
"Alora, a pretty name for a pretty girl." She said, not really conscious of it, and unaware the last part slipped.

"I'm sure you'll get more used to it as the year wears on. There's quite a few spirits on the grounds. Just alot of them reallÿ hate my kind."

Rubbing the back of her neck at the last remark, she tried to play it off as casual. It hurt that some of them really did hate her, but atleast then they would avoid confrontation with her.

Alaska quickly turned around and glared at Shebly, feeling the vain as she said that.

"It's just a natural part of what she is. Monica, there's no need to be ashamed of it here. I honesty think its cool that you get your own food." She said, trying to take some of the sting off of Shelby's words.
Pen smiled at Clara, looked down at the floor, and blushed a little before looking back up into her eyes. "That's good. I didn't want to upset you. I don't think before I say things sometimes, and I'm afraid I might come out sounding too blunt or rude." He blushed again after he realized he may have been staring into her eyes for too long. He looked at the floor again shyly before finishing with, "you're really sweet and so nice. I wouldn't want you to dislike me."
"The campus?" Kyo questioned, then padded closer to Blossom, and curled up in her lap, "Yeah, it is..." He was really comfortable here. At the same time though, it felt like the air was electric. Kyo turned over and looked up at her, trying to figure out why he felt this way. He shifted back into his human form, his head resting in her lap, and still he looked up at her. He was happy as can be here, but his brow furrowed in confusion, and he muttered quietly, "What is wrong with me...?"
Blossom looked down at him and smiled as he turned back to human form. She felt extremely happy and she just couldn't calm down around him. She heard him mumble something and looked at him questioningly. "What did you say?" she asked, not have been able to hear him. He looked a bit confused and distressed. Her ears went down a bit at the sight of his serious expression. She didn't like seeing him upset, it made her want to comfort him somehow.
Monica sighed and walked out, letting Sam stay behind. She wasn't at all what people expected a werewolf to be like. She hunted only animals, never a human. "No one would ever understand what happens when the hunger cravings become too much." She sighed again and wasn't paying attention to where she was going.
Bren raised a careful eyebrow as he watched the fae fly away. If Monica was a werewolf, it would make sense that she would have to hunt. ...Right? He still didn't completely understand these supernatural people. Clearing his throat, he turned back to Monica with a smile, faltering when he saw her walking dejectedly away. He called after her, "Of course I'll watch your absolutely adorable puppy."

Alora caught herself smiling at Alaska's complement. "I, ah, t-thank you," she stammered. She was unused to being noticed, let alone complemented. She mused thoughtfully, poking a slim finger against her lip. "I don't see why the spirits would hate your people. I've always enjoyed the company of demons." She laughed, a strange glint in her eye. "Then again, most others relate my people to yours."
Jasper sat in the back of the cafeteria, slowly rolling an apple back and forth across his tray with the knuckles of his right hand. The hood over his head shadowed his features from view, except for his eyes, which were intensely visible beneath the darkness. His eyes barely flickered from the apple upon his tray as several others passed him, the occasional person trembling at the sight of his eyes; they tended to change between intense blue, blood-red and a gold-yellow tone, depending on his mood. He could feel the thin scar across his chest burning, as if his skin was lit up in flames. And yet when he pressed his fingers against his torso, he was cold, a trait of any Vampire. The scar wasn't the only thing that burned. The back of his throat felt like a lit match had been plunged down his mouth, another consequence of his ... species. It was the thirst for blood that caused it, and the fact he hadn't fed for so long. He felt uneasy ... dangerous ... like he might lunge at someone at any moment. The only thing he could do was hold his breath, and concentrate on the apple upon his plastic tray.

"That's very true. I guess it's just because not all of us are very nice. And we're well known for it."

Alaska looked up from Nacht, and nearly immediately fell short of words. But she snapped herself out of it when Bren had called for Monica.

"So, did you wanna go walk around the grounds? I'm sure there are a few more interesting things around here." She said, absentmindedly half smiling and petting Nacht. Seeing the girl in front if her smile was amazing. And listening to her talk was another. Alaska pushed away these thoughts, nearly certain that this new friend didn't think the same of her.
Monica smiled softly when she heard Bren's voice. After going through the whole transformation process, she flicked her tail before jumping through an opened window in the hallway. From there she made her way into the woods. Hunting instincts came natural to her, in all aspects.
Kyo frowned, not liking that she looked so worried and upset, "I'm just wondering what's wrong with me... I feel very odd around you. A good odd... Just... I don't understand it." He sighed looking over the features of her face, his heart feeling like it was trying to escape his chest. Kyo sat up, and turned to face her, "Why do I feel this way? Is it an ability you have?"
Shelby sighed, got up and flew silently down to the cafeteria, black wings glittering. She stopped short when she saw a hooded fogure, rolling an apple on a tray. Shelby flicked her pink curly hair out of her eye and tilted her head slightly. His startling eyes - as much intensity as Shelby's own emerald ones- were the only aspect of him visible, the rest covered by dark shadows. Shelby approached him slowly and sat opposite him, watching the apple roll. He was obviously a Vampire; his eyes gave that away. Only Fae and Vampires have that sort of intensity. She looked up through her bubblegum-pink hair.
Strangely, Alora found herself agreeing to Alaska's offer. "It'd probably be a good idea to get familiar with the grounds. Besides, it seems like everyone else is leaving." She felt Bren's surprised, albeit amused, look on her back and grimaced. It was very unlike her to get along with someone so soon, but there was no need for him to point it out.

The thought made her pause. It really was unlike her to get on with someone so easily. Normally, she took her time with people if she even bothered. Bren was her only friend, and they were only friends because...well, that's another story completely. But something about Alaska compelled her to open up to her, made her want to be near her. Strange...

Bren chuckled to himself at Alora's confusion but quickly turned from the two girls to look down at the puppy. He knelt down on one knee in front of Sam and gently stroked the top of his head. "Well, boy, what shall we do 'til Monica gets back?"
"Awesome. I found this one balcony place, but it's not all that exciting. Just a small empty room. But with a place this big I doubt that's all." Alaska set down Nacht then opened the door for Alora. She caught herself from saying anymore in fear of annoying the girl. She wasn't used to wanting to try so hard being close to someone, and she wasn't used to trying so hard to impress them. There was something different about this one though, she could see it whenever she caught Alora's eye. But for now she was left without an answer on what feeling it was stirring up inside her.

"Maybe I can find a way onto the roof?"
Rosalie gazed out the window. She thought and wondered about most everything. She wondered about blood. Then, her stomach grumbled. She looked down at it, and looked out. She looked at most everyone in the room. "Time to feed." She said, under her breathe. She stiffed the air, her eyes turning red. Then, she exhaled out, her eyes turning normal color again. She got up, and stalked to the exit.

Brain had his hands in fists. Breathing hard. Then, the pain stopped. He opened his eyes, they were black. "...." Was all he could do. His vision was different. He was different. He was now breathing hard again. "Ah-A-Ah." He closed his eyes again. Then, it stopped again. His eyes opened, they were normal again. "What the-" He said, gazing down at his hands for some reason. He flipped them. Then, there was a drawing on his left palm. A drawing of a wolf. Brain blinked, trying to focus. He rubbed it, and it stayed there. "What's this?" He said to himself, whispering it.
"An ability? No, I don't think so, but I feel the same way..." She thought aloud. She blushed slightly as she thought about the possibility that he may like her as well which would explain his feelings. "I'm not sure... But I bet we could ask someone." She suggested, a bit too nervous and embarrassed to suggest what she was thinking, knowing that it might not be what she thought, but it was possible.
"Sure," Kyo said, and smiled at her happily, "but who do we ask? I mean, that is sort of odd question to ask someone randomly. I guess it'll be okay though." He didn't really know what to do about these feelings that he had towards her, but it comforted him for some reason that she had the same sort of feelings. It made him feel wanted, and not alone anymore, he always felt alone until now. Kyo Hopped down off of the tree and landed on the ground lithely, He looked back at Blossom with a smile on his face still, and motioned for her to follow him. "In the long run, the reason for the feelings don't really matter," Kyo said, thinking about how looking at her made him feel like he could die happy. He shook his head and laughed, Unsure really what to make of these thoughts, and these feelings. "I was never one for feelings. You must be special," he said, matter of fact, "Lead the way please."
Blossom smiled brightly at the sound of him calling her special. She took one last glance at the view and climbed down to him. She nodded to him, still smiling as well as she began to walk back to the dorm with Kyo. She want sure who to ask either, not sure if anyone at the dorm would have any idea about these feelings that both she and Kyo had. Maybe Clara, or even Shelby. She wasn't sure, but it was worth a shot to ask about it, hoping to get a good answer.
Sam licked Bren's hand before playing with one of his toys, like the spoiled puppy he was.

After a very successful hunt, Monica returned to the dorm through the same open window without bothering to change back. She sat for a moment, making sure Sam's meal was still in the bag in her mouth. She loved the thrill of hunting and took a couple minutes to remember this last one.
Mumbling a soft "thank you" as she pulled her hood up closer around her face, Alora walked through the door Alaska held open. "That sounds lovely, Alaska," she added with a soft smile. "I've always loved a view." As they walked out, she bit back the urge to just spill everything to Alaska. Something about the demoness's smile, her eyes... It all sent a shiver down her spine.

Bren smiled fondly at the little puppy. He'd always loved animals and wanted more than he had. Mr. Scampers, as he'd so embarrassingly revealed to Shelby, was the only pet he'd ever had. A bunny may not be the most manly pet, but he didn't care. He missed the little bugger terribly.

About that time, Bren heard a small noise and casually looked up before jumping back in surprise. He scooped up the little puppy and scrambled back, away from the intruding wolf. After a moment, though, he paused and looked closer. Sam wasn't freaking out like a normal dog would've been, and something in the wolf's eyes seemed almost...intelligent, human. "M-Monica?" he asked tentatively.
Monica looked over and gave a small nod while Sam wagged his tail happily. She hopped onto her bed before dropping the bag. Sitting down, she tilted her head to the side. Her other roommates didn't seem to mind the last time she came back like this.
Alaska was tempted to take Aloras hand and lead her up the stairs, but she decided not to. She rounded the same corner and reached the stairs. Alaska finally walked up the stairs, opened the door, and bee lined for the balcony.

"Here we are! And it's in the shadows too. But you still get a really good view."

The demoness sat down and patted the ground next to her for the seveocha.
Bren chuckled nervously, calming down a little. "You just, ah, surprised me. I'm not entirely used to thing like this yet." He loosened his protective grip on Sam and fiddled with his septum. "Well, now that I've embarrassed myself several times already today, I've worked up quite an appetite. Is there somewhere for those of use who don't, ah, hunt to eat?"

Alora followed behind Alaska quietly, amused at the other girl's enthusiasm. While she had met other demons before, none of them had been so...happy. Her own family had been the same way. Apparently one of the rules of vampirism is "You may never show an emotion ever at all." Being near the cheerful Alaska was a refreshing change.

She giggled softly at Alaska's last comment as she sat down next to her. "Well, you've thought of everything. Shade, a great view, a lovely companion. I really like this spot." Since they were out of the sun, Alora dropped her hood back and fluffed out her short hair with her hand. Her dhamphyr blood gave her many benefits, one being superb eyesight. In the distance, she saw Blossom and Kyo together under a tree. Strange, it seemed many people had paired off: Blossom and Kyo, Bren and Monica were back in the dorms together, and now she and Alaska. She flashed the other girl a quick look. It was unusual how much she already liked the girl. This was definitely a strange place.

Turning her attention back to the view, Alora noticed the clarity in the distance fading. She'd been so caught up in her conversation that she hadn't noticed. It's soon be time to feed.
Shelby was sitting opposite the Vampire, she was trying to pay him no attention; looking toward the door absently. He was still rolling the apple. She flipped her pink hair and smirked, remembering a previous Vampire, she had put a special spell on him that made him dance untill he died from thirst.
Monica reverted back to her normal state and smiled before nodding. "I believe so. I think I passed it on my way out. Want me to show you?" Sam barked in agreement causing her to chuckle. "I think Sam remembers where it is."


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