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Fantasy Spellblade

Mion cast 'Mind Link' on Mia. "He's scared." he told her anxiously with his voice so that Marth wouldn't hear.

"Yes, they are very nice, Marth!" said Mion, switching to a consoling voice. "Just eat to your heart's content. No one will hurt you here . . ." he added as he saw the image which probably flashed in Mia's mind too. Mion was silent for a while. "Marth . . . if anything is troubling you . . . If there is something that's making you feel uncomfortable even if you do not understand, you can talk to me, Teiren, Mia, or Gareth. I'll ask them if they will link with us too. . . Mia is linked with us now, she's listening."

@Ami the breadling , @GoldenChari
Lotusy said:
"Duly noted, Elder," the large dragon said, bowing his head once again. "And thank you for taking my... disposition into consideration." He walked off, twining his tail around William's arm and pulling the young man along with him. "Strad?" William looked up to the dragon questioningly. "Are you excited for the adventure?" Strad laughed, amused at William's childish excitement. "Yes William, I'm excited for the adventure. But if you'll excuse me, I need to find somebody to talk to. I don't really trust Marth, so I'll just ask whoever didn't either to help me out." With that, he pushed William off to the other spellblades. "Now go on. Make some human friends."
After leaving William to his own devices, Strad padded his way up to Alexandria, who had seemed suspicious of Marth earlier. As the Edler said earlier, people may have been blinded by his innocence. His tail uncoiled from his back, tapping Alexandria. He lowered his head before beginning to talk to the female spellblade. "Excuse me, Alexandria. I couldn't help but noticed you're not crowding around Marth like everyone else... Tell me, do you think there's anything off about him?"


Meanwhile, William kept humming, swinging his mushroom around like a torch while strolling up Marth. "Hello, Marth?" He asked, trying to get a look at the boy from the crowd around him. The boy seemed preoccupied, though, so he leaned against the wall, waiting for the people to clear up in a rare act of patience.

(OOC: I'm just gonna respond to this so that we refer to this conversation later if necessary.)

Alexandria looked Strad dead in the eye. She wasn't afraid of Dragons, if anything, she had actually interacted with a lot of them before. It was all a part of her unknown past. "That kid has gone through terrible things, and is not really as cute as he seems to be. That's what I feel."

With that, the conversation was over and she proceeded to go outside with the others, standing off to the side alone.
Misty was silent, her eyes remaining the same. "I see." She said quietly, "You didn't ask my permission." She said, looking up at him with mild agitation, "I haven't wanted to feel anything."
Im interested Stork replied after a long time of thinking about it. (need more clarification on surroundings and how i got here)

"Winter here is cold," Nieves stated the obvious, "but not as cold as your personality when we were together."

She commented to no one but herself. Her tanned hands wrapped around her arms as she shivered from the cold. While the intensity of the weather was thankfully outside, the chill still wafted through, making her wrap a shawl around her lonesome. How long has she been here, and still not adapt to the weather? She sighed at her pathetic state. The best in her town back where she lived, she could boast of her stamina, strength, and speed. But here...

She mumbled glumly as she drank more of the hot brew of ginger, ground hazelnuts, and mint leaves she prepared for this day. Keeping her mind focused, she swallowed the last bit and walked her way to a warmer part of the area.

News of yesterday's announcement still echoed in her mind. A change of pace and action that she looked forward to apart from the daily practices on her own spare time. She looked forward to this Jaeger's land. Hunter's Land.

Finally. Islands. Warm Weather.

She was going no matter what. Her eyes closed as she envisioned the warm sun on her face, the flowing breeze along calm blue sea that was like translucent turqoise. The mere image delighted her, and the prospect of obtaining some native artifacts also seemed interesting.

Imagining the "tropical" paradise in her mind, she poured herself another cup and continued to daydream against the inner walls of the keep.

Edit: Reason as to why I should never skip the pages between the first and the last))
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Teiren grinned "Well, I am still part demon, I sometimes tend to ignore people's desires and do my own thing" he said chuckling "Anyway, this is much more fun, look at you, you are angry at me" he nodded "Besides, how can you want anything when you can't feel anything? Feeling something is what makes life enjoyable"

He found it difficult to imagine that a creature who didn't want to live would keep themselves alive, so he surmised that she must want to stay alive, but one cannot live without feeling emotions. Without emotions, one wasn't living, they were just existing.

"I see we have company." The Elder seemed to have aparated from the tree line, footsteps silent as he approached the three. "New friends, Teiren?"

The Elder looked passed Teiren to where the two girls were standing. "Ah. A vessel with limitless life and a taker of lives. A beautiful pairing, as are the eternal lovers Life and Death. I overheard your talk of a village to the North? It so happens that our company is in abundance. Follow us back to the entrance, and we shall discuss a split-up."

@Seraph Darkfire @Rui @The Unamed Character
Misty pursed her lips, "I think I shall take my leave of you now." She murmured, and with that, she darted off, disappearing quickly into the treeline like a spot of ink into the blackness.
Zer0 said:
Mion cast 'Mind Link' on Mia. "He's scared." he told her anxiously with his voice so that Marth wouldn't hear.
"Yes, they are very nice, Marth!" said Mion, switching to a consoling voice. "Just eat to your heart's content. No one will hurt you here . . ." he added as he saw the image which probably flashed in Mia's mind too. Mion was silent for a while. "Marth . . . if anything is troubling you . . . If there is something that's making you feel uncomfortable even if you do not understand, you can talk to me, Teiren, Mia, or Gareth. I'll ask them if they will link with us too. . . Mia is linked with us now, she's listening."

@Ami the breadling , @GoldenChari
Marth remembered a job he had too do. He grabbed a cactus from a windowsill and searing pain hit him. He sat in the corner as he picked each individual needle from the cactus and carefully stacked them. He sent images as he did so with pain on them to Mia and Zion. 'Am i dewing it right . . .?' The child asked as he continued doing this. He whimpered in the room as he did so. He sent a image of doing it in a dimly lit room on accident as well. He didn't know when the maid would be back so he asked 'When will da udder wady be back?' He slowly got used to the pain as he always did and eventually he hummed to himself as he awaited a response.

@Ami the breadling @Zer0

(OOC: Though not as severe as the actual Version, I'm mad at myself as this version, though downgraded always has the part i explained above. If told too stop, he listens no matter what it is. Told to bite his tounge, he will. tell him to poke someone to get them mad, he's gunna do it.)
Arelynn said:
"I see we have company." The Elder seemed to have aparated from the tree line, footsteps silent as he approached the three. "New friends, Teiren?"

The Elder looked passed Teiren to where the two girls were standing. "Ah. A vessel with limitless life and a taker of lives. A beautiful pairing, as are the eternal lovers Life and Death. I overheard your talk of a village to the North? It so happens that our company is in abundance. Follow us back to the entrance, and we shall discuss a split-up."

@Seraph Darkfire @Rui @The Unamed Character
Michi stood, her Blade still in the ground "May I ask who you are?" she said as she crossed her arms "And how you know who I am?"
William relaxed as he heard Mion shift to other topics, but his eyes followed Teiren as the other spellblade ventured further down the road. Suddenly, as if he had appeared out of nowhere. William recognized it as the telltale form of the Elder, causing one of the two unknown forms to disappear and the other to cross their arms. Remembering that Mion said they would wait for the elder, the young man tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Mion. The Elder's actually way ahead of us," he said, gesturing to the figures farther down from the keep. "I think it's about time to move out! Oh boy, I can't wait to see the ocean!" Wih that, he spurred his exhausted horse forward, while Strad followed closely behind.

(Just trying to spur the plot onwards, since we were waiting for the Elder but he appeared up ahead of the trail instead :/ )
"A bit of friendly advice, the ocean's not that great. Trust me on this one kid... I almost died in it." Sunder noticed a group of horses near him. "Alright! Lets get a move on!" He bellowed as he leapt onto a horse and tried to spurr it on. The horse let out an anguished "Neigh..." Followed by a sickening *crunch* which was ovbiously the horses legs giving out under the 472 pound cyclops (+heavy armor). He noticed the horse had become much shorted and dismounted the poor creature. Sunder yelled to the nearest stable boy, "Bring me the fattest ride ya got right now!" The stable boy left and came back with an obease pompous looking donkey. "Alright, lets try this again!" Sunder lept onto the donkey, which let out a pained "UUUUUuuuuuuu...." But, miraculously, survived. However, the torture didn't stop there. Sunder urged the donkey foward woth a deafening slap, which nearly crippled the poor creature. The donkey trotted after William, and caught up in no time, due to the fact that william's horse was exausted

@Lotusy @Zer0
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"Who am I? Depends how you identify an identity. If you're looking for a name, you may call me Austin Ravine, Elder Spellblade of the Northwest Division, at your service." At this, he gave a short bow with his head. "And I do not claim to know you. I know of you, yes, but I do not know you. There are a lot of people looking for you, Michi. A lot of dangerous people."

The Elder turned and motioned to Teiren. "Come, it seems we've kept the others waiting for too long. We were in a hurry, and couldn't possibly have noticed the last Camion hidden in the woods. Maybe a portion of our group will hear news of a massacre up north and choose to investigate. And maybe that Camion will follow them, but I never noticed a thing. I'm getting too old. Come Teiren."

@Seraph Darkfire @The Unamed Character
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Misty stopped dead in her trail, coming upon a very large creature...and the most handsome man she'd ever seen. She stared, her eyes lighting with something...strange. A warm, light...happy sensation.

Arelynn said:
"Who am I? Depends how you identify an identity. If you're looking for a name, you may call me Austin Ravine, Elder Spellblade of the Northwest Division, at your service." At this, he gave a short bow with his head. "And I do not claim to know you. I know of you, yes, but I do not know you. There are a lot of people looking for you, Michi. A lot of dangerous people."

The Elder turned and motioned to Teiren. "Come, it seems we've kept the others waiting for too long. We were in a hurry, and couldn't possibly have noticed the last Camion hidden in the woods. Maybe a portion of our group will hear news of a massacre up north and choose to investigate. And maybe that Camion will follow them, but I never noticed a thing. I'm getting too old. Come Teiren."

@Seraph Darkfire @The Unamed Character
Michi took her blade and sheathed it on her back. "So.... you are a Spellblade...." she said as she crossed her arms. "I can trust you... lead the way" she said with a gesture of her arm. This man knew of the slaughter of her people, knew she was a fugitive wanted by those same people, and yet he wanted to help. She nodded with appreciation
As William, the exhausted horse, and Strad moved along the path from the keep, William noticed a woman standing along the road, greeting them shyly. With a happy, William waved at her in return. "Oh, hey there!" He looked behind him, noticing the other spellblades were a bit farther back, and pulled he reins to stop his already dead-looking horse. "How're you doing, miss? What brings you to this part of the glorius freezing-your-arse-off tundra?"

Mion followed William, Strad, and Sunder down the well-worn path, bringing with him the Elder's horse. He was distracted, telepathically talking to the little kid. 'No, Marth, stop doing that.' he said anxiously allowing his thoughts to be heard by Mia as well. Mion had half the mind to turn back to the keep. Mion immediately alerted the maid who burst into the room all worried and took the cactus and its needles away from Marth.

'Be gentle with him.' Mion told the maid, 'Do not yell nor hurt him, and do not leave him. Give your chores to another servant.' He looked through the maid's eyes to observe Marth. As he did this, Mion temporarily lost his vision of his own surroundings. 'Marth, do not hurt yourself again' said Mion gently, but firmly. 'And call me, 'Da, or Mion. You know, the keep is large with a lot of interesting things, why don't you ask the maid to show you around?'

Mion switched back to his vision to give the Elder his horse, totally aloof to the two new ladies who joined the group. He continued talking to Marth, as the day went on, telling him interesting bits about the keep and sharing stories that he exaggerated to make it more exciting and hopefully keep the boy preoccupied.

@GoldenChari , @Arelynn
Misty stammered, her face warming, "I was just...staying here...for a bit." She managed a weak response. Her hip hurt. She bit her lip, looking for a way out, ANYTHING to distract her from the godly fellow on his horse. Am I mad? Or just lonely... she thought idly.
Marth had his hands cleaned and healed as he Dad talked to him. 'Sew yew slay-ed a where wulf with a single swip of a sword?' The child said amazed. 'Could i see a sword dada?' The child asked his father as the maid slowly walked him around.

@Ami the breadling
"Sorry for the wait, everyone. Oh, William, it seems you've already met one of them. I believe that's Misty. This one here is Michi. We will continue as planned and head to see Killian. However, I do believe we have ample members to work with. Michi here requires our aid, and we have enough to lend our help. I do not know as much about her situation, so she shall fill you in on the details. So, the choice is yours. Seeing our numbers here, I'd say it should be pretty even, six and six."

@Ami the breadling @The Unamed Character @Zer0 @Rui @CoconutLeaves @CHIMNY @Lotusy @SovietBear @Seraph Darkfire @CortezsCoffers (Holy hot pots so many tags!)
'Erm . . .' said Mion hesitantly. 'Yes, when I come back, Marth. I'll show you the one I was given when I first entered into the service of the king. I was seven when I became a cadet, and eighteen when I was formally accepted into the Order. I was as thin as Teiren then and got into all sorts of trouble with my big mouth.' he laughed. 'The Elder is here now, I won't be talking to you for a while, but I will speak with you tonight.'

"I will go with the Lady Michi." said Mion.

@Arelynn , @GoldenChari
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'Okie Dada...' Marth said glumly before he was taken back to his room. The Maid gave him a dirty, disgusted look before leaving and then the door shut behind her. He felt alone without anyone to speak too again. 'H-Hewwo miss?' Marth hesitantly said to Mia. 'Would chu tawk wit me?' The child asked.

@Ami the breadling

(Ooc: Idc if she says no Ami. And Zero? Make sure you don't forget, when you do meet the mistress, Note marth will send a image of her soon.... YOU GET MEH POINTZ! xp)
"Staying out here? It's pretty cold!" The man leaped off his horse, who buckled over in exhaustion. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Misty," he said happily, as the Elder made introductions. Of course, from this veiw, he noticed that she seemed to be a bit in paint. "Uh, miss? Is there something wrong?" He gave her a confused look, trying to figure out what happened. "Her hip is injured, William," Strad muttered from behind. William's face suddenly changed to concern as the realization dawned on him. "Oh, geez. Sorry. Er, do you want me to heal that?" He took out a bead, crushing it between his fingers. "Nothing a little bit of Elderberry won't fix!"

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Misty stammered uncomfortably. "I-I'll manage." She felt...warm. It was uncomfortable. She gazed absently at her hand, and noticed a peachy sort of tint to her alabaster skin. Oh stars... She thought, and quickly nestled her hand into one of her fingerless gloves.

"I've forgotten my manners; and you all are?"
Mion dismounted. "I am Mion, Spellblade Lancer, at your service, my lady." he took off his helmet and bowed his head politely.


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