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Fantasy Spellblade

Sunder took a moment to size the man up. He immediately noticed the man's lance, his tall posture, and his strong aura. After a few moments, he spoke "Alright, you look capable. Good to meet you." Noticing that Mion didn't do what most other humans did, Sunder extended his hand to Mion going for a handshake.

"I'm Sunder. Spellblade defender."

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"Dragon turtles, huh?" William peered at the book to see the turtle, the covered him mouth to prevent a laugh from escaping when he saw the old, gnarly creature. "Oh my god! And I thought that Strad was the wrinkliest thing I've ever seen!" He giggled a bit to himself, while a loud "I heard that!" Boomed from behind them, only making William laugh a bit more before taking a deep breath and relazing. He leaned back on the horse, whose tongue was lolling out, already exhausted. "Man, can you imagine it? The ocean, Mion! Think of the water, the stars at night!" He turned back over on the horse, resting his head on his hands. "I mean, I know we're not there for a vacation, but it's going to be great!" The young man threw his hands into the air, a wide grin plastered across his face.

Meanwhile, Strad finished conversing with Alexandria, walking over to the group at the gates as his claws clacked against the cobblestones. "I am not that old," he muttered to William before sitting back on his haunches and resting his head on the ground. "Who are we waiting on?"

@Zer0 @SovietBear
"Hmm...interesting. No one cares." She frowned, "Maybe they need something stronger." Misty tuned herself into her own blood, and proceeded to break her own hip. It would heal soon; sure, but for now, it altered her aura to that of distress and pain, which called out further, and stronger due to it's potency. "AGH!" She groaned and rolled over onto her other side, showing true unbridled emotion (for once).
"Glad to have you, Sunder." said Mion, clasping the Cyclops hand in a firm grip. "This is Strad, and the talkative one is William, our healer. The man with dark blue hair and eyes is Teiren; the elf on the black horse is Gareth-my wife,"Mion added in a whisper, winking at Sunder. " The man with the war pike is Vel; the quiet one in sleek blue armor is Stork; The nice girl is Mia; And the mean one is Alexandria."

(OOC: Just waiting for the Elder to start the journey.)

@Ami the breadling
Suddenly, Teiren's eyes flashed yellow for a split second as his inner demon fed off of a surge of pain "Hmm?" he said looking around "I am going to go check on something" he said softly as he headed away from the others "Carry on, I'll be back soon enough" once he left the fort, he channeled his magic into his body and increased his speed, shooting into the forest like a tiger.

He followed the taste of pain until he came upon two young women. He frowned slightly "Odd that so many people are showing up" he then looked at the face of one of the girls "Misty Hanabusa" he said firmly. He didn't know her personally, yet he knew of her. She'd been quite well known when she was alive, a Spellblade of some decent skill.

Teiren didn't like the Undead, they were usually tortured souls forced into mortal coils once more. They were usually the work of demons or evil mages. He noticed the other girl and rested his hand on one of his swords "State your meaning for being so close to Daegonhart Keep" he said softly "If your reasons are ill will, you will find we are not accommodating. However, if you speak friend, we will treat you the same"


@The Unamed Character
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Misty was silent, "simply looking for a Calvary." She murmured, and shot a glance towards her companion. She was quiet, a hand resting on her hip. It was a slow healer, that was for sure. She frowned, "l didn't realize I'd come upon my previous home." She said softly.
"The dead rarely come home" he said "You speak freely so you are not enthralled" he cocked his head slightly and sighed "Well, as a fellow Spellblade, alive or otherwise, you are entitled to proper treatment" moved closer to her and quickly chanted a simple healing spell over her. It wasn't advanced enough to heal her instantly, but it would certainly speed up the healing process, before he proceeded to do the same to the other girl due to her tired appearance.

"I'd also say that you are quite late for a debriefing" he said grinning. Considering the fact that he was a demon, he'd made the decision to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, even the undead, as unpleasant as they might have been. He'd met many good people throughout his long life, many of which were of less liked by the general populace.

She pursed her lips, and cocked her head. "There are more of you coming." She stated, and glanced behind her. "There's a dead village of humans about two miles north," She murmured, "But it isn't about that, is it?"
Teiren frowned "A Spellblade's life is full of missions" he said softly "I do hope you didn't have anything to do with the death of those humans" he said firmly "I'm afraid I'm not very lenient when it comes to senseless killing" there was an air about him that said he wouldn't hesitate to return her to the earth should she give him a good reason. It was his duty to put down those that would disrupt the peace, even if they were former members of his order. Teiren didn't like killing, but would do it if it was necessary. His hand never left the hilt of his blade, always in preparation of being attacked.

She eyed him, "You don't understand the shells, do you?" She said softly, a pitiful expression coming over her face. "You don't understand a thing." She sighed, her eyes remaining void and cold. "Pity. I was hoping a demon could sympathize, considering your kind are known for their cruelty and unkind reputation among humans."
Teiren grinned "Well, I am not entirely demon" he said "But I am familiar with Shells, some I've returned to their graves and some I've befriended, unfortunately many are like yourself, trapped up in themselves without any emotion" he chuckled "You must be fairly self absorbed to not have grown more in the time since you died"

"How boring" he said softly before looking thoughtful "Lets see, how did that spell go....something something light...something something emotional birth....I think" he said before nodding and quickly reciting a small spell before kneeling down "Lets see if this works" he said and gently touched Misty's forehead.

There was a small pulse of light and various emotions flooded her mind "I'm sure it's been some time since you felt any proper emotions"

The life of a researcher was not an easy one. Ea found himself groaning aloud as he traveled along the well-worn path. The male was searching for a particular plant to study, one known to only grow on a certain island. However, that island seemed to be notorious for how hard it was to gain passage to travel to it, leaving Ea to inquire for more... creative ways to reach the island. After some searching, the name 'Killian' popped up and the half-breed eagerly grabbed at the chance. Yes, the way would most likely be illegal but he was sure a few laws could be broken for the sake of knowledge. Apparently she lived off of the west coast, hopefully easy enough to find.
Vel followed the others outside and began to perform some stretching exercises. He wouldn't be needing a horse for the journey; Featherweight allowed him to run as fast as any mount, and far more quietly to boot.

"If no one has any objections," he announced to the group, "once we set out I'll be staying about half a mile ahead of you guys to scout things out. I'll come back every half hour or so to report what I find."
"Would you like me to cast 'Mind Link' on you?" Mion asked Vel. "It will allow us to communicate instantly to each other. That way, you do not need to return."

"Got it." said Mion. There were no lights, nor any special effects when he cast the spell. A simple murmur and a flick of a finger and it was done. 'Take care', Mion told Vel without speaking, it was as if the lancer was speaking directly into his ear, 'the snow sometimes hides deep ravines.'

"Hey, Stork" said Mion, clapping the detective's back. "Didn't see you in the briefing. We're heading out to the West Coast to see a woman named Killian who'll give us passage to Jaeger Isles. Elder Ravine didn't say why we were going there, but he said to treat this mission as an evaluation." he shrugged his big shoulders.

Mia looked around, so many people had come. She had not expected ALL spellblades to be on the mission. She heard she was called "the nice girl" and pouted. And as Alexandria was called "the mean one", Mia got pretty angry. She tried to push the anger down, but after some time, she knew she couldn't. Mia walked up to Mion, angrily tapping him on the shoulder. An expression of anger, that was not seen often in her face and did not really seem threatening, but kinda cute, was on her face. She had no face to be angry. But at the moment, she was.

"Hm?" Mion turned from Stork to look down on Mia. "Yes, what is . . . it . . . Mia?" his voice faltered as he saw the angry look on her face.

@Ami the breadling
Mia looked up an tapped her foot on the ground. "You know, I hate when people call my girlfriend things like... Mean.", she angrily said. She then whisperingly added. "And calling me "nice" makes me look so boring... I can be mean too..."

Marth was set down after he hesitantly asked to be. 'M-mister? are yew dere?' Marth said in his head. The child walked around, looking at things from his small point of view. 'It's vewy big in here...' His voice whispered in his skull. He saw a man who gave him one look and went. "Tch. Stupid ideots are letting tiny runts in now. Maybe he's a punching bag for us!" the guy grinned as Marth stepped backwards slowly, his fear racing to mion over the mind link. "Dranden knock it off." Another man growled. "Or i will use your..." the voice trailed off as Marth slid off. Being Marth, the kid ran in between a diffrent maid's legs, causing them to drop the papers they had. He kept running. /|\

/|\After some time, Marth had been caught by his maid and placed into a room. All he did was sit in a corner and refused anything given to him. 'my feetsies hwurt!" he moaned in his head after a long time. He didn't know much about mind link but from hat mion told him, he assumed that he heard him.


(OOC: Aaaah Marth. xD )
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"Ah, I didn't mean to insult you by calling Alexandria mean. Let's see . . ." Mion thought, tapping his chin. "SUNDER, FORGET WHAT I SAID ABOUT ALEXANDRIA BEING MEAN!" he shouted above everyone's heads. "And you're right, Mia, just saying that you're nice is kind of boring." Mion turned again to the direction of the Cyclops. "AND NOT ONLY IS MIA NICE, SHE CAN CALL LIGHTNING FROM THE SKY, SHE CALLS IT, 'THUNDERLORD'S DECREE!'"

"How's that?" Mion grinned at Mia. "Oh, and Marth is talking to me." he cocked his head to one side as though listening. He spoke loud so that Mia can also hear. "Yes, I'm here, Marth!" he said cheerfully. "Mia, the nice lady is here too - Mia, do you want me to cast 'Mind Link' on you so that you can talk to him too?-Er, what's wrong, Marth?"

@Ami the breadling , @GoldenChari , @SovietBear
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'i'm scawd of them when they twy and hand me sumthing...' The child responded. 'i dunno if i'm awoud tu take it' He sent a mind reel of a nice old woman giving him a slice of bolonga then another of the pain when the mistress found out. He curled into a ball after remembering it. 'Are tey nice here...?'

@Ami the breadling @Zer0
Mia got taken the wind out of her sails. She now looked more embarrased than angry. "Uh... erm...", was all she responded as he grinned at her.

When he then asked if she wanted to talk to Marth, her eyes lit up and she smiled. Mia eagerly nodded. She somehow felt a urge to care for that kid, but she did not know why.


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