• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


Amia saw his expression change for a split second before returning to normal. She decided to ignore it and answer him "You'll find out eventually, if you make the right decisions that is. You said it yourself, I do like a good fight~" I wonder what he's been thinking about....... She thought as she laid down and imitated a kitten, pawing at him slightly.
He snapped out of it and looked at amia "what are you doing" he asked with a slight laugh

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Amia frowned "For a fictional boy, sometimes I think you're hopeless." She changed her frown to a smile and laughed. "But that can be fixed." She said as she pounced on him, pinning him down on the bed. She smiled and leaned down close to him. "So, what have you been thinking about?" She asked.
"I don't want to talk about it" he stated a his face turned bright red he pulled her into a kiss "is this one of your dreams" he asked
Amia melted into the kiss and when it broke she looked down at him with a smile. "One of many." She said. "Now I know something was bothering you earlier. What was it?" She asked. He may not want to tell her but she wanted to know and eventually she would find a way to make him talk.
"It's alright you don't have to worry" he stated and he could hear a low voice "do it....do it....do it...." It slowly got louder and he tried to ignore it "so why are you pinning me"he asked
Amia smiled and laid down on top of him with her head resting on his chest. "I haven't the slightest clue what you mean." She said "I was simply using you as a comfortable surface." She paused "By the way, if asking you won't make you tell me then....what will." She said as if offering a deal.
"It's complicated" he stated "let me take control" the voices said as he felt he was losing control but he could still see he had flipped amia over so he was on top "might as well have fun with her before killing her" the voices said and locked lips with her Samuel immediately took control back he broke the kiss and looked down at Amia "sorry" he stated
Amia blushed. Something's definitely wrong, he would have never done that normally.... She thought. "Samuel..." She paused searching for something to say as she looked into his eyes. "It's ok, but you should tell me what's going on before something else happens."
"Remember when I told you tlmy kind get addicted to artist it is rather a second personality it wants me to do something to you then kill you and a second ago it took over and here we are" he stated and laid beside her "I love you and I don't want to hurt you I love you so much I would Mar nothing" he stated

"I-i nerd to take a walk" he stated He sat up and was about to leave until she grabbed hin
"So you think you wouldn't" She said as she stopped him. "Love can't solve everything. Someday it'll take control of you and until that day I'm sure it'll work to break you down and hopefully weaken you." She paused. "You can't rely on love to protect me."
"Well what else can I do as soon as I lose it it will be going after you I don't want that to happen" Samuel stated as he stood up "go back to sleep I just need to take a walk" Samuel stated kissing her forehead then started walking out the door
Amia sighed and let him leave. He was right, there wasn't anything else he could do. She won't be ale to sleep but perhaps she could get a little rest. He probably needed time to re-gain control anyways. She laid down on the bed and closed her eyes, thinking about what had happened earlier. She had melted into it but as soon as he broke it she heard uncontrollable static for a few seconds. how strange.
a loud bang was heard men began to charge into the room with guns aimed at Amia "Amia what a surprise to see you i am actually shocked to see you in it's room" someone stated lights blinded her from seeing and a person walked up to her and when he said it he was reffering to Samuel "Mr.hada told us all about a monster that made objects appear out of thin air and perform nonhuman like behavior" he stated as he took her hand and brought her out to what seemed to be a police van marked F.E.S he brought her into the back and they both sat down "now tell me all you know about it" he asked Amia still couldn't make out the face but the voice seemed familiar
I used my friends account by accident xiuhcoat was me

"Amia you have to speak sometime otherwise they'll take you in" he stated "the creature is usually with you it is really dangerous so i'm trying to help you right now" he stated and cupped her chin "i care about you" he leaned in and kissed her //how about we bring in characters from some of our other RPs//
Amia was confused until she began to recognize the voice. She was shocked when he kissed her and immediately pushed him away. This is when she was able to recognize him as one of her classmates from school, "Andrew!" He smiled at her. "What are you doing here? How did you even know I was hanging out with him......have you been following me!" Amia yelled. Andrew just laughed and Amia frowned with crossed arms. "Well, in any case, I'm not telling you anything!"
//should we also include faith// "come on you haven't showed up to school in a while and there was a alert of the creature there we sooned found out you hang out with it and even have feelings for it" Andrew stated brushing his sliver hair.

"so Amia please tell me i'm doing this for your protection if you don't say anything they'll take you in
//Who's Faith?//

Amia frowned but decided to speak anyways. "Well if you want to know where he is then i can't tell you, he went to take a walk or something to get away from me." She stated. "If you want to know what he dose then i can't explain it very well because i don't fully understand myself but....." She paused and looked at Andrew for a moment. "He's an artist of sorts, that's all i can say." She glared at him "And don't even think of coming close to me again."
//i meant Jenny/

"why do you keeping calling it a he" he asked "anyways it's dangerous to leave it alone he has to be captured" Andrew stated
// I figured you meant that, i was just making sure. Yeah we could add her somewhere//

"You know he's not dangerous like you make him seem." She said. Who knew one person could spark all of this. "Besides he is a person." She looked around and realized for the firs time that they were in a moving vehicle. "Where are you taking me?" SHe questioned
"i don't know they can send you to Midtown pits anywhere to get answers" he stated while they tried to get answers out of her a girl with a pink strip in her hair approached Samuel

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