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Fantasy Spellblade

Marth purred as the spell made him warm and then the cloak was placed on him. "i dun know welly... I woke up an..." the child sniffled as tears formed in his eyes. "it was dawk an i!" The kid took in a mouthful of air. Seconds later he saw the dragon and he hid behind Mion's leg, shaking from fear as he tried not to cry. in a few moments however, he was going to.

@Ami the breadling @Zer0 @Seraph Darkfire
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Strad gave an affirmative growl in response to Mion's answer. Then, of course, the spellblade gave him a certain look. Quickly following that, the child suddenly ducked behind Mion's leg. Getting the message, Stradd nodded, backing away slowly. "I'll be leaving then," he rumbled. As the dragon plodded away, William looked down at the child. "So... what now? We'll be leaving soon, right? He'll be safe here, but we've got a mission to complete..." He waved the blue mushroom like a sword. "You know, monsters to slay! Beaches to see!"

Mion picked Marth up in his big arms. "There, there." he said cheerfully and softly, patting the boy's head. "That big dragon's tough looking-but he's soft like a marshmallow inside." Mion winked at Strad. "Mia has cake, do you like cake?"

Mion added to William, "I like this kid, I think I'm going to make him my son. Oh, and we probably should ask the Elder."

Teiren chuckled at Mion "I've imagined that you'd be a good father" he said before looking at Marth "Mia does hide cakes in her clothes" he said grinning at Mia "I think we should eat all of her cakes before ants begin to make her uncomfortable" he enjoyed the presence of children. It was nice compared to all of the drills and training they dealt with daily.

He wondered how the Elder would deal with this situation. Even if Mion wanted to adopt the boy, it was ultimately their leader's decision. Besides, this kid probably already had a family who was worried sick about him. From what little information he'd gotten, it was possible that Marth had been sucked into a magical event. Teleportation was not unusual, but not common either.

@Ami the breadling
Night had fallen, and the wind had picked up substantially. Gareth stepped into the stables, lantern in hand. His horse, a black stallion he named Saeth, was already saddled and laden with provisions for the journey. Gareth could hear his hooves stamping, as if he were eager to run. He gently led the horse out of the stables, climbed onto his back, and began riding for the front gate to find the rest of his team. Most of them had come, Mion, Mia, Teiren, Alexandria. However, something, or rather someone, caught Gareth's notice.

A child? At Daegonhart Keep? Gareth quirked his eyebrow in confusion. A young boy with wild blond hair, no older than five years, lay in Mion's arms with a blanket about his shoulders. Gareth leapt off of his horse, raising the lantern up closer to his face.
"What is the meaning of this?" asked Gareth softly. "What is this child doing here?"
Zer0 said:
Mion picked Marth up in his big arms. "There, there." he said cheerfully and softly, patting the boy's head. "That big dragon's tough looking-but he's soft like a marshmallow inside." Mion winked at Strad. "Mia has cake, do you like cake?"
Mion added to William, "I like this kid, I think I'm going to make him my son. Oh, and we probably should ask the Elder."

@Ami the breadling @Seraph Darkfire @Lorkhan

(omg. This is major as Marth like, has never been adopted in all of his time on RPN. i'm like HOLY GOD! CELEBRATE!)
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Strad watched from the distance with a bit of a sad stare. It was really painful to see a child shy away from him like that, but so were the consequences of following William to the outside world. Overhearing a call to ask the Elder, the green dragon moved off, hisclaws clacking against the stones of the courtyard. In a few strides, he made his way into the Elder's study before stopping at the door and using his tail to knock. "Hello? Elder Ravine? There's a boy outside, and the spellblades need your jurisdiction regarding him."

Meanwhile, William stayed in the back as more and more people kept pouring in. Strad always told him he would scare a child with his big mouth, so the the young man hung back behind Mion, staring at the boy curiously.
Marth hesitantly looked over at the hand and he reached out, grabbing one of them. In the light, his wrist had markings on it as if something had been there, like a cuff of sorts. When Marth pulled his hand back he sniffed the thing and finding it to smell good, he nibbled on it. "tankyew miss." he said to Mia adorably before he continued to eat the newfound food called cake.

@Ami the breadling @Zer0 @Lotusy @Lorkhan @Seraph Darkfire
"I suppose Elder Ravine will be the judge of that once he arrives." replied Gareth. He peered curiously at the boy with a hint of sympathy in his eyes. "For now, I think you ought to bring him inside. He shouldn't be out in the cold like this."

At the sight of the marks on Marth's wrists, Teiren sucked in air slightly, his hair turning a shade lighter before he calmed himself down. The idea that someone had hurt this child made him angry. He had to make sure he didn't lose his cool in front of this easily scared child. He took a deep breath and looked at Marth "My boy, where are you from? Where are your guardians?" he certainly wanted to find whoever had hurt this child and teach them a thing or two.

He then paused and nodded "I agree with Gareth, it is too cold out here for such a small boy, and I'm sure it will do him some good to get some proper food in his stomach, not just cake"



"Mistress said they went tew sleep..." Marth trailed off before sneezing adorably. "Llll... Deer?" Marth said, trying to say the word to no avail.

@Ami the breadling @Lorkhan

*imagine the cutest sneeze and image Marth doing it*
"True." Mion said to Gareth and Teiren. "Let us go inside." he said, looking down at Marth as the boy sneezed.

Mion marched to the keep, now and then announcing to the bewilderment of the guards, "I have a son." still with a straight face. His little wisps followed him and he called one of the servants doing chores near the gates to prepare hot milk, some bread and cheese.

(OOC: I think I'll just wait for the Elder after this.)
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(i guess marth was set down then.)

Marth purred as the nice lady kissed him, something he had gotten when he was even younger then he was now. As the child followed the people he noticed a rectangular object on the ground and as soon as he saw it, he panicked. He scurried away and found a tiny area to go into. Once in, he cried silently, his "belt" was fluffed up and he curled up into a ball as he wept.

(OOC: What he saw was a book. a guard dropped it, he saw it, and he relapsed. The book he THOUGHT he saw was on dark magic.)

@Ami the breadling (i shall wait for the elder if you BOTH want too.)
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"Mistress..." whispered Gareth, thinking pensively on that word. He recalled the calluses he'd seen on the boy's wrists and put two and two together. This child was a slave he thought remorsefully. Gareth's heart sunk. It was unjust to see a soul with such unyielding life subjected to such suffering. Gareth lowered his lantern, trudging behind Mion and Mia. Inside, he found the boy wandered off into a corner, weeping quite openly. Gareth took the boy's hand and held it close. "Everything will be alright." murmured Gareth.

"You don't have to be afraid anymore."

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[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Mia followed him, slowly lifting him out wirh her telepathy and hugging him. "Hey, what's wrong? All good, i am here...", she softly whispered to him.
@Ami the breadling

"Yes, I know. I believe Mion has taken him under his wing? Take me to them, I'd like to see for myself. And Strad? Don't take his fear too personally. The boy won't exactly take a liking to me either."

The Elder followed the dragon to where the others were, walking in as they were giving the young boy food.

"And who might you be?"

Alexandria walked down the hallways with long, quick strides, silently praying that she wasn't late. She somehow always managed to be late for important things, a habit that she had been trying to improve for quiet some time now without much results.

Sighing, she came to a stop and her eyes widened in surprise when she saw a small boy standing with Mia and the other Spellblades, as well as the Elder Ravine.

"Hey," she said curiously, examining the boy up and down. He had wild blonde hair and bright blue eyes that were filled with tears, and was the picture of cuteness. Bleh, cute things.

"Who's the little runt?" She asked blatantly, not bothering to mind her language.

@Ami the breadling @GoldenChari @Lotusy @Zer0 @Arelynn @whoever
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"My son." said Mion with a straight face to both Elder Ravine and Alexandria, his face half-hidden in torchlight. He had just entered the room after retrieving a spare hooded cloak that was tattered, with the Spellblade insignia in faded gold.

@Ashaficent , @Arelynn
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"Your son?" Asked Alexandria, feeling a bit shocked. She then grinned at him devilishly, perverted thoughts running around in her mind. "Well, well, didn't know you had in you to take a woman for yourself, man. Who's the mom?" It was easy to be sleazy when you had a filthy mind, and Alexandria was far from being a good girl.

@Ami the breadling @GoldenChari (Yeaaah, she's a pervert. Enjoy~)
"Why, it was Gareth." said Mion in an innocent voice. Sliding over to put an arm over the shoulders of the elf. "We had to keep it a secret, right, honey?" he asked, trying to put up a serious face, but failing. Mion braced himself for a punch in the jaw.

@Ashaficent , @Arelynn , @Lorkhan
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