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"Listen Amia this is it I'm leaving and going back and I don't think I'll be coming back" he stated as he lowered his head "the chain will break as soon as I cross" he stated as he walked up to her held her hand from stabbing him and kissed her then began walking away "this is it" he stated
A knife went through his boot through his foot and stopped when it was in the ground stopping him from moving.
Amia watched him walk then threw the knife at his boot. She had hardly any idea what she was doing, she was confused, angry, hurt and all of the above. "You're not leaving me are you? not again." She said with a sadistic laugh. She wasn't in control of herself anymore. She walked towards him and spoke "Why not have some fun first, I'll show you why that was your biggest mistake." She said referring to Jenny.
He looked at her no emotion what so ever " what are you planning" he asked as he tried to remove the knife from his foot
Amia frowned, quickly changing her idea. "Never mind you're not worth my time, just leave." Amia said, taking the knife. She turned and began to walk away but stopped. She turned back to him and smiled. "Even if I hate you right now, without you I am nothing." She said as she raised the knife and placed it on her wrist. She slit her wrist and watched it bleed. Making another cut but deeper. She collapsed and looked down, watched her blood run. She didn't care enough to look up, she was sure he had already left. This was nothing like she imagined, her dream boy was turning into a nightmare.
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He takes hold of her slit wrist his eyes had a flash of yellow and the cut was gone he raised her head "I thought you would want me to leave" he started and kissed her cheek. "I'll stay if you tell me to even if it's to just kill me I will more like dying by the girl I love then living forever without her" he stated
Tears flowed from her eyes as she dropped the knife and threw her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry Samuel....." She cried. "Don't leave me, please....don't leave me, like everyone else...." She pleaded
"I'll stay with you Amia" he stated wrapping his arms around her and pull her in closer "I'm sorry for everything" he stated
Amia just enjoyed being in his arms for the moment then remembered about Alicia and Alex. "But what about Alicia and Alexander?" She asked.
"They'll return home while I stay here" he stated "the sands of time do not move back home that is why they want me to return with them" he stated
"Come on let's say goodbye" he stated and they began to walk back "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DRANK IT" Alexander yelled and the two hurried back "what happened" Samuel questioned "she drank the mixture to get us back home" he stated
"I couldn't help it it tasted great though plus Samuel got to have fun here why can't well" she stated smiling "because we're not immortal anymore" he yelled "you guys need to rest take the room in the hotel" Samuel stated giving the card to Alexander and they went inside leaving only Samuel Amia and jenny watching from the shadows "I was not going to leave anymore" he stated
Amia crossed her arms. "I wasn't afraid of you leaving willingly, I was afraid of you leaving and not being able to do anything about it." Amia said with a frown. Then she remembered something. "Wait so you guys aren't immortal anymore?" She asked with concern "IS there a way to reverse it?"
"Only way all three of us can become immortal again is if we went back but she drank the mixture" Samuel told her
"I'm confused, what the hell did she drink? Is it supposed to transport you guys back to wherever you came from? and if so then why is Alicia still here"
"My guess is Alexander had the mixture made so he would also need to have a ceremony or something" Samuel stated "but enough of that let's just have them have their fun in the room I think Jenny had left without a word so how about I buy you a meal" he stated
AMia smiled and followed after him "lucky for you I'm into fancy things." SHe said in and enduring tone. She felt someone following them again, she leaned close to Samuel and whispered to him "I think we're being followed." She said.
"so how about we turn around and see i'm pretty sure whoever is following us they're no match for you and me" he stated smiling.
Amia smiled and agreed with him, as Jenny came out from behind a tree "Well, well, well." SHe said. "You know i never pegged you as the forgiving type Amia. Especially after he was so willing~" Jenny said. sending a smirk at Samuel. Amia frowned at her words and had to stop herself from lunging at her with a knife.

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