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Fantasy Spellblade

Mion laughed. "I meant local monsters in the mission area, sir." He accepted with both hands the copy of the map, then bowed and stood aside as Ravine followed Gareth to a corner in the library.

Mion then borrowed a tome about the monsters of Jaeger Isles from the old librarian, Dour, who was a bit hard in hearing.

"No, not gargoyles, yae-ger-ailz." he had to say fourteen times until the old librarian brought out the right book.

Mion went up to his room, and lit up the candles with a lazy flick of his finger. His room was very spartan compared to the others. A small table with a common wooden chair lay behind the only window in his room. A large padlocked chest with a thief charm sat beside a wardrobe where Mion kept a few clothes. His armour and weapons sat on a rack, and underneath it was his pack all set for tonight. He tucked in the map inside a water-proof case, then dimmed some of the lights as he lay down the bed which creaked under his weight. Tome in hand he began memorizing the monsters of the island starting with the most dangerous ones.
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Mia pulled a bit at Alexandria's hair, not doing that too rough. She smiled at her girlfriend while doing so. "Today in the evening we depart to a missiiiiioooon!", she happily said, giggled and hid her face in Alexandria's shoulder. Around her girlfriend, she seemed to be a whole new person. The usually polite, stern and humorless Mia got into a girlish, giggling, cuddling version of herself.

Alexandria laughed lightly and patted Mia on the head, then hooked an arm around hers and started to drag her away towards the village, where the shops would be. "Then we better stock up on supplies, yes?" She asked, humming happily.

@Ami the breadling
Gareth pulled a chair and seated himself at the table across from the Elder. "Excuse my lack of graces..." he said. He took a few seconds to pause to consider, then added: "I merely wished to ask a few questions, and perhaps make conversation. Good company is in such short supply up here." he commented airily. Gareth leaned back in his chair, locking his hands over his stomach. "Now, may I ask the details of our mission? I hate to say that you were being a bit vague during the briefing this morning. What's our business on the Isles? Are we able to trust this 'Killian'? That sort of thing."

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"Hm, yes. I agree; normally I wouldn't be so vague, and I apologize. Sadly, there isn't much more that I can tell you, as I do not know much else myself. This was a special assignment given to me by the Spellblade Elder Council. However, I can give you more information about Killian." He paused for a moment, and though the mask hid his face, it was clear that he was in deep thought. "Though I have not met her in person, I know that she has been helping the Spellblades for quite a while. To put it simply: She's a smuggler. If there's anything we need, she always finds a way to get her hands on it. I'll brief everyone in more detail once we're ready to set off."

He stood up and tucked his book into his cloak. "Night shall fall in an hour's time. Go ahead and ready yourself, Gareth. I'll meet everyone by the front gate."

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy @Seraph Darkfire @Lorkhan @CortezsCoffers @Zer0 @Ashaficent @GoldenChari
Mia was already at the gate when the elder approached. Alexandria was at her room, Mia supposed she slept. She was having an origami butterfly flying around with her telekinetic powers.

Teiren was walked up to the front gate, a small bag of his things around his shoulders "Could have left first thing in the morning.." he was mumbling as he walked, but there wasn't any real attitude behind his grumbling. It was just his old age catching up to him every once in a while. He'd already been old before his fusion with the demon, now was just icing on the cake. He was even older now.

He smiled at Mia as he approached "Well, it makes the coming night a bit better to see your pretty face Mia" he said chuckling "I hope your day has been treating you well?"

@Ami the breadling
Mia giggled a bit. "Thank you, yes it was fine. Alexandria and me went to get supplies in the city. I guess she sleeps again now.", she said and smiled back, the butterfly landing at Teirens shoulder. "And yours?"

@Seraph Darkfire
He chuckled "Well, my day was going fine until this mission came up, I had a book I was hoping to finish, but these missions tend to get a little messy so I'm likely not to get a chance to read it" he gently touched the butterfly's wings "Very well made" he said "You know, I tried origami when I was a child, but strangely enough, I never got the hang of it" he grinned. It was funny considering how good he was with a sword.

Before the fusion, he hadn't been very deft with his hands. Anything he tried to do was ultimately a failure, it was why he got interested in magic. That was something he didn't need his hands to do, just his mind and his words.

@Ami the breadling
Mia got out a blank sheet and started folding it, rapidly folding it into a sign in an ancient language. "I have always wanted to give one of those to you. We just hadn't had time. This is the sign for trust and friendship. I hand it to those i want to remember me, if i was to fall on battlefield. When we return, i can show you some origami. It is quite easy when you got the right tricks and practice a bit.", she said and chuckled.

@Seraph Darkfire
He received it with a look of surprise. In his life, he'd avoided making close friends, considering he'd outlive almost all of them. This was a touching gift "I have never once forgotten one who has fought along side me" he said softly before smiling "I'd appreciate that, perhaps now that I am older, I won't have such a hard time" he said chuckling as he placed the sign within a pocket of his clothing. It was the safest place for it.

He suddenly had a thought "I was wondering, how did you get so close to Alexandria? I once attempted to speak to her, however...she seemed adverse to my presence around her" he scratched his cheek with a soft chuckle.

@Ami the breadling
Teiren laughed "I see, it is special treatment for the one she cares about the most" he said grinning "You two are cute, it reminds me of....well, it doesn't matter" he nodded, thinking of a young couple he'd met some time ago. Young love, now that was something he missed. Being a nearly immortal being made it very hard to find romantic interests. Elven women were always an option, but those he'd run into were always quite flighty. There were the occasional immortal beings, but it was rare to find one and even rarer to find one that wasn't evil.

"But to imagine that her cold exterior is hiding someone like that is very interesting"
he said grinning "It is nice to know that not everyone is as they seem"

@Ami the breadling
A kid traveled up to giant doors and he moaned a tiny bit. He was too short to open the doors so he knocked and he was getting very cold outside so he sneezed. He was not very fond of the cold.

Sorry it's so bad, idk how to start here really.
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Mia started to play around wirh the symbol of her family that was on a necklace she wore. "C-can we stop talking about my girlfriend?", she embarrasedly muttered. "C-cake! I have cake! Want some?", she asked as she pulled a small cake out of her skirt's pocket.

@Seraph Darkfire
"It is fun to tease you though" he said grinning before he perked up at the mention of cake "Oh? Trying to bribe me I see?" he chuckled and took the cake "Fine, I accept your bribe and will stop talking about you two" he said. He loved sweet foods, the sweeter the better. It was particularly good because he couldn't get a stomach ache from eating too much sweets.

"Though now I am curious as to why you carry around cakes in your pockets" he said tasting some of the cake with a glint in his eyes "Also, what type of magic do you use to keep them fresh? Cakes grow stale quickly if not properly preserved"

@Ami the breadling
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"I carry them because i love sweet stuff. And i bought them today. That's how it's still fresh. No big magic, i am a pretty boring person. You know that, the only thing bout me are my looks.", she said, smiling a bit sadly. It was no joke, she lacked a lot of self confidence.

@Seraph Darkfire
"No one becomes a Spellblade because they are pretty" Teiren said "You are here, along with the rest of us, because your skills have been acknowledged" he chuckled "Besides, everyone has something that they are not good at, I myself have a problem with major magic, despite being a great swordsman" he grinned before pausing, hearing someone knock at the main door "Odd, I didn't hear anyone announce someone's approach" he said as he walked over to the door and pulled it open.

"Oh...a child?" he asked looking down at the small boy who'd arrived. He then looked around behind the child, for any sight of his guardians "Mia, I believe this boy is here alone" he said softly. That was pretty hard to believe, a kid traversing to this location on his own. He was either extremely gifted, not really a child, or very lucky.

@Ami the breadling

Floating wisps of ember lights appeared in the darkness as Mion cantered to the front gates riding Ebony, his black warhorse, and trailing the horses for the other spellblades. Mion wore a red hooded cloak with the spellblade insignia in gold. His cavalry shield was slung over his back, and his lance in hand. His javelins hung secure on his horse's saddle which also bore the insignia of the order.

Ebony whinnied affectionately as Mion patted her thick neck, mists forming from her breath. The floating wisps followed Mion as he dismounted and distributed the horses to the others, chatting with some, and inspecting their gear.

Ebony was a large heavy-weight Destrier mare weighing two-thousand pounds without armor and standing seven-feet high. She was heavier now with the full chain-mail barding hanging down her flanks and metal chanfron protecting her head, but though she can't maneuver well in battle, a charge from this stocky horse was equal to being mauled by Strad.

Yet a horse was still a horse. Mion placed her some ways away from the dragon to put her at ease. She stood by the wall, munching peacefully on whatever sparse grass the frozen ground didn't cover.

Mion approached Teiren, Mia, and the child and clapped Teiren on the back. "Both of you alright?" asked Mion jauntily. "Who's this?" he looked down at the kid.

@Ami the breadling , @GoldenChari
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The child looked up at the man who opened the door then jumped when another person came. "i-i Mawth Fw-Fwames..." the kid said as best he could. He was cold and a bit nervous as well.

@Ami the breadling @Zer0
"Poor boy must be freezing" he and the rest of the Spellblades were already used to the cold. He gently placed his hand on the boy's head "It is a pleasure to meet you" he said softly as he reached into his core and pulled free the magic and cast a simple spell for warmth, one that would cover the boy and keep him safe from the cold.

"Mion, the spell will only last for about an hour, could you get a guard to bring over some warmer clothes?" he asked, looking at the man before he looked back to the boy "Now, where are you from young man?" he asked "You are a long way away from any towns"

@Ami the breadling

"No need." said Mion, and he leaned down and placed his cloak over the boy's shoulders which were too big for him. It looked as though he was covered in a blanket. His floating wisps also floated down.

"My name is Mion." said the lancer, taking off one of his gauntlets and putting out a scarred calloused hand bigger than Marth's head. Though Mion looked intimidating, his brown eyes were warm and he spoke in a fatherly tone. "This is Teiren and Mia." he nodded at the two. "Speak loud and clear when you answer Teiren."
William yawned, just waking up from his short nap. He looked over to Strad, who was staring out of the window almost longingly. "MORNING, STRAD!" William yelled, making the dragon jump a few inches. Strad whirled around on William, glaring at him. "William... good gods... my heart almost stopped!" He ground his teeth, advancing on the now laughing young man, who was rolling fitfully on the bed. "What is the meaning of this?" The dragon rumbled angrily.

Five minutes later, Strad walked out of the room, whistling, with a slightly mortified William in tow, along with their supplies. The dragon muttered something about his sanity before heading to the gate. As he walked along, the dragon noticed the spellblades, surrounded by wisps of flames... and they were all crouched around something. Strad turned around, nodding to William, who concentrated, making a bright blue glowing mushroom pop out from Strad's green back. William snapped it off, holding it in front of him like a torch. "Let's see what they're worried about," the dragon whispered.

As soon as they had closed the gap, Strad pushed William forward to look at the boy, before turning to another spellblade. "Mion, what is this?" He rumbled, directing his words to the spellblade. "How did a boy find his way here?"

"I'm as clueless as you, Strad." said Mion. He nodded at William, and was for a moment worried that the child might be frightened by the large dragon. "Teiren and Mia found him."

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