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Amia giggled and walked in, admiring the old fashioned stoor. "Everything is so pretty!" She said as she walked through the isles of colorful sweet treats. She picked up a colorful swirly lollipop and walked to the desk, paying for it she went back to Samuel with a smile. "What kind of candy do you like?" she asked.
"Sweet and salty so basically chocolate on salted pretzel" he stated smiling and kissed her forehead

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She smiled before licking the lollipop and looking around her surroundings again. She turned back to Samuel but he was gone. She panicked for a second but then decided he just went to find something.
//idk something exciting that would make this RP keep going because honestly I have nowhere else to go from here//

//do you want me to come up with something//
Samuel left the store so he could take a smoke until powder was blown into his face by the princess which made him start to black out he could stay awake standing when he looked in the direction of where she was she saw amia "let's go home to the estate" she stated before locking lips with Samuel with a heated kiss little did he know is that the amia in front of him was the princess the drug did something to him.

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// that's pretty good, better than anything I had.//

Amia waited for Samuel to come back but after about ten minuets she was getting worried and began to walk around looking for him. She didn't find him and began to panic Where is he! She mentally yelled as she ran out off the store. As soon as she walked out a knife flew right for her heart but she dodged just in time. She looked around for anyone who threw it but saw no one. Better get out of here before he decides to try again. Amia thought as she began running down the street. the only person who would want him is the princess and she guessed that it was one of her body guards who threw that knife. Amia stopped and looked around to catch her breath, before running in the direction of the well know Hada estate.
Samuel woke up in the estate with a bit of amnesia he walked out of a bed room and down a large hall only to be hugged from behind "good morning honey" she stated and Samuel turned to see the princess and she leaned towards him and kissed him "why don't you just walk around the place for a bit while i make you breakfast" she stated and Samuel lightly nods not knowing what the hell is happening the drug also had an effect on the soulbound so until it wore off he couldn't remember what happen he continued to walk around until he came to a stairway and at the bottom was the door
"What happened" he asked himself the only thing he could remember that amia and him had their fight he doesn't remember renewing the Soulbound or going to the candy store "did I do a Soulbound with her I don't know. I want to talk to amia" he said to himself

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Amia was outside the gate of the Hada estate and the guards didn't recognize her. "Hey you! Stop!" on guard barked. Amia turned and began to cry, this was her chance to get in. She tried to seem as young as possible, a child looking for her lost dog. The guard saw her and ran towards her. Amia looked up with tears in her eyes and the guard looked back in nervousness "Help me! please my puppy ran by and I can't get in the gates!" She cried. The guard took a step back and shook his head hesitantly but after a few minuets of Amia pleading in a childish way the guard finally gave in and drove her up to the house. SHe smiled once she was inside and the guard began to call someone. She ran before he noticed and when he did she was already out of his sight. Where would he be? Amia wondered to herself.

//sorry I took so long to reply.//
Samuel walked down the stairs and was about to go out until the princess stopped him and transformed into Amia "please don't leave i know you want to run to her but you need to remember that she was the one that left you" she stated turning back into herself "come on i promised you to go farther then how far she went so let's go back to bed for a while" she stated and giggled "i love her though she's everything to me" he stated and she made a cough noise "and it was your fault that she thinks i don't love her i just have to tell her" he stated and was about to leave until multiple bullets were shot at him he stoppped and turned to see her father "if that's the case you're not needed anymore then" her farther stated

//it's alright//
Amia was running when she heard gun shots. She stopped and looked in the direction they came from That must be him. She thought. She knew he had to have something to do with the shot so she ran in that direction. She peered around a corner and saw Mr. Hada pointing the gun at Samuel. She gasped and ran out as he shot the gun once more. she thought she was to late but she involuntarily must have jumped just in time because she felt a burning pain in her chest. She knew what happened but she fell to the floor, blood beginning to soak her dress and drip to the floor. She coughed and blood dripped from her mouth. She tried to stand but the last thing she saw was Mr. Hada looking down to her with a smirk. "Samuel....." She trailed of weakly before collapsing.
he fell to his knees looking at Amia and tearing up "Amia..." he stated as his head fell his appearance changed to piercing yellow eyes and fangs "NNNNOOOOOOOO" he screamed and Mr. Hada aimed at him "game over kid" he stated and shot once more he bit down on the bullet spitting it out and a pistol appeared in his hand and he kissed her her the bullet hole disappeared as if it was erased from her body "you pay for trying to kill her" he stated and started shooting at him he was a entirely new person.
Amia slowly began to regain consciousness as her chest rose and fell with steady breaths. All she could see was darkness but she heard fighting and yelling. Samuel....... She tried to open her eyes but she couldn't, she couldn't even move. Suddenly the noise subsided and she wondered what had happened. She tried to open her eyes again and this time she opened them to see Samuel, about to kill Mr. Hada. She struggled to move but eventually was able to sit up. She stretched out her arm towards the two in a feeble attempt to get him to stop. "N-no.." She said weakly. "Don't kill him." She said quietly. Mr. Hada, even under threat of death by the fully capable Samuel, looked over to Amia. "So, you're still alive? perhaps they did make the right decision. Oh, and please, call me Uncle." He said. Amia coughed up a little blood before replying. "A....princess like your daughter....wouldn't last..two days...in the underground business." She said, out of breath. He scoffed "The committee just gave it to you because they favored you." Amia shook her head as he continued to speak. "My daughter should be the boss, not a petty child like you." He said. Amia would have replied but she was beginning to black out again as more blood dripped from her mouth. She braced herself with her arms as she hung her head to catch her breath.
he pulled the trigger and a bullet went into his leg making him fall to his back and he picket up Amia and brought her out of the estate smirking to the screams heard by Mr.Hada after walking for a while he knew he wouldn't be able to make it to the house and use his ability to finish helping her so he bought a little room in a hotel he laid her on the bed moving his hands down her body his ability came from the fiction world just like when he gave her the rose or the gun both came from fine air and when he kissed her the bullet hole had disappeared as if it was a drawing and the drawer had erased the mark by the time he finished he cleaned the blood and he fell unconscious his eyes went to normal and the fangs were gone.

he had a dream he dreamed about his home he had no mother or father no one to love only the thoughts of meeting the perfect girl he lived in a prison like area and many people were unique there with their own abilities that they all called the artist where in any place fiction or reality could bend the laws of physics some can go to a limit that far surpasses many and Samuel has that ability the two problem with the ability it is addictive and it is unpredictable one moment he could be a hero another moment a villain anyways back to the dream he dreamed that he was overtaken by the addiction and that he would do something to Amia
Amia slowly opened her eyes Where am I? She thought as she looked around. She sat up and saw Samuel next to her. She smiled at how cute he seemed. It was then that she realized she was completely healed. How is that possible? She thought. He did come from the fictional world, and he probably had a few tricks he hadn't mentioned before. She smirked and laid back down, facing him. She saw his facial expression change and wondered what he was dreaming of. She sighed and moved closer to him. She didn't want to wake him but at the same time she wanted to thank him so she kissed his forehead "Thank you." She whispered as she closed her eyes.
His expression of grief became one of happiness his eyes slowly opened and he looked up to her " you alright" he asked

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Amia opened her eyes and smiled. "Thanks to you I am." She said. "I don't know what that drug did to you but I hope you know I still love you." She said as she sat up with a blush.
He smiled and lightly kissed her "I would have still healed you no matter what because I love you and no one will hurt you" he stated

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He melted into the kiss wrapping his arms around Amia once the kiss broke he smiled "it wasn't that long ago when I met the sweetest girl who turned out to be the owner of a black market and fights" he stated

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Amia smiled "And it wasn't that long ago that my dream boy fell from the sky and fulfilled my every dream." She changed her smile to a smirked "Well....almost every dream~" She said mysteriously.
"And what would be the drama I have yet to fulfill" he stated smiling he place his hand on her shoulder and had a quick flash memory of him attacking her while in artist mode.

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