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Fantasy Spellblade

Almost simultaneously, as William and Misty entered through the doorway, a figure flew passed them and landed in the street. It was a man, now lying on his back with a bloody nose and his dagger on the ground next to him. Two other men ran out the shop, picking up the injured man. "Boss! Boss, are you alright? We'll get you for this, you crazy--" Before he could finish, the loud CRACK of a flintlock pistol resounded from the shop and clipped one man's ear. The pair picked up the injured man and ran off into the city.

"AND STAY OUT YOU GODS DAMNED THIEVING LITTLE GANG BANGING MOTHER FUCKERS!" came the voice from within the shop. "Oh! Company. I, uh... Ahem." She threw the pistol to the side, landing it into a pile of seemingly unrelated things. She patted herself down, dust flowing off of her eccentric looking clothing. Looking back up at her new arrivals, she tipped her hat and gave an extremely large grin.

"Well, sorry you had to see that. Gangs sometimes stop by to say hello! Little shits can't even beat me with three fully-grown men. But anyways, welcome to my humble shop!" She turned and spread her arms towards her clutter. There were heaps and piles of things all over the room, pretty much a visual representation of anarchy. Things ranged from weaponry to jewelry to clocks. It was a wonder anyone could find what they were looking for.

Turning back to them, she placed her hands on her hips, a proud look plastered on her face.
"So! What can I do for ya?"

@Rui @Lotusy @Iomana
"Hmm" Teiren said as he walked through the city. He was wondering where to go before he heard a loud commotion coming from a particular building "Well, might as well check that out first" he said heading towards the building before he realized that the large green creature near the store wasn't a prop "Oh hello Strad" he said grinning "Seems I found the place, you know, you make a really decent land mark"

He was actually glad he'd found the place before everyone had left. It would have been terrible to always be behind in terms of a mission. He'd miss on the interesting things to see. He'd once missed a festival and had never gotten any of the delicious food they'd been serving. He'd been really depressed for a while afterwards.

"Alright... I'll stay out here and keep guard!" Sunder yelled after the group, unsure if they could hear him or not. Gotta find a way to pass the time... Better eat. Sunder was rummaging through the contents of his bag when he saw a bloddied man fly out onto the street. After whitnessing the whole fiasco (yeah... I'm too lazy to rewrite the whole thing. Sue me.) Sunder stood out in the street for a moment, while trying to process what just happened "Shoot, that's an intense reaction. Maybe I will go in after all." He stooped under the doorway and stood behind the group

@Lotusy @Rui @Iomana a @Arelynn
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Shooting a quick, slightly nervous, glance towards where the bloodied man had lain in the street, Ea entered the shop. Trying not to stare or go poking through the clutter littering the interior, the boy let out a nervous laugh. After seeing the fate of those gang members, Ea didn't particularly care for enraging the scary pistol-wielding lady. Jerking a thumb towards the motley crew who entered with him, Ea shook his head. "I'm not sure about these guys but I'm here to inquire about passage to a certain island."

@Lotusy @Arelynn @Rui @SovietBear
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William laughed inwardly at the almost comedic defeat and retreat of the three gang members. Though startled at first, he was highly entertained by the scene of fleeing thieves with their tails behind their legs. Hah! That's sure is one way to wake up in the morning!

A few seconds later, William started doing something not usually like him - observing. He sized up the woman in front of him, noting certain aspects, especially her ferocity with the pistol. Judging by her demeanor and they way she said, "my shop!", William instantly assumed this woman was Killian. According to what the Elder said in the briefing, Killian was going to aide them, so William decided it was safe to return a grin as large as Killian's, waving in return.

"Oh, sorry! Uh, hello there, Miss Killian," William said, fingering with the edge of his bag. "I'm currently in the employ of a Spellblade division headed to the Jaeger Isles. I'm not entirely sure why we're going there myself, but could you get them a ride over?" He yelped as his bag spilled some light green beads, and William hurried to pick them up. "Sorry about the messy introduction. I thought there were more of us, and that they wouldn't stand me up for this task," he said, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

@Arelynn @Rui @Iomana @SovietBear

Meanwhile, Strad turned around, his eyes flitting to the sound of a familiar voice. "Oh, Hello, Teiren," the dragon said respectfully, the corners of his scaled lips curling into a content smile. "Why, I do feel like a part of this place already. I think the villagers are scared of me, but I'm not threatening enough to call the enforcement. Watch," he rumbled, flicking his scaled green tail two inches to the right, causing a man holding a wheelbarrow full of hay to start, almost losing his load. "So how have you been holding up?"
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"Quite well actually, a little travel through the forest is very relaxing, even when one is lost" he said chuckling as he watched Strad flick his tail at the man. He sighed as he looked at the sky "I enjoy the smell of the sea, it is very good for the soul I believe" he chuckled. He figured the others would get the information they needed, besides, one more person in the store would just be crowding. He flexed his fingers before he reached into his bag "Do you enjoy Demonic Boar meat? I happened to encounter one earlier and saved some of it's meat for later"

The meat was quite good, soft and juicy and if properly cooked, it could be exceptionally good for the palate.

Taking note of the chaos, Nieves stood up once she gathered everything and placed the backpack on her. The crack of the pistol made her flinch from the noise but kept her cool. She watched The Healer introduce the group and she noted that he was perhaps the most charismatic of the bunch. Well, if anyone had a dragon with them, then they were bound to be much more confident.

Killian had spirit, Nieves gave her that. The outfit of an admiral isn't something that one can wear willy-nilly without some semblance of authority. But Killian also had beauty, and that made her a powerful mix in Nieves eyes. Beauty and Strength, a person with those traits should never be crossed.

Her eyes caught onto a watch, a small brass pocket watch and she felt curiously drawn to it. It would look great on her Uncle Frolith.

"What the healer said and the others said, a trip to the island! Also, I would like to buy the pocket watch!" She said in a voice that was both serious and yet playful. Her fingers trailed upon the edges of the clock but she kept her ears open for what she was about to say.
GoldenChari said:
"Yesh yew may." Marth said cheerfully, with a hint of worry in his voice as he didn't know these people.
Shin slowly opened the door, not wanting to startle the poor child... but then he saw the car ears,"Waaaaa! So, cuuute!" he exclaimed with childlike glee as he bounded over to Marth and tried to pet they boy's ears.

Kujari just grinned to himself as he walked in slowly after, arms crossed and raising a hand for a moment to give a small wave to Marth as he entered the room. But his smile quickly turned to a frown as he noticed that the little cat-boy was bleeding from somewhere. His already narrow eyes furrowed as he looked Marth over, looking for more signs of injury. "What's your name?" the older brother asked out of concern, though he quickly added on an introduction to be polite, "I am Kujari Xen, he" he said motioning to Shin with his head, "is Shin Xen. We are brothers."

( @GoldenChari Post! Is it alright to assume that Marth is bleeding from somewhere as a result from hurting himself?)
Misty's mouth hung open like a cod fish, "K-Killian?" She said, completely shell shocked. She stammered uselessly, before returning to her stoic demeanor, with a hint of a smile, "it's been a long time, my friend."
She arched a brow at Ea and William's requests. "Oh, so you're all Spellblades, minus one? Sure, I can take all of you over to the island. And yes, you may buy that watch for--hey, something the matter, miss? You're mouth's hanging open like a cod fish."

"K-Killian?" Misty said, completely shell shocked. She stammered uselessly, before returning to her stoic demeanor, with a hint of a smile, "it's been a long time, my friend."

Killian stared at the girl, looking her up and down, realization dawning on her face. "No way... I thought I recognized you, but... No. Nonononono. Misty, you died. I saw it happen, right before my eyes. How? Why?" Now she turned to face the others as well. "Can someone tell me WHAT THE TWAT WAFFLE IS GOING ON? Are you really Spellblades? Or are you some damned necromancer coven?" She took a step back and drew her saber from its side sheath, not yet swinging, but wary.

@Lotusy @Iomana @Rui @CoconutLeaves @SovietBear
"Your arrival couldn't have been more appropriate, Master Silimaure. You are most welcome to join us; we could certainly use the help." answered Gareth. "As you can see, this hamlet is a smoldering ruin. We are here to find the ones that made it so, and deliver them justice."

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"Revival is a miraculous thing." Misty quipped, not wanting to continue that path of discussion. "Oh, Killian, you twat, it is you!" She smiled softly, and looked around, "where's he?" She said, eyeing the shop. "I'd expect you'd have popped out some little ones by now..."
For...? Nieves waited patiently however a turn of events must have distracted Killian. The other girl in the group suddenly spoke which bewildered the admiral and as the woman reached for her saber, Nieves reached for her swords.

"I don't know about--" Nieves was to explain that with the exception of the others, she could vouch for herself. But it seemed the emotion in the atmosphere had changed. The conversation shifting from the mission to a supernatural heartwarming reunion (which Nieves will have to ask that girl if there is an underworld or not, and if a harem of attractive men do exist in paradise to serve her if she was a true warrior) , that created a wall where Nieves had no entrance to introduce any other convenience.

Alright then.

"Did I hear five coins? wow such a deal!" She spoke in a softer tone that didn't over and took the watch as she placed five coins on the table. Seeing as her want was quenched, Nieves took one giant squid skewer and began to munch on it as she awaited for the moment to be over and the mission to commence. Not to mention when was Killian going to serve the wine? Her place is a winery right? She can deal with shady business practices for all Nieves cared but misleading title is a case for court.

But she'll bring that up after the emotional reunion is done.
Sunder was silent while the others made introductions. When Killin drew her saber however, Sunder decided that he may actually stick around, but was interupted by a low growl. Bewildered, Sunder looked around the room for some type of beast, and after a few moments, remembered that he hadn't eaten anything since he left the tundra. "Excuse me for a second." He tried to slip out as quietly as possible without disturbing anyone. Alright.. Time to eat. Sunder dug through his pack, only to find a dusty glass bottle and a note where his food should've been. Weird... He thought as he opened the bottle. Suddenly, a purple ish flame erupted from the bottle. "Shit!" Sunder stumbled back out of suprise. He did a quick check of the area to see if anyone had noticed, then decided he didn't care and slipped back inside.

@Demmy (sorry for the delay, let me know if you need help.) @Arelynn @Lotusy @CoconutLeaves @Rui @Iomana
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Nieves heard a low growl that rumbled within someone's stomach. She glanced to the side to see the giant come back in. Without a word -mainly because her mouth was full of squid meat and vegetables- she offered the rest of the squid skewers to her fellow Spellblade(?) as her eyes went on straight at Killian wondering what happens next and how soon could she get to see the island.
"Revival? Gods damn it, Misty. Blowing off such a serious situation... you never change, do you?" She paced around the room. "'He?' Who's... Oh. That's right, that happened after you, uh, died. Misty, Liam Daegenhart is dead. He's been dead for over five years now."

Her smile evaporated, replaced with a grim frown. "Dead? How? What happened? Gods, Killian..." She embraced her briefly. This whole 'emotions' thing was new. "I'm so sorry..."
"Thank you, but no need to feel sorry. I've grown numb to it now. You all need a boat ride, yes? Okay, here's your mission info. There has been word of lots of deaths happening on the Jaeger Isles. Entire fishing villages with bodies torn to shreds, mutilated beyond recognition. Local militias and knights have disappeared entirely. Something's up, and we need elite help. That's where you come in!" She sheathed her sword and began walking towards the entrance of the shop.

"I really wasn't expecting a group like this to come. Who sent you, by the way? Or which one of you's the leader of this happy little entourage?"

@Lotusy @Iomana @CoconutLeaves @Rui @SovietBear
Ea blinked once in confusion, turning an incredulous look towards the group crowding the store. "Wait a moment, you all are Spellblades?" They didn't exactly fit the picture... And a mission? What had he accidentally stumbled upon? Not to mention the fact they were heading to the same place as him. "Eh, 'scuse me, I need a way to the island too but I'm definitely not part of this 'mission' or whatever."

@Arelynn @Lotusy @SovietBear @CoconutLeaves @Rui
Lorkhan said:
"Your arrival couldn't have been more appropriate, Master Silimaure. You are most welcome to join us; we could certainly use the help." answered Gareth. "As you can see, this hamlet is a smoldering ruin. We are here to find the ones that made it so, and deliver them justice."

"It has been some time since I've had the sharpness of my blade tested." Elandor rested his arm on the hilt of his sword. The thought of drawing it made him uneasy with knowledge of what always follows. "But I prefer to test the sharpness of my wit. Hopefully we can avoid excessive bloodshed. What is our plan of action?"

@Lorkhan @Zer0 @The Unamed Character
SparkSinger said:
"It has been some time since I've had the sharpness of my blade tested." Elandor rested his arm on the hilt of his sword. The thought of drawing it made him uneasy with knowledge of what always follows. "But I prefer to test the sharpness of my wit. Hopefully we can avoid excessive bloodshed. What is our plan of action?"
@Lorkhan @Zer0 @The Unamed Character
"All of them will shed blood" Michi said with a tinge of anger. "I will make sure of that"
"I think that's why we're here to help," William said after hearing the terrifying events occurring in the Jaeger isles. "Our leader is Mr. Ravine, ma'am, the spellblade Elder. He's not currently with us." He laughed a little before turning to Ea. "And yea, we're spellblades. Well, technically, I'm not, since I'm a healer, but you get the picture." The young man held up his fingers like a picture frame. "Spellblades uncover the mystery of the local Jaeger Isles! It's going to be great!"

@Arelynn @Iomana @Rui @SovietBear

"Why, yes, I would," Strad rumbled happily. "Though my friends on my hide do share their energy, a creature as large as myself still needs something to eat," he said, making a mention of the various plants and moss growing on his back. The sound of commotion, swords being drawn, and yelling attracted Strad's attention to the shop, but he thought nothing of it. "Well, it looks like our allies are wrapping it up. Are you ready to go to the Jaeger Isles?"

@Seraph Darkfire
A Camion's Past

Mion looked away. "Alright . . ." he said quietly. "Only, allow me to say this: soldiers are conditioned to follow orders, they may have different personal virtues compared to the one who gave the order to annihilate your people."

"I implore you to consider an honorable duel with the one behind it all, instead of massacring everyone to obtain justice. Avengers are never known to be happy, Michi. Massacring everyone can leave you dwelling on the past and remaining unhappy. . ."

Mion led his horse forward towards the direction of the mountains. "The place where they split up is about a two-day ride from here. If all is well, we'll reach it the day after tomorrow in the evening. Then you can decide which group to go after, the one that went north up to the Howling Pass, or the one that traveled to the East into the Fell Forest."

@The Unamed Character
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"Elder Ravine? Okay. My ship--I call her the Northern Wind--should be ready at the docks. I'll lead the way!" She scribbled on something and then started towards the docks. Before exiting her shop, she brushed by William, slipping a crumpled up piece of paper into his hand.

(If he were to read it, it would say this):

Meet me above deck after sundown. Alone.
Misty got a distinct feeling of mistrust from her old friend. "William, I'm going to find something proper to wear for this. I'll meet you back here in an hour or so, alright." She was extremely uncomfortable with the entire ordeal, and quickly excused herself.

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