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Vincent quick lay brought him to the floor and bound him and brought a cloth up to his face making him lose consciousness Vincent lifted lll
Amia sighed and got up rather slowly. She went to her closet and quickly threw on a dress then went down stairs. "Sa-" SHe stopped when she didn't see him. SHe heard a car outside and rushed to the kitchen window. SHe saw a car sped away with a driver who looked strangely like Jenny. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" She exclaimed in anger, as she rushed back upstairs and got some vials from her dresser then put them in her pocket and headed towards the black market entrance, she was not doing this alone.

Samuel began gaining consciousness he woke up to Jenny sitting on his lap he was going to headbutt her "I wouldn't do that" she said and beyond the small light on them we're multiple soldiers with guns ready "crap" he stated
Amia saw Erinn and ignored his question for the time being. "Grab a gun and some people i need your help." she said quickly as she grabbed a nearby back and put the poisons in it, swinging it across her shoulders she began to walk to a table with guns and looked them over. Erinn smiled in entertainment as he watched her and came up behind her placing his hand on a gun and wrapping his other arm around her. Surprised she jumped slightly put pushed him off. "Come on we don't have much time. Erinn sighed and made a hand gesture, and five men with various weapons came up to them with smirks. Amia grabbed a gun from the table and turned to face the men. SHe looked to Erinn and he nodded. "Ok you work for me now, understand. follow me and kill anyone with a gun. target the girl if you can. THe men nodded and followed AMia and Erinn out the door. WHile they were walking Erinn leaned over to her and whispered to her. She rolled her eyes before replying "Don't worry you'll get your entertainment." She said sarcastically. He just smiled and continued walking casually with her.

"why the heck did you bring me here release me this instance" he yelled as he tried to go into Artist mode he couldn't "what the" he stated looking at Jenny for an explaination.


"so your boyfriend cheated on you and now you want to kill the girl yandere-chan" he stated.
Amia frowned at Erinns name for her, although she couldn't deny that he was right. "Something along the lines of that yes." She said. "Do you even know where they are?" Erinn asked. Amia stopped suddenly. "Hit me." She said. He stopped and looked at her with a smirk. "You've gone insane, why would you want me to hit you?" He asked. "Just do it." She said. He appeared to think about it then waved his hand to one of the men. Amia turned to look at them but as she turned she felt a whip on her back. She yelped and turned back to Erinn, angry despite the fact that she told him to do it, she just hadn't expected him to use a whip. "Remember, you asked for it. Literally." He said. Amia swallowed her anger and thanked him as a chain appeared around her wrist. Erinn watched as the chain led them to Samuel. "Should I even ask?" Erin said. "Even if you did I wouldn't answer." AMia said as she began to walk, following the chain. Erinn smiled "Of course." he said as him and the men followed her.


Jenny smirked. "We had a lab formulate a drug that prohibits you from using your power." She explained. "But don't worry, it should were off in a few days, but of course by that time, you'll already be their problem." She said mysteriously.
"i'll rip your head off your body" he stated as he tried to break his restraints he was thrashing for a while until a snap sound was made and he stood and started to laugh "even though i don't have my powers i can kick you're ass" he stated guards raised there guns and fired missing Samuel evaded the bullets then got to a guard and used him as a meat shield and took his gun killing the rest then turning to Jenny and pinning her to the wall "now what should i do with you" he stated
Amia and Erinn had been walking for a while when they came to a building that appeared to be abandoned. "This the place?" Erinn asked "Seems so." Amia said as she walked towards the door. Erinn nodded and the men spread out, surrounding the building. "Want me to come with you?" He asked Amia with a smile. Amia was getting sick of him and his smiling all the time. "Nope, stay here." She commanded as she walked in the building. She heard fighting on the second floor and ran up there. when she entered one room she saw dead solders and when she looked to the far wall she saw Samuel pinning Jenny to the wall. she rolled her eyes and pointed her gun seemingly at the back of Samuels head but angled the gun slightly to the left at the last second. the bullet hit the wall a few centimeters from him and jenny's heads. She was pretty certain she had made her presence known now and stood with the gun pointing to the ceiling.
he turned his head to see Amia "Hey Amia glad you could stop by i'll be done in a few" he stated then turned back to Jenny "now who's problem would i be and it would be in your best interest to tell the truth" he stated

Amia rolled her eyes and leaned against the doorframe. She should have known he was fine.


"The FCTT. It's not the first time a fictional character like you has come to our world, last time one of you're kind came, people died. so they made a team specially for capturing you." She said, hoping he would let her go.

"next time you try to hurt me or Amia you won't see another day" he stated releasing her and turning to Amia "let's go" he stated taking her hand and started walking out and seeing the large group of people "i don't even want to know" he stated


"so how did yandere-chan do" Erinn asked
Amia laughed a little when they walked out and she heard Samuel say "I don't even want to know." "It's not like I would have explained." She said with a smile. "So how did yandere-chan do?" She heard Erinn ask. Amia frowned and rolled her eyes but smiled sadistically before turning to him "The bitch is still alive." She said.
"That didn't sound suspicious at all." Amia said sarcastically. "Erinn, I'll pay you tomorrow. I'll be at the entrance at two o'clock, don't be late." She said, dismissing Erin and his men. She turned to Samuel "Alright, come on." She said with a smile as she began walking towards their house.
They walked by a church and they saw a sign "Chris and Abigail's wedding, what's a wedding" he asked then smiled turning to Amia "maybe we can have a wedding" he stated
Amia laughed "That would be wonderful, you see a wedding happens when two humans are in love and they can't bare to ever be apart. so they make sort of a.....pact or agreement. A contract really, to be together for the rest of their lives. It first begins when the man asks the girl for her hand in marriage, then if she accepts then they plan a reception at a church, like this one." She said stopping to point to church. "When someone gets married it's because the man wants the woman to be his and only his, forever. And of coarse the woman agrees because even if she tried she just could never see herself with anyone else." She paused and looked at him. "Do you understand?" She asked.
"i understand" he stated i watched enough movies to do the next thing he thought and snapped his fingers then realized that his abilities were blocked "i'll be right back you head home" he stated running towards the strip mall that is a far distance from the church


"hello I never got to repay you for drugging me" he stated walking towards her "get her Vincent" he yelled and on que a tall man grabbed her and Andrew had a cloth in his hand "nighty night" he stated bringing the cloth over her face.
Amia gasped when the boys showed up, she had completely forgotten about Andrew. "What-!" She was cut off by a cloth being placed over her mouth. She tried her best not to breath in the solution but eventually her eyes closed and her body would have fallen to the floor had Vincent not been holding her. the last thing she remembered was seeing Andrews smirk. Amia blinked awake only to find herself in a dark room. she tried to move but every muscle in her body ached. she groaned in pain and that's when she heard his voice "Awww." He wined. "You wake up after I've had my fun." He said with a childish but still devilish tone. Amia was slightly confused by this but then understood what he meant. She growled and tried to move but only then realized that her hands were chained above her head to the wall.
Amia was tiered of this, constantly getting captured and by the same person at that. "Let me go you fucking bastard!" She yelled struggling against the chains despite the pain. Andrew lit a candle and laughed when he saw her struggling. "Be careful dear, you wouldn't want round two of what happened when you were out would you?" He said with a dangerous smirk.
A call came through the phone on speaker "Andrew it's Jenny I know we are on thin ice right now but release Amia the drug snapped and he is coming there stronger and crazier then ever" she stated she sounded like she was out of breath he laughed "I'm not scared of him" he laughed and Vincent left " Vincent where are you going" Andrew yelled

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