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Fantasy Spellblade

Alexandria stared at Mion for a moment, wondering whether to laugh or to kick him where it hurt. She settled on being snarky instead, and responded in a mocking tone of voice. "But of course, even I'm more popular with the ladies than you are. My mistake, you don't have the necessaries to win yourself a woman. Of course you'd settle for a man instead." She smirked at him maliciously, her eyes glaring daggers at him.

@Zer0 @Lorkhan
Marth saw two new people arrive. One was seemed to be, important, the other felt mean. "M-Mawth Fwames..." The child whispered. His neko ears came out and twitched a bit. His eyes looked at the ground instead of the one who asked his name.

@Ami the breadling @Lorkhan @Seraph Darkfire
Gareth rose to meet the approaching Elder and Alexandria. "This 'runt' is a runaway slave. We found him just outside the keep with no guardians to speak of." he explained, raising his voice so others could hear. "And take your hand off me." Gareth commanded to Mion, gently pushing his arm off his shoulder.

@Zer0 @GoldenChari @Arelynn @Ashaficent
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"What's this I hear bout a runaway slave?" Vel walked up to the gathered spellblades. When he saw the child, he brought his hand to his chin pensively.

"Hmm... Seems more likely to me that he was being held ransom. Far too young to make a good slave." Turning to the Elder, he said, "I suppose we're leaving him here at the Keep until we can figure out who his parents are and where they live, yes?"
Stork wakes up and dresses in his armor which he had concealed with a cloak. He had taken off his mask and kept it in his pocket just in case, Stork then proceeded to his armory in his basement and equipped his weapons. The private eye walks outside towards his backyard where he kept his horse. Ok Patricia, lets go off into an adventure.

"Most curious. I was not aware of any nearby settlements that adhered to child slavery. Which leads to my next question." The whole time Elder Ravine was speaking, he had his eyes locked with the child's. He seemed to be staring intently, though one could not be sure with his mask. "Little Moth, how is it that you have traveled so far out here without so much as hypothermia or even a bruise?"

"And Mion."
The elder began speaking to him, but his eyes were still focused on Marth. "Why take him in as your child? You do realize the weight of that responsibility, do you not? Especially since we are soon to depart. Will you take him with us, or leave him here? I will leave that choice up to you, father."

With that, the Elder turned and walked away. When he was outside, he called out, "William! Strad! Come here."

@Ami the breadling
@Zer0 @Lotusy @Seraph Darkfire
As William heard the Elder's call, he stopped waving his blue mushroom around wildly, trotting out to follow him. Strad, in the meantime, was less carefree. As soon as the Elder called for him, the green dragon was out as fast as his bones could carry him. When he was sure they were a while away from the others, Strad bent his neck down low in respect. "Please excuse me elder, but before you speak, what are we to do with the child? There is no earthly way a normal child could have scaled these cliffs. Do you think he is a demon?" The dragon turned to look at Mion, who looked quite happy with having a "son". "And are you sure you would give him the option of coming with us? It's dangerous out there, not to mention, he very well may jeopardize the mission!"

Michi looked around. She was technically a wanted fugitive. The Camion were Immune to death except by battle, meaning she was a threat. She was hiding in the shrubbery as she ate, she had not eaten for a couple days, on of the perks of a Camion. Of course, that meant her stomach was aching like it had just been shot. she sat down and sighed.
As the Elder left, Vel strode up to Mion. "Surely you aren't actually considering bringing the child with us. It would endanger the mission and it would endanger him. And what's this I hear bout you being its father?"

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"Velles is right." Gareth added. "We're putting Marth's life at risk if we bring him along. He must stay here."
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Marth remembered a dark cave and that was it. Everyone spoke about him and he looked up at Mion. "I wemeber a cave..." he said. "Dew i have to go back?" the small child asked, his belt slithering from his waist before he hugged it, looking like the god of cuteness as he hugged his tail.

@Zer0 @Arelynn @Lorkhan @CortezsCoffers
Michi overheard others talking nearby. She looked over to them. She was out of sight but she was able to see them. She couldn't make out the words being said but she heard a few words. "Marth?" she said quietly so she could only hear it.
"I understand your concerns, Strad, but I will leave the decision to Mion. The boy is not my priority concern right now. I fear the others' judgement may be clouded by his seemingly innocence. I simply request that you keep an eye on him."

The Elder looked up now. The sky had transformed from blue to fiery hues of orange and pink, casting a final warm glow upon the keep before it would inevitably go pitch black.

"It is time. Come. I have already prepared horses for us. Trained horses, they won't be bothered by your presence, Strad. We shall meet them out front."
"Duly noted, Elder," the large dragon said, bowing his head once again. "And thank you for taking my... disposition into consideration." He walked off, twining his tail around William's arm and pulling the young man along with him. "Strad?" William looked up to the dragon questioningly. "Are you excited for the adventure?" Strad laughed, amused at William's childish excitement. "Yes William, I'm excited for the adventure. But if you'll excuse me, I need to find somebody to talk to. I don't really trust Marth, so I'll just ask whoever didn't either to help me out." With that, he pushed William off to the other spellblades. "Now go on. Make some human friends."

After leaving William to his own devices, Strad padded his way up to Alexandria, who had seemed suspicious of Marth earlier. As the Edler said earlier, people may have been blinded by his innocence. His tail uncoiled from his back, tapping Alexandria. He lowered his head before beginning to talk to the female spellblade. "Excuse me, Alexandria. I couldn't help but noticed you're not crowding around Marth like everyone else... Tell me, do you think there's anything off about him?"


Meanwhile, William kept humming, swinging his mushroom around like a torch while strolling up Marth. "Hello, Marth?" He asked, trying to get a look at the boy from the crowd around him. The boy seemed preoccupied, though, so he leaned against the wall, waiting for the people to clear up in a rare act of patience.

'Drip, drip, drip...'

The blood ran off the fox's pelt so nicely. It smelled divine...

'Drip, drip, drip...'

"I wonder when it will rain again..." Misty murmured, her blank gaze flicking up towards the sky. The corpse of her dinner; a fox, lay contorted on the ground besides her. It's head was nothing more than a hollow shell, its contents having exploded. "It's so dry nowadays." The bleeding abruptly stopped. "That's enough blood for now." She whispered, her eyes darting towards the fox. She then picked up the creature's body, and began preparing it to be eaten.

She had been staying for about a week now in a cave... The scent of blood was thick tonight, as a slain village lay in her wake. No survivors would tell the tale. She had ensured it.
"Right. We've been tarrying for far too long here. Let's be off." Gareth stated. He pushed open the keep doors and was greeted with a blast of cold wind. Snow was falling lightly from the pink sky. Outside, Saeth was waiting patiently for his rider, as were the other Spellblades' mounts. He climbed onto Saeth's saddle, and awaited the others to come out.
Misty lifted her head. There was a disturbance; too far to pinpoint. 'Hmm...what could it be?' She giggled, company was coming. Her heightened senses could detect it. She giggled to herself, and allowed her face to melt into an unsettling smile.
Rui said:
'Drip, drip, drip...'
The blood ran off the fox's pelt so nicely. It smelled divine...

'Drip, drip, drip...'

"I wonder when it will rain again..." Misty murmured, her blank gaze flicking up towards the sky. The corpse of her dinner; a fox, lay contorted on the ground besides her. It's head was nothing more than a hollow shell, its contents having exploded. "It's so dry nowadays." The bleeding abruptly stopped. "That's enough blood for now." She whispered, her eyes darting towards the fox. She then picked up the creature's body, and began preparing it to be eaten.

She had been staying for about a week now in a cave... The scent of blood was thick tonight, as a slain village lay in her wake. No survivors would tell the tale. She had ensured it.
Michi heard something behind her. She turned around, pulling her broadsword out from her sheath on her back. "Wh-who are you...." she said as she stammered a bit but kept her stance.
Misty stopped, the blood of the now devoured fox dripping from her fingers.

"Oh, hello..." She murmured, licking her lips. "I'm just a passing shadow." The girl felt as though her blood was racing, pulsing through her body at a heightened speed.
Rui said:
Misty stopped, the blood of the now devoured fox dripping from her fingers.
"Oh, hello..." She murmured, licking her lips. "I'm just a passing shadow." The girl felt as though her blood was racing, pulsing through her body at a heightened speed.
Michi held her stance. "You are a blood eater...." she said. That was what the Camion called anything that ate other living things for their blood. "May I ask if you were at the Camion encampment...." she said
Misty cocked her head to the side, looking at the girl with a wide, innocent gaze. "Have I...?" She wondered aloud. "Perhaps, perhaps." She smiled softly, while her eyes remained dead, devoid of any emotion. "Why do you ask?"
"Because I wan't to know who I need to know who is powerful or not...... it takes a lot to almost wipe out an entire Immortal race.." she said. "It was known that Camion can only die in battle...." she said with a bit of anger on her face
"You ask such perplexing questions...I am tiring of them." Misty replied. She lowered her voice, a smile coming to her lips that was dark, and malicious as her heart.

"Run, child, before I no longer see fit to pity you." She whispered, her eyes gleaming red, like the blood she devoured. She began to laugh; an eery sound, like glass shattering. She laughed herself into a fit, tears running from her eyes, which remained open and red, and still emotionless.
"Try me...." she said. She was protected because of her helmet and the fact she had managed to make armor to cover her heart but that was under her shirt. "Try it and you will pay.... I may be in some pain but It will be worth it" she chuckled. She wasn't scared. Her eyes turned red too, the Camions battle way.

(I am seriously making up things for Camions as I go. When Camions get ready for battle, their eyes glow red, so you know when to stop)

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