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"i saw those last night by accident and what do you think is missing" he he stated with a light laugh and held one of her hands.
"Sure, by accident." Amia said as she stood and walked to her bedroom door. "I think you're implying that it's missing me but anyways, let's go back to the market I'll need to get more candy gin." She said.
"Ok, ok." Amia said with a smile as she walked down stairs. She opened the window and locked the door behind her and Samuel. They reached the market and were greeted by the same man before making it to the entrance. The man whispered something to Amia and her eyes widened in shock. She nodded nervously before turning to Samuel and stopping him in front of the entrance. "We have to be careful, someone's looking for me and you to for that matter. When we walk in there don't look at anyone." She whispered to him "It's important because I know who it is to. Mr. Hada is a man who makes a fortune off of his daughters fortune telling ability and he'll go to any length to get whatever keeps her happy. And right now she wants whoever was fighting in that arena yesterday. She wants you, but he's going to want to get me out of the way first."
"don't worry we'll be alright" he stated taking one of her hands "i'm not from here so i got some secrets i have yet to show" he stated smirking.
Amia smiled "Just be careful anyways." She said as they walked in. They walked for a while before they came to a table full of vials. "Get me a candy gin." She said to the person behind it. The man laughed "You sure a little girl like you should be drinking that stuff?" He said. "I own this whole god damn place so just name your price." Amia said, eager to get out of the market as fast as possible. The man stood back in shock and quickly handed her a purple vile. "Don't worry, you'll pay the price later." The man said. Amia put the vile in her pocket and put a stack of jewels on the table. "I'd rather not pay later." She said before grabbing Samuels hand and walking as fast as she could through the crowd.
all of a sudden the crowd dispersed as someone knocked out Amia and tried to seperate her from Samuel the soulbound quickly reacted wrapping the chain around Samuel's neck and Amia's wrist they pulled the two away from each other and someone took a ax and swung down on the chain and the ax head shattered they held both of them down as they tried over and over to break the chain until they gave up knocked out Samuel and brought them both to their bosses estate.
Amia woke up chained to the wall she looked around and when she looked to the left she was face to face with the barrel of a gun. Her eyes widened and she turned away expecting to hear a gunshot before death. instead she saw Samuel chained to the opposite wall and heard a voice speak to Samuel "Break the chain or she dies." He said.
"even if you shot her the seal wouldn't let anyone kill her so only way the chain is breakable is if i die" he stated with a smirk
The man growled. "That wouldn't be a problem if we didn't need you." He said. Amia smiled before she heard a gunshot and quickly closed her eyes. Nothing happened and she opened her eyes to see a smoking gun and a shocked man standing next a to a pretty girl around Amia's age. Amia then realized that the man had tried to shoot her, but as Samuel had said the seal didn't allow it. The girl was shocked but quickly composed herself and walked over to Samuel. "What kind of witch are you with? You should be with a princess like me, so what will it take to make you break the seal." She asked.
"my death" he stated with smile then the girl locked lips with him and by force wrestled his tongue with hers Samuel flicked his wrist a few times then heard sizzling of Amia's chain burning the chain would only need a little pressure to break the girl pulled away from his lips and whispered in his ear "i can go farther then what she went" she stated
Amia watched and when she saw what the girl was doing she struggled against the chains, to no avail. Amia felt the chain burning and squeezed her eyes shut "Samuel!" She pleaded as it burned her wrist. The guard noticed her and then looked to see a chain around her wrist. He went to examine it and touched it to see if anything happened, nothing he wasn't burned but he could clearly see Amia was in pain. He smiled a twisted smile and pulled the chain apart. Amia was thankful the burning stopped but she knew this wasn't good. I don't blame him, no one wants to die for someone who can easily be replaced......but still. Amia finished this thought before hanging her head and looking to the floor with tears dripping down.
"it seems that the drug worked deal with her" the girl stated and began leaving as Samuel's restraint on his neck shattered on the ground and turned into a liquid form Samuel reached into the pool taking out a butterfly knife and a can of some liquid when the man was about to shoot Amia the butterfly knife was thrown into his forehead and he fell limb Samuel quickly moved over to Amia dumping the liquid on her "this should work as good as the seal now you have to hurry and leave before my time is up. not only is the soulbound pact a symbol of love but if it shatters your life span can be cut to mere minutes it's not going to infect you but we have to hurry" he stated taking his knife and was about to help her up "i love you i had to break the seal before the drug infected my mind" he stated
Amina looked up to see Samuel coming towards her and then he poured the liquid on her. "I love you I had to break the seal before the drug infected my mind." He said. Amia looked at him and refused to move. "Drug? what drug? there where no possible opportunities for a drug to be administered. Unless you can give me a better reason why you did that then I'm leaving and you can forget about the seal." Amia said angrily. She didn't believe him, she should have known. That girl was prettier than her and no doubt promised him something she wasn't willing to give yet.
"alright then you'll know since the seal is broken getting shot or not i'm a dead man" he stated setting a alarm to go off in an hour and dropped his neckace on the ground "once this starts to disappear you won't need to deal with me anymore goodbye Amia i love you" he stated and left the room they were in and killed any soldier any person he saw "since i'm going why not take some with me" he laughed

"well what do we have here" the girl came back with a vile of powder "well i should let you know what happened before we kill you thid lip gloss has a custom drug made by my father to control people and i used it with my lip gloss kissed my boyfriend and made him hurt you" she stated waving the vile in her face then noticed a necklace "is this his it would look perfect on me" she stated as she picked it up chain by chain it disappeared into thin air and the radio she had someone called in "the boy collapsed and isn't breathing" someone stated
Amia growled as the girl spoke and called him her boyfriend. Suddenly a voice came from the radio "The boy collapsed and isn't breathing." Amia gasped "Samuel!" She cried. "Where is he! Take me to him or I swear......" The girl gave Amia a bored look and spoke. "I'm sure he's fine, besides remember he's not yours to worry about anymore." She said with a wicked smile. Amia was ready to kill when she remembered what was in her pocket. She frowned and played as if she was beaten she slipped her hand in her pocket and knocked the purple vile out. The girl saw it roll onto the floor, almost shattering. She picked it up "What's this? some type of drug?" She said smugly. Amia gasped "Oh no it's not a drug. It's candy flavoring." She said with a frown. The girl smirked "Well, my lips will be sweet for my next kiss then." She said as she began to drink it. She drank half before her eyes widened and she passed out. Amia laughed then remembered about Samuel. "Stupid....." She mumbled to herself as she ran through the halls to find him. Eventually she saw him unconsciously being taken away by a guard. Amia ran up and yelled at them to stop. they turned around and were going to shoot but she ducked and ran close enough to kick one's stomach, making him drop the gun. The other who was holding Samuel began to run. She ran after him and just as he was about to turn a corner she passed him without him knowing and tripped him, making him lose consciousness as he hit the floor. She ran over to him and took his hand frantically tracing the pattern over and over again as she pleaded for him to wake up while tears dripped onto the pattern as well.
the chain tries to attach to Amia and Samuel's neck when it touches her it rejected her Samuel slowly opens his eyes "Amia hey wanted to yell at me before i go" he stated his voice seems weak "i still love you you're my princess" he stated as his eyes watered then she puts the two together that he thinks she doesn't love him at all anymore
Tears streamed down her face as she yelled "No! I love you Samuel I do! please don't go! don't leave me!" She sobbed as his eyes closed and her heart broke. She laid her head on his chest as she held him, her tears creating a pool on the floor. "Please.....you were my dream come true don't leave me now! don't turn this sweet dream into a nightmare.....If you leave, take me with you!" She cried.
a friend of her family was a servant at the estate he came to her and helped her move away from his body down the stairs before reaching the bottom of the stairs the chain wrapped around her arm and she could here yelling thinking it was Samuel she ran up the stairs to see Samuel stumbling down the hall in the direction she went once he saw her face he smiled.
Amia ran to him and hugged him "Samuel! I love you I'm so sorry I'm so happy you're alive I just-" Amia stopped, stumbling on her words. She snuggled into his chest and they almost fell over. "How? how is this possible?" She asked suddenly. "You-you were d-dead." She said.
"well i did say i wasn't from here and beside love can really outshine any disaster" he stated somehow giving her a rose even though his hands were empty moments before.
Amia smiled and admired the rose. "It's beautiful Sam." She said. Suddenly she heard someone complaining from down the hall. "We'd better go before the princess wakes up completely." She said as she looked for a way to escape.
"yeah come on you have the seal again so we can just walk out" he stated as the noise got louder and they began to leave.
Amia smiled and left with him. while walking down the street they passed the candy shop. "Hey let's stop here!" She suggested excitedly.
"Alright I can honestly go for something sweet that won't make me pass out on the floor" he stated referring to the candy gin as he held the door open for her

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