day ride from here. If all is well, we'll reach it the day after tomorrow in the evening. Then you can decide which group to go after, the one that went north up to the Howling Pass, or the one that traveled to the East into the Fell Forest."

@The Unamed Character
Michi huffed. "They will recieve the same Mercy they showed my people." she said as she turned around and started walking, following the path
"Cut off the head and the body will flounder. We can minimize further bloodshed if we stick with Mion's plan." said Gareth. He mounted Saeth again, and briskly trotted towards Mion. The anguish of this village made him eager to leave as soon as possible. After listening to what Mion had to say, he offered his opinion."I'd much prefer riding through the woods. I've had enough of the mountains' chill for a while."
A Camion's Past

Vn'yaer'ok trailed behind the group out of the old Camion village.
"Genocide. The idea shakes me down to my core, but I know it well," the goblin said, "there are not words that truly express the true horror of such a thing, yet it still happens." His appearance in the party is startling, shocking even; the group doesn't even remember seeing him before this moment. The goblin, adorned head to toe in heavy clothing, pauses speech for a moment to look at the ground. He then looks back up, "Why do such things happen?"

The goblin looks rather out of place in the group of hardened fighters. While most of the rest of the group is brandishing blades and adorning armor, the goblin wears several thick coats, scarves, and animal pelts. He wears a fur cap, and because of this his entire face is covered with the exception of his eyes and very noticeable goblin ears. He carries a brown cloth pack, and a single, ordinary blade hangs from his hip. He isn't even on a mount like the rest of the group, as Daegonhart Keep doesn't keep a pony small enough for him to ride. It isn't an issue to him, however, as he seems capable of keeping up either way. A person's first impression of him would likely be a hunter or even a poacher due to race issues, and not someone of such a prestigious title such as a Spellblade.
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Elandor urged his horse to follow his new companions. "We can't plan an assault until we know how organized they are." Thinking back on the many villages he'd seen in similar conditions. "It doesn't take training to ransack a village with 100 men. Just surprise and relentless violence. Hide brace enough to put up a fight were the first to be struck down. After the initial shock set in most probably turned to flee or just froze and were cut down without resistance." The thought of innocent people being slaughter made his stomach turn. If he didn't keep his anger in check he may be joining Michi in the onslaught. "Complete destruction of their force or no we still need to approach in the best tactical way we can. If we can shock them into surrender execution would take much less effort than conventional warfare."

@Zer0 @Lorkhan @The Unamed Character
Michi Halts. "You wan't to know how organized they are..." she said with a clenched fist. "They are organized enough to wipe an immortal race to near extinction....." she said "I know how organized they are...." she clenched her fists tighter "Because I was part of their ranks at once..." she unclenched her fist and began walking again "And i regret every single thing I did back then..."
Well, at least it seemed he at least gained a spot on the boat and, as odd as their company seemed, at least it would prove to be interesting. But once he took into consideration the mysterious actions taking place on the island, Ea couldn't help but shiver a bit. He'd have to watch his back.

Maybe it would be best to stick with the Spellblades (plus healer) group for a bit, even though they would be in the thick of things they were at least able to protect themselves, and despite his own confidence in his abilities it was always better to travel in a group.

So it was with that in mind that Ea readjusted his pack and began to follow her out, giving a hearty, "Aye aye!" as he did so.

@Arelynn @Lotusy @SovietBear
Strad grunted happily as Teiren tossed him a good portion of the boar, grabbing the hunk of meat and snapping it up with a couple large bites. "Thank you for the meal, my friend," he rumbled with a satisfied growl. "Remind me to pay you back later. Enjoy your investigation." The dragon stretched happily, enjoying the feeling of the sun energizing the plants on his back. It would be better to find William, the dragon thought to himself. He stood up and padded off, scaring a few villagers as he walked.

"Thank you, Miss Killian," William said, nodding in acknowledgement. "And see you later, Misty!" His attention suddenly turned back to Killian as he saw her scrawl something down on a piece of paper, and as she left, the woman brushed by William, and the paper slipped into his hand. "Excuse me? You left your- nevermind..." he muttered as Killian had already left the area. William stared down at the crumpled up piece of paper with curiosity. On one hand, it was only reasonable to think it was some super-secret business order and that he shouldn't read it, but William was made of but 10% reason. The other 90% was pure, unadulterated energy, with about 0% respect for anyone or anything. So, as the healer walked out of the store, he opened the papers to read to himself.

"Meet me above deck after sundown. Alone."

"What?" William exclaimed in surprise, which made the wheelbarrow man jump, then glare at him angrily. "Er, sorry." The healer sat down at the edge of a nearby fountain, lost in thought. After sundown? Alone? William frowned as he mused to himself. It could be a trap... though Elder Ravine trusts her, so we should be fine. But what about Strad? Wouldn't he be suspicious if I left him? I mean, I haven't left his side since-

"You seem exceptionally lost in thought, William."

"Mother of god!" William started, almost plunging backwards into the fountain. "Strad? Oh, goodness. You almost made my heart stop!" The dragon growled happily. "Oh my. That sounds like someone I know... maybe me? What irony," Strad said, amused at William's reaction. On the other hand, the healer wasn't entertained. "Geez. I'm supposed to be doing the scaring, Strad. Now come on, let's explore the town!" Strad nodded. "Whatever you say, William."

Much later...

William yawned happily as he roused himself from an afternoon nap, brushing aside some of the hay around him. The healer and dragon pair had found a small shelter in an abandoned barn at the outskirts of the town, and William crashed, while Strad basked in a ray of sun coming through a window at the the top of the barn. "Ugh, afternoon, Strad," William groaned, stretching. He looked outside. Oh, shit. It's sundown, he thought. Quick, think of an excuse! William made an awkward smile, approaching Strad like a child wanting to go to a friend's house. "Uh, Strad? I'm going to go now. I think... Misty wanted to see me? Er, right! Yea! Totally!" He dashed out of the barn. "No need to come along!" He yelled over his back as he rushed for the docks.

As William rushed to the docks, he scanned the rows of boats for Killian's ship. "Ah! The Midnight Sun!" He exclaimed, rushing over to Killian's boat. The gangplank was lowered, so William slowly boarded the ship. "Hello? Killian?" He asked quietly, scanning the boat for the smuggler.

@Arelynn (A bit of @Rui)

(Also @SovietBear because you're a bro. :)
The smuggler watched as she saw the young healer board the ship next to hers. "Wrong ship, lad!" she said quietly over to the other ship. She waited for him to come back around to her, then began talking.

"Okay, look." She put her hands on her hips. "The only reason I'm trusting you is because you're an outside party, or in other words, not a Spellblade. The others will be arriving soon so I'll try and make this quick. Something suspicious is going on. This wasn't the group of Spellblades I was expecting to come, and I certainly wasn't expecting to see a long-dead friend now-revived on my doorstep either."

She let out a sigh, but the frustration on her face was still apparent. "But the main reason I had you come here was because... Well, I guess I'll tell you now. I was a Spellblade myself, about five years ago. You probably don't know too much about how the Spellblades work, but I do. And I'll also tell you this: There is no Elder by the name of Ravine.

But until I know more, I just want you to observe. I don't know what will happen if we raise too much suspicion. Look, the others have arrived. C'mon, you can help my men get the ship ready for departure."

Guess that's that. Nieves thought as she watched the admiral past the healer with a movement and purpose that Nieves could swear was intentional. But then again she could be wrong, but then her last boyfriend cheated on her when he said he wasn't so maybe she was just overthinking things once more.

She took a look at the situation, one was about to leave to do her thing, one was willingly following the girl with a hearty sea-speak and the other well, she did not know. But what she did know was that she was going to have to kill some time. And Nieves welcomes some R&R right now.

"I guess this is the perfect time to try the local alcohol scene. La dee day fiddle dee fiddle doo skiddy see~" Nieves hummed to herself and went to look for the local bar scene. It didn't take long to see it, since the molding sign of the tavern was hung up for everyone to see and the sound of breaking glass as a chair was thrown out the window was her second sign that she was in a familiar scene. Drunk people no matter where they are should become the politicians of the world. Nieves thought with amusement, they were all the same and their humanity revealed themselves while inhibited.

"Your best brew!" Nieves declared as she entered the scene of a cold room with several wooden tables and chairs occupied by sailors and tradesmen with boisterous noises. There was an energy of anger, joy, and sadness that filled the air and Nieves found it intoxicating. She occupied a table next to a weeping sailor, the bandanna on his head his trade's symbol. A woman came over, a glass of frothy beer, and a mug of strong bubbling liquor placed on the table roughly.

"It's been a while since we got a lady customer," The waitress spoke with curiosity, "Mercenary?"

"Pretty much," the mountain girl replied as she took a swig of the beer and gulped half of the bottle, "But I'm also an adventurer. In all manners of speaking."

"Ha," the waitress snorted, "the men here are terrible love. Let me tell ya, all of them are brutes, bores, and all manners of beasts. There hasn't been a single wealthy person in this town who isn't taken. Nor are there any decent men who have guts in their souls."

"As my aunt used to say, if they lack a spine we'll put it in them, if they lack a heart, we'll form one out of their own guts." Nieves laughed and the waitress chuckled before hearing the bartender call for her.

"'Scuse me love, will talk to ya later." She waved and which Nieves did as well.

In her silence, and the soft weepings of the man, Nieves pondered about the details of the mission. People missing, people dead, entire villages massacred. It could be something more it could be something simple. But, she hoped it would be the soul of The Pirate King and the ghostly ship. It seemed so plausible and legends of the Pirate King's actions seemed so familiar to what was happening. And if it were to be so, then perhaps his treasure in that magnificent ship of the damned might exist after all. That would make any person rich beyond their dreams.

Her hands grasped the brew as she continued to ponder before taking a deep swig and slurping down the alcoholic beverage and interrupted by the sound of a cocky growl.

"Is there no man that can beat me in liquor?" The sailor shouted standing on a table surrounded by cheering men. Nieves smiled as someone took up the gauntlet. Well, this will prove to be a worthy distraction.

Ten beers, three challengers, one relationship consultation with a weeping sailor, and a crowd of cheering men later; Nieves found herself on the table drinking a giant glass of ale - five so far- and drink it as if it were the most refreshing water. She looked at her competitor with one eye, and found that he was getting red, the alcohol getting to him yet proudly trying to stay awake. It didn't take more than a minute before he capitulated, his knees buckling under the weight of his uncontrollable mass and losing his center of gravity, fell down on the ground, the remaining ale splashed over his face.

With a heart cheer from the patrons, Nieves wiped the froth from her mouth and raised her fist in victory. She felt a rush of adrenaline and wanted to challenge the next person when she saw that the time was soon approaching based on the sun. Paying her tab, and bowing out with praises and accolades from the drunken stupor of men, she made her way to the docks. Her stomach full of mead and meal, she walked until she reached the ship and saw the healer and the admiral.

They were engrossed in a conversation, but before she could eavesdrop, it had ended. She was a bit suspicious, but seeing there was no time, she waved at them to signify her entrance as the mission was about to start. She might as well make herself useful.
The Unamed Character]Michi Halts. "You wan't to know how organized they are..." she said with a clenched fist. "They are organized enough to wipe an immortal race to near extinction....." she said "I know how organized they are...." she clenched her fists tighter "Because I was part of their ranks at once..." she unclenched her fist and began walking again "And i regret every single thing I did back then..." [/QUOTE] "Hmmm." Elandor listened to the steady rhythm of the horses steps for a few moments before speaking again. "If you were a part of their ranks then we have more information than we could hope for. How is their morale? Are there ranks? Who is the leader? This is valuable information we shouldn't squander." He spoke in a calm and collected voice. "If you wish to crush them you have my support but a strategy is a necessity." Realizing the situation and and his insensitivity towards it he straightened and cleared his throat. "I'm....sorry. I've seen devastation like this and it's survivors. I've been face to face with those willing to take these actions as well. We will make them repent. You have my word." He fell silent as they rode forward. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28686-zer0/ said:
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Misty was loitering about town, no longer receiving the strange looks a shell was used to; rather, people seemed to respect her, and some actually whistled, or showed signs of...liking her?

She shivered, the very thought chilling her. People were so dull, so idiotic; basing everything off of looks. She was a killer, cold blooded, and dead. She didn't deserve their respect. She observed her outfit again; agile, fitted, protective...perhaps a little sexy...
A Camion's Past

Mion look back when he heard a voice speaking from behind the party and for a moment was going to throw his spear at the goblin, had its speech not made him pause wondering why it wasn't attacking, "Vincent!" he said in an exasperated voice, relieved he didn't accidentally murder an ally. Mion halted the group. "Don't suddenly appear like that-and without a garment showing the spellblade insignia too!" Mion trotted over to him. "Had it not been for that green scarf you always wear and your nose I could've accidentally speared you."

He bent down an offered a hand. "Will you be riding with me as usual, old friend? Or will you walk this time? Our enemies will be on horses."

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A Camion's Past

"I shall be riding with you, as usual." Vn'yaer'ok grabs Mion's hand and pulls himself up onto the horse, sitting himself behind Mion. "Thank you, Mion, my legs were starting to feel weak." Vn'yaer'ok takes out a mortar and pestle and begins grinding some various plant leaves and roots he found along the way to pass the time on the ride. "You know, you don't have to refer to me as Vincent all the time. I only really use that name to seem less out of place in public. You can call me by my real name if you want to," Vn'yaer'ok says, as a faint sound of what sounds like rocks grinding together comes from his direction. He understood why Mion often called him Vincent, though. It was a less harsh and difficult to say name, and it is more pleasant to the ears. Also, odds are that you don't want to get accustomed to the name and end up slipping up. Saying a name like "Vn'yaer'ok" in a human public center would go just about as well as yelling "praise the lord of darkness!" at the top of your lungs in a place of holy worship, maybe even worse.

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A Camion's Past

"Understood." said Mion, chuckling. He galloped back to the front and continued to lead the group.

That night, they camped in a rocky hollow under a hill. Grey boulders jutted out of the ground and a few scattered pine trees stood around the hill. Moss, heath, lichen, and other hardy flora grew in the rocky depressions, and in one of the cracks there was a wild flower growing alone.

The hollow provided some shelter from the cold harsh wind and hid the fire pit where a huge chunk of monster meat was being roasted. They had a fight earlier that afternoon with a group of territorial Arctic Owl Bears.

Ebony was eating grain from a feedbag. Her heavy barding had been removed and her eyes closed lazily as Mion brushed the horse's black mane. "Thank you for taking care of me again, Ebony. You were so great today." praised Mion, speaking in a soft voice and patting the horse's neck.
Misty gazed absently towards the docks. She recognized William's shape instantly, but who was that woman? She squinted, getting a better look. Killian? She paused, and shook her head. Best not to interfere...(no matter how badly you want to.)

@Lotusy @Arelynn

A Camion's Past

Vn'yaer'ok walks over to faces of the rocks and begins examining the various flora. He picks a few different kinds of spore and moss, and then puts them in his pack. He then sat next to the fire pit and began grinding the ingredients down with his mortar and pestle. He takes his cauldron out and looks up at Mion.
"Do you think we'll need any specific kind of potion for when we meet these people? I have a rough tool set here, so complex potions will be a difficult proposition. I can, however, throw together a few basic health potions with some of the spores I've found around here, and I can use that," Vn'yaer'ok points to the wildflower growing in the rocks,"To make an elixir of confusion." Vn'yaer'ok pauses for a moment, and then says, "Will a fight be necessary when we encounter this 'New Rule'? A head-on fight not only sounds like a dangerous proposition, but, if they are a monumental power, it could danger the reputation of the Spellblades. There may be an alternative." He begins putting some of the grinded-down ingredients inside of the cauldron, and fills it with water from his canteen, emptying it.

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Strad growled suspiciously as William snuck off into the light of the setting sun. He'd never know the young man to take such an initiative, but then again, no one would ever know. Well, better to check, the dragon thought, stand up and padding away from his barn.

William blushed a bit in embarrassment as he realized that Killian's ship was the North Wind, not the Morning Sun. Darn fantasy boats and their basic names. He quickly ran off the gangplank onto the other ship, where Killian was waiting, a sheepish grin plastered on his face. "Er, sorry about that."

And then, she told him what she knew.

William felt a shock travel down his spine as he heard her words. First off, she trusted him because he wasn't a spellblade? That had major implications right there. Not to mention, she didn't expect his group, and worst of all... there wasn't an Elder Ravine?

The healer was roused to attention by Killian's last words, jumping and scrambling to look busy. Already, two other spellblades were coming... along with Strad. "Shit." He quickly grabbed a heavy wooden box, groaning under its weight and walking awkwardly over to the incoming spellblades. "Oh... urk... hey there, Misty, hey Nieves! H-how's it going?"

@Arelynn @Rui @CoconutLeaves
"Ah, it seems as if everyone's here." The Elder began walking up onto the ship. "Killian, it's nice to finally meet you. Hopefully you've briefed everyone on the mission."

"And you must be Elder Ravine. Welcome aboard the majestic Northern Wind! Sails up and ropes down, boys! We're going to the Jaeger Isles!" The men aboard the ship set up the rigging and the sails as Killian went aft to steer. "At this pace, we'll be over there in about three hours! Hopefully none of you Spellblades get seasick!" she laughed over the sounds of small waves crashing against the ship and the salty wind blowing by.

"I'll head down to the cabins if anyone needs me," the Elder said as he made his way below deck.

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy @Seraph Darkfire @Ashaficent @Iomana @CoconutLeaves @Rui @SovietBear
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It was easy to waste the time until boarding in a port city such as this. Almost too easy, seeing as Ea nearly missed the boarding time. As the male boarded the ship, his hair disheveled and tousled by the wind, he breathlessly called out to Killian, "That was close! Sorry, I'm here!"

Teiren sighed as he sat down on the bow of the ship. He pulled a book out of his clothes and began to silently read. Hopefully, they'd sail in relative peace. But knowing the luck of a Spellblade, it was very possible that they'd end up being attacked by some form of sea monster. Teiren would be very sore if his book got ruined by an attack. In preparation for being attacked, he kept one hand on the hilt of his sword, using the thumb of his other hand to turn the page.

He didn't have to worry about falling off either, his balance was nearly perfect after years of sword training. In his long life, he'd occasionally been on ships as well, so he didn't worry about seasickness either. At most, he'd only have to worry about someone attacking him from behind, but the number of people who could surprise him was far and few between.
Urk? Nieves looked at him oddly, as if he were a naughty child caught doing something bad. With a smile, Nieves understood then what happened and why he felt guilty. The girl he was close to was also in the area.

"The sea wind is strong today, Amihan has decided to fly around here." Nieves commented on the wind as she got closer to the healer. "May Amihan fly in our favor." She mused as she looked at the small but quick waves on the open sea. If the wind were to fly against them then it wouldn't be a fun trip but if the wind were to fly for them, they could get closer to the mystery.

She looked back at the healer, her face tilting up with mischievousness as she spoke to him, "Why dear healer, I had never known you were such a ladies man. Added with that face of yours, many hearts you will break." She winked, and with a ruffling of his hair, despite the differences in their height -him towering over her by a number of inches- she tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek, pressing her soft lips far from his and let go after a moment's contact.

"Here's one from me then, and with that I'll go feel the wind. See you dear healer." She waved as she boarded the ship and noticed the Elder coming in.

"Odd, did he know of the meeting time in advance?" She wondered but shook her head and went to the bow of the ship. The view of the waves and the small island in the distance amidst the sounds of sailors toiling in the ship made for a sight that she hoped she could tell her nieces, nephews, and her own children one day. The smell of the wind sparked a memory within her. And she tried to remember what it was and then it came to her like the words of the taleskeeper at night, flowing through the ears and mind as it painted a picture so vivid.

"Here, child."

Nieves looked at the area they were in, they had just traversed narrow passages on cliffs, going up hills, and boggy terrain before they arrived at where they were.

"What is this place, grand aunt?" Nieves asked as she mounted off the Kaville and opened the wagon gate where her grandmother laid and rested. The were in a grassy peak, where the mountains around them kissed the clouds and the sky upward were the domain of the Gods and Spirits. Mountain flowers grew around them in dazzling vibrant shades of pink, yellow, and blues. The trees shaded them from the bright sun of the sky.

"This is my secret place. I was your age when I found it after running away from a pack of wolves, and this has been my annual retreat. It's...gotten harder over the years but I'm glad it still stands." She said as she held out her thin frail arms and Nieves had to pull her off the cart with a gentleness that dare not hurt her. "I wanted...to come here...before the afterlife. No matter how people say that the afterlife has a scenery that defies our imagination, this place has always been my favorite. I came here when I thought about decisions in my life." She stopped with a short laugh, "I spent the night here when I thought about accepting my husband's proposal."

Nieves held her hand and noticed how weak the grip has gotten lately. Her legs shook when she took a step as if trying to hold on, the skin around her eyes had sunken and all around her it had thinned and became wrinkles that did not make her lovely. A bump grew around her stomach that forced her not to be able to eat anything but the simplest of soups and broths that made her lose weight. Her once industrious grand aunt had been reduced to this by a wasting disease that ravaged her body slowly, and she looked more dead than alive.

"I know what happens tomorrow, Nieves. I can feel it in my bones, in the way it takes much effort to do something as breathing. The fight in me is slowly vanishing and I...I want to be here one last time." With that, she left everything to silence as she walked to the peak where the wind had blew strongly against them.

"Leave me." Her aunt said, and Nieves let go taking steps back as she watched her grand aunt but still near to be able to catch her. Her aunt stared at the sun and raised her arms in a cross, and Nieves watched her aunt's feature transform as the wind blew past her. The skin looked smoother than it had in years, the smile on her face was so young, as if she were still a young girl, and the joy radiated upon her. Nieves watched her use all of her strength to be still, communing with the wind and her place as if she owned it, and the wind -she could swear- seemed to laugh like a delighted old friend.

Nieves felt tears prick her eyes but she looked on, smiling as her her grand aunt laughed in delight upon the touch of the wind. A scene that she will always remember vividly.

The next day, satisfied, her aunt had left the world, peacefully asleep with a smile of contentment upon her face.

Looking at the setting sun, she raised her arms in that of a cross and let the wind flow through her. A tribute to a memory that came with the wind, and like that it dissolved, wrapped once more waiting for it to open again at another time. She kept like this as she awaited for the departure of the ship.

@Lotusy @Arelynn
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A Camion's Past

"That's true, Vn'yaer'ok." Mion muttered in an undertone, sitting next to the goblin and cutting a piece of roasted meat. "But we don't know anything about the New Rule that will allow us to make solid preparations." He turned to Michi. "Michi, about Elandor's question earlier, will you now tell us the entire story and everything you know about the New Rule?"

@The Unamed Character
Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
"That's true, Vn'yaer'ok." Mion muttered in an undertone, sitting next to the goblin and cutting a piece of roasted meat. "But we don't know anything about the New Rule that will allow us to make solid preparations." He turned to Michi. "Michi, about Elandor's question earlier, will you now tell us the entire story and everything you know about the New Rule?"

@The Unamed Character
Michi looked at them. "I do not want to recall my past...." she said "I would rather burn in my village than to recall it at this moment" she sighed "But what I can say, they have no weaknesses on the outside"
If the small wisp could smile she would as she ate at the contents of the jar. Small berries mixed with calmoline leaves made a fine treat to any species. Although, as she finished and attempted her escape from the small area, the jar was lifted and she found herself staring up at a rather large being. While he was temporarily distracted, or at least far enough away that he couldn't grab the flame, she left the bottle thing and hid further in his bag, deciding to wait for a better chance to leave.

@SovietBear @Anyone else who might be a part of this

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