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Fantasy Spellblade

"No no, I insist! I mean, I'm a healer after all! No need to be tough around me!" He turned around, grinning to Strad. "Besides, this old geezer makes my life hard enough already!" Strad rolled his eyes. "I'm keeping you safe, William," the dragon mutterd. When the girl asked for his name, he suddenly laughed, embarrassed, and extended his other hand for a handshake. "Gosh, where are my manners? I'm William, and this wrinkled coot is-" "Strad. It's Strad," the dragon growled. Smiling a bit at Strad's discomfort, William reached with his free hand into his bag, pulling out a new bead. "Now, take this. I'd feel useless letting some feel hurt around me!"

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Misty frowned softly, noticing the Dragon's hostility. "If I must..." She murmured. She glanced towards the one who addressed her as a "lady". She curtsied. "Thank you, good sir."
William smiled as she took the bead, steeping to the side to allow Mion through. "See? It wasn't too hard!" He began chanting something under his breath, and with a green glow, the bead faded into her palm, running in veins through her arm. In a few seconds, she could feel certain parts in her hip mending, while William waited wide-eyed, hoping he got the spell right.


Meanwhile, Strad decided to taken inventory of the other Spellblades. The Elder was right, there were quite a few of them tagging along, but Strad was a bit disappointed to know Mion would be leaving with the other party. "William and I will complete the mission," he said. "It's only fitting, as we're the new hires." After addressing the elder, the large dragon turned to the cyclops, Sunder. If Strad didn't keep his head up, the cyclops was taller than he was, and by any accounts, much, much stronger. Deciding small talk was better than none, he approached the large being, who was riding on a strained donkey. "So... Sunder, was it? What is the spellblade life like?"

@Arelynn @SovietBear (I gotchu covered ;) . Sweet dreams!)
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Misty watched in mild fascination, "That was faster than-" She smiled softly, "Thank you." She bowed, "I am in your debt, Great Healer."
As more Spellblades flocked to the courtyard, Gareth rested on the back of his horse, remaining relatively silent, uninclined to speak without being spoken to. At the Elder's cue, he cantered after the party on Saeth, bringing up the rear behind Mion and Michi. Gareth looked over the prospective new-bloods, the soulless wraith and the mild-mannered Camion. Interesting bunch... he thought, considering he hadn't seen either of their kind in decades.

Other than that mental note, Gareth's spent his attention on following the road, losing himself in the rhythmic bobbing of his horse.

@Zer0 @The Unamed Character

"Great Healer? Oh, nonono, no need to go that far," William said, with an embarrassed grin spread across his face. He blushed a bit, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "It's just what I do, you know?" He looked at the other spellblades, then back at Misty. "Oh, by the way... Misty. You don't happen to be a spellblade, do you? I didn't see you in the meeting earlier, but are you embarking on the journey to the coast with us?"

"I am, but I haven't worked as such in...a long time." She decided telling him it had been several decades wouldn't be much good for her image. Image? What image? That dirty, tarnished record of death and bloodshed? There's no making that any worse... She silenced her mind, "I may as well come along, if your company would have me."
The Xen brothers were resting upon returning from a mission, so they had declined to go on another one right after they had just gotten back.

Though the news that a child had suddenly appeared did eventually make it's way to their ears. Having nothing better to do they went down to the room Marth was in and knocked on the door. Shin shouted a friendly, "Hello!" through the door, his foreign accent being obvious (Japanese like accent).
Nieves opened her eyes and followed the group. It seems that the leader had two tasks, which Nieves found sensible. She could help the latter, seeing as some members rallied to the person's side, but truth be told, she was looking forward to the isles first.

She went to the "Killian" mission sortie, ludging her heavy backpack and waited for who else were to join them. Waiting for the moment of departure, she stuck close to that section as her mind wandered off into swimming in the crystal blue sea; eating the coconut meat and munching on roasted meat; drinking juice made from the tropics; the thoughts causing her body to warm in anticipation.
The Camion looked around. Many an eye was on her. 'Guess I shouldn't be surprised..... Seeing a Camion is rare nowadays.....' She thought to herself. Michi was not scared, just uncomfortable. "Jeez..... you would think people would have manners..... It is like they have never seen a Camion......" Michi said with a sigh
"My experience?" Sunder was snapped out if his daze when Strad asked the question. "Boring. I've had no chance to fight enemies." "How about you?"

Alexandria just followed the group she was previously with, keeping quiet and avoiding interaction with her fellow Spellblades. She had been feeling weird for some time now, and was afraid that she would get another flashback attack. She occasionally got them, and Mia didn't know about them. It had never happened in public before, and Alexandria didn't want it to happen now...

@anyone (This post is connected to Alexandria's past, I have something amazing planned for this girl >:3 Anyone wanna notice she looks kinda pale? @Ami the breadling -w-)
"Oh, that's a shame. We'll you'll still get to polish your skills with us, right?" At that point, William could have sworn he saw some... look flash across her face, but he shrugged it off as nothing. "Either way, won't you need a ride? You can have Butterscotch here!" He gestured to the horse, whose ears suddenly shot up at the mention of anyone but William riding it. "And I can ride Strad!" He finished happily. Then, suddenly, he put his finger to his lips, motioning for Misty to "watch me", as a mischievous grin spread across his face. He slowly crept up to Strad, and...


Strad shrugged. "Neither of us had much experience with the spellblades. The last time we worked with them was in Diar province, if I remember correctly." The dragon set his neck down, unknowingly making it easier for the young man creeping behind him to jump on. "But with a healer, we've really done a lot. We've saved a village, worked on the battlefield... one time, we were even chased out with pitchforks and torches when William accidentally grew mushrooms on a child." The dragon sighed, and though he never acted like it, he actually enjoyed the memories. "Well, it was nice to get acquainted with you, Sunder. I think I'll be on my- AUGH!" The dragon pitched backwards as William suddenly leaped on him with a yell of "Gotcha!" As soon as he noticed it was William, the old dragon turned around with a glare. William was oblivious to the pain about to be inflicted on him, as he gave a thumbs-up and an energetic smile to Misty...

And three seconds later, William was twitching on the ground in front of Misty, while Strad huffed, nodded to Sunder, and retreated to the back of the party.

Misty watched with a wide, sort of awkward gaze. "Are you alright...?" She admitted to herself, watching him attempt to mount the dragon was comedic, but him getting hurt made her...upset, for lack of a better word. She knelt down, going to helping him up. "Here..." She offered a hand.
Ashaficent said:
Alexandria just followed the group she was previously with, keeping quiet and avoiding interaction with her fellow Spellblades. She had been feeling weird for some time now, and was afraid that she would get another flashback attack. She occasionally got them, and Mia didn't know about them. It had never happened in public before, and Alexandria didn't want it to happen now...
@anyone (This post is connected to Alexandria's past, I have something amazing planned for this girl >:3 Anyone wanna notice she looks kinda pale? @Ami the breadling -w-)
Mia saw her girlfriend seeming pale, she seemed depressed or ill.

She immediatly went to her, not saying anything but hugging her and kissing her.
ChrisClark13 said:
The Xen brothers were resting upon returning from a mission, so they had declined to go on another one right after they had just gotten back.
Though the news that a child had suddenly appeared did eventually make it's way to their ears. Having nothing better to do they went down to the room Marth was in and knocked on the door. Shin shouted a friendly, "Hello!" through the door, his foreign accent being obvious (Japanese like accent).
Marth sat in the corner as someone said hello. "Wha is it?" Marth called back and he sat there. He had nothing to do as he had always been doing tasks that consumed his time greatly while getting hurt doing so. The change of pace was diffrent but he sort of liked it.


(OOC: Marth has no clue what "Playing" is soo... maybe your character(s) can introduce him to it chris!)
(Sorry Rui, didn't see the notif. My bad :P )

William laughed, taking her offered hand and pulling himself up. "Yea, I'm fine," he said cheerfully. "Thanks for the hand. And don't worry about that, it's just Strad's way of showing me love!" The healer dusted the dirt off his back, before holding up his finger. "One sec, Misty." He turned around, adressing the Elder. "Hey, uh, Mr. Ravine? When will we get going?"

@Rui @Arelynn
Misty waited until his attention was turned elsewhere before looking at her hand (the one he had touched), and holding it close to her, as close to her heart as she could. She was fairly sure her heart hadn't operated in at least a decade...and now she found it skipping beats. What a useless organ.

Lorkhan said:
As more Spellblades flocked to the courtyard, Gareth rested on the back of his horse, remaining relatively silent, uninclined to speak without being spoken to. At the Elder's cue, he cantered after the party on Saeth, bringing up the rear behind Mion and Michi. Gareth looked over the prospective new-bloods, the soulless wraith and the mild-mannered Camion. Interesting bunch... he thought, considering he hadn't seen either of their kind in decades.
Other than that mental note, Gareth's spent his attention on following the road, losing himself in the rhythmic bobbing of his horse.

@Zer0 @The Unamed Character
Michi noticed him looking at her "Please.... tell me why everyone looks at me like I am some sort of demon or a ghost" she said
"Excuse me?" asked Gareth, detecting a small dose of venom in the Camion's voice. Though he was somewhat annoyed by this misunderstanding, he wasn't one to reciprocate a bad attitude, and therefore he kept a respectful demeanor. "Forgive me, my gaze was not one of disrespect. I simply have not seen a living Camion in so long." he began, bowing his head slightly. "Perhaps we've gotten off on the wrong foot, so let's start over, shall we? Gareth yr Aderyn; the pleasure is mine." he spoke frivolously, bowing even lower this time.

@The Unamed Character
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Lorkhan said:
"Excuse me?" asked Gareth, detecting a small dose of venom in the Camion's voice. Though he was somewhat annoyed by this misunderstanding, he wasn't one to reciprocate a bad attitude, and therefore he kept a respectful demeanor. "Forgive me, my gaze was not one of disrespect. I simply have not seen a living Camion in so long." he began, bowing his head slightly. "Perhaps we've gotten off on the wrong foot, so let's start over, shall we? Gareth yr Aderyn; the pleasure is mine." he spoke frivolously, bowing even lower this time.
@The Unamed Character
Michi nodded. "I am sorry if I had shown you disrespect" she said "No need for bowing, I am Michi Okanza..." she smiled. "It is nice to make your acquaintance." she giggled
"I think it best if we leave now. It's almost sundown, and we wouldn't want to keep Killian waiting. Misty, I'm assuming you're accompanying us?"

The Elder hopped onto his horse with a warm chestnut coat and a white stripe along its nose. "Good luck on your travels, young Camion. Kya!" With that, he and his respective group headed towards the west coast, while Michi and her group continued up north.




Investigate the northern village



After a full night of traveling on horseback, the group finally arrived at the west coast. More specifically, a seaside city called Kempiir, known especially for its local wine company, Kellen Wild Brew, and for its notorious black-market dealer, Killian. When they arrived at her location, it was sunrise. On the outside, it looked like a normal store, with cobblestone walls and wooden framing.

"Here we are. I have some matters to attend to in the city, so go ahead and meet her without me. Hopefully, she'll have the details of our mission. The inside of the shop will be quite cluttered, so be careful. She's very particular about her belongings. I'll meet you here when we're done."

The Elder disappeared into the crowd of the city marketplace. Outside of Killian's shop was a strange looking man with flaming orange hair and a single green eye.

@Ami the breadling


The traveling party arrived at the village. The smell of death hung over the area like a thick, suffocating blanket. Many of the houses were nothing more than smoldering heaps, dried blood stains were smeared on the ground and on walls, and other telltale signs of the massacre were apparent. The most obvious, however, was directly in the center.

Various types of swords, lances, spears, and other weapons were stabbed into the ground. A warrior's graveyard. The weapons stuck out solemnly like bladed tombstones. They looked out over the dead village, doing so little yet telling the tale of the destruction of a once great people, struck down by greed and power.

@The Unamed Character @Zer0 @Lorkhan
Michi kneeled by one of the weapons, A tear could be seen on her face "I did not think I would be back here.... I will slay all of the New Rule for their sins they have commited..." she said with a clenched fist, more tears could be seen. She then silently and chocked back says "I will kill them all...."
Misty was watched by several inhabitants. She pulled up her cloak, and eyed a shop nearby.

Armor and clothing? I could use something new...

Misty patted the sack of gold at her hip, and slipped in.
Charred piles of rubble stood in place of the countless houses of the village. Thin wisps of smoke still rose from the ruins, or perhaps those were the lingering spirits of those who lost their lives here. The dead lay everywhere, men, women, and children, cast down in their attempted flight from the battle, or had succumbed to the dancing flames which had overwhelmed them. "Mae hon yn drychineb ar raddfa anfesuradwy." lamented Gareth in his mother tongue. "This is a tragedy of unmeasurable proportions."

He dismounted, slowly walking towards Michi at the town square. When he saw tears trickling down her face, he knelt beside her, hoping to console her as best he could.
"I am so sorry..." Gareth said softly. "Take as long as you need to grieve. We'll be ready when you are."
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