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//k I'll try//


"Look who we have here~" The girl with the pink stripe in her hair stated as she walked up to him and leaned forward, inspecting him. She smirked and took a few steps closer, now only a few inches away from him. "You don't look like a monster to me~" She said quietly before stepping away and putting her hand behind her. "So what exactly do you do?" He asked casually with a hint of danger in her tone.


She frowned at the mention of the mid-town pits. She had only been there once but disliked it, compared to her arena they were all easy. "As if anyone there could make me tell you guys anything." She said with crossed arms. She closed her eyes before her head turned suddenly.She opened her eyes and glared at Andrew for hitting her. "You'll have to do better than that!" SHe hissed as another person came up behind her and put her in an Armlock before leading her out of the now stopped truck. He led her into the forest with some chains as Andrew followed after them.

"well that depends your business it's not hard to see you came here looking for a fight but i'm not really in the mood for a fight" Samuel stated crossing his arms "so since you know me can i get your name" he asked leaning on the wall behind him.


"it would have been easier if you just told us" he stated "and soon your 'boyfriend' will be captured" he stated smirking as they continued walking

Jenny frowned "Jenny, Jenny Faith." Suddenly her image blurred and she appeared close to him. She grabbed his collar with one hand and pulled him close to her "You don't have a choice now,darling" she pushed him away, into the wall as she drew some needles from her pocket "FIght or die here. You'll die either way but i promise it's easier to die by my poison than by being studied in a lab." She say with a toxic tone.


Her heart beat quickened as the guard forced her to the ground as she tried to struggle. SHe knew she had to be careful, the slightest move in the wrong direction would break her arm She was so focussed on her thoughts that she didn't notice when ANdrew had come up and injected something in her shoulder. She yelled but quickly her sight faded andthe last thing she remembered the the touch of cold steel around her wrists.

"fine but i'm not going to die here" he stated grabbing a metal pole from the ground and knocked her over with it "and i don't feel like killing you seem fun sadly for you i'm seeing someone" he stated with a chuckle as he walked over to her and pulled her up "so we can keep going with this or you can tell me why i would be studied in a lab then we can fight" he stated smiling she wants to kill him and he is being friendly to her strange.


"don't worry Amia we only need you as bait once we capture it we'll let you go" he stated and pats her back "chain her to a tree" he yelled


he calls Jenny on his phone "come on Jenny pick up" he stated

Jenny smirked and roughly threw him away from her. She brought her hand up to her mouth and wiped some blood from the corner. She looked to her hand and laughed before looking to him. "Never had anyone fight back before..." She mumbled. "Word on the streets is that you're a monster." Fighting won't work maybe this will... She thought as she walked up to him she grabbed his collar as if she would hit him but then pulled him into a heated kiss. She broke the kiss and jumped back incase he decided to fight back again. Her phone rang in her pocket and she rolled her eyes. "Idiot..." She mumbled "Doesn't he know I'm busy!" She answered his call while keeping an eye on Samuel "What do you want, you know I'm busy" She hissed.

"i just want to know your progress we already have her so i thought you had it just bring it to the location" he yelled and hanged up


"why did you kiss me" he asked he cheeks still red he liked it her lips were soft but he didn't really want to say "first we were fighting and now you kiss me" he yelled


"Hey will you answer me why did you kiss me" Samuel stated stepping closer now only inches from her "well" he asked


he takes hold of Jenny and lightly shakes her he was probably not going to get his answer from before so he just sighed in defeat "will you just tell me why the hell i would be studied in a lab" he asked her he could have easily won against her if he just fought but he didn't take any opportunities to do so he was just trying to solve it with words instead of force that's not at all what he would do to a guy if they did the same thing.

Jenny glared at the phone after Andrew hung up and ignored Samuel for a while until he shook her And she glared at him. "They would studie you because as far as i heard you're a freak." She said as she put her phone back in her pocket. Suddenly an idea came to her, she's done it before maybe she can do it again. she needed a way to bring him to ANdrew and quick. She inspected him once more and drew another needle from her pocket. she swiftly put her arms around his neck and pulled him into another, longer kiss. As she kissed him she wrapped her other arm around his neck as well and pulled him closer as she injected her poisoned needle into his neck. SHe broke the kiss and stepped back slightly, hoping it would work.
"why the hel-" he immediately fell to the ground twitching Jenny approached the boy and keeled down to his face to see if he was fully out cold she reached out to touch him his eyes shut open they were golden he grabbed her wrist "you're right i am a freak" he stated she shut her eyes because she thought he was going to hit her but he was actually bridal carrying her "so this Andrew person you know he tried to cheat on you" he stated in a bit lower voice.

She crossed her arms and looked away from him. "Tell me something i don't know, besides it's not like you weren't cheating on the special bitch that Andrews into right now. She looked at him and batted her eyes "We both know you had no objection to my slight advances." She said.


Amia awoke with coursing pain through her body. She looked around and remembered she was in a forest somewhere. "So you're finally awake again." Said a voice from her right side. "Andrew, what the hell happened?" She asked. He smirked dangerously "Nothing you'd object to if you were awake I'm sure." he said. Amia began to feel nervous as she observed her surrounding a bit more. Her arms where chained behind her to a tree and a chaine also wrapped around her ankles to keep her from walking anywhere when looking down she noticed her dress was ripped almost beyond recognition and her cheeks flushed red as he came up to her and kissed her while she was powerless to stop him.

"I basically immortal and if I do recall it was you that kissed me and even if Amia left me I would still protect her" Samuel stated as they stood he stood in front of the forest "so want to get back at him for cheating on you or do I have to tie you to a tree" he asked


"I don't have all day Jenny make a decision" he stated he took his hand and placed it on her chest and lightly pushed her to a tree " and also who is to say you didn't enjoy it" he stated with a smirk.

Jenny smirked back. "Well, if you're right and we both enjoyed it then why don't we just run away and forget about ANdrew and the girl. We could have fun and i guarantee you'd enjoy that much more." She said with a mischievous tone.

"i won't leave her to get violated anymore by Andrew my power is going to run out soon anyway and i'll be unconscious you want to bring me to Andrew or anywhere fine but i need to help her" he stated he began to sound like Andrew wanting to take care of someone he cared for.


"now that i think about it maybe i won't release you you seem to like it when i kiss you i wonder if it ran off" Andrew stated

Amia sighed and hung her head but he forced her to look at him again. SHe was silent but looked into his eyes searching for some type of kindness towards her. SHe saw nothing, only lust.


She frowned. "Well then you'd better go find her, theres no telling what Andy already did. he's had enough time that's for sure." SHe mumbled the end.

"i have an idea give me one of your needles and call him saying we're here" he stated taking the needle from her and sticking it in his neck "that's going to hurt later but alright call him" he stated as he laid on the ground as if he was dragged.


"hehe yeah i think i'll just snap your 'boyfriend's' neck and just have you all to myself you wouldn't mind would you" he stated lifting her chin.

Jenny looked down at him while she took out her phone. "This is an idiots plan but whatever." SHe said as she dialed Andrew He answered and she immediately spoke "We're here." SHe said simply before hanging up.


Fear filled her eyes as he said that "No!" SHe said desperately before his phone rang. He answered as a smirk appeared on his face "ANd it seems i have the chance right now." He said as he kissed her once more and left towards the edge of the forest.

he came into view in a few minutes "wow you actually did it now how about" Andrew stated as he smirked "can you help me drag him over to the captive" he asked her and what he really meant was he was going to put little effort in pulling him.

They both drag him to the same place amia was Andrew smirked as he took hold of his head and quickly twisted it he dropped his head and laughed walking over to Amia "there we go" Andrew laughed little did he knows that Samuel was alright Samuel stood up and made a chain he through it at Andrew and it wrapped around him tying him up "what the Jenny get him" Andrew yelled
Jenny smirked and didn't move "Yeah right, why should i help you. You were just going to run off with that tramp anyways." She said. "Sam, You'll want to get away fast, we weren't the only ones looking for you." She warned.


Amia looked up with her tear stained face to see Samuell standing there and Andrew yelling. "Samuel!" Amia Exclaimed. SHe tried to struggle against the chains but she was to weak to even move them.
Samuel quickest broke Amia out from her restraints and picked her up "we have to get out of here" he stated as he ran "I'll pay back my debt later Jenny" Samuel yelled as he ran past them
Amia tried to speak but it was as if someone was choking her so she could hardly even breathe. "S-sam-.." Amia choked as he ran. Where are they going, would they be safe?
Samuel ran further into the forest.he stopped when he couldn't see any lights other than the moon. he sat down next to a tree and placed Amia next to him "you okay Amia" he asked as his yellow eyes illuminating less then they were he held her hand and remembered his debt to Jenny he had a frown on his face.
"Listen Amia I sort of have a debt to pay with the girl that was with Andrew" he stated then froze because he didn't know what to say next.
Amia brought a hand up to her neck slowly re-gaining her ability to breathe. she sat up and leaned against the tree. She simply nodded her head in a gesture to say "ok." but she wondered why he was frowning what could she passably have him do to repay her.
"Also I'm going to be unconscious for a while my power drains all my energy" he told her and his yellow eyes became more dim he leaned forward kissed her "I love you" he stated then he was out cold

//so does Jenny find us or does Samuel wake up and find Jenny//
//Samuel should wake up and find Jenny I think the RP could go in more directions if Amia wasn't there.//

Amia observed speechless as he passed out. She smiled, she knew he loved her but still got a firework feeling every time he said it. Amia continued to think about him for a while until her eyelids slowly began to droop shut as she began to fall asleep.
Samuel began to wake up he saw that Amia was already asleep so he kissed her forehead and left to find Jenny. When ever he thought of either girls it felt like his heart skipped a beat he continued to walk in mere seconds he was on the floor pinned to the ground and kissed by a certain girl.

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