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Fantasy Spellblade

"Twenty-five coins?" Nieves replied as she pulled out the buttered lobster tail from her mouth. The sun was rising, and the sounds of the sea and of the loudness of the city mixed with the visual spectacle and chaos of the people as they went one their business from every direction. In front of her, the old man nodded, knowing she was an outsider and she did not know the prices in the city very well.

Nieves knew that last part well. She wanted to open her mouth and protest, but she kept her eye on the group and figured an argument with the vendor wasn't worth it.

"Why, that's an excellent price. Here, have my twenty-five coins.so cheap.yes.I am just so delighted and overwhelmed. every.little.bit." Nieves smiled widely, the smile frozen in place as she spoke her words with a tone that had a mixture of sarcasm and enthusiasm.

Unmindful of the jab, the owner gave Nieves what she wanted: Four skewered grilled squid stuffed with tomatoes, onions and apples; a wooden carving; and dried seaweed pressed into a flat piece and filled with dried fish.

Nieves kept her smile and went, calling the vendor a thief the moment he was out of earshot. After muttering under her breath, she placed the buttered lobster tail back in her mouth and continued savoring the treat as she kept the seafood kebabs on one hand and the fruit juice in her flask, and the wooden carvings on her other hand. She'll have to put the carvings in the backpack she carried on her back soon, or else the swords on her sides will be nothing more than a decoration in case of an ambush. Not to mention, she didn't look quite noble as a Spellblader (Spellblade-user?) should.

Still, she had to be thankful at least. As her footsteps touched upon the cobblestone streets, she treasured the sound of the sea and its wind. It was a nice change of pace from the tundra of the keep and its snow. The people as well walked about and she was reminded of her hometown, its gentle green mountains and hills, the grains that would grown from the muddy earth and the small streams that flowed from the side of the road where one can scoop their hands in the water and catch plenty of tiny fish. She should send for a courier once more, though that meant her savings would take a hit, but the look on her family's face in her mind was worth it.

They stopped upon a store with cobblestone walls and wooden frames. Nothing unique from all the others she passed by, but perhaps it's simplicity and commonness was an asset for its purposes. The Elder gave his words to the sortie and Nieves nodded in return, she understood, she also had lobster in her mouth so it wasn't as if she could speak right now. Perhaps in three minutes when she was almost finished with the seafood treat.

Right next to the store was a man with flaming orange hair, like an orange kissed by the sun, and eyes as green as oriental ore. Nieves skin was much more tanned than his, but his seemed to go well with his appearance. He wasn't what Nieves would consider handsome, but then again she had her own standards for men. She observed the man discreetly, noting whatever unique descriptions he may have before waiting for the group to go in. Not because she was shy to do so, oh no she'd go in swords in the air, but mainly because she was relishing the food she had and wanted to finish them quickly at the same time.
As William received an answer from the Elder and looked back to Misty, he saw her holding her hand close to her heart. Then, something in his chest went *ba-dump* as well, leaving him confused. What was that? And do I... no way. He vaulted onto Strad, who only glared at him before resting his head. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Misty," he said, smiling, as Strad began to walk off with the Elder. What's a heart to do...?


William yawned as the sun's beautiful rays started hitting him, breathing deeply as the warm, salty air of Kempiir washed over him. "Oh my god, Strad! Look at it! It's so beautiful!" The young man exclaimed, pointing towards the glimmering coastline in the distance. As the sunrise began, the sea was illuminated in all different hues of orange, yellow, and purple, like stained glass. "Yes, William," Strad rumbled happily. "But remember, we have a mission to complete. I'm sure our compatriots in the north would be very angry if they found out we were sunbathing, no?" William dismounted, smiling a bit. "Yea, whatever you say. I know you're looking forward to the water, you know, for your wrinkles-" William ended up face-first in the dirt as an angry Strad whipped him to the ground.

Later, the healer fixed his bloodied nose, walking up to the shop the Elder had pointed out earlier. The first thing he noticed was a man sitting outside, so, as per usual, William waved, smiling at him. "Hello, sir! Sorry to bother you, but would you happen to know anyone in this town by the name of Killian?"

Lorkhan said:
Charred piles of rubble stood in place of the countless houses of the village. Thin wisps of smoke still rose from the ruins, or perhaps those were the lingering spirits of those who lost their lives here. The dead lay everywhere, men, women, and children, cast down in their attempted flight from the battle, or had succumbed to the dancing flames which had overwhelmed them. "Mae hon yn drychineb ar raddfa anfesuradwy." lamented Gareth in his mother tongue. "This is a tragedy of unmeasurable proportions."
He dismounted, slowly walking towards Michi at the town square. When he saw tears trickling down her face, he knelt beside her, hoping to console her as best he could.
"I am so sorry..." Gareth said softly. "Take as long as you need to grieve. We'll be ready when you are."
"They..... They all died before my eyes..." She said as she trembled. "If I had not run like a coward as my father had asked me too..." She looked up as the tears streamed. "I buried everyone I knew and loved.... I burned my camp as a pyre to everyone here..... All because the New Rule wanted our land...." She looks back down and starts to cry again "why....." She mumbled as tears came flowing.

(Last post of the night)
Misty returned, baring a satchel. A cloak with the emblem of the village embroidered on it was in her left hand. She approached Michi silently, and placed it over her, then returned to standing stoically.
Misty watched the sky silently. "It is sad here." She said monotonously. She pulled up her cloak. "I trust you all can handle yourselves." She smiled softly, "I have someone to follow after." She briefly embraced Michi, and disappeared once more, following after a certain boy, and wrinkly, oversized lizard.

@The Unamed Character @Lotusy

Mion was sitting in silence on Ebony beside Michi, he had been this way for hours before they arrived in the village. He had a clouded look as though he was lost in thought. He kept turning his head, but his gaze was on something that wasn't there.

Through the eyes of his ethereal snow owl, his summoned faded transparent ghostly spy almost impossible to see in the day, and practically invisible at night, Mion had been searching the frozen tundra for signs of passage by a large company of men on horses.

"Gareth, Michi." he called the two, switching back to his own vision. "I found a trail many days old that leads deep into the mountains. It was made by a company of riders about a hundred strong. They split into two groups, one heading to the Howling Pass, another to the Fell Forest. They have an ice mage or a group of them, that was how they covered their tracks in the snow. It's not obvious from the ground, but there is a thick line of snow over their tracks snaking up the mountain. They must have been in a hurry, they didn't bother to spread the snow more evenly. . ."

He looked down at Michi who was crying. He bent down and placed a comforting hand on her head in silence for a few seconds, his brown eyes acknowledging her grief, before sitting up again to speak with Gareth.

(OOC: Is it okay to make something up, @The Unamed Character ?)

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GoldenChari said:
Marth sat in the corner as someone said hello. "Wha is it?" Marth called back and he sat there. He had nothing to do as he had always been doing tasks that consumed his time greatly while getting hurt doing so. The change of pace was diffrent but he sort of liked it.

(OOC: Marth has no clue what "Playing" is soo... maybe your character(s) can introduce him to it chris!)
"We want to come in and meet you! Can we come in?" Shin said cheerfully. He had always enjoyed playing with and entertaining the children back in his village, so he was quite excited to play with this one too.

Kujari just tried to push away dark thoughts from his past as he just basically tagged along with Shin.
He stood outside of the store, green eye taking in its appearance. It wasn't anything too extraordinary, but then again Ea doubted a person like Killian would want to attract attention. Taking in a deep breath of the tangy ocean air, the boy took a step forward, then paused as something caught his attention.

Turning to the person who called out to him, Ea saw another male addressing him. After a moment of silent contemplation, Ea shot the boy a smile. "Sure, you're in luck. This happens to be her store right here."

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"Be it me to get lost" Teiren said softly. He had the bad habit of wandering while he traveled. He never really got off track, but it always made him a tad late for certain things. He could smell the ocean air so he knew he was close, but he wasn't sure which way he should go. He paused when he heard something. A large boar sauntered out of the woods, looking like it was searching for a fight.

"Demonic Boar?" he asked. Normally, boars were relatively small, but when they absorbed negative energy, they grew to tremendous size. The longer they were left alive, the larger they became. At a certain size, they became a true danger instead of a nuisance. They were capable of devouring men and women whole. Teiren had even once found the bones of a child within one's stomach.

"Well, I was getting a little hungry, and your meat is pretty good" a boar that ate man deserved to be eaten in turn. With a flash, he danced through the air, his sword flying from it's sheath with nary a sound. In an instant, he cut the boar long ways down the middle, severing it's top from it's middle. A simple liquid manipulation spell prevented the blood from going everywhere.

He nodded "Good, I avoided the intestines" he said, one wrong cut and he could have ruined his meal. He then pulled out a small carving knife and began to cut free portions for his meal. The rest he'd burn. If left alone, it would either rot and give birth to new undead, or it's flesh would be consumed by local animals, turning them into Demonic Beasts themselves.

In rare cases, the deceased body would give birth to a worm like parasite that covered the creature's body, driving them with pure rage. Teiren had once met a young archer who's arm had been tainted by these parasites, giving him unnatural arm strength, a single shot from his bow could take a man's head off at that point.

He didn't know what had happened to the boy in his travels, but he had the feeling that he'd ended up fine.
Zer0 said:
Mion was sitting in silence on Ebony beside Michi, he had been this way for hours before they arrived in the village. He had a clouded look as though he was lost in thought. He kept turning his head, but his gaze was on something that wasn't there.

Through the eyes of his ethereal snow owl, his summoned faded transparent ghostly spy almost impossible to see in the day, and practically invisible at night, Mion had been searching the frozen tundra for signs of passage by a large company of men on horses.

"Gareth, Michi." he called the two, switching back to his own vision. "I found a trail many days old that leads deep into the mountains. It was made by a company of riders about a hundred strong. They split into two groups, one heading to the Howling Pass, another to the Fell Forest. They have an ice mage or a group of them, that was how they covered their tracks in the snow. It's not obvious from the ground, but there is a thick line of snow over their tracks snaking up the mountain. They must have been in a hurry, they didn't bother to spread the snow more evenly. . ."

He looked down at Michi who was crying. He bent down and placed a comforting hand on her head in silence for a few seconds, his brown eyes acknowledging her grief, before sitting up again to speak with Gareth.

(OOC: Is it okay to make something up, @The Unamed Character ?)

(Go ahead)
A Camion's Past

"Michi, I don't think they wanted your land. If they did, they wouldn't have razed it to the ground. Why would you destroy something you wish to own? Houses, farms, and orchards, they're all resources."

"I've also been searching from the sky for hours and I haven't seen signs of a military camp for many leagues. If they wished to keep this land, why would they leave it undefended?" he looked at her. "I think their purpose was annihilation." Mion's face became grim. "Is that what you want us to do too? Me and Gareth still don't know what it is you ask of us."

@The Unamed Character
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Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
"Michi, I don't think they wanted your land. If they did, they wouldn't have razed it to the ground. Why would you destroy something you wish to own? Houses, farms, and orchards, they're all resources."

"I've also been searching from the sky for hours and I haven't seen signs of a military camp for many leagues. If they wished to keep this land, why would they leave it undefended?" he looked at her. "I think their purpose was annihilation." Mion's face became grim. "Is that what you want us to do too? Me and Gareth still don't know what it is you ask of us."

@The Unamed Character
Michi stood and looked at him, tears still coming down. "I am the one who burned the camp......" she said "They came into our camp because we did not agree with their laws..... we did not join their league, and in turn they slaughtered us....." she said as she looked back. "The attack happened three months ago..... I am not surprised there are no signs"
"Aw, sweet!" William pumped his fist in the air, almost forgetting that the Elder himself had directed them there. "Thanks, man!" William looked back, seeing Misty standing outside the shop. "C'mon, Misty!" He said, grabbing the woman's hand and dragging her inside. "Uh... hello? May we speak to Killian?"

Meanwhile, Strad stayed outside the store, ignoring all the strange looks he got from... well, being a huge-ass green dragon. He sighed, resting his head on his front legs.

@Rui @Iomana @Arelynn
Seeing the conversation taking place and the subsequent entrance of the three into the bar, Nieves followed them in only to be accosted by the smell of alcohol. The scent was a strong yet tempting scent that made her look forward to the brew.

"Damn, that smells like good stuff. I really hope this Killian offers us a mug, or a wineglass." Nieves commented to herself.

She took the time to place the heavy backpack on the floor and patted the tough fabric for any sign of damage, strains, or holes. Satisfied, she opened the bag, loosening the drawstrings and watching rubies, sapphires and sizeable diamonds fall escape from the leaves they were wrapped in and fall to the ground in multitudes. Sighing, she placed the wooden statues into the bag and began the time-killing task of collecting the jewels and wrapping them in the leaves once more.
A Camion's Past

"Fifty." Corrected Mion. "They split up, but if they returned to a fortress or outpost, then you're right, we'll be three against a hundred or more." Mion looked to the side, thinking. "But, Gareth, if we kill them all, isn't that just mindless bloodshed like what they did here?"

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Zer0 said:
A Camion's Past
". . . Forgive me, I misunderstood." said Mion, bowing his head. "What will you do now? Do we pursue them? If yes, what will we do when we find them?"

@The Unamed Character
Lorkhan said:
"Even if we catch up with them, we'll be three against an army of a hundred at least. We shan't be engaging them head-on" added Gareth.
@Zer0 @The Unamed Character
Michi sighed "As much as i would like to charge, Gareth is correct..." she said as she looked at a longsword in front of her. "As long as I breath however..... anyone that parties with me is in danger..." she said as she looked up "Are you both sure you will join me?"
A rider approaches the smoldering village on horse. The smell of burning wood, flesh and bloodshed was a smell Elandor knew all too well. Pulling his scarf over his face to avoid the smell as much as possible he directs his horse through the village as he assesses the carnage. The sound of his horses steps and the steady rattle of his chainmail was the rhythm of his past few weeks of travel but now he heard a voices for the first time in days. Following the sound he notices a small group of what appeared to be fellow spellblades. Thinking he recognized them he approached cautiously keeping his hands on his reigns not to arouse conflict.

Overhearing part of their conversation he speaks. "It doesn't have to be mindless. Calculated casualties can demoralize larger groups into fleeing or surrendering. Make them feel terror and you don't need to kill them to punish them."

Pausing to let himself become noticed. "Greetings. My name is Elandor Silimaure. I think I recognize some of you as fellow spellblades. If there is anyway I can assist. I could use some company." @Zer0 @Lorkhan @The Unamed Character
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A Camion's Past

"Greetings, Elandor." Mion nodded to the rider. "Your company is welcome. I've seen you around the keep. I am Mion, this is Gareth, and this is Michi, the lady we are escorting." he gestured to the two.

"By 'mindless', I meant the reason why you are attacking them in the first place." he looked at Michi. "I do not mean to belittle your grief, but revenge isn't justice. I am not saying that you should do nothing either." he added. "An honorable duel to the death against the one who ordered the destruction of your people, what do you think?"

@The Unamed Character , @SparkSinger
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